
Dark Lightning God

This is the story of a boy who inherits unimaginable power from a meteor, and begins his journey in the vast universe discovering things he only read and watched on tv to be true and also things he could never imagine to be real. (Cover art doesn’t belong to me so if the artist wants me to remove it that is fine.)

Los409 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Hellish training 2

The next few weeks he continued going deeper into the forest. Axel noticed the deeper he went into the forest the stronger the monsters got. To keep getting stronger he knew he would have to test his body to the limit.

His first thoughts was he needed to practice on his sword skills. Axel wanted to become one with the blade, so he looked for techniques in his mindscape. From his body evolving into a higher being than a human, he pretty much had photographic memory. All it took was one look at a technique or move and he could copy it fully, and he noticed this was the abilities his eyes gave him. When he looked at a technique in his mind a version of him made of black lightning would display exactly how to do the move, which shocked him but also made it easy to learn every move.

As the days went on you can see a man walking through the forest with battle scars all over his body. Axle just finished fighting a group of wind wolves, and he didn't come out unscathed because of the wolves quick speed. As axle continued his hellish training his body was tempered like iron, and his skills with the katana where getting sharper and sharper.

He was now capable of taking out the wind wolves with little to know effort with his katana alone. The techniques he learned from his mind was dark lightning slash, and iaijustu. The dark lightning slash was Axel teleporting behind or in front of his opponent and slashing with a lightning coated blade. Iaijustu is basically the quick draw sword where Axel unsheathes his blade and slashes so fast the naked eye can't see it.

After Axel spent time mastering his new techniques, he figured he would venture deeper into the forest. While walking he spotted what seemed to be a futuristic space ship from a 100 yards away, with his new eyes he could see things from a far distance as if it was right in front of him.

As Axel got close to the spaceship he noticed it was damaged but was still left mostly intact. In a dark palace the man sitting on the throne was watching Axel with a interesting look on his face, and thought, "I didn't think he would run into the Cozmo's technology in this part of the galaxy, he should be in for a treat."

Back on Zama Axel went inside the ship with his guards up waiting for any attack, but nothing happened. As he looked around he noticed the ships technology was super advanced, light years ahead of what's on earth. The walls looked like they where made out of a organic looking metal, when he touched the walls it felt hard and soft at the same time a weird feeling he thought.

He walked over to what looked like a control panel and pressed a button to try to turn the ship on and soon as he pressed the button the ship started up and he heard voice say "welcome to the Cozma imperial ship I am called Animus I'm the A.I of this ship how can I be of service." Axel was in awe because he always wanted to talk to an A.I like Jarvis from Iron Man.