
Dark Hades

Ryan a 17 year old boy discovers the truth about the reality and begins discovering the new system which he only have and the overpowered mechanism.

Chronolock · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Outer Dimension Creature

The Nine are the most notorious evil devils who have killed countless lives. If one of them transcends on Havoc, then without a second it will destroy the whole plant.

They weren't forgotten but we made ourselves to forget them because of their evil deeds. They can't transcend on the planet because of the restriction which was given by the outer celestial bodies and were sealed.

*'Lets see where should I go first. Hmm... '*

*'That planet looks somewhat haunting. Let's head there. '*

Rayn Was in the outer dimension he was given the task to get stronger and kill the outer creatures. He was venturing the place.

The planet which Rayn was heading, there lies the one of the Nine. It was sealed by the outer celestial bodies but later a decade a demon got its hand on it and was trying to break the seal.

*'Holy crap!! This place looks sick. Even the air seems to be poisons. But it won't effect me because of the skill Celestial Poison Resistance.'*

*'No poison can harm me. Let's see if their's a creature hiding here.'*

As he landed his foot on the ground the ground started shaking and the land was splitting apart.

*'What the. An Earthquake? '*

It wasn't a earthquake rather than something big was coming out from the land. It was a long reptile centipede like creature but it wasn't a centipede. It was having a tail and the body was covered with scales. It was having four heads and four arms which can stretch.

It attacked Rayn with its tail. The tail was covered with blue flames. Rayn stepped back and dodged the attack.

*"Lower Calibre Reptile"*

*"Lv : 510"*

*'Whar the f***??!!! The lower creature is of 500 leve.!!! How the hell should I kill that thing??!! '*

Rayn used telekinesis and throw the reptile away but because of the difference in their level he suffered internal damage.

The reptile capture Rayn with its all four hands and smashed on the ground. The bleeding wasn't stopping. For after a long time the fatigue meter was about to reach the threshold limit.

Rayn didn't think for a minute and used Demoner King. His bleeding stopped and he transformed. He pulled out the sword of light and attacked the reptile.

The reptile dodged Rayn's attack and hit Rayn with its fire tail. Rayn again got smashed on the ground and suffered damage.

The reptile captured Rayn with it's hand and was about to eat Rayn alive. It's mouth was looking very horrible and was having so many teeths un it's mouth.

Rayn tried to escape but he was helpless and couldn't find a way. It was the first time other than that dungeon raid where he was helpless.

At last he didn't have a choice and pulled out Asmodeus's Sword and slashed the three heads of the reptile.

The reptile was screaming in pain and then Rayn cut all the four hands and break through it capture. Then Rayn Swing the sword and Dealth a critical blow to the reptile which cut the reptile in two half.


*"Level Up x 20"*

He Leveled Up 20 times at once. Because of the usage of Asmodeus's Sword he suffered serious internal damage and cough blood. But it was bearable because of the countless damage and pain he endured his pain endurance skill worked and reduced the amount of pain.


*"You have killed your first outer dimensional creature. The ranking will be updated soon. Here are the rewards. "*

*"Blood of the Lower outer dimension creature x 5"*

*" Blue Flame has been acquired."

*" 1,200,000 Points"*

*" 40,000,000 Gold"*

*" You have moved one step towards becoming The One."*

Rayn was exhausted from all the damage he suffered from this battle. He stopped his training in the middle and got back.

He rested for an hour and the headed inside the all creatures zone.

*'I think it's best for me to go for outer dimension training after clearing one of the zone. It will be best to clear it as fast as possible then I might have a chance to kill all those creatures. '*

*'Earlier I went inside the Skeleton King's World. So, this time around I should head inside... '*

*"Ancient Dragon's Ground"*

*"Would you like to enter? Yes/No"*


Rayn went inside the gate and transported into the ancient Dragon's Ground. It was a place full of beautiful surroundings. The air and the land was colourful and was very warm and comforting.

Rayn looked around and ventured the place. He found out the hideout of the Ancient Dragon Fafnir.

He didn't go straight up for the ancient dragon. He venture around first and killed all the lower breed dragon.

The dragon is a race who are powerful from other species but a more powerful species exists which is far more powerful than the Dragon.

It wasn't a easy task to kill the Dragon. He suffered so many damage. At a time he felt like giving up he he didn't. He fought until he was unable to move.

And after 10 days he finally killed all the dragon and now only the ancient dragon fafnir was remaining.

He didn't waste anymore time and went to the fafnir's hideout. He was standing in front of the dragon. The dragon was sleeping and suddenly woke up because of the presence of a higher level being.

The reason why Rayn choosed this zone was because of the dragon heart. If Rayn acquired the dragon heart then he will be able to use Asmodeus's Sword without any fear.

He stepped forward, the dragon roared at Rayn. The fierce battle was about to begin. Thunder was striking the surrounding. As it was saying to begin the battle.

*" Profile Window "*

*" Name : Rayn Maxwell"*

*" Level : 67"*

*" Gender : Male"*

*" Age : 17 years "*

*" Job : Currently not available"*

*" Skills : Alchemist,Berserker, Blood Manipulation, Celestial Poison Resistance,Combination, Creator's Mind,Darkness,Demoner King,Demonification, Enhancer Luck,Lighting,Pain Tolerance, Smelting,Strengthening, Telekinesis,■■■■■■■■■. "*

*" Quest : Ruler of Darkness "*

*" Points : 12,70,000"*

*" Gold : 60,500,000"*

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