
Dark Soul System(DxD)

Adrian Blake is a 60-year-old retired army vet. He lost his right leg in The Gulf War and unlike others loved his time as a soldier. But what did he get for it? A county that seems to hate his guts. He saved enough to live in his youth to spend his day. He spends it on anime and comics. Until he met her and his blood-filled adventure. (THIS IS A HAREM NOVEL)

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Blight Town Sucks.

(I change how Seraphine looks like. She now has white hair and Amber eyes, I ended up finding a really good picture of a female knight I liked better.)

In the following month following the lesson with Logon he, Seraphine, Solaire, Sif, and all of the Fume Knight waned to learn how she learned to control her own soul. The benefits out of it made it skill to be desired for many reasons.

She was more than happy to teach everyone and in this time they all constantly practiced it. She was right that it was a difficult ability to learn as in that month only Seraphine had unlocked it.

As a neutral soul, she did not have to discover what her 'true' power was unlike the rest of them. They all had more unique souls which was not always good. Like Adrian's strangely heavy and black soul that seemed like a piece of metal.

Sif silver soul seemed to work best when he had a sword in his mouth, but so far he was having it the easier out of all of them. He had stayed behind in Anor Londo to train against the knights as he wanted to find his special ability.

Most of the knights did as it seemed that they were interested in what they would get out of it. As for Logon, he kept teaching all of them his sorceries, but most of them did not like them.

Solaire preferred to use his miracles and Adrian especially did not enjoy them at all. He found it more effective to get in the face of his enemy and slash them apart. It was also way more fun to do it at close range.

Right now he, Solaire, Seraphine, and August had come to meet up with Andre. As they walked down the steps to get to the blacksmith August looked at Adrian as he knew who it was.

"It's Andre, isn't it? The one who worked on your weapons."

Adrian nodded.

"Correct, he is the only blacksmith I trust to work on my weapons. He proved himself to me the last time."

When Adre saw they were back he sighed in relief.

"Ye is ok, I see ye got back the big fool."

Adrian laughed at his second in command as he pointed at August.

"Yeah, he is kind of a fool. I am totally way smarter than him. Anyway, I got Amara back Andre."

The smith looked at Adrian with a feral grin.

"I have gotten better since then. With that forge, I will breathe life back into your swords. Improve them even."

Adrian brought out a new material, an ingot of the Twinkling Flame Titanite, and placed it down on his anvil. This was much more expensive as it cost about 40,000 souls per ingot.

"Check this out, this is more unique material I managed to make. Not only will it make my blades deal more damage physically, but flame wise as well."

When Andre picked up the ingot he could feel the power coursing through it. This was material even better than chunks, but that was not all. Adrian brought out two titanite slabs he had bought.

"It is time to make my gear as strong as you can Andre. Both of my swords need a lot of work, but I will get Cough to work on my armor. Up for the challenge?"

Adre picked up one of the slabs as he ran his hands down the divine material.

"Can ye make slabs as well?"

Adrian had already explained his ability to everyone in the group so they had all pitched in to get as many slabs and materials as they could. They all wanted their gear as powerful as possible so they all had started another massacre of the soul banks.

When they had free time it was all they did and now it was starting to become fun as they took ownership of Anor Londo. Even Priscilla started to take part in the hunts as she showed off the power of Life Hunt.

She could literally drain the life from anyone she cut down which all would make her stronger. Adrian had once read a novel with an op protagonist who had that very ability and he wanted it.

They all wanted to hold titanite slab-infused weapons that would let their weapons reach the level of the gods. As for Andre, he looked at Adrian like he was a blessing.

"As long as ye got plenty of this I can guarantee perfection. Where is the big girl?"

"She is at Anor Londo safe and sound. The Dragon Forge is ready to be used."

Solaire, Seraphine, and August all had been forced to work for their share of the material as they all had enough material for their armor and weapons. Solaire placed his sword down as he also brought out a thunder titanite ingot.

"I also want you to work on my equipment."

August brought his Swordspear forward as he also wanted Andre's experience.

"I will also request of your work."

Seraphine on her back had two Black Knight Greatswords as she took to the dual-wielding style of the Fume Knights. Out of all of the Fume Knights, only August fought with a single weapon as that was his specialty.

Andre felt his spirit as a Blacksmith ignite as he now had the chance to work on so many future legendary weapons. Only the best would be acceptable and to do that he had to get to Anor Londo again.

"When do we leave?"

Adrian stored his material away as he explained.

"We first are going to go to Blight Town."

Andre stopped smiling. That place was not for the faint of heart as the toxicity of the place would poison most people.

"Ye got enough moss clumps?"

Adrian nodded.

"We are ready for that blasted place. The only way to get to the Isolith ruins is there and we need it to get to the Bed of Chaos. We got to get the Lord Soul of the witch of Islolith."

Andre knew full well it would not be easy.

"Careful when ye gets them. It is swarming with demons."

Adrian nodded.

"We got it already. You staying here or can you make it on your own to Anor Londo. I can have one of my dragons fly you."

Adre accepted the offer.

"Fine, get me one of the lizards, I need to meet with Cough again. We got some talking to catch up on."

Andre picked up his anvil easily as they stepped out of the abandoned church. Adrian whistled and called down Scorn. The dragon looked down at Adrian waiting for his instructions.

"Scorn, take Andre back home. Be careful with him."

The dragon put his head down as the blacksmith got on the dragon's back. Before Scorn flew off Andre gave Adrian a final warning.

"Be careful now, I got to have the weapons to work on it."

The dragon flew off toward Anor Londo while they all had to get to Blight Town.

"Well the plague-infested swamp won't clear itself now, will it. Let's pray we can finish this quick."

They all nodded as it was going to be painful. From here they began their descent toward the depths as the knights had cleared a lot of the dangers inside. As they made their way down the place it was clear it was not a good place.

As they walked down Solaire looked at the slimes on the ceiling with a bit of disgust.

"Now I have seen plenty of grossness in my life. Those take the cake."

Seraphine looked at them and had to agree.

"Can you bring them down Solaire?"

He nodded as he had recently used all of his souls and had pushed his miracles to the limit. He had started to work on making his own like the following one. He called it Sunlight Storm and it allowed him to fire 10 Sunlight Spears from at once.

The barrage brought down the slimes and killed them making him proud of himself. August and Adrian both looked at him with visible respect as that was not easy to make one's own miracles.

"Well done Solaire. I guess you are close to getting your own sun."

Solaire began to laugh at the idea as at this point he felt he was close to achieving it. If he could not get his own, he would just make one. He was pushing his miracles past the point of what is normal.

Adrian kept walking until they arrived where the Gaping Dragon had made its lair. They kept going beyond it until they arrived at the entrance to Blight Town. Just from up here the smell was atrocious and it made Adrian recoil.

"Oh by Khorne's throne, that is foul."

Seraphine covered her nose as her helmet did not help to deal with the smell.

"I would rather turn hollow than going down there."

August recoiled in disgust, but he pushed on.

"This is n-"

Adrian kicked him down the ladder as the fall was nowhere near enough to kill him. When he landed down in the swamp water he quite nearly puked. Adrian jumped down next to him as he also recoiled as the swamp water touched his boots.

It was sticky and it made it hard to walk.

"Deal with it August, jump down you two."

Solaire sighed and made a request to not make a horrible splash.

"Please catch me."

Adrian nodded.

"I got you."

He jumped down, but Adrian did not catch him. He fell right into the sludge that went everywhere. Adrian looked at Seraphine and when she jumped down he raised his hands and caught her.

He placed her on his right shoulder as she sat comfortably on his right shoulder.

"Thanks, but I can walk you know. I will be a burden up here as I will stop you using your right arm."

He nodded.

"Yeah, but it is funny to see how annoyed Solaire is. Plus, I am ambidextrous so using either hand is no issue to me."

She looked down at Solaire who was looking at August with expectation.

"Sir August, may I-"

"No. You may walk."

Adrian and August started to walk toward the realm of Qualag as it was the way they needed to go. Solaire was forced to trudge on foot as Seraphine had a hand wrapped on Adrian's helmet.

Seeing the way he saw made her like being up here.

"How does it feel to be so big?"

Adrian thought about it as it did make him feel awesome. He was living out his dream of being like a Space Marine, but better.

"Well it is quite an incredible feeling to look down on people with my height, but I know there will be a moment I am too big. As such, there is a time and place for everything which will be very helpful when I learn to control it."

She looked at Solaire who was next to Adrian and asked him.

"Solaire, how are you holding down there?"

He looked up and huffed.

"I am just fine thank you, only my boots are full of sludge. Must be nice to be out of it."

They lit the bonfire which would let them have a good place to get out of the swamp. Once they did this they all began the ascend to Quellag's domain. Seraphine hung from Adrian's neck while they continued the climb up.

Once they were out of the disgusting poison sludge of Blight Town they managed to finally take a breath of not toxic smog. Adrian could feel how he in reality did not need moss clumps at all. His body filtered out the toxins faster than they could damage him.

The same could be said for all of them as they enhanced Vitality and Endurance to the point most toxins were not a threat. Adrian put Seraphine down and looked around.

"Hey, what does this stuff look like?"

Adrian walked to one of the walls and ran his hand down the spider silk. It was dry but extremely durable. Solaire looked at it as he was cleaning his boots.

"Well, that looks like a giant spider put that."

Seraphine tapped her finger on her shoulder as she thought of it.

"If it a spider it is a really big one. Who is up for some extermination?"

Adrian patted her on the head as he walked forward.

"Well let's see this spider shall we."

They all started the march forward to see what this spider was. Adrian knew what it was, but he had a few choices to make. Just fight without talking or see if she could be reasoned with.

There is a novel called Life Hunter here on this website and I say that author does not get the recognition he deserves. I highly recommend you give it a read. It is free.

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