
Dark Fate: apocalypse

In a world where humans are born with inherent imperfections, akin to shadows lingering from the moment of creation, the narrative weaves around the complexity of our existence. We are reflections of a Creator, yet the question lingers: can we genuinely liken ourselves to the divinity that granted us life?

muramasa_godnew · Action
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Humans are a highly evolved and complex mammalian species. On a physical level, humans have a unique bone and muscle structure that allows them to walk on two legs and perform a variety of physical and mental activities. On a mental level, humans have a highly developed cognitive capacity, allowing them to reason, communicate, learn and create complex tools and technologies.

In addition, humans are emotional and social beings, and depend on interpersonal relationships for their emotional and psychological well-being. Throughout their history, humans have developed a wide variety of cultures, languages and traditions, making them a diverse and complex species.

However, humans also have a tendency towards violence, greed and selfishness, which has led to conflicts and social problems throughout their history.

For as long as I can remember, I always wake up in my white room, from the walls to the ceiling. The large window centered in the room takes up a large part of one wall, but there are no curtains or blinds to allow control of the light from the hallway. It's a bit annoying at bedtime, but you get used to it.

Inside the room is a bed taped to the wall, a silver-colored toilet with no respect for privacy and a silver-colored sink. That sums up my room.

The reason I am here, I don't know. My only function is to endure the terrible drugs they inject into both my arms, nothing more than that.

I felt a blow on the side of the wall. A sharp and loud knock that made me lose my concentration. As far as I know, the walls are soundproof, so it's strange that some kind of noise echoes from the side of my room.

What is happening on the other side of this wall?


A high-pitched sound passes by my ear.

The room shakes abruptly, knocking me to the floor. The large window explodes into a thousand pieces, allowing me to hear what is happening outside.

A voice sounds in the hallway repeating the phrase several times as an alarm sounds.

"All scientists near the pictogram area release the prodigies."

The voice sounds louder from this side. Looking down the hallway I see that in all of them there were also several shattered windows. I walk over to look at the rooms and see a silver-haired girl clutching her head as if in pain. I don't know, but I feel a kind of déjà vu.

I approach her and her breathing sounds louder and louder. She is agitated.


I feel a vibration in my back, I'm afraid to approach her.

"Hey, are you okay?"

His agitation is increasing. His hands were turning white as if they were on fire.

What is this feeling...

I feel scared, but at the same time excited. I don't know how to explain it, but it's like I got excited when she started to release flames from her hands.

My breath hitches as does hers.


I don't hear my voice, only my breathing, which echoes more and more in my head.


For a moment the situation makes me laugh, the fear that seemed to disappear before. I feel like laughing.


His eyes shine with an intensity that makes my heart race. I can't help but feel a rush of excitement and adrenaline coursing through my veins. It's like nothing I've ever experienced before.

Suddenly, he lunges at me with his hands on fire. I try to pull back, but I feel myself pinned to the ground. His gaze pierces me and, for a moment, I forget everything else.

As he gets closer, the heat from his hands is almost unbearable. But I don't care. I want to feel more.

He reaches out and puts his hand on my chest, giving me an electric shock. I've never felt anything like it. I feel like I'm on fire, but it's not a painful sensation. It's almost... pleasurable.

I look into her eyes and I can see the same desire reflected in me. We are two creatures consumed by our own emotions. She has sharp features and piercing blue eyes that seem to glow in the dimly lit hallway. Her silver hair falls in loose waves down her back, and her skin is almost translucent, as if made of glass.

But what strikes me most are his hands, now wreathed in silver flames.

I should be afraid, but I'm not. Instead, I feel a strong urge to touch her, to feel the warmth of her flames against my skin. I want to...


After thinking that in my head, a man stood in front of me waiting for something. He had nothing to stand out, other than his black clothes, white mask and green hair.

"Oh, it sounds like they had some kind of intimacy...or something."

"What are you saying?"

"Mmm, I came here to keep them from meeting, but apparently they already knew each other... never mind."

He walks past us, leaving us in a state of confusion and bewilderment.

As we watch him leave, the girl's flames begin to fade and she turns away from me, her eyes showing a decline.

"I'm sorry..."

"Alex, that's my name. It's okay, for now let's hope the situation calms down on that side."

We stood there for a moment, the tension between us still noticeable. But then the reality of our situation turns against us and we realize that we have to get out of this place before it is too late.

"Alex, let's go," I say, going to the girl in front of me holding her hand, "we have to find a way out of here."

Together, we run down the hallway, bare feet pounding the cold, hard floor. The alarms continue to sound and we hear footsteps approaching.

We go through a door at the end of the hallway and find ourselves in the waiting room. I look at the man in confusion, thinking about the situation. But when I look back at the silver-haired girl, I see that her body has lost its warmth.

I feel a pang of guilt in my chest. Have I hurt him?

Alex, who I recently saw him worried, sighs as if he knows what's going on. "Apparently she still can't control her power, if we include the kind of drug she was injected with.... It's best to take her to the infirmary. Luckily I used some magic to bring them back to their conscious state, but.... Can you help me carry her to carry her?"

I nod, not trusting my voice to speak. I reach out to lift her hand and, as I touch her skin, I notice the warmth still emanating from her body. But it's not as strong as before. It's as if she's already fading. As we make our way to the infirmary, the man explains more about the situation.

The silver-haired girl, whose name is Gina, was part of a secret government project aimed at creating superhuman abilities through the use of experimental drugs.

But something went wrong. Gina's powers became too intense for her to control, and the scientists were forced to keep her sedated to prevent her from causing further damage.

The man, who introduces himself as Alex, is part of a group of rebels fighting against unethical government experiments. He has managed to infiltrate the facility and free Gina, but they have been trapped in the process.

The man moving the palm of his

 hand in circles punctures his fingers into the air as if it had a shape and tears it open showing us a dimensional portal. Holding "it" he shakes his head towards the portal as a sign for us to enter.

With some hesitation we entered the doorway and crossed into a dimly lit hospital room.

Arriving at the infirmary, Gina is placed on a medical bed. The doctors rush to examine her, Alex and I stay behind, watching with concern.

After several hours, the doctor approaches us with a grave expression and ushers us over to Gina.

The doctor leaves Gina lying on a bed and begins to gather his supplies, muttering to himself about the seriousness of her condition. As he works, I can't help but feel guilty. I don't know what happened to me in that hallway, but I know I can't let it happen again.

The man finishes tending to the girl and turns to me with a stern look. "You have to be more careful," he tells me, "you could have killed her."

"I know," I reply almost mumbling.

He nods and turns to the girl. "We need to let her rest luckily you didn't cause physical damage, but the internal damage from overuse of her magic caused some irregularities in her magic circuitry. For now, it would be best to let her rest."

Alex, satisfied with the answer, pats me on his head and points his head at me to leave the place.

I hesitate for a moment, wanting to make sure he's going to be okay. But the man seems to have everything under control, so I turn around and walk out of the infirmary.

The following day

I move through the corridors of this strange place and see Gina walking aimlessly. I reach out to touch her hands, but she turns away, her eyes still burning.

"What's happening to us?" I ask him in a desperate voice.

He looks at me for a long moment before speaking, his voice barely above a whisper.

"We are not like the others. We are different. We have powers they don't understand. And they fear what they don't understand."

I nod and understand. "We are not alone in this world. There are others like us, hiding in the shadows, afraid of what the world will do to them if they are discovered."

"But we are not afraid. We are strong. We will fight for our right to be who we are, to use our powers and abilities for good. And we will let no one stand in our way."

"Together, we will rise up and demonstrate how humans should bid farewell to their fear of all..."

"Hey," I say gently.

He looks at me, his eyes still burning with intensity. But little by little, his flames begin to fade until they disappear completely.

For a moment, everything is silent. We stare at each other, not knowing what to say. But I can feel a connection between us, something I've never felt before.

Finally, she speaks.

"I don't know what just happened," he says, his voice barely above a whisper.

I nod my head, unable to find my voice.

"I felt so... alive. Like I could finally be myself."

A sense of relief comes over me as I hear his words. Even if we don't fully understand what is happening, at least we are not alone in this. Together, we can find answers and face whatever the future holds.

Humans are a highly evolved and complex mammalian species. Abilities such as reasoning, communication, creativity and the ability to learn and adapt to the environment are what make us Human.

It goes beyond simply reacting to external stimuli; it involves the ability to create alternative realities in our minds, to explore future possibilities.

The way she explains her dream of being able to improve today's society generates a certain emotion in me.

I grasp her icy hands and look into her eyes with a still small flame.

"We will join together to achieve that dream, I swear by my name ##### to be able to make your dreams come true even if it takes me time... but we will make it."

Her expression begins to change and her bright smile shows her acceptance of my request.

This moment is a turning point in our lives, a turning point that would mark a before and after. Despite the upcoming difficulties we will face in the future, she found the strength to move forward, to face her fears and overcome the obstacles that stood in her way. A dream, but soon to be a reality.