
Dark Phoenix In MHA (Demo)

Leo dies, meets god, and gets reincarnated into MHA with 2 devil fruits. The Phoenix fruit, and the Darkness Fruit. A lazy fast paced prelude. This is technically my third book as the first one is still in its planning stages but to get more used to writing I'll be writing this one. Feedback would be appreciated.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Tornament I

Not much happened after the confrontation with the mob. The day proceeds as normal except for Tetsu who got a busted lip for unknown reasons.

The following days passed by with everyone doing their own kind of training. The day of the tournament was coming up and I was moved out of class A into class E and a small explanation was given.

The day of the festival/tournament had arrived and it was time to show off a bit during the public broadcasting.

Currently, we're waiting on everyone to be called out into the main stage and for the tournament to get started properly with the announcements of the participating classes.

'Well, it's here. The day Present Mic reveals the inner working of my "quirk"*sigh*.'

We're currently making our way out into the arena with Present Mic announcing the classes as they come out.

"-Next up, general studies Classes C, D, and E. Support course, Classes F, G, and H are here, too! And business course, Classes I, J, and K. All of U.A.'s first years are here now!"

We all made our way to the center of the arena.

"We're just here to make those guys look better, huh?" said one discouraged boy.

"I'm not really feeling it..." says the girl walking next to him.




Getting to the center we look forward to the chief umpire cracking her flogger.

"Time for the player pledge!"

Ignoring the cheering I simply stare at her tights or more specifically the little succulent part being pushed up by her stockings.

"Quiet, everyone!" Giver her flogger another crackle she continues, "Representing the students Katsuki Bakugo from Class 1-A!"

'*sigh* I could've had all the attention had I not taken the recommendation, can't win them all I guess.'

Once Bakugo made it to the top of the stand everyone went silent.




"I pledge-"




"-That I'll be number one."




Ignoring the subsequent boo's he made his way back to Class 1-A.

"Idiot, Bakugo-" Getting his attention he looks over at me along with a few other people from general studies,"-you're supposed to represent everyone, not just me!"

"Huuh," Ignoring the snickers from the people around me Bakugo takes full offense but before he could make a rebuttal Midnight spoke up.

"Now, before we get the ball rolling we have one more announcement-" Getting everyone's attention while Kirishima held Bakugo back like some rabid dog she continued, "- from someone recommended by the Hero Public Safety Commission! Leo Kayama"

This gained wide eyes from people since the HPSC hasn't recommended any heroes in the past to U.A. and had instead preferred to train heroes themselves, Hawks being a prime example.

'It's unfortunate, I wanted to avoid being on their radar entirely but in the end I still got roped in, luckily I managed to get a pretty good deal all things considered, who knows maybe they won't try and kill me off when I become to free-spirited.'

Making my way to the top of the stage I glanced around before speaking.

"I won't take up too much time since I want to get to the good stuff as much as you do, so to sum things up I have a guaranteed spot in Class A, but I want to put it up for grabs."

This gets people mumbling to each other trying to comprehend what I just said, so might as well give further clarification.

"As you know depending on your performance you're eligible to move up from classes but I want to offer up my guaranteed spot to anyone that can beat me during the festival."

Murmurs. Murmurs. Murmurs.

'I could try and decipher what they are saying but that would be too much work and I don't wanna.'

"Etto..." Scratching my cheek I get the crowd around me to cease their murmuring, "I guess I should leave you with some inspirational words and whatnot..."

Getting a few chuckles I scratch the back of my neck and start rocking my brain for motivational quotes.

"Let's see..." Getting my thoughts in order I start.

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is going to hit as hard as life-"

Taking a quick pause I let it sink in.

"-But, it ain't about how hard your hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done."

'Bless Rocky Balboa.'

Giving my silent praise I walk off the stage before it hits me. I run back to the microphone.

"Full disclosure I took that from something else." I finish before walking back down and remembering that "something" technically doesn't exist here.


Running back I give my declaration.

"Actually I take that back, I made it up, it was all me. Patent Pending."

'Phew, almost lost an opportunity to sell future merchandise there. Can't let great ideas I got from my past get seized like that.'


With me back in the crowd of students it's finally time to start the festivities.

"And now without further ado, it's time for us to get started. The first game is what you'd call a qualifier! Every year, many drink their tears here! Now, here is the fated first game!"

With that, the screen showing the roulette wheel behind her begins to spin.

"This year, it's..."

The wheel behind her before landing on Obstacle race of course. "-This!"

"All eleven classes will participate in this treacherous contest. The track is four kilometers around the outside of the stadium."

She gives the air another whip.

"Our school's selling point is freedom!*licks lips* As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do! Now take your places everyone!"

As the crowd roars, everyone takes their place in front of the gate. I stay in the back and make my way to the stairs of the podium and have a seat.

"You're not joining them?" Asks Midnight

"Nah, it'll be more fun if I start in the back, plus that doorway looks rather narrow."

She snickers for a bit before the three lights on the gate begin to go off, the left one going off first.

'Let's see if I can add more people to the next event.'

The one in the middle goes off before finally, the one in the right goes off.

"Start!" Yells Midnight.

With that everyone runs into the cramped entryway bumping and shoving others to get through.


Present Mic takes the opportunity to give play-by-plays through the speakers.

"And their off! Are you ready to do the commentary, Eraser?"

"You're the one that forced me to come."

"Let's get started right away. Eraser... What should we pay attention to in the early stages?"

Looking at the entrance from the commentator box, "This part right now."


Back at the starting tunnel, a sudden cold spring breeze shoots out of both ends of the tunnel with a sudden skating ground coming out with it.


Looking at the monitors it seems Todoroki has done the thing and has frozen the majority of the competition to the ground.

'Let's see.' Getting up from the stairs I make my way to the entrance.

"Ooh? Not going to sit this one out? Hoho, it seems you have outgrown your laziness somewhat."




Stopping and looking back for a bit I just utter, "...I'll remember this..." Ignoring her sweatdrop I continue to make my way toward the trapped students.

"Hmm." Getting some of their attention I just step on the ice while pouring some darkness into it. "If I get you out will you qualify?"

Some serious, some nervous, I get some head nods nonetheless.

"It's fine if you don't, in the end, I still plan on winning but still some competition would be nice." Ignoring their graning I use some gravity to shatter the ice along with the ice trail Todoroki left behind, "Give it your all and what not."

Some stare in either awe or shock while the quicker ones just take off and get back into the competition.


Reaching the remains of the zero-pointers I get a sudden thought.

'Let's see, I can't remember if anyone actually got trapped under the rubble or if that was just a goof, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to check.'

Using O-haki it looks like there isn't anyone but looking forward looks like they're nearing the minefield so better pick up the pace.

'Time for some creativity.' Using my fruit's gravity powers I make myself an invisible car by making myself slightly hover off the ground and using the darkness in the tree's foliage to pull myself forward.

'Now for the fun part.'




'Car noises.'




'Safety first though.' Putting on the invisible seatbelt I start the car.


And I'm off.


Zoomin forward both figuratively and literally I could see the drop in the distance.

'Come on any day now.'


Getting closer and closer to the fall it finally happens.


A huge pink cloud of smoke erupts causing a small shock wave to form around it.

'There it is.'

Driving straight off the edge and into the darkness I disappear into it shocking some of the people using the rope to get across before shooting out of the plume of smoke I make another appearance, engine roaring and everything.


"What the-"

Before the people recovering from the explosion could comprehend their situation I land and take off setting off leftover mines behind me.

"vvVRTaTA *shift* NNVVRRT"

Driving recklessly but with a strategy, I swerve around not leaving a clear path for the ones behind me to follow I make my way towards Todoroki, Bakugo, and Midoriya who just set off an explosion between the formally mentioned launching himself further forward.

Taking the opportunity I zoom through the pink cloud leaving two face and the pomeranian behind.

Catching up to Midoriya who is at the final stretch all that's left is a final turn and the tunnel.

Passing Midoriya for a second I slow down to make a safe turn.

"vrr vrr"

Making the turn Midoriya manages to get passed me, 'damn invisible car, no mass havin-'

Not letting my thoughts cloud me I pick up speed again.

"vrrrrRRRRRTAT *shift* VRRRRT"

Midoriya manages to get into the dark tunnel, but the dark is where I thrive the tunnel is just a bonus. Using the darkness of the tunnel I go into maximum overdrive.


Quickly overtaking the green spout I take the lead and come shooting out the other side of the tunnel claiming first place and coming to a stop.

*VRRRRrrr *shift* *engine noises* *brakes*

(A/N: This took longer than it should have and it ain't even as long as I thought it would be, but in my defense, I was laughing at my own jokes so I kept getting sidetracked.

On another note now that I've gotten into the groove again I can confidently say new chapters whenever I feel like it so that's progress I guess.)