
Dark Berserk

[WSA 24 Entry] In the realm of "Dark Berserk," a twisted and immersive dark fantasy novel, the lines between light and darkness blur, and the true nature of heroes and villains is called into question. In the desolate kingdom of Eldoria, a land cloaked in shadows and plagued by ancient curses, a young warrior named Eamon finds himself thrust into an epic battle against the forces of darkness. Haunted by a tragic past and burdened with a mysterious power, Eamon embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth about his origins and unlock the secrets of his latent abilities. As he delves deeper into the treacherous depths of Eldoria, Eamon encounters a cast of enigmatic and morally ambiguous characters. From the enigmatic sorceress who wields forbidden magic to the tormented mercenary with a hidden agenda, each individual Eamon encounters is a reflection of the complex and morally gray world he navigates. Amidst blood-soaked battles, ancient prophecies, and forbidden alliances, Eamon must confront his own inner demons and make choices that will determine the fate of Eldoria. Will he succumb to the darkness within him, or will he rise above and become the hero the realm desperately needs? "Dark Berserk" is a gripping tale that explores themes of identity, redemption, and the blurred line between good and evil. With its intricate world-building, complex characters, and pulse-pounding action, this dark fantasy novel will transport readers to a realm where the shadows hold as much power as the light, and where the true nature of heroism is put to the ultimate test. [Instagram : V novel]

Vnovel3 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Bonds of Brotherhood

With morning tests concluded, Captain Cadmus called for a respite to break bread before the final challenge. Eamon sat gratefully beside Taliesin at the fringes of the yard, gladly accepting a wrapped parcel from his new companion.

As they ate, easy conversation flowed. " Taliesin why do you seek entry into the King's guard?" Eamon asked his friend. "Such duty seems a heavy mantle to bear."

Taliesin chewed in thoughtful silence before answering. "A soldier's life is the only I've known, though born to no great house or title. I've roamed far defending caravans and outposts, yet long to plant firmer roots. Service to the crown offers honor and security in kind."

He turned the question back on Eamon. "And your, my friend - what drives your ambitions towards this post?"

"Since I was a lad, I dreamed to stand as proud protector of Eldoria's golden age," Eamon replied. "King Tristan's reign ushers a new era of peace and plenty across the land. To play small part ensuring the realm's strength and sovereignty is a noble cause indeed."

Taliesin nodded, grasping Eamon's passion. Their bond of brotherhood was sealed in that moment, marching parallel towards glory under Eldoria's banner together or not.

Eamon se tourna vers Taliesin pendant qu'ils mangeaient, curieux d'en savoir plus sur leurs rôles potentiels s'ils rejoignaient les rangs. « Taliesin, quelles formes de garde servent dans les forces d'Eldoria ?

Taliesin avala une gorgée d'hydromel avant de répondre. "La Garde Royale elle-même est la plus proche du Roi, une confrérie d'élite composée de guerriers éprouvés, triés sur le volet pour leur caractère inébranlable et leur excellence martiale. La plupart des aspirants trouveront une place parmi les soldats ordinaires comme fantassins, cavaliers ou archers en fonction de leurs forces. »

"Au-delà de celles-ci, des spécialisations existent. Les éclaireurs parcourent les périphéries, les yeux et les oreilles du royaume. Ils ont besoin de furtivité, de compétences en pistage et d'une indépendance robuste. Pendant ce temps, les sapeurs renforcent nos défenses et éliminent les menaces grâce à l'ingénierie et aux explosifs, un métier délicat. Il y a aussi des Gardes Ailés qui maîtrisent les cieux à bord de griffons et de pégases."

Eamon écoutait avec une grande attention, réfléchissant aux rôles qui lui convenaient le mieux. Taliesin sentait ses soucis. "Eamon, aie confiance, fais tes preuves lors de ce dernier test, et l'opportunité se présentera. Maintenant, viens, élaborons une stratégie !"

As their break drew to a close, Taliesin and Eamon came to understand their destinies remained unsealed. "No single role calls to me over another," Eamon admitted.

Taliesin nodded in agreement. "Duty first, where'er it leads, is my guide as well. Opportunity makes soldiers, not ambition alone."

Captain Cadmus' summons ended their musings. "Final test is hand to hand," he announced. "You'll each be paired against another and spar in the circle according to military combative rules."

Murmurs arose as recruits paired off to strategize. Cadmus continued, "Fights proceed until a man yields or is knocked beyond the boundary. No lasting injury, but skill, heart and tactics will be assessed.The winner or the loser will receive their grade based on several factors."

Eamon stretched limbs, readying body and mind for the trial. Taliesin placed a steadying hand on his shoulder. "Eamon clear your mind, act on instinct. Victory lies within reach, brother — now go and seize it!"

With a nod and smile, Eamon left to put all his training to the ultimate test, every lesson learned that day culminating in this moment of truth.

Captain Cadmus called for the recruits' attention. "The final test shall be a dueling tournament. With 120 candidates, we'll conduct 5 rounds of single combat bouts drawn by lot."

Excitement mounted as names were plucked from Cadmus' helmet and paired off. Eamon stretched as his turn approached, eyeing a practice sword and battered shield laid out.

At last Cadmus read "Eamon Forde!" His opponent drew gasps - Gorm, a hulking brute near seven feet with muscle stacked on muscle. But Eamon steeled his nerves, squaring up across from the giant.

Cadmus bellowed, "Begin!" and Gorm charged with a roar. Eamon rolled beneath a ham-fisted swing, jabbing his dull blade into thick thighs. A beefy elbow knocked him back, dazed, as onlookers murmured doubt over the scrawny farmboy's chances.

Shaking off stars, Eamon regained footing just in time to raise shield against a skull-cracking overhead chop. His arms rattled under the impact but held firm. Somewhere in the crowd, Taliesin's cheering gave Eamon a glimmer of hope against all odds.

The duel had begun in earnest. Eamon smirked - size mattered not if he kept his wits. There was a fight yet to win this day.

Gorm's next swing came wild, exhaustion chipping at his reserves. Eamon ducked beneath and jabbed at knee knobs, wincing as his blade rebounded without effect. Retreating lightly, Eamon regained distance to weigh strategy.

_Size is his strength, but makes him slow,_ Eamon mused. _I must tire the giant through mobility alone while avoiding capture._

At Gorm's next charge, Eamon sprang sideways with feline grace, lashing out at thick forearms and calves. Little damage resulted, yet each hit further wore down his foe. Gorm bellowed in impotent rage, swings growing more labored.

Spotting an opening, Eamon suddenly darted inside the giant's guard, bringing hilt up hard under Gorm's chin. Stars exploded behind Gorm's eyes as he stumbled back, balance lost. Eamon promptly hooked a leg behind massive knees and heaved with all his might, toppling his colossal foe.

Landing heavily, Gorm struggled briefly before submitting, "Yield!" The crowd erupted at improbable victory as Captain Cadmus acclaimed Eamon the winner through "cunning and grit beyond expectations!" His full potential was at last unleashed for all to see.

Captain Cadmus took the stage once more. "I will now declare the results of Eamon Forde's testing."

He unfurled his tallies. "In archery, Eamon showed steady accuracy and precision, scoring an 'A' with 80 points."

Murmurs of approval arose from the audience. Cadmus continued, "On the obstacle course, Eamon's light footwork and problem-solving served him well. He earned a 'B+' with 70 points there."

Eamon swelled with pride at the marks, though his true test remained. Cadmus nodded to him with a wink. "And in hand-to-hand combat, Eamon demonstrated cunning, tenacity and tactical prowess beyond expectations to defeat a much larger opponent. He scores full marks - another 'A' with 80 points."

Raising Eamon's arm in victory, Cadmus declared to roaring cheers: "With top scores in two categories and an average exceeding 75, Eamon Forde has proven himself worthy to join Eldoria's ranks! Welcome to the Royal Guard, soldier."

Overcome with joy and gratitude, Eamon embraced Taliesin - his friend and inspiration through it all. At long last, his boyhood dream was realized in full.

Captain Cadmus shared the gleeful news with Taliesin - he too had passed with flying colors, scoring high marks across all tests. Their kinship was sealed beyond rivalry.

As the sun fell below the treeline, Cadmus gathered his new recruits. "Hurrah for our champions! At dusk, I will guide you all back to the Royal City of Eldorian where the king and the nobles reside."

Excitement swelled amongst the men as Cadmus' escort of ten guards formed around them, bearing flaming torches against looming shadows. Drums beat and horns sang a triumphant tune as the procession trod onwards through fading light.

Eamon fell in step beside Taliesin, gazing eager eyes upon the road ahead. "At journey's end our new lives shall begin, hidden wonders awaits within those walls," Taliesin said.

"Aye, and adventures untold," Eamon agreed with a grin. Whatever trials lay in store, they had each other's backs through days dark and bright. Their fates, and Eldoria's future, shone as brightly as the rising moon that night.

As night fell, Cadmus' band reached the towering gates of Eldorian's Royal City. Guards saluted their captain before winches grated open portals of solid oak.

Eamon gasped alongside Taliesin at sprawling avenues ablaze with braziers, majestic towers pricking the velvet sky. Citizens bustled about some evening errand as soldiers in gleaming steel stood vigil at every corner.

"Come, your registration awaits in the barracks," said Cadmus. They followed him down marble thoroughfares echoing with laughter and song spilling from ostentatious manors.

At last they reached a stout keep marked by the crown's insignia. Inside, a functionary sat at a golden oak desk, quill scratching ledgers by orange flamelight.

"Ho there, Varen!" called Cadmus. "First pass their information for the roster." He began with Taliesin. "Name, age, gender?"

"Taliesin Gwalchmai, 26, male. I'll join the ranks as an archer, if it please you." Varen noted details with practiced speed.

When Eamon's turn came, he declared proudly, "Eamon Forde, 22, male. Sign me to the city's infantry." The registrar obliged, making their callings official at last.

So upon pages of history were inscribed the fates of these new heroes, and mysteries of others who chose stealthier paths that night in Eldoria's golden heart.

With registration complete, Captain Cadmus led the recruits on a final tour. "Now you'll provision yourselves from our relic armory."

They followed down echoing steps to a vast chamber awash in moonlight. Racks stretched endlessly bearing every manner of arms, armor and tools of war. An archmage oversaw all - Melgan of House Arali, known for enchantments unrivaled across the realms.

Melgan greeted Cadmus cordially before turning keen eyes upon Eamon and his fellows. "Welcome, warriors. You've earned right to select three items each from these storied relics. Choose well - victory may hinge upon such simple things."

Eamon scanned treasures with a veteran's eye despite his greenness. A sturdy leather jerkin caught his eye, reinforced plates discreet yet durable. Beside it leaned a heater shield rimmed with iron and set with the royal sigil, waiting to bear its master into glory.

For his final choice, inspiration struck - a heavy broadsword patterned with runes along its fuller, promising strength and fortitude. Melgan nodded approval as Eamon claimed them, transformed already from simple villager into a hero in the making.

The secrets of their arsenal now unlocking before fresh eyes - what marvels would the recruits claim as their own?