
Dark Rose : The Hidden Enchantress

''Who are you?" She questioned, visibly irritated at having an unexpected "guest" in her room in the middle of the night. The invader was slouching over the window, gazing out at the starless night, which was only lit by stars. Alas! It was a moonless night. He very slackly stood straight after hearing her frustrated voice and sauntered over to her with his face concealed behind the black mask. Only his foxy eyes were visible, staring at her with admiration and a dreamy expression. He chuckled a little. Her jaw tightened in response to his action. He was definitely getting on her nerves. "What are you? A woman parading down a ramp?" His eyes sparkled at her despite her mocking him. "No. However, I can be that person for you. Would you like me to-" While saying this, he began to take his top off. She became increasingly frustrated at his indecent acts as his tight muscles tentatively peeked through it. Was this man perverted!? Yes, he was. "What on earth are you doing in my room!?" He couldn't be an easy guy to just walk into her room and get past the complicated security measures her family had installed in place, so she inquired again. He must have been extremely clever and powerful to be able to thwart it. But he didn't appear to be an assassin; rather, he had the appearance of a hunter who was out in search of his quarry. "Honey, you broke my heart." In front of her, bending in her direction, he said. "Who is your honey? Get the hell out of here." Angered, she yelled at the stranger. She glared ferociously at him, warning him not to try anything, as a tiny ball of golden light erupted on her palm. He chuckled softly at her and clasped her hand in his, pushing her to bed. He hovered above her, confining her to the bed and intertwining her hands above her head. "How can you push me away from you? Hmm. My love." He inquired, touching her face with his knuckles. "What the hell are you doing?" she demanded struggling, her face contorted in a rage. "I am adoring my wife." Upon hearing him say that, her eyes rebounded to their hue of color. "Who is your wife?" "You are since you possess my CREST." Her breathing halted and she became pale after hearing this. "You can't hide it from me." He spoke, tracing her neck with his veiled nose. "I'll be back soon to take you soon, I promise." Saying, he pecked her lips over his mask and faded into thin air, and the world around her gradually darkened.

TheWallflowerrGirl · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

People stipulate that memories are the heart's eternal treasure.

Deeply buried memories are akin to Pandora's box. In accordance with what sort of recollection it was, distinct feelings surge in your veins each time you reminisce about it, bringing a tumble of despair.

Sometimes, those recollections aren't what you anticipated them to be. Though it originated in your mind, its significance is unique, defying your mental state and compelling you to hold onto the notion that it is true and was some aspect of your life that has long gone.

It was the past that started to influence the present with awful intentions.

Even though life slips away, the memories linger.

Some memories never leave your bones, like salt in the sea: they become a part of you and you carry them.


Outside, the wind was incredibly untamed and wild. Flowing the entire way in a furious mood.

Fortunately to their well-ingrained roots, which remained in place without being uprooted, the trees were able to stick around intact despite their valiant efforts to stand straight in this terrible stormy weather. The foliage and branches were tussling, fluttering, and bashing against one another like they were playing in tandem.

The sea was colossal today, thumping the shoreline numerous times and then heading back as if alluding to the danger and terror it will impart with its waves.

The ambiance within the room, on the other hand, was different.

The room was subtly illuminated with aromatic lighting candles, soaking it in a golden, sensual look. The enormous bed in the center of the bedroom was positioned in the midst of an inch-deep body of water, thereby providing the whole thing, an exceedingly enticing vibe.

The flower petals were dispersed all over the vicinity, and this was apparent to outsiders by means of the massive glass window overlooking the sea, which unveiled the concealed intent beneath the arrangement.

A young woman in a white dress stood facing the sea, her doe eyes transfixed on the surging waves. Her raven black hair gleamed against her appealing white skin tone. Her face was tinted with peace and wore a slight smile over dainty lips.

She seemed full of marvel as she watched the night sky, her face glistening and dazzling in the starlight. The roof was transparent, providing a spectacular view of the night sky filled with stars and the moon.

She was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't notice someone entering the room or closing the door.

A muscular figure emerged from the door and ventured toward her with slow and concise strides, ensuring no noise to pique her attention.

When he got close enough to her, he snaked his arms around her waistline from behind and nestled his face at the base of her neck, relishing her intoxicating scent.

She initially seemed alarmed and prepared to tackle her unidentified intruder, but when she recognized his deep, husky voice, she swiftly regained calm and shifted closer to him to seek warmth.

She let out a contented sigh as she felt his body pressing against her.

His taut muscular abdomen and broody shoulder braced her petite form over his as he grasped the tender skin of her waist in his gruff palm, strokes on slightly.

He kissed her neck and trailed his nose around the base of her neck. She tilted her head to the right, enabling him ample space as he playfully pillaged her neck. She moaned in delight, eliciting a grunt from him.

Her left hand gripped his hair and yanked it slightly, forcing him to gasp in displeasure.

He halted what he was doing and stood upright while glaring with a frown imprinted on his attractive face. She turned to face him, chuckling at his grim visage as she cupped his charming face in her palm.

He had the appearance of a young boy who had been refused his favorite cookie. However, it wasn't entirely inaccurate because he was that kid and she was his favorite cookie.

"Did you prepare these things specifically for me?"

She queried, fluttering her lashes slightly.

While swallowing, he nodded. His face stiffened, his ears grew into shades of pink, and his veiny throat and Adam's apple flopped.

She refrained from laughing as she observed his endearing response. It wasn't what she had anticipated from an intimidating, robust, and brooding man like him. It exceeded her expectations.

"Who did this?"

She questioned as she chewed her lip and surveyed her surroundings.

"My aide."

He responded and took off his coat. She had a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

"Our tastes are similar. I like it. I shall thank him in person tomorrow."

She bobbed her head slightly, teasing the man.


He glared at her while he hissed. His possessiveness made her chuckle. It pleased her.

"What made you think I'd agree with you?"

Sitting on the bed with one knee crossed over the other, she commented as she slouched to look at him.

The white gown she was wearing had wide necklines that slid off one side, and an inky purple mark popped beneath it barely.

Looking at the mark, his eyes grew increasingly, and he shot it a dagger-like glance.

Before she could process what was happening, he had moved briskly toward her and was standing in front of her. She was already pinned to the bed, and he was hovering over her as he roared angrily, his eyes burning red with obsession.

"Because you belong to me."

And he claimed her lips by engaging in an earth-shattering kiss. He conquered their skirmish and kissed her more passionately as if he were attempting to inscribe her soul as his.

She patted his shoulder when she became out of breath, but he was too busy savoring her luscious cherry lips to notice. His beast mode was activated, and it wouldn't go away until it had quenched its thirst. Thirst for the carnal desires he had for her.

She brutally bit his tongue before he came to his wits and let go of her lips, which were now red and swollen, revealing the outcome of his merciless siege.

He smirked, looking at her. A pompous smile etched his handsome face.

"You are so fu*king sweet my love."

His voice was raspy as he stared into her doe-shaped eyes, which were still foggy after their kiss. He subsequently followed her bosoms, which were heaving up and down and grabbing the air to keep her alive.

His lewd thoughts became more heightened at that sight. He leaned very close to her abdomen and gently tugged on her clothing slightly low.

Her mark was more evident beneath his scrutiny. He leaned in and bit the mark, causing her to make a throat-wrenching sound. She couldn't stop herself from screaming in anguish and discomfort.

Her once-passionate eyes went red with pain, and tears began to flood through them. Her hands, which had before encircled him seductively, were now firmly grasping his shoulder in an effort to fling him aside.

But it was pointless. The bite was so powerful that it drew blood.


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