
Chapter 5

The feel of Scott's arms woke me up. The bruise I got from last night was still noticeable. I couldn't let him see it. Getting out of bed I go downstairs to get coffee ready.

Coffee was brewing so I went to the bathroom and put makeup on my bruise. I still can't believe he doesn't remember. The sound of footsteps got closer to the kitchen. To keep my distance I stayed on the other side.

Scott came into the kitchen completely happy. His eyes blazing blue as usual. When he neared me I took a step back. Not wanting to risk anything.

He noticed and frowned. "Hey Grace sorry I didn't wake up sooner."

"It's fine the coffee is ready." Pouring him a cup I handed it over. Quick enough to where he couldn't touch me so I thought.

While I was pulling back he grabbed my arm. Flinching from the pain that his touch caused me. He let go, taking a step back. His blue eyes darkened.

"What did I do last night Grace," he demanded. The hurt in his voice made me give in.

Pulling back my sleeve and running off the makeup he saw the bruise. A five finger mark on my delect skin. Tears were already coming to my eyes. I hated crying in front of him because it showed weakness.

Scott took my hand in his and led me to the couch. We stayed still and quiet. He finally knew what he did to me last night. Would he guess that his beast did it? Minutes passed and we still didn't speak.

He obviously doesn't want to tell me. Looking at the clock, it's almost time for work. I gave him one glance before leaving the room. Scott didn't trust me to talk about the beast.

My door shut behind me and I changed my clothes. I put on a blue blouse and red pants. Ready to go I open the door to see Scott standing there. When trying to move past him he stopped me.

"It was my beast wasn't it?" I didn't say a word. "I need to know what happened."

"Yes it was the beast." Taking one step forward he took one step back. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"I thought it wouldn't come back. I never wanted to hurt you." We would move past this and start again. It wasn't his fault that he was born like this. Putting my arms around his waist I hug him.

Whispering thank you he hugged me back. Later after he was ready for work I told him. Hatred against himself went across his face. We got in the car and left.

The police station was just up ahead. Getting out we head to our offices. Scott still looked disgruntled as he went to him. I knew he wouldn't forget the pain he caused me last night.

My phone rang, it was Edgar. He sounded so sure of himself. "What do you want?"

"I thought you still wanted to see me. So I can tell you about my brother."

"He told me about the beast. Did you really think I would come see you?" Not giving him a chance to answer I hung up. He couldn't get to me.

For my lunch break I sat in the car. Soon Scott came out searching for me. Very quickly he got in the driver's seat. Still not meeting my eyes.

"I think I should tell you the whole story. It's better if you hear it now before he tries to resurface."

"I'm all ears."

"It all began when Edgar and I were born. Since I'm mostly good I still have part of that darkness." He stopped to see my expression. Probably wondering if I would walk away from him. 

After nodding my head he began to talk again. "Well on every blue moon that part shows. My darkness takes over my body. I no longer have control of my actions that night."

"It's not your fault, you don't know what you're doing. Like you said you can't control it. I don't blame you for any of it."

"That's not true because when I snap out of it I don't feel remorse. You need to stay away from me."

I put my hands around him not wanting to let go. "Staying away from you isn't an option for me. We'll figure it out together." We can beat this. We had to for my safety and Scott's. Slowly but surely he relaxed in my arms.

Our lunch break was over and we walked back to the station. When we met my eyes he smiled. Today his eyes didn't turn black in the office. Maybe something finally changed in him.

The shift was done for the day and it was time to leave. Every time we left I looked at William's office. Memories are always coming back to me. He was a great man. It's my fault that he's gone from this world.

Thinking of him made me want to fight harder to stop Edgar. Edgar couldn't hurt people I care about anymore. The time to stand up and protect Scott has come. No matter what price I had to pay. Even if that price was death I would do it.

Scott called my name and I hurried to catch up. On the way home we held hands. I could tell he was trying to forget what he did to me. We pulled into the driveway and went inside.

The house used to be filled with joy. Now it's filled with sorrow and regret. I would do anything to see Scott smile more. Going to the kitchen I make a casserole while he sits down. Once I put it in the oven I go see him.

"Scott," I say softly. He turns and stares at me. "Can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure." Sitting on the couch I noticed he moved back. I couldn't let this go on anymore. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I can't stand you being distant with me. What happened wasn't your fault? You can't blame yourself for what the beast did. I hate that now you tiptoe around me like I'm going to break."

"Yes it was. I hurt you and I vowed to never cause you harm. What happens when he gets out of control and hurts you more than just a bruise? Well I'm not going to sit around and wait for that to happen." Getting up he tried to leave but I grabbed his shirt.

He faced me and I saw tears. Tears of my own were falling into a puddle on the floor. Why couldn't he see that I love him? "Why can't you see that I'm bad for you?"

"Because I love you," I yelled. "You just can't see that can you?" The timer on the oven was going off. Shoving away from him I take the food out and go to my room. I was stupid shouting that at him.

Yelling my name I ignored it and kept going. It could have been hours before he came to see me. A knock sounded on my door. I stayed on my bed not answering. He decided to open the door and come towards me.

His mouth crashed onto mine. Instead of pushing him away I held him closer. The anger and hurt leaving my body. He pulled back looking in my soft brown eyes.

My cheeks were flushed. He smirked and sat us both down on the bed. Laying down we stared at the ceiling. "I love you too," he whispered. "I tried to hide it for so long." Not saying a word I lay my head on his chest. Somehow things were falling into place.

Opening my eyes to the sound of Scott's soft breathing was nice. Our arms still holding one another in bliss. Moving them I carefully get out of bed to not wake him. Little did I know he was already awake.

As I was making coffee I didn't hear Scott come in. He took my hand pulling me close to his side. The fight between us is a distant memory. I kiss his cheek before moving to the table.

He made breakfast and I just watched. Loving it when he makes omelets, they're the best. After finishing our breakfast we get changed into clothes for work. I got changed quicker so I waited by the car.

Coming out of the house he looked reenergized for the day. While we drove to the station Edgar called me. I ignore the call knowing he'll make me pay for it later. Scott still thinks that I stopped receiving calls. And for now he needs to keep thinking that.

Edgar always loves making my life horrible. Even before my parents' death. Still remembering the day like it was yesterday.

They left to go to a meeting that night promising to be back for dinner. Later that night I got worried because they weren't back yet. I soon got a call from my parents. Both of them sounded terrified, their voices shaking.

Neither of them have acted this way before. "Mom. Dad. What's wrong you're scaring me?"

"Honey no matter what happens you don't leave the house," my dad said.

"Why does it have to do with Edgar," I asked. My voice barely a whisper. He would go this far to hurt me.

"Yes, and we might not be back tonight. I need you to be strong for us. We love you so much, sweetie never forget that." Before I could ask why the phone was cut off.

I was pacing around the house. Trying to call them back but no one answered. Minutes turned to hours. Edgar has them, I know. Why not just take me instead? I'm the easier target for him to take.

After two hours, the phone rang. It was an unknown number calling. Picking it up I heard heavy breathing from the other line. "Hello Grace." Tears were already falling onto my shirt.

"Please don't hurt my parents. I'll do anything for you, just don't hurt them."

"Now you see they already had the chance to tell me. Since they didn't they have to be punished." Screams of my parents were there in the background.

Seconds later I heard two gunshots go off. He whispered goodbye then hung up. I knew he murdered my parents. The police never found out who did it but I knew. Edgar's a cold blooded snake who cares for nobody. Scott shook my shoulder, making me glance up.

We reached the police station and went our separate ways. As I went to my office my phone kept ringing. Finally deciding to answer I picked up the phone. For a while he didn't speak to me.

Taking a slow deep I spoke to him first. "What do you need Edgar?"

"Meet with me one time and I'll let the matter drop. You don't want to see me upset."

"What matter? There's nothing I need from you," I hissed.

"I guess you'll have to see what I mean Grace." With that he hung up. What did he mean by you'll see? He probably meant he'll hurt Scott.

I'm sick and tired of Scott being put in the middle. It was time to tell him about the calls. I am going to right now. But he was called out because of a shooting. When he got back I would tell him then.

An hour passed and they still weren't back yet. Edgar most likely did something to him or caused the shooting. Thirty more minutes went by until the doors opened. I ran to see the men and women returning but no sign of Scott.

I looked everywhere and still couldn't see him. Finally I asked one of the men that was with him today. He told me Scott was taken to the hospital. Stab wound to the side went pretty deep.

Running outside I got in the car and drove to the hospital. Once I was inside I asked the lady where to find Scott. She told me down the hall to my right. There I found him in bed asleep his breathing soft.

I sat at his side staring at his wound. It was patched and he was in terrible pain. Not letting tears come out I take his hand. "It's my fault you're in here. If I would have told you about Edgar none of this would have happened." Sitting by his side I watched nurses come and go. Many of them checked his pulse.

Staying like this for the rest of the day. Even bribed nurses into letting me stay. Night settled and I was getting tired. Getting up from my seat I gave him one last glance and walked out.

I told the nurse that I would be back in the morning. Driving home, I thought about what Edgar said. It's like a game for him and we're the pawns falling into his hands. Soon the game will be put to an end.

The home phone was ringing as I opened the door. Hurrying to answer it I already assumed it was Edgar. My anger rose to the top. Everything was his fault why can't he just leave us alone.

Changing my mind I don't answer it and go upstairs. I put on my pajamas and go to Scott's bed. His scent brings me comfort during difficult times. As I was trying to sleep the phone kept going off.

Waking up I called the hospital to check on Scott. The lady said he was doing just fine and stable. Putting down the phone I go to my bedroom. When I saw Edgar in there I tried to leave.

Edgar was faster than me and was already closing the door. His eyes say many evil things. My head began to hurt with the voices talking. The movement of Edgar's hands were also fast. They were around my wrist pulling me closer.

I could feel his breath on my neck. If I panicked that would bring more danger to me. He pulled me toward the bed, making us sit down. Would now be the time for him to get angry.

The grip on my wrist got tighter. Then he released it standing up. His cold blue eyes showed a blazing fire. "You should have come to me," he whimpered. "My brother wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"Why go after him at all he's your brother," I yelled. "Scott's your own flesh and blood. You grew up together with two loving parents."

"He's a traitor to his kind!" The hurt was back in Edgar's eyes. Maybe deep down he had a little goodness in him. I could sense that hurt he was in.

Sitting back down he took my hands in his. My voices were telling me to attack. Instead I stayed there waiting for his next move. His mouth moved closer to mine. I pulled back and moved away.

He growled at me. His hand came up to strike me but he halted. Dropping it to his side quietly. When Edgar moved he whispered, "the game is not over." Then he walked out of the house.

Once I was over my shock I changed. Driving to the hospital I wanted to speed to get to Scott quicker. The lady at the front desk pointed to his room when I arrived.

This time when I walked in he was awake. Seeing me he tried to get up but couldn't. I take his hand in mine and bring it to my chest. He was alive and that's all that matters.

"It was Edgar," he croaked.

"I know he came by to see me before I came here."

"What," Scott exclaimed. He began to panic over nothing. I turned in a circle so he could see that I wasn't hurt.

"I'm not hurt. He just wanted to talk about you."

"Well at least he didn't hurt you. I can't stay here any longer."

"Why! You're not fully healed to even go back to work. It's better for you if you stay here till you are completely healed."

"I need to be home so I can protect you." Now that argument lasted a while. His wound was still hurting him badly. I think he should stay still until the doctor clears him. Of course all he wants to do is keep Edgar from me.

Well I still haven't told him the whole story. Deciding to wait till he was clear from the hospital. He would be mad at what I tell him. Edgar has hurt us both long enough.

When Halloween comes my plan will be set in motion. Edgar doesn't know what's coming to him. For the next hour or so Scott and I talk about the future. What we would do when Edgar was gone for good.

Scott wanted to talk about marriage. I, on the other hand, wanted to wait till later. The doctor walks in during our conversation. He pulled me aside to discuss Scott's condition.

"He's healing very nicely, but I want to keep him till tomorrow. Just so we can be sure that his wound is free of an infection."

"I agree. He should stay another day."

"Then we have an understanding." Shaking hands with him I go back in Scott's room. He seemed anxious to hear what I had to say.

When I told him the doctor said one more day he became furious. Kept yelling about how he was going to protect me. That should be the last thing on his mind. After ranting for a little longer he got control of himself.

Sometimes it's cute to see him like this. Always wanting to protect me from harm. The nurses brought him his dinner. Soon I would have to leave and go home.

Visiting hours were over and I got up to go. I kissed his cheek and tried to walk out. He grabbed my hand stopping me in my tracks.

"Promise me that you'll lock the doors and windows."

"I promise. Love you Scott so much."

"Love you too." I leave the hospital and go home for the night. Food wasn't on my mind so I didn't eat. Locking the doors and windows I go upstairs. It feels so lonely without Scott. Trying my best I go to sleep.

Stretching my arms and legs I prepare for the day. Scott was coming home today from the hospital. Hopefully this would give me time to talk to him. Changing clothes and quickly eating breakfast I was ready to leave. The station knows the situation and understands why I've been absent.

Then I began the journey to the hospital. Scott wasn't in his room when I arrived. No, he was in the waiting room with a huge smile on his face. Noticing my appearance he got up and tried his best to walk towards me.

Scott still couldn't walk straight. He put on a smile just for me though. Always trying to act tough when he's weakened.

I reach the front desk and sign him out. Having my hand around his waist to help him to the car. He wanted to go to the station but that was out of the question. What he needs is rest.

Thankfully he didn't try to argue with me. Once at the house he thought he was fully capably of handling things himself. So I had to stand by and watch him struggle. Thirty minutes go by before he gets situated on the couch.

Pacing in the kitchen I decided to tell Scott about the calls. He would be mad and understanding at the same time. Might even take my phone from me. My heart was beating faster when I approached him.

"Scott there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it Grace?"

"I've still been getting calls from Edgar." His face turned red from anger. "Please don't get mad at me."

"I'm mad because you just decided to tell me. How long have they been happening? Do you know the risk you put yourself through."

He moved his hand to his forehead and sighed. Walking up to Scott I took his hand in mine. I wasn't going to beg his forgiveness. Since I deserve the anger from him.

My shift for work is coming up soon. They let me push my shift back a few hours so I could bring Scott home. How was I going to tell him that I'm leaving? Maybe if I left while he wasn't looking it would be easier. Quickly I grabbed my bag from the counter.

He noticed and glared at me. Somehow he knew I was planning on going to work. Running wouldn't work he would still catch me.

"Scott you know I have to go to work."

"Then let me come with you. It's better than staying here by myself."

"No, you can barely walk without being in pain. It's safe for you to be here."

"No it's safer for me to be with you. If Edgar does anything I want to be there. Who's going to stop him from taking you?"

Winning the argument was out of the question. So instead I helped him into the car. He was in enough danger because of me. Part of me is glad my parents didn't have more children. I had to stick with my plan on Halloween night.

I had help from the other workers to get him out of the car. Scott wasn't thrilled with the attention. But I at this point didn't care. Since he can't go out on his duties he stayed in my office. Thinking that his office was too far away something happened to me.

That was a big mistake. Now every time the phone rings he would check it. Just to see if it was Edgar. He was really getting on my nerves. I simply couldn't wait for work to be over.

Only an hour passed and I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and walked out. Scott followed me wondering what's wrong. Picking up my pace I tried to lose him. Which he shouldn't be walking to begin with.

"Grace where are you going?"

"To the lady's room." Scott stopped and turned back around. Sighing, I go to the bathroom. Suddenly a hand went around my throat.

A man that was at least 6'4 stood behind me. He must be working for Edgar. That meant Edgar was here with others. I needed to get back to Scott and fast.

Elbowing this guy in the stomach he let me go. I took off yelling Scott's name that's when the sirens went off.  Gunshots were being fired in different directions. Reaching my office there was no sign of Scott. His hurt he couldn't have gone far.

Men were retreating back to their cars. Blood covered the floors and walls. Some of the men that came were dead. Along with the police officers that laid dead on the floor.

Behind me someone yelled my name. The voice belongs to Scott. I saw the blood on his shirt. Oh no he was hurt again. "You're hurt let me see the damage."

"Grace this isn't my blood. It's one of Edgar's men's blood," he explained. One thing I noticed was that he was walking just fine. Did the beast heal him?

"I thought I lost you forever."

"You could never lose me." He kissed my forehead. We went outside and an ambulance showed up.

I couldn't stand the sight of all this blood shed. The bloodshed that I caused. Scott led me to the car and drove us home. The whole day has been catastrophic. Everything that has gone wrong was my fault.

Leaving this town was the option I have left. When I get home I go straight to my bedroom. Ignoring the fact that Scott was following me.

"I need to leave woodchester Scott. People in this town have been killed because of me."

"Are you sure that's what you want to do?"

Turning to face him I stare him in the eyes. "It's the only way people won't get hurt."

"Then we'll leave tomorrow." That was the last thing said on the matter. Tomorrow I will go back to my hometown. 

In bed I watched Scott sound asleep. This fight is between me and Edgar. I never should have gotten Scott involved. If he dies I'll have no one to blame but myself. Closing my eyes I sleep for the night.