

Anne is gonna be the villain in this story her jealousy and love for Luke will ruin her family and her life . The fact that she's always been starved for love all her life will only build her resentment. Everything's fair in love and war right? Even killing your elder step-sister who plans on stealing the man of your dreams ...again!

SuvCestLaVie · Urban
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10 Chs


"Luke, Luke...get off me. You're crushing me!" Anne's impatient voice made me laugh, this girl would never be calm. I rolled off her and held her to me then she began squirming in my arms .

"Luke, let go of me." I held her more tightly while resting my head on hers then she kicked me, I laughed and then I realized that I was happy for some weird reason. I also realized that I've never used a condom with this girl.

"Luke, I don't know if you can't feel how sticky and sweaty we both are, but I can and I want a bath." Did I mention this girl was clean freak? I sighed and then I let go of her. She stood up to look at me.

"What?" Surely she doesn't think I'm also going to take a bath now? I'm tired.

"Get up," she was frowning at me, looking all cute and sexy as hell. I mean she was naked and Anne's body is no joke.


"You need a bath."

"No I don't". I turned away from her and face the wall.

"Luke get up." I ignored her and pretended to snore loudly.

Anne takes a bottle of her shower gel from the dressing table and sprays some on me, a whole lot actually, that one was lemon scented. I began laughing out loud as I do then she sprayed some in my mouth. I started choking, now Anne's the one laughing. I got up and then she ran into the bathroom adjoined to her room so I ran after her. The shower is on she's under it laughing at me.

"I thought you said you didn't want a bath". She jeered. It was her fucking plan all along. I tried talking then I swallowed a bit of the horrid gel in my mouth so I began choking again. Anne then chuckled mischievously. I was gonna spank this girl so hard when I get her. I rinsed my mouth in the wash basin and turned towards her who pulled me into the shower.

I started kissing her slowly. The sling on her right arm was all wet. It was as though she read my mind when she said softly, "Don't worry, my mom bought a ton of them. You'll just help me put one on later." She shrugged like it was no big deal.

** Stella's POV**

I'm a fool and Luke's the devil. I was in the kitchen making Annie's favourite spaghetti sauce and I could hear Annie's screams. I mean, Annie's room was the last room in this apartment and the kitchen was farther than that, and yet I could hear her screaming Luke's name, screaming Luke's name? I winced as I reached for the hot sauce pan with my bear hands. My palms were glowing red so I moved to the sink to soak them in water.

"Stella, you're completely insane now aren't you?". I said while rinsing my hands.

I couldn't help it, I felt like a fool, a big moron. I mean, this guy was with my sister and it didn't even matter if they were dating or not, they were sleeping together, they had something together, and I let him touch me? I dragged my right hand through my short hair and groaned.

I hissed as my palms hurt. I switched off the cooker and rested against the kitchen counter. I could still hear them..they were laughing, in the shower? Annie giggled and screamed and now, she was moaning.

"Arrrgh! Can't they be quiet?!" I gritted. Then I put my hands on my ears and hissed again plus, my palms were still hurting. I struggled to fight the tears in my eyes, so I turned my face to the ceiling. I wasn't gonna cry over Luke. I mean I barely knew him. He was Annie's lover and he belonged to Annie but he made me feel things I hadn't felt before, he made me moan so graciously.

Not this again, not me breaking my younger sister's heart like this again. At least the first time, it was Femi who was interested and pursued me even while dating Annie. I remember how hurt Annie was when she found out that Femi was a two timer who wanted the both of us to himself. And worse, she saw a future in him to the extent that she thought of getting married to that sly cunt.

Annie cried and went missing for a week. I couldn't do this to my sister again. "I couldn't do this to her again." I said under my breath as I slapped my forehead.

"Ahh..damn!" I exclaimed as I felt the pain in my palms again. The tears I had been holding back began to roll down my cheeks. I felt miserable, I felt stupid. I had a boyfriend, a good one for that matter. Maybe it was because I had been starved of sex for a long while, yes that's probably it. He'll be here soon, and when he arrives we're fucking, we'll fuck so hard.

Then I took a deep breath and then said, "I'll be fine. Then, I'll be able to stay away from Luke." Then I wiped my face with the back of my hands and suddenly, my phone vibrated so I took it out of my pocket and what? It was a text from Dan my boyfriend. The message read;

I'm at the bus stop baby, what's the name of the street again?

I laughed when I saw the text because Dan has never been good with directions. He was not the most dexterous when it came to directions. So I walked into the living room, picked up my car keys from the table and dialed Dan's number. I was going to pick him up myself. Maybe driving would help me clear out my head.

** Anne's POV**

I removed Luke's hand from my waist and rolled to the edge of the bed, swinging my legs over as I stood and began to dress up rather clumsily using only my left hands. Then I turned to look at Luke and he was asleep like a log. "He must be really tired." I said with a lowered tone as I smiled.

I was beginning to like this guy. He was an interesting guy, a very pleasant and satisfactory guy to look at plus, he was extremely good in bed. My meticulous description of Luke's qualities forced a smile again. Shortly, images of Luke kissing Stella flashed through my mind and just like that, my smile immediately turned upsidedown. How dare she?

I sat on the chair facing my dressing table, trying to adjust my long thick hair with my left hand. It was a failure, my hair needed to be brushed thoroughly. I sighed and then I looked at Luke again then I thought to myself, did Stella want what was mine again?

She obviously did. I observed the way she kissed him, the way she jumped on him and allowed him touch her? I could feel anger coursing through me whilst recollecting all those images in my head. Why was my life this fucked up? Why did I have to get such an elder sister?

I knew of people who always spoke of their elder sisters which such benevolence. How they always took things from them,you know, hand me downs, or even how their sisters gifted them on different occasions. Then, why was mine different. As far as I could remember I had never gotten anything from Stella. Infact, I had nothing to take from her.

It was either her clothes were too small or her feet were too long oh and her makeup was a totally different colour and we didn't even like the same food. Whereas Stella on the other hand had taken everything I had.

My mom, my smile, even my ex boyfriend chased after her like a dog and didn't even care that I knew. I remember Femi's exact words the day I found out he was trying to woo Stella.

"Baby come on, be open minded for once, it won't hurt to share me with your sister." I was burning and I was so hurt that day. He rounded it up with, "There's something Annie, something that pulls me towards Stella and I can't quite wrap my head around it but I want it. And if you love me, you'd let me it."

I was still hurting from that and now, she wants Luke too? No way, she's tripping and I was going to make sure that didn't happen. Her boyfriend was coming over right? I smiled, that would leave Luke all to myself. I couldn't bring Femi back, neither could I get back my past relationship with my mom so I turned to look at Luke again and my smile broadened. This one I was gonna keep at any cost .