
Dark Berserk

[WSA 24 Entry] In the realm of "Dark Berserk," a twisted and immersive dark fantasy novel, the lines between light and darkness blur, and the true nature of heroes and villains is called into question. In the desolate kingdom of Eldoria, a land cloaked in shadows and plagued by ancient curses, a young warrior named Eamon finds himself thrust into an epic battle against the forces of darkness. Haunted by a tragic past and burdened with a mysterious power, Eamon embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth about his origins and unlock the secrets of his latent abilities. As he delves deeper into the treacherous depths of Eldoria, Eamon encounters a cast of enigmatic and morally ambiguous characters. From the enigmatic sorceress who wields forbidden magic to the tormented mercenary with a hidden agenda, each individual Eamon encounters is a reflection of the complex and morally gray world he navigates. Amidst blood-soaked battles, ancient prophecies, and forbidden alliances, Eamon must confront his own inner demons and make choices that will determine the fate of Eldoria. Will he succumb to the darkness within him, or will he rise above and become the hero the realm desperately needs? "Dark Berserk" is a gripping tale that explores themes of identity, redemption, and the blurred line between good and evil. With its intricate world-building, complex characters, and pulse-pounding action, this dark fantasy novel will transport readers to a realm where the shadows hold as much power as the light, and where the true nature of heroism is put to the ultimate test. [Instagram : V novel]

Vnovel3 · Fantasy
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The Beginnings at Eldoria

Captain Cadmus led the new recruits through gleaming halls towards the throne room. Eamon gazed upon ornate tapestries and shining banners with wonder.

As they entered the grand chamber, Eamon gasped. King Tristan sat regally upon his gilded seat, crown glittering in the brazier light. "My loyal subjects," the king bellowed. "I welcome our new soldiers to Eldoria's ranks."

Tristan praised each man's valor, Cadmus nodding proudly. But Eamon's attention drifted to the beautiful princess at her father's side. Locks of gold and eyes of azure, she surveyed the men indifferently - except meeting Eamon's stare with disdain.

Despite her scorn, Eamon found himself smitten, cheeks warming at her haughty regard. Yet what could a lowly farm boy hope for from one of royal blood? He shook away fanciful thoughts, returning focus to his new king and the duties ahead. Whatever obstacles lay in store, Eamon would prove himself a man of honor through loyalty and bravery alone.

En conclusion du discours du roi Tristan, il a abordé des questions essentielles. "Le logement et les repas seront fournis à tous les soldats employés par Eldoria. Le capitaine Cadmus va maintenant vous escorter jusqu'à la caserne où vous logerez pendant votre service."

Des acclamations enthousiastes ont accueilli la proclamation – un tel privilège royal défiait les plus grands espoirs des recrues. Cadmus fit un geste et les hommes le suivirent hors de la salle, des guerriers fraîchement formés impatients de voir leurs nouveaux quartiers.

Eamon marchait aux côtés de Taliesin, toujours les yeux étoilés par la splendeur du roi et le regard sévère de la princesse. "La vie d'un soldat promet une générosité plus grande que je n'aurais jamais pu l'imaginer !"

Taliesin éclata de rire. "Oui, et des paysages plus beaux que n'importe quelle ferme pourrait offrir. Mais les rêves ne signifient pas grand-chose sans le labeur pour les réaliser. Eamon viens maintenant - notre nouvelle maison nous attend, et les devoirs de demain exigeront notre force."

Se renforçant à nouveau, Eamon affronta l'avenir la tête haute. Quelles que soient les épreuves qui l'attendaient, il les affronterait avec autant de courage que n'importe quel homme sous la bannière d'or d'Eldoria.

Captain Cadmus led them past bustling halls and practice yards to the barracks block. "Eamon Forde and Taliesin Gwalchmai, you'll share bunk A3."

With a nod, Cadmus took his leave to settle the others. Eamon pushed open the sturdy oak door, excitement swiftly draining at what awaited inside.

A severe-looking man lay upon the nearest bed, who sat up at their entrance with a scowl. "And who are you stragglers interrupting my rest?" he sneered.

Eamon and Taliesin straightened. "I'm Eamon Forde, this is Taliesin Gwalchmai. We've been assigned this room," said Eamon calmly.

The man appraised them with disdain. "I am Sir Brennus of Verdshire. You insolent whelps had best show your better, or you'll learn discipline upon my lance."

Taliesin stepped forward placatingly. "Peace, Sir Brennus. We mean no quarrel, only to serve Eldoria as you have."

Brennus snorted derisively but said no more. An awkward silence fell as Eamon and Taliesin claimed the lone empty bunk, hoping a soldier's code would overcome any petty rivalry between ranks.

As night fell, Eamon bade Taliesin rest. "Dawn comes swiftly - we must regain strength for duty."

But their hushed voices roused Sir Brennus's ire. "Silence, whelps! Some wish to sleep without your prattling."

Eamon met the knight's baleful stare calmly. "Apologies, sir. We'll disturb you no more tonight."

Brennus scoffed and rolled to face the wall. Eamon smiled wearily at Taliesin, who returned a look of exasperated understanding.

The future was unwritten - within these very walls, rivalry or fellowship might emerge between lowly recruits and seasoned knights. But for now they maintained a soldier's decorum, easing blustered tempers with prudent silence.

As the city slept and Eamon's thoughts wandered to gold-haired princesses with azure eyes, a new chapter of their lives had well and truly begun under Eldoria's banner. Whatever lay ahead, they would stand united.

The morn came swift as Taliesin predicted, rousing with Captain Cadmus's shrill whistle. Eamon startled awake with a groan, Sir Brennus already dressed and staring down his nose impatiently.

"Rise and shine, whelps!" came Cadmus's booming call. "The sunrise waits for no soldier abed!"

Eamon and Taliesin dressed hastily and joined the bustling mass flowing from barracks toward the mess hall. There, a bountiful spread awaited - coarse bread, hearty porridge, pickled vegetables and slabs of smoked meat.

Grabbing a tray, Eamon fell upon the food ravenously. After breaking their fast, Cadmus addressed his charges. "New day, new duties! Archers to the butts, infantry to the fields, cavalry to the yards. Be ready to report in one bell!"

As soldiers scattered to their callings, Eamon turned to Taliesin with excitement for what lay ahead. At last, their true service to Eldoria was set to begin in earnest.

As recruits dispersed, Captain Cadmus bid Eamon and Taliesin tarry. "Your service begins in earnest now lads, but understand - duty is not all.

"Archers like Taliesin will maintain the fletching, train daily with bow and arrow. Meanwhile infantry such as you, Eamon, will drill in formation, learning spear, shield and sword. However, come evenings, you're as free as any person."

Cadmus leaned in conspiratorially. "There's a roaring pub frequented by my boys called The Laughing Highwayman. And you've not seen beauty till you explore Eldorian at night, street performers, craft markets bursting at the seams.

"Just keep an eye on the city guard roster - it's an easy way to volunteer for light patrols, gain useful experience and favor with your superiors. With fortune, there may even be leave soon to visit hometowns! But duty first, as ever - now off with you both!"

Thus did their days and dreams in Eldorian's glittering capitol unfold, following the captain's sage guidance each step of the way. Excitement swelled within their youthful hearts.

"I thank you for your counsel, Captain," Eamon said with a nod. Cadmus departed, and Eamon turned to Taliesin.

"My friend, I feel I must spend this morn acquainting myself with my new arms and armor. Will you forgive me if we part ways for a time?"

Taliesin smiled understandingly. "Of course. We all have to adapt to changes in our own way. I might opt for a game of chess to pass the time - but you'll still find me later to share stories, right?"

"Taliesin you can be certain," Eamon replied warmly. "I'll meet you by the old oak at noon."

With that the comrades split, Eamon making for the training grounds while Taliesin headed to the barracks common room. There, soldiers relaxed or engaged in leisurely pursuits between duties.

Eamon strode onto the field, eager to test himself yet cautious of his limits. Flexing his grip around new sword and shield, clad head to heel in sturdy leathers, he began to move through basic stances and forms - the first steps towards forging body and will into a weapon of guardianship.

For hours Eamon devoted himself to drills, determined to master every technique. He began with relentless footwork - sidestepping, lunging, pivoting - each movement blended into the next with fluid precision.

His new broadsword felt an extension of self as he ran through sword forms, striking invisible enemies from high guard and low in flashing sequences. Parrying came next, blocking mock blows to hone blade-skill and build calloused hands.

Shield-work followed, learning to hold the heavy metal rim both offensively and defensively. He bashed and battered an imaginary foe, blocking their every move while raining counter strikes in a fearsome shieldwall offense.

By noon, sweat soaked his tunic as Eamon moved on to combined arms. Sword and shield worked in tandem now, one forever covering flaws the other exposed. His footwork held fast throughout demanding patterns, body and brain working as one well-oiled war machine.

Finally Eamon collapsed, chest heaving, upon the hard-packed earth. Every muscle screamed in sweet agony - but he had only just begun to tap his potential on the long road ahead.

As the afternoon sun sank low, Eamon rose to depart – but paused, noticing an aged mage observing him intently from the shadows. Going to greet the man, he was alarmed by what seemed barely contained fear in those wrinkled eyes.

"Greetings sir, I mean you no harm. Is aught amiss?"

The mage scanned Eamon again warily. "Forgive an old man's nerves, son, but that armor...and sword at your belt. I swore I'd know them anywhere – they belonged to a crazed warlord who near brought destruction upon our realm decades past!"

Eamon blanched. "Impossible – Captain Cadmus bade me choose them fresh from the armory..."

But the mage shook his head. "Nay, I spellcrafted sealing runes upon that fell blade meself when our greatest enchanter barely bested the beast who wielded it. They've lain locked in stasis since – how came they to your possession? Dark omens may hang over you, lad..."

Dread and suspicion bloomed within Eamon's heart. What shadows from Eldoria's past had he unwittingly tied himself to?