
Dark Queen Tamara Original Sequel

She was told that she can never rule the world above her, and she was told to keep her legs close because only man can rule the upcoming world but the king who makes everyone his enemy and continuously tortures the innocent princess that he had snatched or even bought from, little does he know about what will happen next towards her desires to cease everyone as a team of her own and ruled over all celestial beings. _______________________________________ Hello dear readers I hope that every one of you does enjoy this book as it is my first time writing an actual story because I am so used to writing only poems and not literal stories but I was pushed out of my comfort zone by my friends and others who appreciate my work and last but not least this book did borrow the idea of one of those British queens during the ancient time where she hunts for young girls for their virgin blood

Rinasekhon · Teen
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18 Chs

Chapter 7

The night came surging like a dark anthem full of dark music being orchestrated around her while scaling her basinful bloody human for her personal needs though she is aware of how lord Zach lurking around a castle noting her each move he thought he could be smart and secretly by it, however, Tamara knows what he is trying to do because she wants him to be aware of her pitiful action to make him wonder she pitiful and depress but her plan was coming off quite well. Tamara was waiting to engrave his blood on her wall like a new paint of darkness that has the drop red cells on it as she wants him to know she was not what he thinks she is but more powerful, eviler, and more sadistic.

The sudden blaze of thunderstorms shows, and she knows it is time for her to sacrifice a human being for her to have her meeting with the celestial being as she wants to know the current news of threats hitting her door at night while she is sound asleep. No one is in control of her wishes or desires because with such nights comes the howling of oz hunt, the deaths piling of dead bodies decomposing for the wolf to devour. All being come together like the oath of surprise, the meeting took place in the dark aging of the forest that was known to be dangerous for anyone who had flesh on them because the beings within the forest would not leave a trace of kills. Plan of the meeting was taken place in the forest of the king of the mighty wolves " the wolf king known to be King Barrick, was a beautiful being with golden tan skin on his body craved with detailed tattoos, hair so moist and well put together wanting to hunt for his new meal until the hissing came and then he was called upon the arrival of Queen Tamara arrival by his service he was very pleased with her beauty and power because she was one of a kind within the celestial being who taken by the evil oath and how one would not be swayed by her magnificent grace.

King Barrick was there present as this was the first meeting that took place to avoid the suspicion of peasant humans' minds, the meeting takes place in a different world and a certain blind spot where no one can see or know. Hence the meeting was in his woods so the call was made by the loudest howl of the world to have the vampires of hell and wolf come together like a peace offering as no one could kill any being because of the slash of seven oath taken by each being as it is. If the rule were broken by one then the clan will fall apart, because all powers will fall apart, and everyone will be changed to normal breathing humans with no special powers to rule the world.

As the book goes there are multiple rules to follow in the book called the oath of seven slashes, each rule was picked carefully by each being to avoid anything kind of feud or conflict between the beings. Here it goes some of the rules that were listed below this book that should be followed precisely. The ancient Necromancer King's word held no value, and the Order of Light has taken control of the Land. The forces of benevolence hold a tight grip on the kingdom and yet something evil is stirring. As a group of aspiring Necromancers rise from the depths of depravity and set out from The Valley of Souls, who will prove to be the most powerful, cunning, and evil of them all? Who will lay claim to the throne and become the new Necromancer King? May the evilest player win - and may you laugh maniacally as you seize the foulest of thrones as Necromancer King.

Oath of Seven Slashes

1. Play your cards right

2. Raise all your minion under the death of evil

3. Movement of pace to avoid being caught

4. All sacrifices are made with a human body stabbed with the seven-bladed knife because human is not pal but enemies

5. Blood should be drawn in all the special places it should turn green in color

6. No one is allowed to create feud the with other celestial beings

7. All shall behold the power of their kind but never stronger than Queen Tamara as she is the ruler of all by seizing all Norman groups into one whole big pack

8. Each celestial shall earn their title once they earn their loyalty

9. Betrays shall be banned and killed once and for all including their groups with family members along, souls will be banished from this world as betrayal should not be in one's mind

10. Move and function as needed if the threat is bigger when new beings of celestial beings are created because the throne shall be for one.

11. Devil collaborates aside with Queen Tamara, and she shall provide the answer as she deserves to know

12. Any human being who falls for such celestial shall be killed under the seven oaths that must be fulfilled if not then he or she is not acceptable within the queendom.

The meeting was then taken place when all oaths were said loud and clear like the national anthem, as the saying goes as the claws were said that Lord Zach was human, and he fell for Queen Tamara because it is known to be a sin. This meeting did not sit right with King Barrick because he was in love with her too and he wanted her for himself though he was not keen on her powers because he is satisfied with what he ruled over. The meeting had caught the eyes of multiple beings and the only conclusion said from them as if he loved her then h shall complete all the oaths above and sacrifice himself to evil to be evil just like her, but Queen Tamara was not into the idea. Everyone was happy with the conclusion set by her county, once the meeting has concluded the king himself announced last minute that there will be a ball taken place by him to celebrate the arrival of Queen Tamara, it made her very happy that some beings are aware of her leisure activities hence she was taken to the king's palace as he had a separate chamber ready for her with a dress and the stylist presented to her.

While she was getting ready, she decided to amaze the being with her beauty, so she chose to bathe in the blood of a virgin again as she had brought it with her while traveling anywhere. After she was done with her shower, she saw the dress that was presented to her it reminded her of the dress that she wore at her wedding with her first husband whom she was in love with back then she was not that evil but a pure soul until the unexpected happen. The dress had more embroidery much more elegant than what she wore previously but her dress however had this era features a dark color palette, you can mix things up with some black and dark blue velvet pieces with a splash of red with some gold and diamond pieces around her plunging neckline while her shoes were made by human skin that is all red like it was made to fit her perfectly in her figure-hugging hourglass body. Her hair she wore it loose with curls beneath the depts of her back with tattoos lingering of the clan names that have wings underneath them. Her jewelry was crafted with the finest piece that no one could as she needs to wear for any of these events to indicate that she is the dominant one.

When walk down the majestic staircase everyone was awed by her beauty, especially king Barrick, he was pleased with what he chose for her to wear while she was interacting with others, she was called by him for a dance hence they did dance gracefully on the golden stage while everyone watches her slowly swaying to the music.

The ball was decorated with everything that she liked as it was decorated for a black and gold ball mesquite theme, place white table linens over the table. Then place smaller black table linens at a diagonal so that guests can see both the black and gold. Balloons and streamers also in black and white which was added to the decor. For centerpieces, white and blackthorn flowers and place in black vases. When the ball finally ended, there came a rushing witch of the god's evil she had some news for Tamara as she was packing to leave and go back to execute her plan for the seven oaths as it was discussed with other beings, "Witch Gabriella came and greeted the queen and said that I have some news for you which didn't sit right for Tamara so she proceeds to ask her what was the news and the witch said you are pregnant by the normal human that had breaded with the mix of king Barrick because she had a steamy affair with him after the ball.

The current news made her shattered in pieces because she never plans to get pregnant at all so she asked what she must do the witch said I can remove the essence of king Barrick but I can't remove the normal human essence in you but one warning I shall tell you is that this baby girl you are carrying is much stronger than you can think because she has the evil powers that you possess which is so much stronger than what you have so you must protect from all cost if not she can be used as a weapon by another kingdom if they found out with the vulnerability that queen Tamara felt she made the switch promise her to not tell a soul as she will just tell it herself when the next meet up happens again.

Once she was done packing, she immediately plans to kill the lord for good even if he completes her quest of the seven oaths because she doesn't need a husband by her side as she plans to take care of the child like her own as she doesn't want to lose another child after having to kill her baby when her first husband was killed in front of her. Once she was back to her queendom, she was greeted by lord Zach who loved her dearly with a kiss as Tamara disappear suddenly the lord has a lot of questions, but h never asked because he did not want to pry though he knows where she was because he could smell the musky scent of another male on her.

When Tamara took the lord into the chamber she told him sweetly and seductively that he must complete all the seven oaths then he shall leave happily with me but he didn't know that Tamara planned to kill him once and for all because she only wants the child for herself as she is not bothered about having a nightly affair with anyone anymore because she wants to make sure to cherish her last child by herself as she knows once she accepts evil she can't pregnant at all.

Lord Zach agrees with completing her quest because he wants to be with her for his whole life that is devoted to her, but it was hard for him to believe it because with every sweet word there is always a hidden agenda in it. As he quietly proceeds with the quest despite guessing that he will not survive after the end, the quest upholds 6 principle of darkness which was as stated

Quest 1: He must go into the woods forbidden to get the fruit without being killed or attack by any celestial beings

Quest 2: A quest to search for an unknown mysterious object that has unyielding unlimited powers. (May make him impress Tamara).

Quest 3: He must go ahead and scale a virgin woman with the help of the vampires and under the evil spell he must have sex with the body and cut off her virgin private flesh to present the vampires above.

Quest 4: He must find a magical rose (He will need to traverse through a dark dangerous forest with unknown beasts, past the ruins of Algori to find clues that will reveal a map to pass safely through the maze that is filled with piranhas, colorless deadly gas, and perfectly hidden traps).

Quest 5: He must then find a beast that is known to be the best of the foreign woods, he must then cut his flesh open and eat it raw while poison is within it under the presence of the wolf. (Explanation for the magical beast: Four headed serpent that has the strong muscular body of a wolf, its wings are made up of a strong metallic-like substance that looks fluid and deadly and upon looking at the skin of the creature, one gets the feeling that it is not ordinary but there is something hidden, something dangerous that cannot be seen by normal)

Quest 6: He must vanquish The Witch Queen (Malesmerelda) and end her reign of darkness. ( Malesmerelda is a witch that was born with the power of Light, but she switched sides to harness the power of Dark as she watched the humans burn her lover, the love of her life to punish her for deeds that she has not committed with the power of Light and Dark at her arsenal, she commands a legion of the undead witches (those who were wrongly killed) who also wield the powers of Light and they are known as The Hive.)

Despite his best effort of completing his quest and he was proud as a brave soldier he still had the power within him when he came back with all the things that he was required to present to Queen Tamara made her madder than happy because she plans this quest so well hoping she does not have to kill him herself though she is not scared about it at all. While he was resting, he was visited by Tamara herself with a glass of wolfbane in it for him to die just like how she killed her abusive husband. Before he drank that potion, he was shocked to see the baby bump on Tamara, he was immensely happy with the baby within her because he proved to her for once that she can get pregnant by him, however, just like every happy ending it comes to an end of the time of kills. Tamara gave the glass of poison to him to drink, he did hesitate but still drank it as he was in love with his evil queen. After drinking it, he knew what was in it which was poison, and he has no time on his hands with that he just said a few words to her before the potion takes a toll on him on the night of the blue moon.

He said to her "Tamara I know you don't love me as I love you, but I am leaving this realm with a gift to you, which is that the baby in your tummy will be my only child to you however you must protect my baby at any cost even if you lose your life which I doubt it ". " Tamara was surprised with his sudden confession and was having a twitch of emotions within her, but she had no choice to end anyone to choose to love her but to kill him was never that easy and with that, she asked him to you have any other wishes other than me protecting our child." Lord Zach told her that I have 5 principles for her to continue despite the I am going to die soon with the lease of blood on his hands that he coughs out.

Those 5 principles are

1. Plant a magical rose in your castle to bring some light and pureness for our daughter to grow in because she does not need to know that you are a brutal killer

2. find a crystal for balance and protection for our daughter because she needs it on the nights when you are going to war.

3. .Every blood moon, you become cannibalism but on other nights you shall remain the same as your duty as a mother and a queen is to protect our daughter

4. You shall end all of your affairs with any other diplomats

5. You shall tell the beings above that you are pregnant, and that you would prefer to protect our baby at any cost because you will not sacrifice it.

All principle that was stated by him shall be completed by Tamara once he leaves the world for good but before he left the realm, he gave Queen Tamara a last passionate kiss to indicate to her that he truly loved her and can do anything just to make sure that she was always happy and the only ruler of her queendom because he was never interested in her power. Queen Tamara never understood why he would go through so much pain to show her love when she knew she did not deserve it, but it was what it was though after his passing she made sure to do a proper burial for him and decided to have another meeting with the other celestial being because she must tell them the truth.

She decided to deport herself with her powers to the realm of the witches because this was her next destination, all of the other beings were surprised by her visit because each meeting is only to be held every 30 years using the human biological as celestial being including Tamara are all immortals. She came in like a hurricane and decided to tell them the truth with the presence of other councils there with that she said that she was pregnant, the news shocked all the beings because she broke one of the rules and she told them she is going to keep the baby because according to the witch of gods called Gabriella that the baby in her is much more evil and powerful than her and she will make sure to let this baby girl of hers take the throne once she learns all of the rules in the celestial being world. The council did object to her idea, but they could not do much she was much stronger than them, so they came to the point of accepting her idea of keeping the child. One of them got curious and asked what you would name your unborn daughter who will be the next ruler in line. Queen Tamara made her announcement that her daughter's name will be Adira Solemn Zach Tamara and the council finally approved of her daughter despite Tamara breaking the rules.


She was told by her yore of convicts in desire or swayed by the body of devotion

She never knew after assassinating the abductor of the night some envoy will come in and sweep her off her feet as affection is something she never aspired to have because she doesn't want to see her progeny laid within her crib of the fortress

Shadow just gapes in the night how would the pain explain the hypothesis

of sight devotee she reckons just existing was the cause of all her suffering

Tamara had no one but enemies that lies within the periphery of exclusive

Has anyone ever imagined the naive Queen will ever find someone who will be able to seek through the night of owl and gaze through the galaxy just to look into her eyes as she wonders upon her dreams

She was dark indeed

She was not taught to worship or even visualize it

She builds the finest wall of erk

Consumed by her dark side

The such spell she cast upon the atmospheres where rainbow and sun were far from what people who heard about her queendom can deduce

Underlying all the alignment of stars just to appreciate how her heart was beating despite being heartless

Her eyes were just full of lust

In her sway of venture figure

As thick was her hair

As it was luminous red that glows within the dark

Deterring it may sound but she doesn't lurk in the dark just for the love she has for her diplomat

It just started as something of some impression

Would you be delighted to know

The person who said his love for her was to the moon and back

Was just meant to be death

Yes it hurt her from taking such action

But her diplomat had to know to love Tamara comes with a cost

Of her dark wounds and past

That is hard to expel

Nobody can ever love Tamara the queen of ice and fire

That makes it within the cold clouds of dusk night

As twilight hints beneath the icy gaze of her lush eyes of brown dim light

She deciphered the validities of loving her

She knows love is never the cure for her

Neither is her finding her soulmate that she has her spark with

Alluring how the door waits

On the other side her lover

Who latches women like he changes clothes of friction

She chooses her kingdom for her success

Tamara exults in her people and gets an army

He promised the moon but despite the promises

She chooses to end him with the single potion of witch which leads to the torment of death just like the abductor of her husband

She has never cried for years

Knowing her father sold her to the abductor

Killing her husband made her powerful

Being the only female queen

She never knew he would appear

But just like the ends of old tales

She killed him before he could leave

He left her with five main elements of life

Tamara no matter how cold you are

You always be the queen of my heart

No matter how deathly your gaze

But the eyes make me fall deeper as I wonder about our future

Understanding you can never be mine

Tamara, I will die with the sweet poison just so I don't have to see you heartless

Tamara with the gems and the wealth I will leave behind is for you to cherish upon

But the least before my death knowing you didn't want a child

I have made it an exception to put in my last

Essence in you just so even if I am not alive but you will protect our child

Just like that Tamara falls to the ground

And wonders what she has done

Her only love

She had drugged him too

Just so he can never come an inch close

She was conveyed by her past and her dark secret

Consume in pain of oath

The love story ends with the simple disclaimer

It will never exist unless someone creates a dent