
Dark Katana and Light Sword Assassin

Kil was a 15-year-old boy, an ordinary student attending Clenmark. He had three friends: George, Napoleon, and Miggy. They formed a close-knit group, supporting each other through every challenge that came their way. Everything changed when monsters arrived at their school. Many students and teachers alike perished, their lives claimed by the otherworldly beings that had invaded their sanctuary. These monsters did not originate from their world, known as Earth. Instead, they appeared to have emerged from another dimension entirely, a realm beyond the boundaries of their reality.

Ian_Kun · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: The Returned Monster

Kil stood up and walked with his head down towards the chair to join Charlotte and the Principal for the meal. He scooped up some rice, still with his head bowed. His cheeks flushed as he ate.

"What's your plan now? It seems like you won't be able to handle Ken," the Principal remarked. "If you don't beat him soon, he'll surely victimize more people."

"He fights dirty, using his companions to assist him," Kil raised his gaze to the Principal and smiled, "I think I'm getting rusty."

"Didn't I tell you? You're all talk," Charlotte interjected. "Why don't you just admit that you can't beat him?"

Kil shifted his gaze to Charlotte, "Hey, you think you're so great. Your behavior as a woman really annoys me."

"Well, then, get even more annoyed," Charlotte moved her face closer to Kil's.

Feeling overwhelmed with embarrassment, Kil finished his meal and stood up. He headed to the laundry area, retrieved his clothes, and walked towards the door. He grasped the doorknob and glanced to his right.

"Don't worry, I'll handle that," Kil assured the two diners. "By the way, thank you for treating me and taking care of me."

Kil opened the door and stepped outside, walking towards his house. In the midst of his walk on the dark night, he came across a group of drunk men at the corner, drinking and having a great time.

Kil continued walking until he approached the drinkers, and as he passed them, one of the men stopped him.

"Hey kid, hold on a minute there," one of the drunk men stood up and approached Kil. "Do you know there's a fee for walking around here?" He put his arm around Kil.

"Are you serious?" Kil looked at the man who had his arm around him and elbowed him in the stomach.

The man gasped for breath, releasing his hold on Kil. Kil faced the man he elbowed and delivered a kick to the man's face, causing him to stagger back.

The man's companions witnessed the incident and stood up, facing Kil. Two women walking not far away, Emily and Emma, also noticed the commotion.

"Wait, isn't that the guy from earlier? The one who fought that rude Ken and got hit with a pipe?" Emma pointed to Kil, who was now facing the five drunk men.

"Yes, that's Kil," Emma confirmed as they hid to avoid being noticed. "What is he doing here in the middle of the night?"

"I don't know. It looks like he's about to get into a fight. Shouldn't we help him?"

"Not for now," the two women watched as the five drunk men, now armed, prepared for a confrontation.

"Hey kid, learn your place, do you know where you are?" a muscular man with a butterfly knife asked, twirling his weapon.

His companions laughed and grabbed their weapons. One of them took out a pipe. "Hey kid, get to know who you're messing with," he said, brandishing the pipe.

"HAHAHAHAHA," they all laughed together.

Kil set down his bag, stretched, cracked his fingers, and even his neck.

"Are you done? You talk too much," Kil smiled at the drunk men, seemingly insulting them. "I'll take you on, five drunk men in their thirties against a 15-year-old student."

"You're too arrogant, kid," one of the men said as he readied his pipe to attack Kil.

Taking a deep breath, Kil positioned his feet and ran towards the approaching man.

With swift movements, Kil landed the first blow, punching the man in the stomach, causing him to fall and gasp for breath.

Another man charged at Kil, but Kil positioned his foot and executed a turn-around kick, hitting the man's right cheek and sending him tumbling.

"You're too arrogant," the man with the knife attacked and stabbed Kil.

Kil blocked the attack by grabbing the man's hand and punched him repeatedly in the face.

Kil jumped, holding the man's arms, and kicked him in the chin with his knee. He then twisted the man's arms.

"AAAARRRRRGGGGGG," the man screamed in pain as his arms were broken.

The man fell to his knees, and Kil kicked him on the right side of his face, causing him to tumble.

The two men Kil initially knocked down were now standing, but Kil quickly noticed and punched the first attacker in the face.

He punched him five times in the face and then choked him. He continued to punch him until the man's face was unrecognizable.

The other man attacked again, but received a kick to the stomach from Kil, causing the man to vow his head. Kil raised his right foot and kicked him down.

The man was hit on the head, losing consciousness. With only two men left, they were trembling in fear.

"Don't even try to escape, I'll catch up to you anyway," Kil grinned as he walked towards the two remaining men.

The two men prepared and simultaneously lunged at Kil with their pipes. Kil blocked one pipe, but the other man positioned himself behind Kil and swung the pipe towards his head.

Kil quickly noticed the attack and used a drunk man as a shield. The man's head was hit, and one of the drunk men was surprised as he unintentionally struck his companion.

The man accidentally let go of the pipe and stepped back.

"What now? It's not my fault if your friend gets hurt or dies HAHAHAHAHA," Kil said demonically.

One of the drunk men kept stepping back and then ran, calling out, "Stop me please. Leave me, help, help me! Someone?!"

Kil chased after him until he caught up and stood in front of him. "What now? Thank you for the entertainment, it looks like my body is in good condition now," Kil said demonically.

Kil choked the man and lifted him up. He punched him in the stomach repeatedly until the man vomited blood. Despite the beating, the man remained standing, so Kil turned and kicked him in the face, rendering him unconscious.

Kil picked up his bag and left. The two women watching couldn't believe what they had witnessed.

A 15-year-old boy had defeated six drunk men in their 30s.

Emma's eyes widened at the sight before her.

"Wow, he's really skilled in fighting, right? Who would have thought? He's alone, yet he defeated six older men?" Emily smiled mischievously, "we can use him to take down Ken, right, Emma?"

"Is that really him? The Kil we know with Aika? He seems like a different person, and he looks like he's used to fighting. If that's the case, then all the rumors about Kil being weak and afraid of fighting are lies? This guy? He's a beast," Emma expressed her surprise in her thoughts.

"Emma? Emma?" Emily called out to Emma until she snapped back to reality.

"Oh, yes, you're right," Emma replied.

The next day, Emma entered the school, walking towards her classroom, still unable to believe what she witnessed the night before.

She entered her room and placed her bag on her desk. "It's really impossible that someone like him is already accustomed to fighting, but could it be that the rumors about him being weak are just lies? Because the way he fought, he seems really experienced," Emma pondered in her thoughts.

She placed her right hand on her cheek and looked out the window, still processing the events from the previous night.

Aika approached her and started a conversation, "Is there a problem, Emma?" Aika pulled up a chair and faced her friend.

Emma regained her composure upon hearing her friend's voice, she shifted her gaze to Aika, "There's no problem, I'm just thinking about something."

"What is it?"

"I'm just thinking about what I witnessed last night, it's unbelievable what happened."

"What happened?"

"We were on our way home with Emily, and we happened to see Kil. He was facing five drunk men, armed, and it looked like he was about to fight. At first, we thought he would apologize, but that wasn't the case."

"Are you saying Kil was in a fight?"

"Yes, and he was incredibly brutal towards the drunk men."

"But isn't he just a weakling?"

"Yes, that's what I thought too, but with my own two eyes, I saw it all. He punched one of the men repeatedly in the face until it was unrecognizable. He kicked another man on the head from above, causing him to lose consciousness. He broke the arms of the man holding a knife, used one man as a shield against an attack, but inadvertently hit another man's head with a pipe, and punched another man in the stomach until he vomited blood."

"Your story is hard to believe. Didn't they say that Kil is a weak and cowardly person? It's impossible that he fought against five drunk men."

"Yes, that's what I was thinking earlier, whether it's all just lies."

Another classmate entered the room from outside, "Kil Whitlock from Class-2, he's entered the school, he's downstairs now and on his way up."

"Wow, he's tough, imagine that, he was hit with a pipe, yet he still came to school," a male classmate commented.

"Isn't it true? My story is real, he's different. It's impossible for someone who was hit with a pipe on the head to come to school, right? I told you, he's a beast."

"I still don't believe it. Maybe the hit wasn't that strong on him."

"Hmp! Whatever," Emma looked in another direction, feeling irritated by her friend's disbelief.

Kil reached the corridor outside Aika's classroom, and suddenly, Keiran emerged. Kil stopped and faced Keiran.

"Sorry, Kil, I couldn't protect you," Keiran said, looking down and unable to meet Kil's gaze.

Kil placed his left hand on Keiran's shoulder, "It's okay, I protected you, George, Migs, and Napoleon."

"You didn't protect them, and I didn't either."

Kil's eyes widened, "What do you mean?"

"After you passed out, they were the next ones Ken beat up. Ken punched George and Migs in the face until they were unrecognizable."

Kil lowered his head for a moment, then raised it again, "Keiran," Kil's voice softened, "lift your head and look at me."

Keiran glanced at Kil and saw him smiling, "It's okay, don't blame yourself. They're not dead, right?"

Kil removed his hand from Keiran's shoulder and walked towards their classroom.

As Kil passed by Keiran, he noticed the change in Kil's demeanor, becoming more serious. Keiran trembled in fear before entering his classroom.

"What were you talking about?" one of Aika's classmates asked.

"I just mentioned what happened after he passed out," Keiran replied as he walked towards his seat.

When Keiran passed in side of Emma's seat, Emma suddenly spoke up, "Isn't it strange how you suddenly started talking when before you couldn't say a word? You couldn't speak a single letter before, how come you're talking now?" Emma looked at Keiran, "What's your connection with Kil? Who is he really?"

Keiran paused, looking at Emma, "Who is Kil? You'll find out soon enough, so as our connection."

Meanwhile, Kil sat in his seat, his right palm on his right cheek, staring out the window while pen spinning.

The first period started, and during their second period with Aika, their subject teacher was absent, so let's say it was their vacant time. Meanwhile, Kil had a Math teacher who was teaching them about geometric equations.

"Geometric equations involve the relationships between various geometric figures, such as triangles, circles, and rectangles. These equations help us solve for unknown values and understand the properties of these shapes."

Kil finished his paper until the pencil he was using ran out of ink. Suddenly, he stood up, catching the teacher off guard.

"What's the problem, Kil?" the teacher asked.

Kil looked down, "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Alright, go ahead."

Kil walked out, and as he exited, he saw one of Ken's associates. They locked eyes, and the man approached Kil.

"Aren't you the one from yesterday?" Their faces were close, "You're the one who got hit with a pipe, right? HAHA, you're tough, you're not dead yet."

"Is Ken there? In Class-1?" Kil asked in a cold tone.

"Huh?! I can't hear you," Ken's associate leaned closer to Kil, and Kil smiled with his eyes closed. He looked at Kil again, still smiling.

Inside Class-1's classroom, another one of Ken's associates was trying to get Emma and Aika to go with him.

"Come on, join us, Aika and Emma, it's just one night," Ken's associate insisted.

"You're so rude, leave," Conrad shouted.

"Huh?! Why should I care? Isn't the job of women to make men happy and feel good?" Ken's associate moved closer to Conrad's face.

Suddenly, a man tumbled, his face unrecognizable, inside Class-1 classroom. It was the man who insulted Kil.

"Run, he's a monster on his own."