
Dark Soul System(DxD)

Adrian Blake is a 60-year-old retired army vet. He lost his right leg in The Gulf War and unlike others loved his time as a soldier. But what did he get for it? A county that seems to hate his guts. He saved enough to live in his youth to spend his day. He spends it on anime and comics. Until he met her and his blood-filled adventure. (THIS IS A HAREM NOVEL)

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Experiment Gone Right.

Once everyone else joined in the fight with the pride of Manticores it got even. They split up and joined the Abyss Demons that were holding their own with their pure savagery. They swarmed their foes without hesitation or fear.

They had no sense of teamwork and just rushed at their foes as they hacked and slashed with their 6 large claymores. They were like Asuras and as each one had a body made of Titanite and a slab as their core so they were extremely hard to put down.

In this fight, Adrian had only lost about 20 and even then they fought to the end. In the case that they were destroyed Hanibal would draw their souls back to himself so he could reform them again later. Adrian watched how everyone fought the manticores with interest.

'Seems my little experiment worked out. Good job Habbibal.'

The shadow dog grinned showing off all of his razor-sharp teeth. Adrian watched how Solaire and August both worked together with some of the Abyss demons as they rained lightning down on one of the poor creatures.

Not only that they would also attack it with their weapons as they were warriors first. Their lightning abilities were just extra for them. August showed why a Fume Knight was perfect to fight giant beasts as he used his experience from the great war when he still fought dragons.

Tear them apart piece by piece until they cannot move and deliver the finishing blow. Once the poor creature had lost both of its front legs, he drove his Swordspear into the manticores brain killing it.

It was mercy at that point as unlike the Everlasting Dragons, they could feel pain so the poor creature was in agony. Artorias and Sif also fought with one close-up while Ciaran would stab when she got a chance with poisoned daggers.

It was not effective at all they were immune to poison so she just started to cut ligaments and slash at any veins she could get at. Not to mention the swarming demons and another manticore fell to their cursed blades.

They claimed the soul and brought it back to their master. It made Ciarana and Artorias annoyed at the creations of Adrian as they stole their prize.

Seraphine and Priscilla were righting at melee combat while the Abyss Demons would jump on the backs of the Manticores and stab their blades into their flesh.

Priscila's scythe drained their Life Force weakening them while her Moonlight Greatsword used magic to launch massive waves of magic until she decapitated another manticore.

Sif was not going to stop and once his first prey was dead he charged alone toward another one to prove himself as a swordwolf(Swordman). His giant blade glowed silver as he activated his specialty, slashing.

He ran forward toward the Manticore he was challenging and as he was smaller he used it to his advantage. When the giant beast jumped flew toward him he used that opportunity and moved his sword so the edge aimed up.

When he was under it he swung his head up decapitating his opponent. He also claimed the soul for himself so that the Abyss Demons would not steal it from him. At last, only 3 Manticores remained from the original 20.

Seraphine jumped on the back of the one she was fighting Manticore and drove her two greatswords into the spine of the poor creature. The necrotic effect of Nito's soul on her blades decayed the area around her weapons killing it.

She drained the soul and around them were the bodies of the 18 Manticores. The surviving two flew away and fled toward the forest. Adrian saw his demons about to rush after them, which was not good.

For now, he did not want to mess with the male as it was probably in the Satan class so he called them out.


The demons stopped at his words and all of them kneeled before him. Adrian nodded as his first creation worked wonderfully. He also had many types of souls to experiment with so this was a success in his book.

"Habbibal, store them away."

All of the Abyss Demons turned to mist and returned inside of the shadowy body of Hannibal. Once that was done he entered the armor once more to rest. Adrian looked at the body of the first giant Manticore he killed.

She was 25 meters tall now that he got a look at her had black fur with white stripes across its body. Two curved horns were on the head and overall looked rather amazing. It even had a small mane around the neck and the fur was rather soft.

"It would be a shame to just let you die would it not? A little necromancy never killed anyone or maybe this is not necromancy."

Her body was more or less still complete and the damage was not too bad. He squinted his eyes as he thought of something interesting. He placed his hand on the wound on the neck and he got to work.

He began to send in the power of the Abyss and Chaos flame, but this was not easy. If he did not control it perfectly he would end up with a monstrosity and not what he was after.

First, he forced the wounds to close and he began to empower the corpse. All over the cuts he had made on her body were closed and he forced both into the heart of the giant beast.

Everyone was looking at Adrian as they thought he was making another Abyss Demon from the body of the Manticore. They were not wrong as he jump-started to the heart to make the bit of blood it had left start circulating again.

He looked at the blood that spilled when he slashed open its neck and aimed his hand at it. All of it flew toward his hand and he had a giant bubble of Manticore blood that he forced back into the body through the skin.

Priscilla was shocked as her vision told her that he was causing severe changes to it. He was not just reanimating it, but he was actually bringing it back to life as a mix of an Abyss Demon and a living being.

Once all of his preparation was done the body began to grow larger up to 30 meters tall. All over he saw the veins glow black as the flames mixed with its blood perfectly. Its muscles, nerves, and organs began to adapt to the catalyst he gave it to evolve.

"So far so good. Now for the finishing touch."

Adrian brought out the soul of the Manticore which looked just like when it was alive. It glared at him and struck to claw and bite at him, but it was useless. He had her soul so he was free to do as he pleased.

He infused a small amount of the Abyss and Chaos together and bound it to his soul. He saw the face of the creature recoil in pain, but it was not his hobby to torture others. He only bound it to his soul so it would obey him.

"Now serve."

He drove the soul back into the body and fused it back into place. As the body was bigger and stronger the soul also has to adapt to the power present.

<Chaotic Abyssal Manticore created. Well done.>

-This creature was given life by the Abyss and the Flame of chaos. It has all of the power of its previous race and more. Its blood and venom are now volatile and will ignite in Abyss Fire on contact.

-Khorne is impressed by your small demon hoard. While they are lacking, he believes in time your hoard will be worthy of Chaos itself.

'Thanks for the encouraging words.'

Now he focused back on his new pet. He grinned as he saw it grow larger and all the more awesome. Black flames burned all over her body, but the fur did not burn away. Each breath caused flames to be expelled from the nostrils and the scorpion tail split into 6 separate stingers that coiled and lashed around.

The giant dragon-like wings seemed to pulse with flames in their veins so Adrian felt he had done a good job with his little project. The giant creature spread her giant wings and looked down at Adrian with bared fangs.

Seeing that made Adrian tilt his head as he looked at her with a slight glare. Her eyes squinted as she looked him dead in the eyes. A few seconds later she laid down on her belly.

She knew he was the one who had killed her and her pride, but she did not care. She rested her giant head on the ground in front of him making him reach out to pet her nose. It still felt alive as she was breathing and it was a little wet like a dog.

"You want a name pretty girl?"

Adrian kneeled in front of her as her big green eyes looked to have a ring of black fire around them. they still looked intelligent if anything she was smarter now than before. He could see that she wanted one.

"How about Moxaura."

He saw how the eyes seemed to shine feeling the name and the system did the rest.

<Giving her a name increased your connection to your creation. Her loyalty is assured now.>

Adrian was proud that his little experiment worked as he felt he had gained more from this than if he had eaten her soul. Everyone else who had seen what he did was impressed, but more so at the power, they felt from his creation.

She was already at the Ultimate Class, but now they felt an oppressive feeling from her that reminded them of Amara right now. Lathia opened her mouth wide as this was the first time she had ever read about anything like this.

Seraphine who was next to her reached out and closed her mouth for her. As for Solaire, he looked at August next to him before pointing at the manticore.

"Did he just bring it back to life?"

August nodded as he looked on. In his right hand, he was holding Solaire's severed arm.

"Yeah, he just did. I did not know he could do that."

"Me neither. Can I have my arm back?"

Solaire raised his stump and did not even mind it. With how much he had boosted his stats such a wound was not a big deal to him. August passed it to him so the Warrior of Sunlight stuck it on the wound as his flesh and bones mended together.

In just a few seconds his arm was back in place so he moved it around to make sure it was on right. Adrian looked at everyone as his new pet kept sitting behind him like his dragons.

"Well, it seems like my experiment went well. I now have a living, sentient Abyss Demon that is not completely insane and will listen to more complicated commands."

Priscilla walked up to Aurora and looked her over with her special vision.

"Uncle, what did you do?"

Adrian banged his chest plate as he was just honest.

"Well when it is controlled the Abyss can heal wounds and the Chaos flame can turn things into demons. If left uncontrolled both result in monstrosities so I control what changes I want and once I healed the damage and improved what I could, I put her soul back in."

Moxaura snarled in agreement as everything felt better. She opened her mouth and licked every nook and cranny of her mouth as she did not even feel the damage caused by Adrian's blades. She was looking for scars caused by him driving his blades in her mouth.

Adrian smiled as it was like he got himself a pet kitty cat dragon thing. He always liked cats so at least now he had another cool pet. Now that everyone calmed down and stored the other Manticore's bodies away they started to sit around.

He was going to turn them into Abyss Demons and maybe try to create a Cerberus-like one with three heads or something. Seraphine crossed her arms as she looked at Maxaura who was still checking out her new body.

"How strong is it?"

Adrian crossed his arms as he frowned.

"She is not a it, Seraphine. She has a name."

The undead woman rolled her eyes, at his words. He was always so picky when it came to his pets.

"Fine, I am sorry. How strong is she?"

Adrian looked at the large creature and thought of it.

"Well maybe as strong as Amara right now. It will change when Amara awakens, but for now, I will use her as a benchmark."

Lathia walked up to Maxaura with little fear and placed her hand on the fur. The manticore allowed it as it was not a bother.

"Sir Adrian, I am awe-struck with your might."

Adrian smirked at the praise and he had to agree with it.

'Of course, this was a first for me, but it worked. I feel I might finish my end of the bargain sooner. Now-"

At that moment, Maxaura's drool fell next to him. It bore right through the ground which made him cross his legs in shock. Most of them might not have understood why he did that, but Seraphine and Priscilla did.

Both of them looked at him with scolding looks.

"You totally wanted to turn her into a woman."

"Uncle you pervert already trying to make your own woman. Is anyone safe from your advancements?"

Adrian placed his hand on his heart and shook.

"I am not some degenerate you know. I have restraint, but you got to admit this is so like me?'

Priscilla sighed and shook her head with a bitter smile.

"No, I actually expected you to go after everyone who caught your fancy. Still, did you really plan to turn her into a woman?"

Adrian chuckled as he ran his hands on his beard. that regrew. It was his pride as it made him look even manlier after all.

"I can never tell a lie. Yes, I did plan on it."

Artorias shook his head as he looked at Adrian.

"You could not be happy with just the two you have? Now you are thinking of doing an acid-spiting demon lion?"


Adrian threw himself to the ground and crawled under Moxaura. The giant manticore looked down as her master had actually lifted her slightly to get under her. Strength was all that mattered so that was a win in her book.

Seraphine chuckled as he was gone under the giant creature.

"Don't worry about us. He told us outright his intention at the start, but the good thing is that he is not after everything that moves. Even though he learned all of the Pyromancies that he could from Quellag he never tried to get with her despite her returning to human form."

Solaire nodded as he remembered how she was actually quite an attractive woman. He was not interested either for personal reasons.

"So what are his criteria? Power?"

August nodded.

"That is one of them, I also think looks matter. However, that is all secondary to the important one-"


Everyone looked behind them where Adrian had emerged from under Aurora. He sat down and leaned back on her chest as he felt her powerful heart beating powerfully.

"I really have no idea and it just comes from the heart. Call it love if you will. I have a big heart after all with many parts of it. That and I have an ego on me."

Adrian stood up and started to walk out of the forest.

"Come on, we need to set up camp."

Everyone stood up as they followed him as they had to get to work. Moxaura stood up and followed after them before looking at the forest. She thought of her cub and forgot about it in the next second.

She no longer cared about it so it was not her problem to deal with any longer. For now, they would begin to cut down trees and set up a perimeter and begin to release people slowly from Anor Londo which would still be stuck in a time freeze.