
Dark Phoenix In MHA (Demo)

Leo dies, meets god, and gets reincarnated into MHA with 2 devil fruits. The Phoenix fruit, and the Darkness Fruit. A lazy fast paced prelude. This is technically my third book as the first one is still in its planning stages but to get more used to writing I'll be writing this one. Feedback would be appreciated.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Tournament Prelude


Somewhere in an empty void lies droeloe headquarters.

Inside said headquarters, production for Dark Phoenix In MHA is currently in progress.

Heading further inside we go into a specific employee's office, Herman Ferdinand.

His office isn't much only housing its basic necessities like a desk, chairs, a computer, a phone, a shredder, and a printer.

Currently, Herman is hard at work browsing the internet...




Fucking Herman


While browsing he receives an email. Opening the email he gives it a quick read and Herman can't help but sigh.

"*inhale* Fuck.*exhale*"

The contents of the email are currently unknown so why don't we keep watching and find out?

Reaching for the phone he types in an extension number.

Waiting for a bit the person he's dialing to picks up.

???: "Hello?"

A disinterested voice answers.

Herman: "Hey Sharell it's me, Herman."

Her tone of voice picks up before responding.

Sharell: "Oh, hey Herman how are you?"

Herman: "I'm doing good how are you doing?"

Sharell: "Same old same old you know?"

Herman: "Yeah, yeah that's great how are the folks?"

Sharell: "Oh You know them still managing to get into trouble."

A few moments of silence play out before she continues.

Sharell: "So anyways what can I do you for?"

Herman: "Yeah, I was calling to see if Madara checked in yet?"

Sharell: "Madara... Madara... let's see."

We hear her typing away looking up Madara in the registry.

Sharell: "Ah... Here he is... Let's see... Yup says here he checked in a few minutes ago."

Herman: "(fuck) That's good. Can you phone him in and tell him to come to my office?"

Sharell: "Sure thing... Sure thing. I'll give him a call and send him your way."

Herman: "Thanks Sharell. I appreciate it."

Sharell: "It's no biggie... Anyways after this do you have so ti-"

She is cut off by yelling in the background.


???: "I'm sorry boss I was just telling hi-"


Sharell: "Oops sorry, gotta go, I'll talk to you later."

She hangs up leaving a startled Herman.



"Wonder what she wanted..."




A few moments later there's a knock on the door.

"It's me, Madara."

The person outside yells in.

Clearing his throat Herman yells back. "*ahem* It's open."

Peeking inside Madara says, " You wanted to see me?"

Getting up from his chair Herman greets him.

"Yeah, come on in and take a seat."

Making his way into the office Madara takes a seat in front of Herman.

"(Fuck how to put this.)"


Giving it some quick thought Herman says, "Your services here are no longer required."

"What!?" Says Madara being caught off guard.

"We decided to go with a different Madara." Finishes Herman

"What do you mean different Madara?"

Getting his thoughts in order Herman recalls the email. "You see you weren't that well received so we decided to go a different route."

"What do you mean not well received?"

"You see either people didn't like you being in the story or they just didn't care."

"What do you mean? What about the ones that said they didn't mind?"

"Right now that's beside the point. In the end, the boss figured that he wanted to potentially write more than three and a half seasons so he had to let you go. It's much easier to write about an original OC rather than someone else's."

"So he's just going to write another Madara?"

Herman looks back at the email and responds, "Ehh... Probably not, he's looking at what would be more fun to write in the long run. There's no point in writing it if it isn't fun."

"So that's it? I'm fired?"

"I don't know what else to tell you."

An awkward silence fills the room as Madara sits there before muttering out, "Guess it's back to the unfinished Fanfictions for me."

"Yeah... hopefully, your original author comes back. We're all waiting."

"Yeah... Yeah... So when do I have to turn in my resignation?"

"Um... Before uh... Before... the chapter starts."

"WHAT!? You're kidding me right?"

"It's just the way it is. I'm- I'm just a messenger."

"Fine." Not seeing any other alternative he takes a quick breath before he responds and then processes to walk out, but not without slamming the door on his way out leaving Herman alone to his thoughts.

'I wonder how he'll react to the announcement later?'


After the whole debacle, U.A. temporarily shut down for safety reasons. Class is now back in session with everyone being as lively as ever. Conversations are ongoing and seemingly endless with the main topic still being the villains' attack. Whether it's about the actual attack or the news broadcast about it everyone seems to have something to talk about.

Currently, I'm zoning out thinking about last night's events. I should be sluggish since last night's escapades with Yu evolved into escapades with Nemuri... then that evolved into escapades with both Yu and Nemuri since Nemuri choose to be particularly loud that evening waking the sleeping Yu with her moans.

Having the Phoenix fruit at my disposal means I can recover along as I have stamina and since my body is technically from One Piece I have a stupid good stamina. Compared to Nemuri who's walking around with a limp while looking like a zombie and Yu who took the day off for similar reasons makes me wonder just how long I can go on before I start to resemble a raisin. Since all it took to recover was a quick nap during the train ride to U.A. and I feel good as new.

Before I could begin making theories in my head I was interrupted by Aizawa making his way into the classroom. Still looks like a shriveled-up homeless man but at least he isn't a heavily injured homeless man, so that's a plus.

"Quiet down, there are announcements that need to be made." Getting everyone's attention he continues. "Your fight isn't over..."

Leaving it ambiguous a panicked Kaminari speaks out, "Fight!? Don't tell me there are more villains!"

Panic begins to ensue with the less daring as Aizawa gives them a quirk-powered glare.

Deciding to play along I instigate.

"Ehhh, don't tell me you guys are scared to fight some 2-bit villains?"

"2-BIT VILLAINS!? THEY TOOK YOUR THUMB!!" An enraged Kaminari yells back.

"Again with the thumb talk." Giving an exasperated sigh I continue, "Look I get that they may be scary and you guys are prone to pissing the bed at such occurrences but..."




A few eye twitches go around before Sato asks me to finish my sentence, "But?"



"Ah, I got nothin'. Sorry, I can't come up with an excuse for you guys, you're just a bunch of pansies, hehe"

Further mocking them while holding in a laugh the scowls on their face becoming more evident, but before they could bite back Aizawa reels everyone back in with his signature glare which for some reason is pointed mostly at me before continuing where he left off.

"The U.A. sports festival is drawing near and you're all going to participate in it." And just like that everyone's spirits go back to normal by something as basic as announcing the sports festival.

Raising her hand Jiro asks a sain person's question by bringing up the villain's assault, "But would it be safe to hold such an event after the villain's assault on USJ?"

Before Aizawa could answer I just but in once again, "Yes."

Getting everyone's eyes on me Jiro looks back at me, "Care to clarify?" Skeptical written all over her face as she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.





Seeing an opportunity Momo jumps in and gives her reasoning, "It's a perfect idea if you think about it. If U.A. still holds the sports festival despite the villain's attack it will show that it wasn't enough to tear U.A. down. It is after all one of the largest events every year taking over the Olympics during the pre-quirk era."

Seeing the slower students having a hard time processing what she said I jump in, "Exactly, as Momo said it would show U.A. ain't no pushovers and it would take more than some 2-bit villains to shut down such a widely broadcasted event."

Everyone turned back to the front of the classroom to gauge Aizawa's reaction, his bored look as bored as ever but he didn't make any attempts to shut down anything that we said so with that everyone's initial fears were quelled as they were replaced with excitement.

"Now knowing that I want you all to train hard before the festival starts so you can give it your all, but for now let's begin the lesson." After giving the announcement Aizawa officially starts homeroom.


As the lunch bell rang class was dismissed. With everyone packing their things and talking about the sports festival. I wanted to get to lunch early but it seems other classes get out before the bell rings.

First to open the door was Deku and his group, I contemplated taking the back door and avoiding everyone outside but I have to be problematic at all costs.

Making my way to the front of the classroom Bakugo is already making friends.

"Out of my way, extras."

From behind him Midoriya and Uraraka groan as Iida yells at him.

"Stop calling people "extras" just because you don't know them!"

The crowd begins to shift as someone makes their way through. That someone has purple hair, purple eyes, and eyes that match Aizawa's usual tired look.

"I came to see what the famous Class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant."

Talking while making his way through the crowd he finally asks, "Are all students in the hero course like this?"

Hearing his words Bakugo growls, from behind him Iida, Midoriya, and Uraraka wave their heads and hands saying no.

"So?" Getting their attention I add, "Who says a hero needs to be humble?"

"So Class A is just filled with egomaniacs." He says while shaking his head.

"Not really, I'm just cranky I didn't get my breakfast this morning due to being in a tight spot, and right now all I got to munch on..."

Pausing I look around before looking back at him.

"... are low-hanging fruit."

He stops shaking his head and looks up to me to meet my gaze, that lazy mocking look in his eyes is gone and replaced with a budget Aizawa glare.

Similar glares go around the crowd, "Listen, I get that the sports festival gives those who didn't make the cut the first time around a chance to move into one of the hero courses. But you aren't going to be moving at all if all you do is look. So what good is scouting us gonna do?"

"Scouting the enemy?" Bringing the attention back to him Shinso decides to speak again, "I'm just here to let all realize that if you don't bring your best... I'll steal your spot from under you. Consider this a declaration of war."

"Yeah yeah, So what?"

"So, it means if any of you aren't up to scruff you're don-"


"Again listen, I don't care, you have as much chance of getting in Class 1-A as you did during the entrance exam."

Letting out some C-haki, sweat begins to roll down the crowd's back as they go from in and out of consciousness.

"We aren't some pushovers, and it's my job as a class rep to make sure you know that..." I stopped releasing C-haki as I continued, "So let me give you something else to fight for."

Coming out of his stupor Shinso burst out, "W-what!?"

Slowly but surely everyone else follows.

"I already asked Principal Nezu to put my spot up for grabs during the sports festival.."

"WHAT!!?" Equal shock spread across the mob outside and my classmates inside.

"During the festival, if at any time someone manages to beat me in any of the competitions they will be guaranteed my spot in Class 1-A. The announcement will be formally made during the festival."

With that, I spot Tetsutetsu making his way to Class 1-A so I make my way through the crowd towards him, but Shinso stops me before I fully get out.

"Wait a minute, what if someone from Class A beats you?"

Looking back at him and everyone I just shrug.

"I'll drop out of U.A."

And finally, after that, I abandon the crowd leaving them shocked, and wave to Tetsu, "Oii Tetsu, let me hit you I've gotten stronger."

"Huuh, you think you can hurt me with your fleshy punches?"

"Hehe, only one way to find out."

Departing with Testsu we first head off to the cafeteria for some much-needed nourishment.


Currently, we are with Madara as he packs his things and gets ready to head out of droeloe headquarters and back to unfinished fanfictions until the loudspeakers turn on and make him pause as he listens in.

???: "Hey hey it's me ya boi here to make the weekly announcements."

Oh, it's ya boi here to make the announcements.

Ya Boi: "First things first, this week is probably the biggest news we're going to be getting in a while so listen up. It seems Madara has decided to quit."


Both inside and outside of Madara's room a similar question is asked.

Ya Boi: "Now I know you're all wondering why and it's pretty simple. It seems that Madara's original author has come back and has sent a cease and desist and to save the boss from a lawsuit Madara decided to quit of his own free will. *sniff* What a noble guy. *sniff*"

'That son of a-'

Ya Boi: "In any case be sure to give Madara goodbyes and thank you's on his way out. He really helped us during these trying times. In other more shocking news, it seems that Dark Phoenix in MHA is going to be discontinued."

Going outside of Madara's room we see droeloe employees panicking saying things like "what!?" And "But I have a family to feed!" Just then Ya Boi comes back on the speaker.

Ya Boi: "Now now, don't panic everyone it won't be discontinuing right away, the boss plans on discontinuing the story after season 2 is said and done. The reason for the discontinuation is because the boss plans a rewrite and in doing so more chapters will be added to fix inconsistencies and pacing issues and in the long run, the rewrite version will be a more consistent read than the original."

'Yay's' go all around as the employees find out they aren't out of a job.

Ya Boi: "That being said the original will for the most part continue with its pacing issues but won't be as blatant as they used to be since the boss is making an effort to fix such a rookie mistake."

After a pause and letting everyone soak in the information Ya Boi continues.

Ya Boi: "We'll that's all I got for you today be sure to keep working and whatnot. Ya Boi out.
