
Dark Queen Tamara Original Sequel

She was told that she can never rule the world above her, and she was told to keep her legs close because only man can rule the upcoming world but the king who makes everyone his enemy and continuously tortures the innocent princess that he had snatched or even bought from, little does he know about what will happen next towards her desires to cease everyone as a team of her own and ruled over all celestial beings. _______________________________________ Hello dear readers I hope that every one of you does enjoy this book as it is my first time writing an actual story because I am so used to writing only poems and not literal stories but I was pushed out of my comfort zone by my friends and others who appreciate my work and last but not least this book did borrow the idea of one of those British queens during the ancient time where she hunts for young girls for their virgin blood

Rinasekhon · Teen
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18 Chs

Chapter 8

Tears streaming down Tamara's eyes with the baby bump of 5 months made her more vulnerable though the celestial beings trying to protect her during her journey of being pregnant did not stop her from going to war to fight for queendom without her king because she never needs it. Finally, she starts to have pieces emotions when she realizes because of her ego it had made to drive away that one person who adores and loves her for who she is as she found out not just from his words but from his letters from his chambers when the house cleaners were cleaning all of his belongings.

Dear Tamara,

I have adored and loved you the moment I set my eyes on you, I am aware of this day coming when I would not be there to hold you my queen, and my baby girl in my hand as I was eager to be a father. I know what have you been through because having one loving relationship and one abusive relationship never seems to be fair for anyone but my love I would like you to always remember our baby shall never be a burden from me but a gift because I need you to understand again what motherhood of dark evil shall be as I know what motherhood is like when you are a saint. I suppose I came in just like a hurricane when you least expected me to be there but how am I to understand that your wrath leashed with poison will kill me? I had many dreams and visions to warn me to come closer to you, but I can never understand the pain you have caused me though I have loved you forever and ever my soul shall be with you like a supporter while my daughter will your ruler on the days you are weak on your knees.

Your man

Lord Zach.

Upon reading this letter it had made Tamara set some ground rules for herself because she wants to ensure the safety of her queendom and also provide the protection that her baby Adire Solemn Zach Tamara needs while she is slowly growing in her belly. Wars were strongly happening because everyone thought Tamara was weak when she is pregnant but they were all wrong she was still evil before she is a mother figure to her daughter just like the words flies far beyond her words were sharp like a thorn just like a weapon that concludes her power that she adhere while fighting every night with the peasant of cities while they call lose she strike their virgin daughter away from them as a threat if anyone starts anything they shouldn't they shall feel the pain of a lover gone and their daughter died as she scales their skin alive to show them what is it like to fight a queen of pure evil but never weak.

Everyone in her palace or queendom was safe as their daughters are not taken away from them because she is aware of the population that she wishes to grow the nearest village or cities were stripped off with their daughters as most of them keep them hidden and tells them the story of how Tamara hunts for virgin girls like how she hunts for her prey. As days goes by, her belly was getting bigger and bigger it was finally close to 9 months and Tamara was preparing herself to give birth to her daughter as all of the celestials were called upon to attend her birthing by granting their powers and blessing more stronger and eviler than ever.

Pain screeches through her abdomen as she couldn't take the sudden contraction happening during the last days of 8 months of labor while trying to make herself feel better she tried everything until the mid-wife came through and told her that she is 12 centimeters wide, it was shocking for everyone because usually, it is only 10 centimeter as she remembers correctly suddenly one of the witches said you daughter is not a normal person as she is supposed to the death of people and stronger than you so it will something out of usual for you this first and last time. The labor took 48 hours, and screams were heard like thunder as she attempts to give birth but when she finally did. She saw black blood oozing out of her privates while her daughter was fairly human but with the features of utter darkness. Yes, she was granted beauty and grace and layers of sadism within her.

After giving birth to her daughter, she took her superpowers to heal her immediately because a queen shall never rest with that while carrying her only heir, she decided to take an oath in front of all the beings while they grant their strength and blessing. The sole oath was taken was

1. I shall only be her sole protector no matter what

2. Crystal shall be granted to her as a layer of protection

3. She shall not receive her powers or know about her strength until she learns all the rules, she should know how to rule a queendom

4. Adire shall be taken seriously because she is the next heir

5. No man shall come near Adire, and she will always be protected by the celestial beings.

Once the words were spread like wildfire her daughter being born made people shake in their boots while the rest shook out of fear. A man tried to ask for public alliances, but no one succeeded as her only attention was her daughter and no matter how hard these man tries to seduce her, they cannot get close to her as she was not like before having multiple affairs and secretly snatching all away. This time her tactic revolves and changed as the words she speaks are enough for people to be convinced to give away whatever they owned. From here, her only thoughts and attention would be her little young toddler Adire.

Traumatic yore of notion inflicts the superior to a gust of silent assaults

The massacre of one politician was the array of the innovation of God of ecstasy

Prognosis of a collateral syndicate of prevailing discerned as the utter turbulence

Vixen of predatory dawn of husky diligence of era

Dark ashes scattered across the floor of the pathway

A mixture of tonic and water

Eyes glisten red and blue

An array of dark illuminate

Lush of lust and secular sexism of beholding desire wouldn't be bound to unfold

Crave of olden sensation is the bad leaches

The sacking of sickness tears that drops

Alarm if Celestial being wailed of enunciated statement on clinical trials of enthusiasm and desire

Sleepless night, the craft of artistry soil that bound the soul

Apprehension was unleashed essence was crinkled when the descending dead body of her devotee just affected a halt with the given second of witchcraft everything was rapture

Souls cry internally for the significance of belonging but the necessity just haunted her

When you come to me, unbidden,

Beckoning me

In long-ago rooms,

Where memories lie.

Offering me, as to a child, an attic,

Gatherings of days too few.

Baubles of stolen kisses.

Trinkets of borrowed love.

Trunks of secret words,

Her morality made her question why was she so ill with the consumption of reflections

Knowing the seed was implanted

She knew she had to do something so she could bring him back

Tamara was aware she screed the strip pieces of candor

Witchcraft, wolfbane the uncanniness of oracle flowers

The initial word of lust never excited her more like no matter what she does she grieves for him deeply

But it was the brutal validity that everyone has been telling her

The diplomat, the previous lover who left his seed in her is gone

He never will be here in the world of 3 dimension

Maybe the act of 5 dimensions when the soul waivers for the outpost touch

Messages from spirit guides promised he will come around but the delay was unbearable

She had to do something that will ensure she and her unborn child will have a glamorous life

Tamara gasped for air

She prayed for him

Using different alternatives over mixtures

Disrupted her senses and her thoughts

Finally, she decided to end the curve of heartache

Indeed she killed him

Quite frankly she is aware

When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,

I all alone beweep my outcast state,

And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,

And look upon me and curse my fate,

Wishing me one more rich in hope,

Featured like him, with friends possessed,

Desiring this man's art and that man's scope

With what I most enjoy contented least;

Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,

Haply I think on thee, and then my state,

Like to the lark at break of day arising

From sullen earth sings hymns at heaven's gate;

For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings

That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

They shall not thou of the obsession with the grave

Silken of Aurora sunshine upon

The consensus of considerable thoughts

Path of exposure being the temptation of hazard

Thou shall thy why should we leave

Leave of decision acting upon the risk of developing feelings

He shall leave yet she moves on

Daughter of heaven and hell

She shall always be strong and faithful to celestial beings