
Dark Monarch: Battle Necromancer

When mana came into the earth, every living species was forced unto the path of evolution. Animals transformed into aggressive and terrifying beasts, even some plants evolved and gained consciousness. Humans who managed to survive the “mana invasion” obtained incredible power and awakened the ability to gain skills through something known as “The System”. Everything was turned upside down; the old laws fell and the world was ushered into a new era where the strong lived and the weak perished—a world of survival of the fittest. Blake, a young boy of sixteen years found himself lost in all these chaos. After losing both his parents to zombies, he made up his mind to get stronger and eradicate all zombies from the earth. However, after facing betrayal from someone he placed his trust in, he found himself as the very thing he hated and disgusted the most—a zombie! Determined to get revenge, he swore to get stronger while also dealing with internal crisis about his new race and identity. *** Note: This novel is purely fiction. The earth in the story is fiction and is in no way related to the one we live in. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/PqCseyu2Kh

Gladstone_ · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Golden haired beauty

Just as the huge dog-like beast was about to take a bite from Blake, a thin arrow made purely of bright white light suddenly whooshed through the air with great speed, before piercing the beast right in the middle of Its forehead.

The beast grunted in pain and it instinctively took a few steps backwards due to the pain that shot through its head.

The bright light from the arrow briefly illuminated the dark surroundings, blinding Blake's eyes.

He blinked slowly, as his eyes registered the sight in front of him.

'Is that… an arrow…?' He mumbled inwardly, his consciousness finally slipping away from him.

Dark red blood bled continuously from the spot pierced by the arrow, and a stinging pain shot from the injury throughout the beast's body.

The huge beast kept shaking its head rapidly, in order to get rid of the bright white arrow that was embedded in the middle of its forehead.

However, due to its quadruped nature, it couldn't personally bring its hands to its head to remove the arrow, and all it could do was trash around in pain.

After a few seconds, the white arrow disintegrated into tiny white particles, each particles disappearing into nothingness.

Completely ignoring Blake who laid beneath him, the beast's eyes burned with anger as it turned its head towards the direction the arrow came from.

Standing a few meters away from the beast, was a golden haired girl with sky blue eyes.

Her long, curly golden hair was tied neatly into a bun, with a few strands falling in front of her face. Her eyes were sharp and shone with a slight glint of indifference.

Her face was very beautiful, with smooth fair skin and her body was slender and curvy, nice enough to make men drool.

Her clothing was rather plain, with a simple round neck T-shirt, and black pants that clung tightly to her slender figure. On her feet were a pair of thick, smooth black boots.

One of her hands was stretched in the direction of the beast, making it obvious that she was the one that launched the light arrow.

"So that arrow didn't kill it?" She said. A slight frown appeared on her beautiful face as she clicked her tongue in frustration.

Her earlier plan was to end the beast with that single attack, however, things played out differently than she expected.

Usually, that attack would have ended the beast's life, but due to its thick hide which prevented the light arrow from piercing its brain, the light arrow didn't kill the beast, only giving it a serious injury.

Her eyes moved towards the black haired boy that laid beneath the beast's feet and a weird glint flashed through her eyes.

Around the unconscious figure of the boy and the beast were a large number of dead zombies with charred skin.

'So this is where the noise was coming from…' She mumbled inwardly, her eyes taking in the sight in front of her.

She stared back at the beast and the frown on her face deepened. 'This mana beast should be around level 15.' She noted in her mind.

"What a pain…" She mumbled, noticing the angry eyes of the beast and the bloodlust directed towards her.

Grrr! Grrr!

The large four-legged beast growled in anger as it stared at the girl who stood a distance away from it.

Unlike when it was 'facing' Blake, this time it didn't have a nonchalant look in its eyes, but one filled

Without bothering to eat Blake anymore, the beast growled and the dashed towards the golden haired girl. Its large mouth was open, baring its sharp set of fangs at her.

However, despite the terrifying appearance of the beast that was running towards her, the girl remained calm, only squinting her eyes at the beast.

Suddenly, she dashed towards the beast, at a speed so fast that it seemed almost inhuman.

In the eyes of a normal person, her movements would only seem like blurs.

The beast, seeing the girl running towards it, growled in anger. It leapt towards her, in a bid to pounce on her and devour her.

However, just as it was about to close in on her, the golden haired girl suddenly slid to the side, using her boots as balance.

The boots on her feet weren't ordinarily shoes, but treasures she got after killing a powerful zombie.

They had a special effect that granted her the ability to slide on the ground, as long as it wasn't too rough.

She bent down slightly, before stretching one of her hand towards one of the beast's hind legs.

Almost immediately, a bright white light shone around her hand, before forming into thin white blade.

The blade shot towards the beast with astonishing speed, and just as the dog-like beast was about to land on the ground, it slashed the joint on its right hind leg, leaving a deep cut from which dark red blood bled.

After injuring the beast, the bright white blade disintegrated into thin particles once more before vanishing into the air.

The beast wailed, as a huge amount of pain assaulted it from its leg.

Due to the sudden injury, the beast lost its balance and came crashing to the ground. Its wounded leg hit the cold hard ground, completely breaking into two and sending waves of pain throughout the beast.

The beast wailed in pain again, and immediately tried to get back up, however, due to one of its legs being broken, it couldn't balance itself properly on the ground.

All it could do was limp while whimpering in pain. It turned to the one that caused its injury and its eyes burned with fury.

It immediately tried to attack again, but with one of its legs broken, its movements had slowed considerably.

The golden haired girl, noticing this didn't waste any time before dashing towards the beast again.

Her expression was indifferent and focused as she immediately stretched one of her hands towards the beast.

Another bright white light shone around her outstretched hand before forming into a thin white arrow.

Almost immediately, the arrow shot towards the mana beast's left hind leg. It got to it within seconds, piercing the joint where the bones connected and causing large amount of blood to bleed from it.

The beast whimpered in pain as it came crashing down once more.

Both its hind legs had been rendered completely useless and it couldn't get up no matter how it tried.

It only remained on the ground, kneeling on its forelegs while whimpering in pain.

Now that it had been completely paralyzed, all it could go was stare at the girl who put it in this state as it struggled helplessly.

This time, the only thing present in its eyes was fear; fear of death and the one who stood before it.

The golden haired girl released a low sigh before stretching her hand towards the beast.

A bright white light shone in front of her palm before rapidly forming into a long sword.

Without paying any attention to the pure look of terror in the beast's eyes, she released the sword of light floating in front of her, sending it towards the beast's head.


The light sword flew in the air with astonishing speed. Within a few seconds, it closed in on the dog-like beast, piercing it right in the middle of its head.

Blood spurred out of the beast's head as the sword embedded itself right in its middle.

Unlike the last time, the sword completely pierced through the beast's brain, killing it.

The beast's body finally went still as it fell to the ground, while the sword disintegrated and vanished into the air.

A small transparent orb flew out the beast's body and went into her.

A couple of notifications flashed across her eyes, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

"I didn't think I would have to resort to that." She muttered. Her breathing was slightly heavy, and small beads of sweat pooled on her face.

Though it might not seem like it, that last attack took quite a lot from her.