
Dark Soul System(DxD)

Adrian Blake is a 60-year-old retired army vet. He lost his right leg in The Gulf War and unlike others loved his time as a soldier. But what did he get for it? A county that seems to hate his guts. He saved enough to live in his youth to spend his day. He spends it on anime and comics. Until he met her and his blood-filled adventure. (THIS IS A HAREM NOVEL)

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Feast, and Benefit of Flight.

In the Dark Root basin, about 150 knights of the Lake ran around with daggers and swords as they cut the scales from the giant corpse of the Hydra. Captain Theobold oversaw the whole thing as he pointed at a group of knights cutting starting from the head stumps.

"CAREFUL! This is quality material. When we finish we feast on Hydra."


They worked more diligently and they began to drag the thick hide from the necks. All the while Sif, and Russ were hooked up to chains as they used their giant bodies to flip and drag the corpse as they worked hard. All the while Adrian was without anything from his waist up as it was getting in the way.

He needed to be flexible and this was a good chance to not have to wear his armor. He, Solaire, Seraphine, and many knights worked on the main body as the necks were worked on by others. Adrian was also working hard to help out and a few of the female knights ogling his body. He had so many scars and tattoos that it was incredible to look at.

Plus his muscles were like a suit of armor by themselves which at this time, muscles were better. Even though his skin was pale, it did not take away from his rugged face. His face was quite well built and rugged, but he could not be called handsome.

He looked like a man in his late 30s, but that was preferred here as good looks were useless without power.

Adrian wiped his forehead as this turned out to be even harder than he thought as it was like big crocodile or plesiosaur. Just by the size made it so the workload increased. Next to him was Solaire who was pitching in being as shirtless as him.

His blonde hair, blue eyes, and built body were equally a sight to see. Too bad he was dwarfed by the giant next to him. As for Seraphine she was also working with them and was wearing a tank top that Adrian gave her from the system that gave it to him for 1 soul.

Even though this was hard work, no one complained. Eating dragon meat, blood, or their organs worked as a perfect tonic and increased the might of those who ate them even if slightly.

The blood was being collected as well as it was perfect for alchemy and potions which would make sorcerers tremble to extract the pure dragon blood from the diluted hydra blood. Captain Theobold walked up next to them to give a report.

"My lord, we have finished with all of the heads, and the scales are stored over there. Should I have them work on the body with you my lord?"

Adrian nodded.

"Yes, if any of your knights need rest tell them to light the bonfires. They can start cutting the meat from the heads. Add some of the bones for the broth as well and take a few drops of blood. Enjoy captain, your knights earned it. Any still able bodies help over here."

Theobold bowed and yelled out.



The ones who were exhausted looked at the skinned heads and necks, but they knew what parts to eat and which to harvest. The hydra eyes and brains were put in preserving jars until they could find an alchemist.

Those would be stored in Adrian's inventory when he got the chance. As for the meat, they started on the giant pots of stew as they threw chunks of flesh and whatever vegetable they had in the water. About half the knights needed rest so the rest started on the body as well.

After another hour of hard labor, all the hide and flippers were removed, but they wanted to rest. As such he stored the body in his inventory as it stopped time anyway so now it was time to eat.

They went to the giant boiling pots that contained the watering smell of stew. Adrian looked at his two companions and smiled.

"Time to eat."

Solaire sighed as he was exhausted.

"Worth the work."

Seraphine had to agree.

"Time to eat."

Adrian sat down on a rock and he took a giant bowl of hydra stew and drank some of the broth. It tasted salty, flavorful, and all manner of words to describe it. All the knights were gorging themselves as they could feel the power coursing through their bodies.

Still, they were limited to just 2 bowls per person as too much power at once was never good.

<Injested Hydra flesh. Contains diluted Dragon Bloodline. Digesting Power.>

Adrian felt the warm feeling of heat and power coursing through his body and closed his eyes to enjoy it. He did not stop eating though.

<Stats of increased, Vitality, Strength, Endurance, Resistance.>

-Vitality: 25(30)

-Attunement: 20

-Endurance: 20(25)

-Strength: 30

-Dexterity: 30

-Resistance: 20(25)

-Intelligence: 20

-Faith: 20

<Soul Count: 70,983.>

He felt those stats increase and he had to say this was worth it. Too bad the effect was a one-time deal as his body got all it needed out of the dragon blood. This diluted hydra would not do him any good anymore.

At the same time, he felt another memory come back as he found himself in a giant feasting hall with many giant knights like him. Although this time they were not wearing their armors and were wearing normal clothes.

They were feasting and drinking and goading him and August who were in a drinking contest.


Adrian and August were chugging down two barrels worth of strong whiskey as the knights kept betting and godding. Next to them were about 10 empty barrels of the same drink and the first to pass out was August.

The knights roared out as some lost bets, but it was all merry fun. Their crazy faces made Adrian remember his army buddies as he felt the same feeling for these strangers which made him happy.

The memory ended and he smiled as he thought of his second in command August. He hoped the guy was still alive as he was there in all his memories. He looked around as he was back in the basin.

As for the knights they were in pure joy as this was already godly as they were regular humans by a miracle not affected by the curse of the undead. The weary knights who had not had a moment of rest felt the weight of the world leave their shoulders for a moment.

This world was not kind to the weak or humans, but they still saw the joy in it. Adrain felt someone lean on him and looked down to see Seraphine smiling. She rarely smiled as it was not in her nature as an undead.

"Isn't this a little nice? A second to relax from the weight of our duty."

He nodded.

"I would say. Reminds me of the many feasts of my men. Those crazy bastards never missed out on a drinking contest."

"You remember them?"

He shook his head.

"Somewhat, some things just bring back memories like this. I think we need to get to my home Anor Londo soon. I need to know if any of my men are alive."

He saw a funny sight as Sif and Russ were playing tug of war with one of the heads that they had not taken apart. It was nice to see them getting along, but now it was time to work. He equipped his armor as he whistled.

Good thing there was a tunic under this as bare metal on the skin was not a nice feeling. Both Russ and Sif looked over as they stopped playing. Adrian thew them the remains of the body of the Taurus demon as he would get more.

Russ got the demon and Sif the head. Adrian looked at Theobold and patted the man on the shoulder.

"This is where we part ways captain."

He saw the disappointment in the man's eyes as Adrian was like a hero of legend to him. Still, he understood as a human he had his limits. He was not like the Ring Knights who no one knew about so he placed his fist on his chest.

"May The Sun guide your way, my lord."

Adrian nodded as he, Solaire, and Seraphine left, but not before saving dusk. He knew she was over there, but he just ignored it for now as she was safe inside the golem. He had Russ fly over and grab it with one of his claws before smashing it open.

When dusk fell out on the open field and looked up the first thing she saw was a black void as she looked into Adrian's helmet. It was a spell to keep the identity of the wearer blocked similar to Mordred's helmet.

He did not know why he needed it, but it was cool so that was enough. He helped dusk up as she patted her dress clean.

"So, it is thou who rescueth me? Most gracious, I am deeply obliged. I am Dusk of Oolacile. I cometh from an age long before thine...I can not stay here for long. So, before I disappear, allow me to ask one thing. My home, Oolacile, is the home of ancient sorceries. My hope is to pass this profound knowledge to thee, with thine approval. Would this be of assistance to thee?

"Sure, I am more of a warrior, but more if better. Solaire, Seraphine, do you want it?"

Solaire shakes his head.

"No, I am good with my miracles."

Seraphine walks forward and accepts as well.

"I want to learn."

Seeing that at least two want to learn is good enough for her.

"My heartfelt thanks. I shalt engrave my signature. If thou art in need, pray to summon me from my signature. It seems that my time is done. May the great flames guide thee."

Right after she vanished back to the past. Seeing that made him want to go to the past to at least see Artorias. Time travel is always weird as he or Seraphine were the ones who should have killed him.

Solaire looks at Adrian with questions.

"She comes from the past right? No one talks that way anymore safe for people from that time like Andre."

Adrian nodded.

"From Oolacile, where my brother perished. Come on, time to go to Anor Londo, home of the gods and me. Still Sif, what are we going to do with you buddy. Your too big to fly there."

The wolf pulls a 180 as he starts to shrink to a more manageable size. He is still the size of a bear, but that is good enough. Before they left Adrian had one more person to visit and put to rest.

"Before we go, I got an old friend to visit. Too bad he is hollow."

Solaire and Seraphine both flinched at that as they were undead. One wrong move and they too would go hollow, but it was good they had someone like Adrian to install hope and purpose.

They went to the tower that contained Havel and when the door was open the mad hollow charged out without a second of hesitation. A hollow would kill even their great companion and so Adrian put him out of his misery.

Seeing the mad hollow stored some feelings of pity, but that was it. Solaire walked forward as he was going to use this as a challenge. Adrian allowed it as the bonfire was not very far from here if he died.

He would step in to stop it, but Solaire charged forward dodging a swing from the dragon's tooth. He slashed at the back of the knee where the armor was weakest. Too bad this armor was made from a giant magic hunk of stone.

He managed to cut the leg, but it did not even make Havel flinch. Seraphine charged in to help so now Havel had two foes to deal with. One could shock him with lightning while the other was using a giant Black Knight Greatsword with much difficulty.

Still, the souls she used from the Hydra and the soup helped her use it much easier than before. In time Havel was smashed down to the ground and finally died. Once he was dead, Adrian stripped the body of the armor, the shield, and Dragons' Tooth.

Most importantly Havel's ring which he did not need. He felt he could lift several tons as he had picked up that Taurus demon which was about the size of an elephant. That was strong, but he was even stronger now so he was good.

'Being strong is awesome.'

He handed the ring to Seraphine as she was going to need it.

"Here, it should help."

When she put it on she felt the feeling of strength rush through her body making the sword feel light.


Adrian nodded as that ring was a great item for the early game. If you loved heavy armor and weapons early game that was the ring for you. Now it was time to skip over some areas for now.

"Alright, everyone on Russ. Time to visit my home."

They all got on the back of the Drake and flew off toward Anor Londo. Adrian would finish every area he needed, but for now, he needed answers. He still had to get to the past to get Kalameet and put Artorias to rest.