
Dark Hybrid

A young girl loses her life with her family just for being different in Home Town because she was born with unnatural hair and eyes. But she had a life changing secret that she could only tell people that she truly trusts, but she never had that feeling in years. For she loses everything she ever had as a child. At the age of 6, she and her human siblings went out to the Woods to play, but something happened to her, and her older sister and their oldest brother ran away. Now at the age of 16, she comes across another Home Town but the location is a little familiar and she meets new people that change her life and made her happy again a feeling she hasn't had in years. But her new friends don't know the truth about her or what she can do. Can the young girl believe that she has a chance to show the world she isn't a Monster? !!! Read to find out !!! * Note : This book will have songs from YouTube because I love these. It might be a good way to spend it around. So sometimes, in the chapters, I will write where a song will come in, and you can find the songs on YouTube. *

sadie_corden · Sci-fi
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32 Chs


After time, Raven and her X Demon friend went to pick up her weapons and used some magic to put away her bow and placed her Dragger back in her belt and went into the forest to catch up with each other, and Emily and Chloe went to find where Nick and Lucas went.

Emily and Chloe found Nick and Lucas in the Weapon's Building, where weapons could be made and upgraded. Nick had his back against a wall, and Lucas was sharpening his sword, and they were talking about something but paused when Emily and Chloe opened the door, then entered the building.

" Good, it's just you two. " Nick said, looking at them as they entered.

" What is something wrong? " Emily said, letting Chloe come in behind her and then closed the door.

Nick's ears were pinned back as a sign he wasn't the best pleased with what happened.

" Have you two noticed anything strange about Raven? " Lucas said, finished sharpening his sword and putting it on the table beside him.

Emily looked at Chloe to tell them what had happened before the X Demon showed up.

" Well, before that X Demon showed up, I hugged Raven to thanked her for everything she felt really cold, and she didn't know what a hug was, but when I hugged her again, she felt really warm and when I told her that she was warm, she freaked out a bit. " Chloe explained, telling the true story.

Lucas gestured, Emily and Chloe, to sit down so they wouldn't need to stand. Emily and Chloe sat down at the table, and Lucas stayed standing, and Nick stayed where he was with his back against the wall.

" OK, that is something. Emily, have you seen anything? " Nick asked.

" This morning, I went to Raven's room to tell that Chloe wanted her, but when I opened the room, she was on the floor in a corner. I thought she was dead, I ran to her and tried to wake her up, and when I did, I asked her what happened. She said she was sleeping and said it was normal for her. " Emily explained truthfully, same as Chloe.

Everyone looked at Lucas to see if he had anything to say.

" Well, unless you count her for being a really good singer, I got nothing, but I did see her control water, I think. " Lucas said, trying to say what he remembered.

Attention was moving to Nick, waiting for something he wanted to say.

" I asked Raven to see if she wanted to look around the forest, and she argeed, so I showed her around then a large Sliver Bear with Pure Red Eyes but it had a large scar on the side of it's face so it was missing an eye it showed up, and Raven was terrified at the sight of it and her left arm was bleeding and she was acting like she wasn't in any pain. " Nick said, explaining everything in full detail.

" So she's scared of a bear and not a murderous X Demon? " Lucas said as soon as he had the chance to ask.

Nick nodded to Lucas's question, and Emily started to think about that language. Raven was speaking to the X Demon.

" What about that language Raven was speaking? I've read things about X Demons, but that language was nowhere, and she can understand them maybe because she lived with them for 6 months. " Emily guessed, trying to make sense of it all.

" I think we should ask her some questions when she comes back. " Nick said everyone had to agree because they needed answers.