
Dark Phoenix In MHA (Demo)

Leo dies, meets god, and gets reincarnated into MHA with 2 devil fruits. The Phoenix fruit, and the Darkness Fruit. A lazy fast paced prelude. This is technically my third book as the first one is still in its planning stages but to get more used to writing I'll be writing this one. Feedback would be appreciated.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


Ah, today is the day.

Today my armament haki goes up leaps and bounds.


While making my way to U.A. I've had time to reflect on my actions.

I have not significantly impacted the main storyline, at least not as much as I'd like to. Making big green focus on training his body in hopes of making a strong hero or villain hasn't affirmed my intervention but in the end, the one who could push him into being a hero or a villain isn't me.

It's All Might.

Regardless he's become more competent at using his quirk, he isn't destroying himself like in the original but he isn't using full cowling so not much has changed.

But enough about gang green, I can only influence the already influenced so much. Right now I can only focus on the upcoming stuff, which ain't much. The main thing of notice today is the reporters breaking in...

How did they manage that...




Thinking back they did allude to the league breaking in since everyone knew where All Might be there so I can only assume the reporter break-in was a cover-up...




Cover up, huh...








In any case, today they are also picking a class president. Being class president isn't anything important, the position itself doesn't do much in the anime so I don't think I'll make it my goal.








I did always want to be a tyrannical president so if I can land it by coincidence I would most defiantly take advantage of it.

Let's hope for coincidences.

While reminiscing, the events of yesterday popped up in my head. The hatred in his eyes for my bulli- ahem innocent pranking was priceless.

But for now, I think I'll lay off Madara, I don't think I'll be getting any more noteworthy reactions from him so I guess I'll just focus on someone who will.

My new victo- ahem buddy will defiantly give me something to write home about, heh.


Rounding the corner there it is. The mob of reporters trying to interview All Might. I don't want to be harassed by them since I'm a hypocrite like that so I pull out a camera of my own and try to blend in.

"Hey, you." Damn.

"Can you tell me about All Might?"

"All Might?"

"Yes he's currently teaching her-" Cutting her off I simply play dumb.

"Never heard of him." This earns me a free reading from his Wiki page. One person isn't enough they need to hammer the point home. Hmm, let's see what I can do with this. Pulling a mic out of nowhere I turn my camera to her and ask back.

"Have you heard of Aero?"

Right now Aero isn't anything but a rumor that's been passing around about a quirkless hero, or rather a quirkless vigilante.

Back when people thought I couldn't formulate thoughts I used my darkness quirk to scout around and get to know this new world, while doing so I ran into a hero. That hero happened to be Aero. He was quirkless as the rumors go but he still fought on. Things like this happen on the regular, someone wants to be a hero but they don't have a quirk so the government doesn't consider them heroes so they turn to vigilantes. But sooner or later they get hurt, not that they weren't expecting it but getting hurt while being a vigilante means they can't just go to a hospital. They became wanted people after all.

Aero was no different. But he was more relentless than the other passing stories.

Got stabbed? no biggy just don't get hit there. Got shot? again no biggy just avoid big movements.

For a while I watched him, some really inspiring shit I tell you. But eventually, he had to retire. One can only take such a beating on a daily basis after all. But despite that for 8 long years maybe more, he held on.

If I was going to pick anyone to be my idol here it would be him. He's an enigma to just about everyone. He wore a somewhat loose one-piece, don't want to constrict the balls after all. In the center of it was a worm. I asked him once why he went with a worm and he said it was because people used to say he looked like a worm so he adopted it as his symbol...




Fuck man I almost cried when he said that. He's as righteous as they come.

Anyways, he became a chad in my eyes. Being as young as I was I used it to get some more insight on him...




I regret doing so... But at the same time... It brought some much-needed motivation.




In the eyes of everyone who saw him, he was a hero, fighting even when he was hurt.

But behind closed doors... He was just a man... A man born with an incurable disease.


Getting more info on him it seemed he was born with it. They assumed he wouldn't make it but yet. Here he is. Being a hero...

It honestly hurt connecting the dots. The whole worm analogy. It hurt but it brought with it newfound respect.

Because of it he ended up being the first to know I had a quirk, I offered to heal him but he insisted it wasn't necessary. With some persistence I healed him somewhat, I'd heal him fully but honestly... I'm scared. He isn't immoral nor can he heal himself. He's just a guy. A really fucken cool guy. I can't in good faith heal him fully knowing he'd just throw himself back into the hero business. I just can't.


Since then my plans have changed and I hope to bring him back with some notoriety with my upcoming backstory. Him being my motivation as a kid growing up without a quirk aspiring to be a hero. Or a villain who lost his childhood idol. Still, I'm leaning to the side of being a hero, even if I do go down the path of being a villain I don't think I could bring myself to use his name in my schemes.


Getting my answer it seems that Aero is just an underground story that few know about. There is proof but it gets buried with fake videos or fake stories about how he died.

I got a lot of work ahead of me.

In any case, they interrupted my thoughts so they'll get nothing but fabricated news from me.

"Anyways forget about All Might, did you guys hear about what happened to Kamui Woods?"

"Kamui Woods?" "What happened to him?" Time to reel them in.

"He fell into a wood grinder."


"Yeah, a few blocks back he fell into a wood grinder and lost his body from his toes to his neck."

"WHAT!?" As a horde, they ran in the direction I pointed to. I'm sure the teachers are happy about the breathing room but it's not like they won't be back. Well all of them but one, the initial female reporter that was questioning me stopped running and thought out loud.

"Wait a minute, if his body got grinded, he'd just be a head, no way he's still alive."

"He's not... he died." Getting her attention once more she looks at me.

"All right then." She runs off to catch up to her cameraman.




Aizawa and Present Mic walk up to me from the main entrance. Aizawa looks in the direction the reporters ran before looking back at me and asking. "Was any of that true?"

Looking him in the eye I just say, "No, I made it up." Before bursting out laughing.

Present Mic joins in on the nonsensical laughter before wiping a tear and coughing into his hand. "I can't believe you did that. You know you shouldn't say such things to the press, you might get in trouble."

"I get that but sometimes you have to make up stuff for funniness to happen." I finish before wiping my own tear and proceeding to walk into U.A. leaving Aizawa and Present Mic at the front gate to deal with the reporters when they come back.


Before class could start I arrive and make a B line towards Bakugo. With a smile I greet him.

"Hey, Bakugo."

Seems some of the people around us are starved for something to happen since they perk up and begin to eavesdrop on our conversation.

"What do you want extra?" He asks with irritation ever so present in his voice.

"I saw that video of you kicking the shit out of that kid." If people weren't paying attention before they seem to now.

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Keeping my smile I continue.

"That video where you threw your shoe at that kid in the wheelchair."

"HUH, ME?"

"Yeah, there's a video online of you throwing your shoe at some kid in a wheelchair."


"You know, it's the same video of you pushing that kid down the stairs."

Before he can jump me Kirishima holds him back.

While my new buddy Kirishima holds back the angry pomeranian everyone in the class asks themselves the same question, 'Did this really happen, or is he making this stuff up?' That is all they could ask themselves.

But to answer their question Momo steps up. "Did this really happen?" Seems since the whole Madara debacle yesterday has made her more skeptical of me.

"Yeah." That is all I say.

"Do you have a source?" Heh.

"Do I have a source? Yeah, I have a source." Getting everyone's eyes on me I continue.

"My source is that I made it the fuck up."

After finishing my statement I made my way to my seat ignoring some amused stares from my more outgoing classmates.


Class starts and with Aizawa's announcement, it's voting time. Everyone does their little pick me. Looking over at Midoriya I see him do a little hail hitler.

Hmm, anyways...

Like any proper politician, I cheat the system.

With Aizawa looking at me, nullifying my quirk I assume.

With a little sneaky and a bit of forgery, we get our results.


I won with Momo getting vice-president. Aizawa didn't buy that I won fair and square as he should but he has no way of proving that I rigged the vote. After all, he "nullified" my quirk.

After giving my acceptance speech that no one asked for I promised to not let the power go to my head.

After getting my claps class ended and it was time for lunch.


Sitting with class 1-B I met some new faces. Shishida, Kendo, Yui, Kojiro, and Manga.

I even got to see one purple boi. He's doing well but seems his sexual harassment didn't sit too well with his fellow classmates.

He tried roping me in with him but when I refused he called me a racist. I found it to be in bad taste but I was alright with his judgment.

What I wasn't alright with however was how he said it, so as a rebuttal I simply said. "I would rather be known for racism than for sexual harassment." Then walked away, I have a crisp blue-haired fish to find.


No dice, no matter where I went I couldn't seem to run into him, I only had so long before the alarms went off because of the reporters so I decided to use my head and figured he was after information so the most likely place I can run into him would be the teachers' lounge, I'm assuming that's where all the important info is at since I'm not a teacher.


The alarm finally goes off, looking out a nearby window I see the swarm of reporters nagging Aizawa and Present Mic about letting them see All Might.

Some of them are complaining about being made run after a false story, 'Wonder what that's about.'

Ignoring them I look ahead and...




Well, well, what do we have here?

Crispy blue fish. Check.

Files that say Class 1-A is going to USJ. Double check.

Seems I found my victi- target. Hiding away my chapstick I make my approach.

"Hey, hey Mr... Uhm... Who are you?"

Startling the rusty fish he turns around, I can faintly hear the voice coming from his earpiece. The mist man I assume. Must be feeding him lies to try and convince me.

"It seems I've gotten lost, I'm a reporter you see I was hoping to interview All Might."

"But you don't have a camera..."


"...Or a microphone..."


Man, this mist guy isn't a very good con artist if that's all it took to get him quiet.

"I happened to lose my mic so I began to wander around hoping to find it."

"...Is that so? Well lucky you, I happen to find a microphone." Giving him a smile I reach into my pocket and pull out a toy microphone.

He takes it and looks at it before slowly looking up and saying. "This... Isn't mine..."

"I see... Well, regardless your idiocy is going to get you in trouble since this is nowhere near the lost and found." Taking back the toy I reprimand him.

"Not only that how did you get this lost... Unless."

"Unless?" He tenses up.

"You were the one that tripped the alarm..."

Oh, look at him, his fingers are twitching. Wonder why, heh.

"Man you really are a shitty reporter, not only did you get yourself lost but you also lost your stuff. Tsk Tsk Tsk, if it were me I would have fired you the minute you got caught."

Not letting him argue back I continue. "You should have asked for help, I mean you're in a building full of future heroes." Internally I can't help but smirk, I know I'm hitting some of these hero haters' sore spots.

"In any case, shu shu, go on git." Waving him off he holds his tongue and walks off.

"Oi, where do you think you're going?" He turns around, his lies are mediocre but his expressions are solid work of a con artist. "If you go that way you'll get caught. You'll have to jump out the window to avoid getting caught."

To my surprise, he goes for the window.

"Pffft, where you actually going to jump, a fall from this height would injure you ya big dolt. Haha."

So far he's doing a good job holding his anger, his life coach on the earpiece must be working overtime to keep him cool.

"Anyways. go back from which you came ya blue marauder. shu shu." Watching him walk away ready to snap I can't help but snicker at the fact someone is going to have to deal with that sooner or later, heh it'll probably be me since we have to go to USJ not too long after this.

I hope it's me, nothing would fuel me more than beating a man child.


Going on with the day it's time to go to USJ.

"We'll be doing rescue training." That's the cue to get ready. Getting my case, I put on my hero costume and gave Jomar a scratch under his chin.

Aizawa seemed pretty enthralled with Jomar, you'd think he knew him. Hmm, odd.




Currently outside I'm blowing a whistle. Letting the power go to my head I bark out.

"Get in the bus maggots."

"Just get in?" The budget spiderman tried sassing me.

"Did I stutter? Get. In. The. Bus. Now." A little conqueror's haki goes a long way when people have little to no way of countering it.

But man totally to toot my own horn but becoming president sure was a wise choice on my part. I'm in a hurry to get to USJ so I can advance my armament haki with this Nomu incident. And abusing my power can get this show on the road.


Not much of relevance happened during the bus ride there. I wanted to join the dog pile and bully- I mean tease Bakugo during the trip but that would be immature so I chose not to but I did, however, allude to it. Got to keep him on his feet after all.

While the teasing had died down Tsu decided to bring up Madara's quirk, while Jiro had for the most part kept her promise of not telling anyone about mine, the topic of Madara's quirk was still unknown, well to them at least.

To avoid the question Momo answered simply, "Chakra, It's called chakra." Getting confused reactions from the others. Guess she also likes watching people wander around in the dark.


"Chakra huh..." Pondering aloud I made a thinking face.

"Do you have an idea?" Eijiro asked.

"Hmm, more or less. Chakra is just a common thing in most meditation. Brought up in most religions. Think Nirvana or Shangri-La."

"But what does that have to do with his quirk?" Asked the curious frog girl.

"Well, you see Tsu-chan chakra is more often than not considered life... energy." Pulling a face of shocking realization I slowly open my eyes and let my mouth hang. This gets their undivided attention.

While everyone is eagerly awaiting my answer I purposely hold my tongue, the sheer look of nervousness on Momo is humorous.

Pulling up my hands in front of my face I mimic some of the hand signs that Madara used.

"OO, I get it!" And with that I leave all the pieces of the puzzle out in the open, I'm sure given enough time someone like Midoriya can piece it together but for now, let's leave it as an open mystery for them to enjoy.


When we arrived 13 gave the quirks can kill speech but I decided to add on after she had finished.

"Sure quirks can hurt people, but my quirk can't." Pointing my thumb at myself I continue. "My quirk doesn't hurt people, I hurt people."

Basking in the uncomfortable atmosphere I created, I don't add on.

'Now we wai-'

I couldn't even finish my thoughts when suddenly the lights went out.

'Heh, it's show time.' I'm feeling really giddy, like a dog that finally caught a car after chasing it for so long.


A black spiral opened up by the fountain in the middle of the building.

Out of it stepped the hand burglar and a bunch of attack on titan rejects., but most importantly my ticket to advancing my A-haki is here.


Ignoring Madara telling Aizawa he can take em, I jump down only to be greeted by handy.

"You!!" He points one of his many fingers at me, his anger in his voice speaks volumes about my treatment of him.

"You!?" Pointing right back I ask, "Who are you?"




While I'm having this quick pointing competition with handy, Madara is recreating the Shinobi Alliance Massacre behind me. Poor fools.

Ignoring the massacre handy yells at Nomu, "KILL HIM!" Guess he's mad.

Without a second thought, Nomu charges, His fist meeting my chest making a crunching noise followed by a noticeable BOOM.


Following the wind whistling, another BOOM resonates. The walls just next to the stairs shatter like glass making everyone just above the stair feel the vibrations from the impact.

Shocked faces become a norm as maniacal laughter can be heard from handy.






Out I came from the floating dust. Blood flowed down from the top of my head covering my face.

Bringing my hand up I cover a hole on my nose and breathe out with a snort. Clearing my congested nose with that a small pool of blood comes out letting me breathe in full again.

Looking over I respot handy who stopped laughing.

"Hehe, say handjob can your bird punch any harder, or am I wasting my time here." Bringing my arms out I taunt the bird inviting another punch.

In truth that shit hurt, it still stings but right now that pain means progress. That punch alone brought me higher than two years has. Right now this Nomu is my cash cow, and I'm going to milk it for all it's worth.


Conquerors haki began leaking out, compared to then and now, holding in my C-haki was trivially easy compared to now. This is just too exciting.

Without even giving the order Nomu rushed me again, dodging would be easy but dodging won't bring improvement.


Slamming right back into the wall Nomu doesn't stop punching forward.







Eventually, I feel my haki no longer increase.

Two and a half minutes were all it took before I stopped benefiting from Nomu's attempts at making me ground beef.

Guess I should return the favor.




With a sudden drop in temperature, a deafening boom is heard. Light bulbs around the arena shatter from the sudden explosion.


In between the rock area and the fire area, the glass panels shattered with the impact. in its wake, a trail was left before Nomu slammed into the other side of the arena.

"Oof, that sure hurts. I might feel that tomorrow ya know." Moving my hands to my chest I give my spine some good twists and turns to get a wave of satisfying cracks. "Though it feels better already."

My phoenix fruit was working its magic, while I purposefully slowed it down significantly, the waves of healing left me at peace.

Using my O-Haki I found that Nomu was still kicking, with a smirk I thought. 'Guess the show ain't over yet.'


Madara POV

Looking over at him with my sharingan, his rib cage is practically non-existent. Bone fractures and ruptured organs all over. If I had to guess the shockwaves from the Nomu's punches alone formed cracks along his skeletal structure, yet...




Yet... he's standing there like nothing happened, with the exception of his blood covering his body, from his expression alone you'd think he was fine.

That smug smirk present even as he's dying is telling of the kind of person he is.

'Tch, even in the end I can't tell was he's thinking.'


Suddenly he makes his move, he walks backward back into the clouds of dust the Nomu's pummeling had kicked up.

And then...




The dust he retreated in had dispersed and he was nowhere to be found. On the ground, another trail had appeared mimicking the trail left behind by the Nomu.

'Did he...'

He moved, I guessed from my past experience that he had teleported by no, he moved towards the Nomu.


Pinning big purple against the wall I begin a volley of punches.

"Lo, Di, Piu"


"Oh, How I need you."

Continuing my barrage of attacks I begin the little song Aero used to do when he was severely injured.

"Di Tutto Quello Che Avro Da Te~~"



"Anche Se Tu Mi Amerai, If you would leave me I would die~"




"Lo Ti Daro Di Piu~, Di Piu~"



"Am I losing you~"


Leaving Nomu thoroughly beaten I walk away.

Walking away the entirety of the crashed in wall had all but collapsed with the pieces falling outside due to the constant shockwaves sent throughout.

'Man I sure am sore.' I can't help but pout thinking about my current progress.


Getting a good view of everything now that I'm out of the rubble it looks like everyone did what they were supposed to.

Madara did the majority of the heavy lifting but that's to be expected. I'm just glad he didn't drop a meteor. Finding my way out of that would have been a pain.

Pulling out eye drops I start dabbing my eyes. 'Can't be seeing only red now, I'm meant to be a hero right now.'


Suddenly Nomu springs back up and makes a B line towards me.

'Guess his modifications make him more persistent. But...'

His punch makes contact with my cheek but it has nowhere near as much force as it initially did.

'... I did more than just use you as a punching bag.'

While my "quirk" can only nullify other quirks while I'm touching them, I've figured out that I can keep the effect if I just leave some phoenix fire on them. And since I might have gone overboard trying to finish the song but I kept him alive by passively healing him while attacking him. With that, I can constantly nullify his multiple quirks while keeping him alive to continue to serve as my punching bag.

'Right now he's harmless, I'm sure everyone else can keep him down if they apply some elbow grease.' Finishing my inner bragging I push him off me and make my way to help everyone else so we can go home.

"I've had my fun, but I doubt I can say the same about everyone else." Walking into a shady area I disappear to help where I can.


Madara POV

With everything getting wrapped up, the "USJ incident" was coming to an end.

The remaining villains that didn't get manhandled made their getaway by running into the portal made by Kurogiri, the only one left was Shigaraki who was complaining that we cheated.

I didn't get to take on Nomu but thanks to that I got more insight into what Leo is capable of.

Speaking of the devil as if on cue he started taunting the man child when suddenly he went quiet. It's unusual but he just stopped mid-insult.

Using my sharingan I looked at his beaten organs, he wasn't dead but I guess his body finally gave out and he passed out.


"Woah, that's so manly," Eijiro commented with stars in his eyes.

Seeing his opportunity Shigaraki jumped into a portal that Kurogiri made and suddenly popped out of another portal by Leo going for the neck.

Everyone including myself nearby went in for defense but we wouldn't make it.




Before he could get him, he was grabbed in turn by an unconscious Leo, on instinct he grabbed Shigaraki by his neck. Before anything else could happen...


An invisible pressure appeared around him out of nowhere.

Shigaraki squirmed as he tried to free himself by decaying his arm. It was fruitless since his grip wasn't getting loose, so he focus on his thumb to break free.

After a while, his thumb came off and Shigaraki was free coughing and wheezing before he could hit the floor...

*Bang* *Bang*

Gunshots rang out as the pro heroes showed up, hitting an already injured Shigaraki as he fell into a portal made by Kurogiri.


Leo just stood there still unconscious with his arm still up as if he was still holding Shigaraki. His arm was missing skin with parts from the muscle under the skin missing. Going further up his hand was missing the entirety of its skin along with the missing thumb.

The pros came down to try and get him to a hospital but I warned them against moving him since his rib cage was basically shattered any sudden movement could cause a stray bone to further damage his internal organs. So they backed off and waited for the ambulances to arrive.

I could have healed him somewhat with the mystical palm technique but he isn't dying anytime soon, plus he isn't the only one who can be petty.




Outside we group up to do a quick check-up, since the class president is out of commission Momo takes attendance.

No one was majorly injured with the exception of the class president. Currently, he is asleep in an ambulance as they get ready to transfer him to an emergency room.

As the ambulance begins to leave the back doors burst open... with a familiar... black flame...










Bursting out of the ambulance he walks out of the black flames as they enclose themselves around him and disappear.

"Oya Oya, Who made me into a mummy?" Noticing his arms he points out the precautions the paramedics took so he didn't bleed out. Before he could get anything else out he coughs out blood into his hand.

Wanting to see how big he messed up I activate my sharingan. To my surprise, he's just fine...

But he barely slept for like 10 minutes how can he be fine?

To my knowledge, there isn't a quirk that can heal someone so quickly so how?

Taking a closer look I surprise myself further, his bones...




Are black...