
Dark Abyss: Meteor Apocalypse

Check out my new book. The Successor System: While Others Cultivate, I Level Up ********** In the year 2030. A large meteorite crashed into Europe, creating a deep crater. A team was sent out to analyze and gather information, on what this strange phenomenon might be. But they never made it back. It was later discovered, that some creatures were emerging from this deep crater and had begun to spread across the continent. Despite the efforts of the military, they weren’t able to kill a single one of these creatures. This became a threat to not just the continent, but all of humanity. So it was decided, that all the affected areas should be sealed down to prevent the monsters from spreading further. A large number of people ended up getting sealed, along with these creatures. Without a doubt, being destined to die. But as though nature couldn’t allow this. A metal that could affect this creature was discovered. Which they used to fend off the creatures and create a large city. The battle between them and the creatures raged on. Ray, a young boy, who had arrived in Europe for tourism, had ended up among those who were sealed with these creatures He swore to make it back to his family no matter what. ********************** PS: Thanks for reading. Make sure to add to your library and vote if you like the book. Your support would be appreciated. Cover isn’t mine. If the owner wants me to take it down, contact me.

K_Phynom · Fantasy
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51 Chs

[Bonus chapter]Introduction to Death

Check out my new book. The Blessed and The Cursed Vampire.


She walked out of the shop not taking her eyes off them even for a second.

She was among the first people to reside in this neighborhood and had seen many children, teenagers, and youths who had survived the meteor apocalypse but none of them stood out more than three teenagers, two boys and a girl. 

Unlike others who seemed completely heartbroken without the will to continue to live at all.

One of the two boys always wore a poker face making his thoughts almost impossible to read and seemed calm since the day he arrived in Euthopia.

The other boy mostly had a casual expression and could even get mischievous and playful sometimes. Something very unusual as most people were grieving and planning to take their lives. This made him also difficult to read.