
Dark Phoenix In MHA (Demo)

Leo dies, meets god, and gets reincarnated into MHA with 2 devil fruits. The Phoenix fruit, and the Darkness Fruit. A lazy fast paced prelude. This is technically my third book as the first one is still in its planning stages but to get more used to writing I'll be writing this one. Feedback would be appreciated.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
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Battle Time

Man having to re-take classes I already did a second time sure is boring.

If it weren't for my uncooperative buddy I'd die of boredom.

To make sure lunch was memorable though, I decided to make some friends out of Class B.


How? It's simple really.



I just sat down with them.

To be specific I sat with the metal one, the lizard one, and the copy one.

"Hello there!" Almost slamming my tray down on the table I call out to my new compatriots.



'Eeep?' 'Eeeek?'- A similar question goes around as the people seated around us get slightly startled by the sudden screech of one invisible person and one lizard person.

Taking a glance around I spot Madara doing something similar to me. Heh, guess my best bud and I had the same idea.

"Heh, sorry about that." Giving the best apologetic look I could muster you'd guess I was actually apologizing.

"I- it's nothing I was just surprised is all," Sheepishly responding to me she tries to change the subject. "D-Did you need something? Are you lost?"

"Nah, if anything I'm two steps back from where I want to be. I was just looking for somewhere to sit, this place is pretty packed."

The metal one jumps in, "Right finding a seat after everyone is packed in is hard like, like..." At a loss for words, he just slams his fists together to make his point.

"Heh, right. I'm Leo by the way." Bringing my fist out he bumps it in turn. "Tatsutatsu, the jittery one is Setsuna."

Looking over at the silent blond one, he's been observing me since I made my slamming introduction. Noticing my gaze he finally decides to introduce himself, he gives a fake welcoming smile and says.

"I'm Neito Monoma, from class 1-B. What class are you from?" Yup, that's the Monoma all right. the one everyone knows. A con artist through and through. Too bad I'm also a con artist, heh.

"Pleasure, I'm not too sure about my class since I missed orientation yesterday. I got here late today since I live pretty far away."

Based on his challenging gaze it seems he isn't taking my excuse as an answer.

"Eeehh, but they should have told you when you arrived today."

"Due to my absence yesterday my position was delayed so they told me to go to lunch while they sorted some stuff out."

"If you'd like I could accompany you so we could go find out what class you're in, together."

"Hm, it's fine I remember the way back, plus lunch is almost over I rather not get in the way of your hero studies. Who knows how long it'll take until I get assigned to a class."

The atmosphere around us was getting heavy with every word uttered as we passive-aggressively responded to each other.

Not acknowledging the toxic atmosphere Tetsutesu butted in. "We could probably guess what class you'd end up in if you'd tell us your quirk."

"Hm, my quirk isn't anything impressive."

"Tetsutesu is right we could save you the trouble of having to anticipate what class you'd end up in if we guessed now."

"Well, you do have a point there. The anticipation is killing me." Adding some emphasis on the is, his eyes light up, you'd almost think he won something.

"My quirk is nothing grand, simply put I can warp things if people aren't looking at them. There are other requirements but that's the gist of it." Reaching under the table I pull out a golf club earning me some impressed looks from my table mates.

By my presentation alone I managed to undersell my quirk enough for someone to think it's pretty good but not top U.A. good. If anything anyone looking in would think I would end up in 1B. And that is all it took to get on Monoma's good side.

Deciding to welcome me as a fellow 1B member the rest of lunch went off without a hitch.




And with that, the gaslighting continues.




The day was coming to an end and the final class was Hero Basic Training.

Which means it's time to throw hands.

We start off with All Might bursting through the door like a normal person.

"I am...




Going to ignore the whole debacle and zone out.


Going outside for some battle training as one would call it with everyone dressed in their hero outfits.

I decided to go practical and wore a simple black outfit. It consisted of a black zip-up jacket, black baggy training pants with a black belt weaved through the waist as well as black slip-on shoes. The main thing of focus was what I had on my back. A grayish long worm-looking bag wrapped around my torso with its head hanging on my shoulder.

"Woah, you really blacked out huh, but what's with the weird worm thing?" A pair of floating gloves commented.

"Oi" Startling the gloves. "Don't be mean to Jomar." Petting the inanimate worm to soothe his gentle heart I continue. "His past war crimes don't define him."

"What past war cri-"

"Anyways Jomar helps with my quirk. His mouth stretches open so I can take out anything I have at my disposal."

"Why not something like a backpack?" Aux cord asked the most insensitive question I've ever heard.

"Jomar is significantly better than ANY backpack."

I was about to go on a tirade on why Jomar was the best backpack when a familiar face showed up. It's ya boi Madara. Dawning that crimson drip for the pure aesthetic alone. I can respect that, sometimes the drip comes first before practicality.

What caught my eye was the staff on his back, knowing him he must have copied the original staff so it must be the iconic Gunbai.

I'm sure he won't mind if I take a look at it...





Madara POV

"So badass!" A certain redhead said.

While getting comments about my hero costume and All Might announcing the teams I took a look around and spotted a familiar figure dressed in black. It was him alright and in his hands he was playing around with a familiar staff.

'I know I've seen it somewhere, but where?' Reaching around my back I felt nothing.








Going for a second grab still felt nothing.





Finally putting two and two together I'm a little surprised. 'When did he-'

Before I could finish my thoughts he handed me back my staff.

"Neat staff, really going for the whole samurai aesthetic huh? I can respect that." He finishes before walking off.

'He's either sneakier or faster than I give him credit for. Seems I'll have to keep an eye on him, he's yet to make his intentions known so I can't let my guard down with him around.'

Putting my Gunbai on my back again, I keep my stoic look. Can't give him the satisfaction.


'Tch, still no reaction.' Grumbling I look and focus back on All Might reading his script.

Two on Two battles and whatnot, Seems replacing Pikachu has earned me a teammate in Jiro. And Madara in turn gets teamed up with Momo.

And with this, it seems Me and Jiro will be facing off against Madara and Momo.


As we made our way to the monitoring room I was pulled by Jiro off to the side to talk strategy.

"So any plans?"

"Yeah... I was thinking pizza after all this. You?"




I couldn't help but notice a bit of resentment start to develop in her eyes.

"I meant for the exercise," Her annoyance starts to become more noticeable.

"Oh yeah... I have a few." I say before I start to walk off.

I don't even need to look back to see that a tick mark has formed on her forehead.

She grabs my shoulder and unexpectantly she just sighs before continuing.

"Would you mind sharing then?" Seems she's not all that confident we can win. Even without knowing what he could do his appearance alone screams confidence. Hell if I was some random pleb and was told Madara would be my opponent I wouldn't even bother.

But Jiro isn't some random pleb is she? She's actively looking for a way to win so I guess the least I could do is help.

"Yeah... I can clue you in, but first... you can keep a secret right?" My plan runs entirely on using my "Darkness Quirk" but it would involve doing some things I've yet to disclose to anyone and having some of Jiro's help during this plan I can avoid anyone seeing too much of my abilities.

"Yeah, why?" Chucking a bit at her confusion I continue.

"For fun."

"For fun?"

Looking ahead I notice some people let their curiosity get the better of them as they try to listen in, even my near and dear friend is trying to eavesdrop. Heh, let them listen, this will be a perfect chance to continue what I already did in middle school.

Raising my voice a bit I put on my usual villain facade I used during the good old days.

"Yeah, it's fun keeping people in the dark." Letting out my signature cackle I continue. "It's amusing to watch people run around clueless about what's going on. Like headless chickens."

Using observation haki I can see some people get unnerved by my declaration.




It'll continue.




After properly discussing my plan with Jiro we made our way into the monitoring room to watch the rest of the matches before it was our turn. It's a shame we have to play heroes, I would have really played it up as a villain, truly a shame.


Madara POV

"Are you going to end it quickly or give them a chance?" Momo said already knowing my answer. Knowing the trouble Leo had been causing, she naturally knew that I wanted to take advantage of the situation.

"Hmm... This could be a good opportunity to see how strong he is but at the same time he's as sneaky as they come." Just as I finished the lights went out. Looking up I continued "One slip up and he'll instantly take advantage of it," I said as Momo nodded her head in understanding. Two years and he really left an impact, we are going in blind, literally, while he has some idea of what we are capable of.

"For now let's not get careless," I said concluding my thoughts to her.

"Alright then, let's end this," Momo replied. 'It's a shame it isn't the other way around, I did say I'd beat him down if he were a villain.'

After finishing our conversation I clasped my hands together...


"So... You plan of fighting him yourself?" Jiro said still sounding unsure as we made our way through the dark building.

"I did say I had a plan didn't I, plus if didn't I probably would have just jumped in and hopped for the best," I said with absolute confidence. While what Madara's quirk could be is still up in the air I have a rough idea that it's literally the same as the original. Plus knowing Momo's quirk only added to my plan's credibility.

It seems my charisma stat is high since some of my confidence rubbed off on her.

Continuing with the plan Jiro pinpoints where they are when suddenly the walls sprouted branches. 'Yup looks like my guess was right in the ballpark.'

Jiro struggled as the branches made their way around us.

"Close your eyes for a bit." She did as I asked and with that, the branches exploded.

"Guess you weren't kiddi-" She couldn't finish as I interrupted her.

"Scatter." She jumped into a nearby room as approaching footsteps can be heard.

With that, the fun had started.




Doing some gang signs Madara finished and yelled out, "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique."

'Right on the money.' Internally giving myself a pat on the back I reached into Jomar and pulled out a water hose yelling back out.

"Water Style: Great Gunshot." Might as well play into the theatrics and hopefully freak him out a bit, hehe.

Pulling on the leaver a burst of water shot out colliding with the Fireball and filling the compact room full of steam.

During the sauna I kept track of Jiro making sure the plan was progressing, she found the escape ladders and is making her way up.

'Need to keep moving this along.' Rushing into the fray I pull out a bat from Jomar and charge.

Through the steam I take my swing as he counters with his staff, alternating between low swings and broad swings we send sparks into the air as we counter each other.

'Come on hit me I want you to do it, come on HIT ME.' Choosing to temporarily drop his staff he moved in and began fighting me in close quarters.

Going for the grab his fingers graze my bat as I push it into him and spin it on his forearm using the momentum I grab one end of it and slam the other into his jaw. Moving with the bat he narrowly avoids it.

While moving he side flips and brings his leg up for a roundhouse kick, doing the same I move with it and kick his standing leg forcing him to either go for a straight kick into my chest or be bombarded with kicks when his knee hits the ground.

Going for the former Madara reinforces his leg before kicking me into a wall and throwing up hand signs. "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough."

Slamming into the wall from the force of the kick I'm met with a sudden gust of wind slamming me further into the wall making it collapse on me.






Madara POV

'Maybe that was overdoing it.' Was the main thought in my head while looking at the blown-away hall.

From the outside you could see a chunk of the building is now missing and under that rubble was Leo.

Shrugging my shoulders, "That's that I guess." I expected more but it is what it i-

Suddenly behind me, a muffled BANG lets loose.

Tens of little pellets hit me from behind staggering me forward. Turning back there he is with a shotgun and that damn smirk.

Cocking the shotgun back he lets out another shot.

I duck into a nearby room with the pallets grazing my leg on the way in.

"HOW!?" I yell out only to receive an annoying remark, "Heh, who knows."

My thoughts began to run frantically. 'I'm sure I got him, so why does he look so unscathed?"

The same question kept repeating in my head, but his sudden yell brought me out, "Flashbang" a small grenade was thrown into the room before immediately exploding into a flash of light.

The light turned everything hazy as the constant afterimages from the bang kept flashing in my eyes while constantly making my ears ring.

He said something I couldn't understand and proceeded to tie my hands and feet with the capture tape we were given.





"Madara Uchiha has been captured!!!" The announcement had been made.

While Madara was getting his bearings I told him I'd fix him up after the exam, I proceeded to use the capture tape we were given to tie him up getting him disqualified.

"Phew, that impact sure did hurt." Whipping imaginary sweat off my forehead I said out loud to the Madara under me.

"How?" Was all the dazed Madara could ask me.

"Hmm, well it's simple. I just used my quirk, heh." Before he could press on I cut him off and said.

"Welp, I'd love to stay and chat but I got an exam to finish. See ya," I walked off leaving an aggravated Madara in my wake.

Using my observation haki I made my way over to the room above Momo to continue the plan.




"Hey Jiro, you ready?"

"Ready when you are." Getting my confirmation I pulled out a blanket and a net gun.

Laying the blanket down on the floor under me I signaled to Jiro to throw the smoke bomb.

While she was distracted I pulled the blanket revealing the section of floor under it to be missing. Jumping down I shot Momo with the net gun from behind capturing her while Jiro climbed in from the window and secured the bomb.

"Hero team wins!" All Might yelled out from the monitor room.

Cutting Momo loose I walked off knowing Madara most likely already freed himself after the announcement had been made.

Running into Madara just as I stepped out of the room I decide to dampen any anger still present.

"Yawn, that sure was fun." His face might not show it but his eyes sure do. He's mad, heh.

"Can you use it too?" Partly ignoring my remark he simply asked me.

"Use what?" Feigning ignorance I simply asked.

Letting his face show more emotion than he has in my years of taunting he asks again.

"Can. You. Use. It?" Trying to goat an answer out of me are we, heh. Let's see how far I can get you to go.

Flashing him a smirk I simply turn around and look at Momo who along with Jiro had been watching the whole articulation take place.

So far Madara has seen me or rather heard me say my attacks like him, but he hasn't seen me do hand seals so right now I'm assuming he's assuming I can use chakra.

I can't but that's no reason not to give him a scare.

Bringing my hand up I extend my index and middle finger while my other fingers are curled with my thumb pressing down on my ring finger.

I yell out "Amaterasu!" and a black flame shoots towards Momo.

Madara pushes past me yelling "NOO!" and runs towards Momo who looks shell-shocked as Madara just ran at her.

The flames reach her first and then...








Absolutely nothing happens. My phoenix flames can't hurt anything they can only heal but they don't need to know that. Not yet at least.

Madara looks back at me with the most angered look I've ever seen on a person.

Looking him in the eyes I just shrug. 'I mustn't laugh, I mustn't laugh.'

"Guess not." With that, I finally take my leave and head back to the monitoring room so we can be done with today.

"*Yawn* Today sure was exciting wasn't it."


I planned on going back to the monitoring room but at the last minute, I decided to head into the infirmary instead for a quick nap. Going into the monitoring room now I was bound to be asked questions that I couldn't be asked to answer.


After waking up with the help of some ducking and weaving I made my way out and back home. I wasn't particularly tired but might as well call it a day since the day I've been looking forward to is just around the corner.