
Dark Angel, White Demon

Disclaimer: the photo was made by weiiiss using customized picrew images by the artists @tokiyo10,@7_7Iliq, and @_U_run. No money was exchanged in the process of making this cover, and permission was also granted to use this images

RG_Martin · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Aqua thought they we're walking through a maze. Only Theo had turned to look at her while planning to slaughter next time for getting him in trouble. Well at least the hatred between them was clear. But what she could not get was what she had done to the other guy walking infront of her like he owned the world. Well he did look like those tyrannical CEO's that people should be afraid of.

That professor was not left behind when God was distributing height to his new creation since he was taaaall. Aqua had to run a few steps just to catch with this descendants of Goliath. The prof. was walking like his life depended on it, well I guess it did anyway. Aqua thought that they we're being taken to the principals office. You also thought the same right. Well here things we're totally different you are found in the wrong and you serve your, whatever the prof. will say. So ehm, Aqua was so surprised when she found herself at the basement of the building.

Aqua stared at the prof like he had just grown another head. The prof just stared at the trio like they we're supposed to know what to do.

"Seems you have a lot of energy. Why waste it on hitting each other when you can clean this place." He said while pointing at the washing equipments at the corner. He wa about to leave.

"Wait are you leaving us here?" Aqua asked while pointing at the two guys .

"Do you want to join me miss?" The smile on his face told otherwise.

"No actually I'll stay here."

"After you are done collect you detention tickets from me." The prof left with those words like he said nothing.

'Detention ticket like I'm going to see my favorite singer. I'll pass.' The professor seemed to have read her mind.

"Don't you dare miss out on it or else you will have a whole week of it." He said as he closed the door behind him.

'How could that teacher leave me here with psychopaths.'

"Great detention on the first day of classes." Aqua was so irritated that she was stuck in here. The basement was so huge.

"You don't look like the type to follow rules anyway." Raquel was the one who replied while looking for a cozy place to rest. Theo also seemed least annoyed about the punishment.

"I do follow rules. I haven't broken any yet. "

"How sure are you about that. "

"I thought supposed to clean the basement not relax in it." Aqua stares at the two men who were busy looking for comfortable places to place their butts on. Ingoring the laters question.

"Clean your part and leave the rest of it. And don't think it's over blue eyes." Theo was glaring daggers at her.

"You are the one who started it green goblin. If you had minded your own business during breakfast I wouldn't be here."

"What did you just call me. "

"What!! Did you expect me to call you Mr. Romantic after you landed me on detention?"

"Wh... I'm so gonna kill you." Theo was about to spring on her but Raquel intervened.

"I would really love to see you two on each others necks but i'm not in the mood of getting a whole week of detention because of you two."

Theo seemed totally annoyed but tried cooling off and went back to his sitting position. Raquels smile was totally pissing them off. Aqua was the exact opposite.

"When will you two start cleaning your parts." They both pointed at where tge brushes were placed and went back to their sleep. Aqua was the type of person who never wanys to give up in a fight. She sat on a dirty sack and removed her phone.

'So this is why they are not using their phones. There is absolutely no network at all.' Aqua tried standing on her tippy toes but found nothing at all.

"I thought you said that you are the type that follows rules." Aqua stared at Theo who had his eyes closed. Not understanding what he was saying she continued on her quest search for the missing signal.

"The sign outside the door says 'there is no signal in the school basement'." Theo elaborated. You can imagine Aqua's flushed face.

'What sign!!?.' Aqua thought to herself. She could have sworn that she did not see any sign on her way inside. She walked towards the door and tried opening it to find out that it was locked.

"Rule no. 34 dictates that no one is supposed to opened those doors during punishment period."

"And you just said that you follow all rule."

"This school should just call those rules their constitution instead of rules." Aqua said while retreating to her seat. Aqua stared at the two guys who we're seated at the different ends of the basement. They did not seem like they would be moving from their positions anytime soon.

"Guys when are we going to start cleaning. "

"You should get your fifth sense checked it doesn't seem to be working."Raquel said. Aqua was a hundred percent sure that they won't move an inch. She stood up grudgingly while dragging her feet to where the buckets we're placed. The place was so dusty that she was sure there would be rodents here.

The air was even suffocating. One of her hand was scrapped by the nail hidden behind the mop. Some blood poured on her flesh cut. She knew if the cut healed itself the two people behind her would not it. She stopped the process of healing and took both the mop and the bucket and walked towards the sinks. As she walked past Raquel, in his eyes a hint of red could have been seen which almost dissapeared instantly.


Raquel stared at her back as she walked towards the sinks. He could already feel his fangs throbbing but he tamed them and closed his eyes trying to get the smell of blood from his nose. He started smelling blood immediately she was hurt, but now his senses were hurting.

He stood up without even talking and walked towards where she was. She could see that she was very busy pouring water in the bucket but was not cleaning her wound. She instead wrapped it with her handkerchief. He grabbed her hand, which shocked her fron the way her eyes rounded up.

"What do you think you are doing?"

He unwrapped it and placed it under the flowing water completely ignoring her question. He washed the wound clean and wrapped it back with a clean cloth.

"A dirty wound can be infected." He said between gritted teeth as his fangs we're talking a totally different story.

I hope that you are all enjoying the book. The cover is still in progress

RG_Martincreators' thoughts