
Dark Archive Necromancer

Skalain, a man from Earth, abruptly awakens in a dimly lit stone room, disoriented and bewildered. As he gathers his senses, he realizes something is drastically different about himself. The world around him feels infused with an inexplicable aura, and he senses a powerful presence within him. Before Skalain, a mysterious system materializes, shimmering with arcane symbols and pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Skalain, driven by an insatiable thirst for understanding, delves into the depths of this newfound necromancer's system. - System, Villain & Chaotic-Neutral & Evil MC No Harem -

Adenlia · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 72 - The Fight Against The Giant

Skalain took a good look at the giant, took a deep breath, and started planning.

"A level three magical creature, probably possessing a high amount of physical power and many other things."

At that time, the giant did not speak but started moving towards himself. Running.

"It is aggressive then."

Skalain did not hesitate and commanded

"All summons, get ready for a battle."

With his command, Six Sentinels and Three undead, as well as one hundred skeletons, showed up.

"Dark Magic..."

Giant uttered some words that were clearly audible to Skalain himself. Which is not something that he was expecting to hear at all.

"He knows about magic and mages. Level Three Magical Creatures are something else."

Skalain then commanded

"One hundred skeleton army, stay at your back and use materials around you for a weapon, throw spears, or anything."

Of course, there were no spears for the time being, as Skalain did not have time to make weapons and tools.

Byspears, he meant sharp branches and other things. He knows that the skeletons he has created would be just cannon fodder for this Giant creature and would do no damage to a level three magical creature.

Because of that, using objects and other tools and weapons has more meaning.

Skalain never forgets that these things always have some sort of basic understanding behind them, and it may not be the best idea, but he is here to learn and experience, and there is no need for him to take a backseat to any kind of opportunity.

As Skeletons moved in unison. The giant did not stand idle. It moved faster.

At this point, the Sentinels started to move to intercept the creature on its tracks.

Three Undead Creatures started moving just behind the sentinels. The Eagle Undead was flying and had more speed compared to the others.

Skalain also made note of this.

"It just shows that I need more versatility."

The giant and the first sentinel made the first contact.

The giant punched the sentinel, and the first one went shooting like a cannon ball towards the backside.

Some of its bones were broken, but it was not destroyed.

"It is good to know that my sentinels are not weak."

Skalain gave the utmost importance to his sentinel skeletons because they were not just created skeletons but his own creations.

Which means that as long as he has enough magical energy, even if one of them dies, he can summon another one.

Sentinels, being strong, have direct influence and power.

Other sentinels spread out and started attacking from all sides.

One of them punched the creature on the left side, causing it to kneel.


The giant roared, and the punch and attack from the sentinel broke down some bones on his leg.

"The attacking power of the sentinels has increased too; considering their size is two meters and they are fueled by magical power directly, it is normal to expect something like this."

At the same time as Skalain was thinking. One of the sentinels jumped and tried to kick the head of the giant, but it was blocked by his left hand, and the giant counterattacked with his right punch.

Sending the attacking sentinel flying.

Skalain just smiled as he watched.

"As long as the numbers are right and the strategy is good, there should be no problem taking care of any kind of enemy. Of course, if they are the normal kind of enemy that I can fight,"