
Abyss Demons vs Maticore Pride

After the run-in with Lathia, Amara no longer stopped and flew into the unexplored lands of the Underworld. The further out she went the higher the concentration of deadly creatures and the mana level which meant purer Mana Veins.

Adrian was sure that they had flown hundreds of miles and finally she found a place that met her standards. She swooped down and landed on top of giant Mana Vein. Despite sayings, she was over it, it was extremely deep in the ground.

Not even Amara knew how deep it went, but just that was enough to fill the area for miles with dense magic. Adrian decided to not set down Anor Londo yet as he rather have a hold over a certain area before then.

He might even get pushed out if he fought a stronger foe as so it was better to be ready to make sure he could hold this place.

"Alright, we set up camp here. Lathia, welcome to the unexplored regions of the Underworld. What do you know about this place?"

She could just feel how dense the magic was which was all the better.

"I did not expect to make it this far out so soon. Thank you, sir. As for what I know before I left my house I read on a few areas known to have been explored. This one, I have no idea, sir."

"That's fine, we will need to figure something out. Artorias, your thoughts."

The Wolf Knight looked out at the thick forest with gigantic towering trees.

"Well it is certainly wild, reminds of the Arch tress. If the magic is this thick, the forest is sure to be full of danger."

Adrian nodded.

"You are right. This is a good opportunity you know. We can fight some truly powerful beings out there on the off chance we do not die."

Everyone looked around at the thick forest. There was also a very large river around, but that was not all. He could feel the presence of several quite powerful creatures around who were staying away from Amara.

He knew she was currently not in a good state to fight as she was still dealing with the huge changes in her body. She needed rest to assimilate it all so he already came up with a plan.

"Alright, now that we are here it will take a while for any power in this world to get to us. However, it is best if we keep a low profile which will be hard as we are all unique."

August nodded as he thought of something.

"I can feel some extremely powerful souls out in the forest a few miles out. I say they are the strongest souls I have ever felt."

Lathia could not feel souls, but she could feel the oppressive feeling of those beasts. She placed her hand on her chin as she spoke out.

"If I am not wrong that is an Ultimate Class being. Can you take on such a beast sir?"

Adrian was about to find out.

"I can try."

Solaire stood up as he looked out into the thick trees. They were purple and from the look of it were quite thick.

"I think I can feel them and they are crazy strong. I say we go after them now."

Lathia grabbed his hand as he started to walk forward.

"While I do not doubt your might, if you try to face a pack of Ultimate Class beings you will die. Not to mention they might even have a Satan Class being as their leader or higher."

Adrian nodded.

"She is right you know. If you go alone I am sure you will die. If you want to die go ahead, but make peace with yourself before that. It might be a miracle if I can recover your body from them in one piece. If we go in a group that is a different story."

Solaire was about to jump off Amara chuckled and walked right back.

"I will stay here than with the group then, so what is the plan?"

Adrian sat down and had an idea.

"First thing first I will release the others. dragons. They will be a good deterrent for any creature to attack while Amara sleeps."

A giant black portal appeared in the sky which opened up into the Dragon Realm. Scorn and Devastator both flew out of the portal and began to fly in the area. At first, they were happy to be out, but when they felt the magic they were overjoyed.

They had a similar reaction to Amara as mana drew toward them. in droves. It was far from the same quantity as Amara as she had an advantage over them. She was half elemental which increased her affinity to magic, but they still evolved to the laws of this world.

Each world has a few unique rules which were called laws. One of those in this world was what Adrian called Dragon Supremacy. They were the defacto strongest race with few to no equals so it made perfect sense to call it that.

Adrian closed his eyes and everyone around him saw something interesting. The arcane tattoos that he had not found a use for began to glow as they drew the mana from each dragon.

He felt like each one worked as an energy silo where he could draw magic from to use. Each of his dragons sent him part of their energy and vice versa some he finally began to reap the rewards.


He clenched his hand as Hanibal emerged from the armor to feed on the mana. Both of his swords did the same as they took some of the strain on Adrian, but it was time to put it to use.

The most shocked of all was for certain Lathia watching this was not normal. In her view, all dragons were symbols of pure power and pride. They would never submit to just anyone and here was Adrian who owned not 1, but 6 dragons.

She fell to her knees with pure awe as she looked at Adrian's back. Everyone around her did not blame her as if they were not part of this group they would have the same reaction. None of the Fume Knights had anywhere the same affinity for dragons as Adrian.

Seeing that made Adrian laugh as his whole body felt full of vigor for a good scrap.

"You can call me the Dragon Lord. Now that we are here, it is time to set up shop. We are all going to start to make a small camp and start to explore the surrounding forest and areas. I am interested in what those beasts are."

August looked out into the forest where he saw large green eyes looking out at Amara who had laid down in a large clearing. She wanted to sleep her lethargy off as Adrian had been right.

Absorbing so much magic was not bad for her, but she would need a few days to deal with the strain. She yawned and curled into a giant circle to sleep.

'Sorry master. I sleep.'

Adrian shook his head.

"Take your time. Have a good rest."

The moment she fell to sleep the mana in the air continued to flow into her, but at a reduced speed. She would need a while to acclimate to the laws of this world, but most of the other dragons were not having such an issue.

They were of flesh and blood so their bodies had a limit to what they could take in at any one moment. As such they could stay awake and be a good asset. Adrian turned around as he prepared to go out.

Lathia looked at Adrian with a questioning look in her eyes. She coughed to get his attention and called out to him.

"Sir, how do you tame dragons? I hear it is nearly impossible."

Adrian just patted his chest.

"I am amazing like that. Now if you excuse me, I got some steam to blow off."

He jumped off and landed on the ground. He drew both his swords the moment he landed and looked dead ahead in the forest. These things would be interesting to fight and he did feel like he just ate a 10-course meal.

"Hannibal, if you will."

The shadowy dog nodded and from his body emerged some of Adrian's demons he had made. The souls of Silver and Black Knights that he had bound to himself emerged from his shadowy form.

The Abyss and the Flame of Chaos when mixed created these flaming demonic knights. They were made of titanite as black flames burned in their bodies and eyes like it was their blood.

They looked like Black knights only much larger reaching Adrian's height. These were his shock troops as even if they were destroyed he would recover their souls unless they were destroyed.

In total, he had 200 of them as they were not entirely easy to make. He had to fuse their souls and mutage them with the Abyss and the Chaos flame to match what he wanted.

These demonic knights served him with loyalty, no fear, and no emotion safe for hate. They only felt rage and hate and they already could feel enemies fight in the forest. Still, they only obeyed his commands and waited for his word.

Adrian pointed his sword forward and charged at the front.


His demons had no idea what their master had said, but they responded anyway to his warcry.


They roared and their 6 arms drew their giant blades and followed their master into the forest. Adrian knew for a fact that his small group was not as strong as true Ultimate class beings, but it was going to be fun.

Think like an Ork, and act like an Ork and just fight for the fun of it. Everyone shook their heads at Adrian, but they were very interested in his small group of demons. August sighed as he watched his Captain rush off into the forest.

"Don't mind the captain. He is a battle maniac."

Garold scoffed at him as August was one as well.

"Aren't we all."

Harold nodded.

"He is right you know, no one in our line is a calm person. We all love to fight, but the captain takes it to the extreme."

Lathia was confused about something looking at them all.

"You are all related?"

All the Fume Knights nodded so Lucian decided to explain it to her as everyone was getting ready to jump after Adrian.

"Some of us directly, others are separated by a few family lines. Still, we all share a common ancestor which makes us more or less a part of the same bloodline. August, is the second in command and the cousin of the captain."

She nodded, but she was suddenly grabbed by the nape. She freaked out and looked at who grabbed her. She saw Seraphien smiling at her with a mad grin as she held one of her giant swords.

"Ready to prove your worth devil woman?"

Lathia was worried about what that meant.

"Wait, I am not a good fighter. I-"

Seraphine was without pity as she looked down at her.


She jumped from Amara with a mad grin as the screaming devil. Everyone else looked at each other as they prepared to jump too. Artorias, Sif, and Ciaran got their weapons.

The Wolf Knight put his helmet on with a small smile.

"Shall we, my love?"

Ciaran nodded with a smile.

Let's go."

The three of them ran into the forest to flow Adrian and his small group of Abyss Demons to join in on the first battle in this world. In the forest, Adrian has been stuck in a battle with a giant manticore already.

These were just the females and each one was at least 20 meters tall. They looked like black lions with bat wings and scorpion tails. Around him, his Abyss demons were fighting the rest of the beast.

There were about 20 in total, but so far the male had not interfered. Adrian did not even know where it was, but for that one, he rather stay away from it. He would make do with these females which were at the Ultimate Class on the lower end of it.

The one he was fighting was the biggest one of them all and strongest. It roared and lunged to bite him so he drove his greatsword into the roof of its mouth while he stabbed his longsword into its tongue.

"What a mouth on you."

It roared in agony and drenched Adrian in its toxic blood. When it got into his eyes it burned, but he used the rage and pain to power himself. He felt the power of the Abyss and Chaos course through his body making his eyes glow with black flames.

He was spat out and yet he did not stop. He jumped on its head and slammed his fist down on her head. The impact caused a large impact on her face pushing the manticore back by several meters.

It was nowhere enough to bring it down permanently and it just charged back at Adrian at blinding speeds They were both moving at speeds faster than the eye could see and tress fell from their class around them.

At last, he was too slow to dodge and he was swatted to the ground and launched away for several hundred meters. Once he came to a stop he got up as he felt he broke a few ribs and his arm. It just got him even happier as he felt the Abyss force everything back into place.

"Damn your tough. Are you sure you can't turn into a sexy manticore girl? I would love one of you. How about you marry me, love?"

She squinted her eyes as she still had his blades in her mouth. At this point that was not going to be possible, so he would make do with her soul. He extended his hand and his two blades were ripped out of the Manticore's mouth in a sick display tearing chunks from her maw.

Blood dripped from her mouth like drool causing agony to the creature. Still, it was not an Ultimate Class for nothing and it opened its bloody maw before spitting out a giant blast of green energy at Adrian making him jump out of the way. He saw looked behind him and saw it went for a few miles.

"Cool. I want your soul now pretty girl."

Adrian ran toward the manticore as he drove his longsword into the ground and waited for his chance. The Manticore roared and flew toward him and now they were both in a collision course.

Everything slowed down for Adrian as he knew if he fucked this up he would be paste. When her claws were inches away from his body he jumped on her extended leg and ran up toward her neck.

He leaped into the air and he drove his giant sword into the courted muscle in her neck. Once it was lodged halfway in he jumped and kicked the handle driving it deep into the flesh.

The poor manticore felt the giant sword enter her artery and it was a death sentence. Adrian grabbed the handle and used his body weight to drive it down.

"Now die."

He swung down and opened up its neck into a down poor of blood. The moment its neck was opened up a downpour of blood-covered Adrian all over Even the sting of the poison could not reduce the excitement he felt being covered in blood.

He removed his helmet and moved his hair back in the blood. When his group got into the clearing where most of the Manticores were still fighting his Abyss Demons. Each Manticore was taking on several Abyss Demons.

He turned around and smiled.

"Join the fun, there is plenty of them."

Adrian extended his hand and ripped the soul of the Manticore from its body. It was the most powerful soul he had held so he stored it in his inventory. He had a use for it and he felt it be a shame to just eat it or turn into a normal Abyss Demon.

Everyone shrugged and jumped right into the slaughter.

As for the dragons in the sky they were keeping an eye around to make sure no other foes bothered Amara while she slept. Scorn and Devastator even landed at her sides to protect their mother.

So far this small camp first needed to be controlled, then they could build some stuff. For now, they are just going to clear some of the beasts. As for the dragons, they were going to sleep off this lethargy.

Next chapter