
Dark Katana and Light Sword Assassin

Kil was a 15-year-old boy, an ordinary student attending Clenmark. He had three friends: George, Napoleon, and Miggy. They formed a close-knit group, supporting each other through every challenge that came their way. Everything changed when monsters arrived at their school. Many students and teachers alike perished, their lives claimed by the otherworldly beings that had invaded their sanctuary. These monsters did not originate from their world, known as Earth. Instead, they appeared to have emerged from another dimension entirely, a realm beyond the boundaries of their reality.

Ian_Kun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 8: The Unparalleled One

Keiran couldn't help but cover his mouth in laughter at the sight of a man whose face was unrecognizable, covered in blood, with almost only one tooth left and still spitting blood.

"Hey, what happened to your face? You got beaten up badly," the man with Ken asked his companion who was beatenup.

"I-I got b-brutalized, h-he's a m-monster," the beaten man managed to reply between spitting blood.

"Pfttt!! HAHAHA! Uh-oh, you're in trouble," Keiran joked, still covering his mouth with his hand.

The man turned to Keiran and pointed at him with his index finger, "Hey, did you do this?"

"Are the people who follow that Ken really that narrow-minded?" Keiran rested his elbow on the table and opened his left palm, "You see, I'm sitting here, right? Maybe it's someone outside," Keiran pointed outside his door, "There he is."

All of Class-1 looked outside the door and saw Kil standing there in profile, his hands in his pockets, innocently smiling.

Kil glanced into Class-1's classroom and walked in, smiling as he approached one of Ken's associates who had been badly beaten, with a face almost unrecognizable, and another of Ken's associates.

"Aren't you with Ken? I thought he was causing trouble here again," Kil maintained his innocent smile, "Where's Ken?"

"Hey? Are you the one who broke my friend's face?" The man leaned his face close to Kil's.

Kil asked again with an innocent smile and a soft voice, "Where's Ken?"

"I was asking you—"

The man received a kick to his chin, causing him to stagger from the impact. Kil grabbed the man and squeezed both of his cheeks, bringing their faces close.

"I was the one who asked first, right? Why didn't you answer me?" Kil suddenly turned serious, "Now, you're hurt," and just as quickly, his innocent smile returned.

A punch landed on the man's right cheek, and Kil slammed him to the classroom floor.

Standing up, Kil stepped on the man's head with his right foot, "Keiran, watch over them, they might wake up." Kil smiled at Keiran.

"What else are you going to do?" Keiran asked.

"I have an important matter to attend to," Kil replied.

"A fight! A fight! A fight!" The students on the entire third floor shouted.

Their subject teacher, Kil's teacher, rushed out and grabbed a student's arm, "What's going on? What's happening?"

"There's a fistfight."

All the students rushed out and headed to Class-1, where they watched what was happening.

Kil's teacher also arrived and saw two students lying on the floor being kicked by Kil.

As the teacher approached Kil, her phone rang, "Hello, Ma'am Principal?"

"Don't stop him, just relax and enjoy the show," the Principal advised before ending the call.

"Seriously? She wants me to just watch as a teacher? I'll just let it be," the teacher thought to herself.

Many people gathered outside, watching the commotion. Kil walked towards the back door with his hands still in his pockets.

"HAHAHAHAHA, looks like there's chaos because of my orders to my people, excellent," Ken chuckled from the playground and looking up at the third floor with his gang.

Someone peered from the corridor of Class-1's classroom, leaned his left elbow against the corridor wall, and locked eyes with Ken—it was Kil.

"Huh? The beast is still alive?" Ken look at the man in the third floor, his face twisted into a demonic expression, "Well done, it seems what happened to him yesterday wasn't enough."

Kil turned around and descended the stairs. Some students looked down, and one even considered confronting Kil, but Keiran stopped him, saying, "Let's just watch."

Aika and Emma also looked down and waited for Kil to come down.

"I told you," Emma looked at Aika, "He's the same person we saw last night, you didn't want to believe it."

Aika continued to ponder the sudden turn of events, unable to decide what to believe—whether the rumors about Kil were lies or if she had misjudged him.

Emma smiled and looked down again, "Maybe we should just watch to find the answers to our questions," Emma suggested.

"Yes, it's hard to believe he just got lucky. He kicked one and sent him tumbling. And the one with the broken face, did he do that? If so, it means all the rumors about him are lies. I thought I knew him, but apparently not," Aika thought to herself.

Kil had descended and faced Ken's group, about 8 meters away. They stood facing each other.

"You're so brave to come in now and face me in a fight, aren't you? What about your friends?!" Ken shouted.

"How many of you are there? Ten? Twenty? A thousand? Even if you all team up, you all still won't be able to handle me," Kil's hands were still in his pockets, and his words were challenging.

"Heh, go ahead if that's what you want, attack him!" Ken shouted, and about twenty of Ken's men charged towards Kil.

Kil cracked his fingers and neck.

Kil ran to meet Ken's men and punched one of them. He blocked the man's punch and retaliated with a blow to the face, sending him tumbling two meters away.

Another punch aimed for Kil's face, but he ducked and delivered an uppercut. He grabbed the man's face and kicked the one behind him.

He threw the man towards his companions and kicked another one in front of him, sending him flying. He followed up with a kick and a punch to another.

Punches here, kicks there. Almost all of Ken's men were sent tumbling, leaving only three, including Ken.

"What do you say now, Ken? Are you satisfied with what you've seen?" Kil's voice was serious, his expression determined.

"The way you're talking sounds like you're challenging me," Ken replied.

"Is that so? Now I can fight, even if there are a hundred thousand of you. Thanks for the warm-up," Kil said confidently.

"Arrogant," Ken removed his uniform coat and necktie, "Don't interfere in our fight. I'll just teach this arrogant one a lesson and show him where he belongs."

"Hhooooo," Kil took a deep breath and then removed his necktie.

Kil and Ken were now facing each other, with just about a meter between them. They locked eyes, Kil's expression serious and Ken's with a crazed grin.

They stared at each other for ten seconds, then in an instant, their attacks began.

Kil landed a kick on the right side of Ken's face, while Ken retaliated with a left punch towards Kil.

Ken jumped back, while Kil stood firm in his place, looking down at his left side and then back up at Ken.

Blood trickled from Kil's right lip, dripping onto his chin. Kil spat and then lunged towards Ken again.

As Kil neared Ken, he leaped and delivered a spinning kick from behind towards Ken's head, but Ken blocked it with his muscular arms.

Kil landed on the ground, ready for Ken's punch. As Ken struck, Kil ducked to avoid the attack and then looked up, kicking Ken's chin.

Ken staggered back, looking up in a daze as Kil landed another kick on the right side of his face, causing blood to flow from his mouth. Ken was stunned by Kil's continuous attacks. Another punch hit the left side of his face.

Ken couldn't move and Kil continued to punch him on both sides of his face.

Ken regained consciousness and blocked a punch coming towards him, grabbing Kil's fist and lifting it upwards.

He intended to slam Kil down, but when Kil was lifted up, Kil grabbed his arm and hoisted him higher.

Kil landed smoothly as Ken now lifted up, looking triumphant. The tables had turned, and Kil slammed Ken in the ground.

Ken quickly got up, Kil left hand ready to strike, hitting Ken's face. Ken is ready to counter him with a surprise punch but Kil Deflect the punch and using Kil's left hand, he landed a blow in Ken's stomach.

Ken struggled to breathe after the punches and Kil landed another kick on the left side of Ken's face.

Kil then kicked Ken's face again, hitting the right side this time.

Two powerful punches struck Ken's abdomen, and Kil positioned his feet for a final kick.

He spun and leaped into the air, delivering a powerful kick to weaken Ken further. Blood gushed from Ken's mouth, his lips is broken, his nose was flowing blood in it, and he vomited blood.

Ken knelt down, unable to withstand the force of Kil's attacks. Kil approached him and choked Ken.

Without mercy, he continued to punch Ken's face until it was unrecognizable, covered in blood.

"Is he going to kill him?" a woman beside Keiran asked, watching from the third floor.

"It seems like it," Keiran replied.

Emma looked at Keiran, "Are you okay with that? Watching your friend potentially kill someone? Getting his hands dirty?"

"That's nothing compared to what Ken did," Keiran smiled at Emma, "Don't worry, Emma, Ken won't die."

"Hey, stop that. Do you really intend to kill him?" one of Ken's associates, holding a pipe, asked as Kil continued relentlessly punching Ken's face. "Hey! Stop that!!!" Ken's associate shouted as he ran towards Kil.

The man was ready to attack Kil with the pipe, but Kil noticed that he was the one who hit him yesterday. Kil confronted him, kicking him in the face, then he placed the foot he used to kick on the man's face and kicked again using his other foot upward towards the man's arm, causing the pipe to fly out of the man's grip.

Kil kicked the man in the abdomen, then opened his right palm to catch the spinning pipe in the air. He swung the pipe and hit the man on the head.

Turning towards Ken, who was kneeling, Kil struck him on the head with the pipe, causing both of them to fall.

Only one person remained, and Kil ran towards him, jumping and kicking him in the face, causing the man to sit from the force of the kick. Kil struck him, knocking him down.

Almost thirty people, including Ken, lay fallen, with only one person standing amidst them, a trickle of blood on his cheek, and a stain on his white long-sleeved shirt.

Blood flowed from his hand, drawing the attention of the onlookers from the three buildings nearby.

"What do you think, Charlotte?" the Principal asked from the rooftop.

"His way of fighting is extraordinary, not ordinary at all. It's as if he's been trained in that manner," Charlotte replied.

"And it seems like he has a chance to pass when the final judgment arrives."

"He will play a significant role, and he might be the reason why his friends and those close to him will pass."

"You're right, Charlotte. Even until now, I still don't fully know him, and it seems like he has many hidden abilities."

Meanwhile, at the hospital where George, Napoleon, and Miggy were being treated, George suddenly stood up and looked out the window of his room.

"It seems like the old Kil has returned," a serious expression crossed his face. "Five days before the final judgment, Kil cannot surpass me because I... I am the only one who will walk out alive after that judgment." He smiled a devilish smile, hinting at knowing something about the final judgment Charlotte mentioned.

Back at school, Aika couldn't believe what she saw. The one who had been disrespectful to her, Ken, was easily brought down by someone with a slender body.

"He's amazing. If he used to be strong before, why did he hide it now? And all those rumors about him. They're all just lies," Aika thought to herself.

Meanwhile, a man approached Keiran and spoke to him.

"Keiran, what happened?" The man suddenly smiled, his face beaming with joy. "Is the old him back?"

"The old him? What was he like before? And those rumors about him being weak and always bullied? Were they all lies?" Emma interjected.

"Yes," Keiran replied without hesitation.

"But why are you all hiding his fighting prowess from the entire campus?" Emma asked again.

"Campus?" Keiran looked at Emma. "You seem to be mistaken, Miss Velouria. The rumors only spread within Class-1 because before Kil turned over a new leaf, he had one rule... Do you know what it is? Do not spread his past. And here's another thing, Class-1 didn't know about him since his first year of high school when he was known as a troublemaker. I personally engraved that fact in your minds. To overshadow the rumors about Kil beating up a senior and ruling this school within just three months. I can't say more, but Kil, he's the unparalleled strength, UNPARALLELED KIL."

Aika's cheeks suddenly flushed, and she bowed her head. "UNPARALLELED Kil?" Aika closed her eyes, her face flushing even more.