
On The Move

"You're gonna do what?!" I instinctively got closer to stop him but stopped myself before I came in reach.

"I'm innocent! Why should I hide when everyone will go on thinking that I did something wrong?! Whatever you're gonna say save it! I'm proving my innocence and there's nothing you can do to stop me," Shin walked towards the waterfall ready to go through.

As he ran full force into the muddy water, I whispered "Freeze" as a transmutation circle appeared under me and extended to the waterfall.

Freezing the water and also shocking Shin with the cold.

"Was that you're attempt of stopping me?" He turned back.

"Fine... I can't stop you... but I can go with you." I tried with all my might to not shiver or gasp for air.

"Bold of you to assume I'd let you... I'm not letting you ruin my life again!" Shin spoke bitterly, intending every word to act as a sword piercing my soul with guilt.

There's no point speaking to him on a personal level... his trust in me won't ever be the same again...

I'll have to speak logically then... "If you turn yourself in we won't get the financial gain, but if you just let me I turned you in, we can get the platinum coin and everything will play out the same whether you let me help or not. You won't lose anything if you'd let me help!"

"Why should I trust you?" These suffering eyes no longer held trust for me, only rage and pain.

I didn't know how to answer... I think there's nothing I can say to make him trust me... so I told him the truth.

"You shouldn't trust me... heck I don't even trust Crimson myself. I don't trust what I can't understand... but you don't have to trust me. Just know that if I disappear with the coin... feel free to hunt me down. I can't run far injured like this...."

"Tch... fine." He accepted my help reluctantly while breaking through the ice.

I followed him, slowly limping so that I wouldn't hurt myself as he was walking to the blocked hole in the wall.

"She blocked it!" Shin, infuriated, kicked the blank wall where the hole supposed to be. If this was a normal wall it'd break into hundreds of pieces, however, the illusion was made from life energy… it's now something almost unbreakable.

I'm surprised he even remembered exactly where the hole was...

"I'll just make another one then!" He shouted and tramped with frustration.

"W-Wait!" I touched the invisible hole. If a spell can be made it can be destroyed. Even the strongest ones... can be reversed as long as I know the spell.

Luckily, Misa told us exactly which spell I can use, "Return," I grinned maniacally as if it was second nature to use such a costly spell.

Unfortunately, I don't know what I'm giving up with this spell... sometimes it's totally unrelated to the spell's product... impossible for me to guess...

The illusion disappeared as fast as my transmutation circle and I gesture to Shin that it's opened so he wouldn't break the wall.

He hesitated to climb out, having no faith that it wouldn't be a trap so I got out first to comfort him. Even so, he broke a small portion of the wall and threw the pebble through the hole to reassure himself.

"This guy... will not trust me will he?" I muttered quietly to myself accepting the fact that this dude will probably act like this the whole time.

Finally, Shin got out and I returned the illusion to its original state as Misa did. Looking at Shin's uniquely bright purple hair I gave him my cloak. Wearing this uniform is less risky than Shin's face…

I took my badges off to make myself look more natural. Luckily, my uniform was made specifically for yours truly. The black and dark red camouflaged the dried up blood and my red hair disguised the rest of the blood on my head.

"So! What are we gonna do?" I asked Shin.

I stared at him waiting patiently for an answer while he stared back in certainty.

And continued staring...


And looked away... trying to hide his embarrassment...

Not saying a word...

He... does not have a plan... does he?

"C-Can't we just go up to a soldier and turn me in?" He asked, naively.

Even when he's less ignorant... he's still naive.

"If only life was that simple..." I sighed looking at Shin's confused face. "The guard could just take you and steal the credit and me coming with you would just be for nothing. Also like the great Rick Sanchez once said, 'If it's too easy to get there, we'll never get there'"

Not to mention for the crime of killing the fricking KING OF LEON would probably end in your execution! Gosh, darn it Hiroto! Why are you making my life so hard and you're not even here for me to scream at...

I pouted at the thought...

"What now? My plan was going to work without you so you better come up with a better one or else I won't hesitate to just leave you." Shin tried to threaten me, but it was as scary as a puppy puffing up.

A part of me wanted to piss him off just to see him beat me up again, but that's not a good idea in the grand scheme of things...

"We can walk up to the palace and use my hero status to turn you in... that might work," It sounds easy... too easy... I hope it works...

Shin swiftly jumped up the levels while I tried my best to not fall from running. Every level progressively got cleaner and more modernized. The fully wooden houses became stone and some even seemed to have a timber frame and panels filled with wattle and daub.

After a few minutes of my injured running and Shin waiting for me, we reached the top. Thankfully, no one seemed to look twice at my custom outfit.

The palace's beauty was stunning, the quartz pillars leading up to the big entrance was decorated with silver gold and creating perfect symmetry. Sunlight shining on the white palace made it seem as if it was radiating light.

As Shin and I took my first step on the same level as the palace, guards came rushing in. With only a split second to react, I grabbed Shin's hands and forged a shackle onto him.

"Who goes there?" One of the guards demanded our name.

"Amber Holmes, sir, I am the class representative for the heroes. I'm here to deliver Shin Gray." My heart was racing. I'm not the best of liars… I hope it's convincing…

He stared into my eyes… observing every muscle I moved… "Right... Amber Holmes and Shin Gray you are now arrested."