
Dark Hades

Ryan a 17 year old boy discovers the truth about the reality and begins discovering the new system which he only have and the overpowered mechanism.

Chronolock · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Mystic Body of Forgotten Eveium

Rayn drank the poison liquid. As soon as drink it his whole body started tearing apart. Every flesh , every bone started breaking and ripping apart from inside.

He was screaming in pain. His sister came home and as soon as she heard Rayn's screams , she ran fast and saw that her brother was screaming in pain and coughing bloods.

*'What happened brother!!! Why are you coughing bloods??!!! '*

She was about to use her skill healing but Rayn stopped her.

*' No.. Don't Lilia. I have to endure this. '*

*'But... You are coughing bloods. '*

*' I need to endure this in order to get stronger. So , you don't have to fear anything. When I give you the signal use your skill. '*

*'Ok brother!!! '*

She was crying by seeing her brother in pain. Rayn endured the pain for nearly 5 minutes but it felt like 50 minutes.


*"You have acquired Celestial Poison Resistance."*

*'Lilia use your skill.. cough!! '*

Lilia use her skill Saints Blessings to heal Rayn and all the pain disappeared in a second.

*' Finally I acquired Poison Resistance.'*

*'Brother don't scare me like that. What if something would have happened to you if I wasn't around. '*

*'Yeah . Sorry about that and thanks for healing me.'*

*'Look the mess I made. I will clean this place. '*

*'You dummy. '*

As she was leaving Rayn's stopped her.

*'Hey Lilia. How about we buy a new house? What do you think? '*

*'What??!!! Don't you now how much we are going through financial crises and not to mention my school fees are also pending. And what about the hospital bills ? '*

*'Lilia look here! '*

*'Yeah , now what, you will give me shock like you made a big amount of money all of a sudden. What does it's say. Hmm..... Yeah I knew , it's just only 11.5 biiiillllllooooonnnnnn!!!!!!!!!'*

Lilia collapsed by seeing the big amount of money.

Next Morning....

Rayn left early in the morning leaving a message behind for Lilia that he will be back by 03:00 P. M. and Lilia to get ready for moving to a different place.

*'Good morning Sir Rayn. '*

*'So, which gate are we heading today? '*

*' It's located on the planet Zemberus 678D. It's a planet which is famous for its high production of the mana stone. But a gate was appeared a few days ago.'*

*'Any information? '*

*'No. The people who went inside to venture they didn't came. So that indicates the gate contains a massive amount of monsters because a total of 10 members were headed inside and none of them made out. '*

*' Either they are dead or they are hiding for the rescuers. Among them their was a A rank hunter but he also didn't made out yet. '*

*'Lets reach their as soon as possible.'*

*'Got it. '*

They reached the place where the gate appeared. Both of them headed inside but before entering Rayn noticed a girl who was wearing a pink hoodie.

*'Hey Blaze. Did you hired that girl? '*

*'Yes, Sir Rayn. She said that she has to feed her family and need money. So , I didn't have a choice but to hire her. '*

He gazed her but she didn't made eye contact with him.

Then both of them headed inside. The gate lead them to a open place where the enormous monsters were waiting for them.

*"Giant mutant Goblin" *

*"Lv : 27"*

*"Lower Demon centipede"*

*"Lv : 89"*

*"Large carnivore"*

*" Lv : 77"*

Their was a total of 150 monsters who were waiting for them. As Rayn and blaze entered they attacked both of them.

Rayn used his combination skill to combine Berserk and Demonification skill.

*"Demoner King"*

*"It's a title given to the ruler of the demon's who controls the demon world. The skill will allow you to do anything which a demon could do."*

All the monsters and demons were freezed and were dumped folded. They were in the presence of a high ranking demon which they could never thik of touching.

Rayn started killing all the demon's. His form was changed and was 10 times powerful from earlier.

After that he cleared all the other gates and only the two A rank gates were left to clear. It won't be easy for Rayn to clear those gates.

He went home and helped her sister in shifting all the things to their new home. It was a very busy day and because of that he told blaze to delay the raiding for the next two days.

The reason he delayed the raiding was not because he was tired and need some rest, instead he was waiting to level up his level in the Creators Zone. (The Creators Place is changed to Creators Zone)

He made up his mind to clear one of the zone and level up his level. The time line of the creators zone and the actual world is different. An hour in actual world is a day in the creators zone.

It was confirmed that in order to clear a zone he would at least need one month and moreover it won't be easy to clear it. So, a significant amount of time is needed.

After shifting all the furniture and things he went inside his room. It was already time to enter into outer dimension training. He delayed it because he was busy with raiding but now in order to kill those monsters in the creators zone he need to complete the training.

He started his training and entered into the outer dimension.


*"Kill the outer creatures and become 'The One'. A title given to those who have accomplished reaching a high level tier. Obtain the Mystic Body of forgotten Eveium. A race who are superior from every celestial, more information will be unlocked after killing 'The Nine'."*

*" Profile Window "*

*" Name : Rayn Maxwell"*

*" Level : 39"*

*" Gender : Male"*

*" Age : 17 years "*

*" Job : Currently not available"*

*" Skills : Alchemist,Berserker, Blood Manipulation, Celestial Poison Resistance,Combination, Creator's Mind,Darkness,Demoner King,Demonification, Enhancer Luck,Lighting,Pain Tolerance, Smelting,Strengthening, Telekinesis,■■■■■■■■■. "*

*" Quest : Ruler of Darkness "*

*" Points : 70,000"*

*" Gold : 20,500,000"*

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