
Dark A Live (Date A Live Fan-fic)

I had thought that my life would be filled with happiness and purpose upon transmigrating to the DAL world. However, reality proved otherwise. The beauty I once knew seemed to center only around the main character and those close to them. For characters like me and other ordinary citizens, our destinies seemed doomed to plunge into the darkest depths of this world. I witnessed government deceit, hostile actions by spirits, and lives shattered in chaos. Each day, fragments of existence were broken and left behind amidst battles against annihilation. After discovering such bitter truths, all my hopes and once cherished ideals turned to resentment. Silently, I vowed to change this dark world, once and for all.

KEDITHA · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The Battle After Battle 3

"Deploy Territory!"

My Territory expanded to its maximum, encompassing the entire combat space. In this Territory, I am the STRONGEST.

Kaguya was the first to charge, her long spear glowing with the power of a spirit. She moved like a flash of lightning, aiming straight for the weakest point in my armor — the gap between my shoulder and chest.

I immediately retreated, twisting to dodge, but Kaguya's speed was too fast. Her spear spun fiercely, tearing through the air with a scream like a cry for death. But in that moment, an opening appeared. I swung my sword horizontally, aiming straight for her torso.

But Kaguya had anticipated it. She bent her body nimbly, dodging my slash in an instant, then countered with a thrust of her spear. I had to use my armored left arm to block it.

Before I could regain my balance, Yuzuru charged from behind, her pendulum swirling into a tornado.

The combat space was too confined, making it nearly impossible to dodge all the attacks simultaneously. I was forced to shrink my Territory, creating a tight protective layer around my body to block Yuzuru's attack. But that inadvertently created an opening for all three of them to attack simultaneously.

Kaguya lunged from the left, aiming for my throat. Yuzuru came from behind, intending to paralyze my movements with a precise blow. And from above, Yoshino prepared to unleash a freezing snowstorm.

"Damn…!" I thought swiftly, deciding to suddenly expand my Territory again. The powerful thrust of the Territory exploded, creating a shockwave that forced all three of them back for a brief moment. I did not waste this opportunity.

My sword immediately split into countless fragments, each piece flying through the air like sharp glass shards. These fragments surrounded each of them, locking their movements.

All three tried to resist and break the encirclement, but the sword fragments countered instantly, creating deep cuts on their limited spirit armor.

"It's not over yet…" I raised my hand in a decisive motion.

Immediately, two automatic laser cannons behind me activated. Beams of light shot into the sky, and the shells exploded in a brilliant flash, then burst in the air like fireworks, scattering into countless sharp laser rays that fell like a meteor shower. They descended at a blinding speed, piercing through the air and heading straight for the positions of all three.

The explosions, the light from the continuous blasts, and the shockwaves spread out in waves, shaking the surrounding space.

I panted heavily, sweat beading under my armor as I felt my spiritual energy slowly depleting. The pressure from maintaining the Territory from earlier to now had drained all my strength.

As the smoke began to clear, I looked towards the three figures standing amidst the rubble. I could not believe my eyes: they were still unharmed, showing no signs of damage.

"Why... How is this possible?!" I roared, confusion and anger surging within me.

Given the situation, there was no way they could have escaped or resisted. They only had one option: to take the full brunt of the attack. Yet, the enemies before me still stood unscathed, as if protected by someone.

"Kikiki, it seems I arrived just in time, huh?" A mocking laugh echoed.

"Shido-san must be grateful to me."

I looked up and immediately recognized her — Kurumi Tokisaki, "Nightmare." Darkness enveloped her, her red eyes piercing as if they could see right through one's soul.

"Stay out of my business, you bitch! There will be a part for you too!"

"Ara, ara, is that so?" Kurumi smiled, her tone light yet provocative. "But I think you won't be able to take on all of us."

Behind her, numerous shadows began to emerge from the darkness — Kurumi's clones, each wearing the same eerie smile.

Each clone stood ready to intercept and endure my fierce attack. They moved swiftly, surrounding the entire space, forming a living barricade.

It would be difficult to break through this dense barrier without using spirit energy, but if I used it now, I surely wouldn't have enough to deal with what was coming next.

Kurumi giggled, her smile full of amusement and mockery. "What's wrong, not planning to fight back, Watano-san?"

"Then... farewell!"

All her clones raised their guns, ready to unleash a barrage aimed at me.

"Damn it… I can't stay stuck here… I have to do s—?!"

Just as I was panicking, I felt something rolling inside the box I carried. A small, long-forgotten object — an orb… No, it was a fully charged mana core, something I had requested the mechanics department to mass-produce and improve.

"Oh, how could I have forgotten about 'this'?"

"Are you mumbling your last words?" she taunted, her voice full of mockery, as if she had already won.

I laughed loudly, my eyes cold as they focused on Kurumi. "Last words?" I shrugged, maintaining a defiant tone.

"Those are better suited to your life, Kurumi!"

"And it just so happens I want to test 'it' on all of you."

Kurumi's eyebrows knitted in suspicion, but before she could think further, I swiftly tossed the mana core into the air and activated it immediately.

The mana core vibrated violently, its light becoming blindingly bright, to the point that the entire space seemed to be swallowed by an overwhelming source of light. A shrill sound pierced through the air, like the roar of a giant storm. Suddenly, everything went silent for a brief moment before the explosion occurred.

Then, in an instant, the mana core exploded, creating a bright white orb like the sun, expanding at an alarming speed. The light was so intense that it blinded the eyes, as if everything around had vanished into nothingness. A massive wave of heat spread, cutting through the air, creating a powerful whirlwind.

The pressure from the explosion spread out like a shockwave, sweeping away everything in its path. Rocks, trees, and any objects were shattered and blown into tiny pieces. The air was compressed and then burst out like a gigantic thunderclap, pushing everything around hundreds of meters away.

With no other choice, I had to use my spirit energy immediately. Donning my spirit armor, I raised my hand forward, creating an invisible shield to withstand the immense pressure from the explosion. The shockwave hit the shield, shaking it violently, but it held firm.

A huge mushroom cloud rose from the center of the explosion. Flames burst forth, swirling with red-hot tendrils, spiraling upwards along with thick black dust and smoke that spread across the sky like a dark curtain blocking out the light.

I took a deep breath, focusing my gaze forward to see the result of the attack. This destruction... just a small mana core could cause such devastating damage. Everything within a 500-meter radius had been wiped out, leaving no trace. Part of the D.E.M Corporation's premises had been flattened, with no signs of life or prior structures.

Looking at the grand scene before me, the remnants of the explosion stretching far and wide, I could not help but feel a void within myself. The product I had painstakingly developed had undoubtedly succeeded spectacularly, its destructive power beyond expectations. But instead of feeling victorious, I felt an inexplicable emptiness in my heart.

I should have celebrated this success with 'those who were once my comrades.'

After standing amidst the ruins for a while, I tried to regain my spirit. This was not a time for despair but for greater determination. The determination that no one would fall to the hands of spirits again.

Without further hesitation, I wiped the tears streaming down my face, my eyes filled with resolve and hatred stronger than ever. I turned and continued straight toward the D.E.M. headquarters.

The closer I got, the louder the chaotic sounds of battle rang out in the air. Explosions, screams, and the sound of metal clashing echoed from all directions.

I could see the magicians of D.E.M. frantically fighting Kurumi's clones. The figures of the <Bandersnatch >, the battle machines, continuously fired laser barrages, trying to eliminate everything in their sights. But Kurumi's clones, swift and cunning, were not easily taken down. They dodged, weaved, and counterattacked with sharp bullets from their short guns.

If it had been earlier, I might have continued to take a detour to minimize casualties for the whole team… But now, that seemed more meaningless than ever.

"<Nahemah >"

I no longer had the patience to dodge or fight cautiously. All hesitation and strategic thinking had been thrown away. Now, there was only one resolve left — to sweep away everything that stood in my path.

I charged forward like a bullet shot from a gun. Spirit energy covered my entire body, emitting a blinding purple light like a bright star in the dark night. The wind howled in my ears, but it couldn't drown out the screams of enemies around me.

The <Bandersnatch > machines stood as meaningless obstacles before my assault. They couldn't react in time as I charged at them. In an instant, I pierced through them with my bare hands, metal fragments flying everywhere, while I did not stop.

The magicians of D.E.M. tried to surround me, but how could they possibly have a chance to defeat me?


I swung <Nahemah > with a powerful slash, and the screams of the mages were cut short by the surge of power from the Demon King. They had no time to realize death was approaching. Their Territories were torn apart, and their bodies shattered into tiny fragments.

One by one, the mages fell, followed by the <Bandersnatch >, all trying to slow my speed, but to no avail. I continued to charge forward, cutting through the falling ash and debris like an unstoppable storm. My eyes did not waver, focused solely on the target ahead—the D.E.M. building.

Just as I was about to rush inside, a swift movement to the side instantly caught my attention. A sense of danger surged up, causing me to turn my head immediately and see a familiar figure.

"Mana... and that is..." I muttered, recognizing the figure approaching. But something was off; Mana wasn't heading toward me but seemed to be fleeing from something.

Two other figures appeared behind her, moving at a terrifying speed. Ellen Mathers and Jessica Bayley, both pursuing Mana like relentless predators. Behind them, Origami Tobiichi was also in close pursuit, likely wanting to enter the building to save Shido.

"Well, I might as well eliminate them all in one go."

Without hesitation, I lunged into the fray, my sole target in mind: Ellen Mathers. The one who had humiliated me last time, now she would pay for her arrogance.

"Ellen!" I roared, <Nahemah > gleaming as I charged at a terrifying speed. The first clash between <Nahemah > and Ellen's sword rang out like thunder, creating a shockwave that shook everything around us. The force of both pushed everything back within a few meters.

"So, you're here too, <The Merciless>?"

"Save your breath, you bitch." I roared with hatred and swung another strike, stronger and more brutal than before.

Ellen quickly reacted, dodging to the side to avoid the blow.

"Nice strike, but still not enough!" She swiftly deployed her Territory, locking my limbs in place. The frustration of being unable to move only fueled my rage even more.

"DON'T THINK YOU CAN STOP ME WITH THIS!!!" I screamed, spiritual energy surging around me, shattering all restraints. Before I could continue to strike, a barrage of arrows from Jessica's <Root Box> forced me to shift my focus.

I turned, quickly swinging <Nahemah > to deflect the attack, reducing them to dust.

Jessica laughed, her voice echoing through the air, tinged with madness. "So you're <The Merciless>? Ha—HA—HAHA—HAHAHA," she howled in a frenzy. "Alright—I'll kill you—And take you back to Lord Westcott."

"Die—die—die—DIE!!!" She screamed, launching another salvo of missiles at me.

"I don't like two-on-one much, but, for Ike's mission."

Both of them lunged at me at once, without hesitation, but instead of fear, there was only an infinite emptiness inside me. Every emotion, every thought seemed swept away in the storm of fury and despair.

Ellen moved like lightning, wielding her laser blade with astonishing speed. She unleashed not just one, two—but ten consecutive strikes in a single second; truly, the title of the 'world's strongest mage' was no mere exaggeration.

I gripped <Nahemah > tightly in my hand, channeling all my strength and will to counter her every strike. The sharp clashes resounded, sparks flew everywhere as our blades met. Sweat drenched my forehead, but I couldn't stop.

"Oh. Not bad at all—You seem better than last time, don't you? Even if it's only been a few short hours."

"But you've forgotten about someone…"

"<BLASTARK >!" Jessica shouted from the other side, the two massive cannons of the CR-Unit <Scarlet Licorice> charging with magical energy. A huge blast of energy shot towards me as I struggled to fend off Ellen.

As the energy beam was about to hit, I seized the moment and grabbed Ellen's laser blade with my bare hand, the sound of my spiritual armor burning echoing as it made contact. The pain felt like thousands of needles piercing through my hand, but I gritted my teeth and endured it all.

With my other hand, I hurled <Nahemah > toward the massive energy beam. The blade stood firm, its spiritual energy spreading out like an invisible wall, blocking the terrifying blast without suffering any damage.

"Impossible!" Jessica shouted, her eyes wide with shock.


My hand clenched around Ellen's laser blade, feeling its solidity beneath my fingers. And with a loud *Crack*, I crushed it into fragments, the pieces flying scattered in the air.

Ellen looked momentarily surprised, her eyes widening at the unexpected display of strength. But before she could regain her composure, I spun around, using all my might to swing <Nahemah > in a powerful, brutal slash aimed at Ellen's side.

A scream of pain erupted as my attack hit its mark, forcing her back. Fortunately for Ellen, her Territory activated just in time, saving her life in an instant. Even so, the power of that strike could not be underestimated. The Territory surrounding her began to crack, magical sparks leaking out, reflecting the terrifying strength of the attack.

"That's still not enough to take me down!"

"Oh, is that so—?!"


Jessica did not miss the opportunity, charging at me with incredible speed, closing in as I focused all my attention on Ellen. She intended to deliver a decisive blow, believing this would be the fatal strike to finish me. But clearly, the massive magical energy she was trying to control had clouded her mind, causing her to make such a foolish decision.

She charged madly, swinging her laser blade straight at me with all her remaining strength. But as the blade sliced through my body, she suddenly froze, her eyes widening in shock.

"What…?!" She exclaimed in disbelief, realizing her blade had only cut through thin air. It was just an illusion.

I appeared behind her, a cold smile on my lips.

"You're not even worthy...TO DIE BY <NAHEMAH >!"

By the time Jessica realized it, it was too late. My hand, like a blade, plunged deep into her body, piercing through her Territory effortlessly. A brief scream echoed and then fell silent, her body collapsing lifelessly, just like those I had crushed before.

"At least this way, you won't dirty my Demon King."

Ellen remained standing, though her Territory had been severely cracked, yet no worry showed on her face.

Her sharp eyes stayed locked onto me, with no hesitation or fear, only the determination of a powerful mage accustomed to brutal battles.

As Ellen prepared to resume the battle, her eyes suddenly flickered with a strange light. A quick glance filled with calculation, as if she had just received an order from afar.

"Although I would love to fight you again, it seems Ike needs me to return. Rest assured, we will cross swords again someday, <The Merciless>."

Before I could react, Ellen vanished from the scene, her form dissolving into shimmering lights, leaving me standing amidst the unfinished battle.

However, I didn't rush to chase her. Ahead, there were still two guests I needed to face—the ones who hadn't been my targets until now.

"Hello there! Still holding up, Mana-san, Origami?"

Mana, standing a few steps away, maintained her characteristic calm, but something in her eyes was no longer the same. Doubt filled her sharp gaze, her icy stare piercing right through me.

"Oh, I can't believe you're a spirit, Lieutenant Watano Genso!" Mana spoke, her tone mixed with mockery, but not without a hint of surprise.

Origami, standing next to Mana, shock evident in her usually cold eyes. She probably still couldn't accept this reality, or at least hadn't found a reason why things had turned out this way.

"Why... Why did you hide this, Watano?"

I looked at them, the silence cutting through the air like an invisible blade. Their words were just distant echoes from another world. A world that had long abandoned me and others.

"Hide it?" I sighed, weariness seeping into every word. "I didn't hide anything from anyone. Besides, you wouldn't understand. This isn't something you could easily accept or comprehend... And, honestly, it doesn't matter anymore."


From my injured left palm, blood and spiritual energy surged and intertwined, the flow twisting like invisible threads, merging into a powerful force.

It radiated a strange light, tearing through the dark night. The spiritual energy and blood continued to crystallize, tightly weaving into the shape of a weapon. In a moment, a spear appeared, sharp and full of danger. The long spear twisted like a snake, its tip glowing bright red with power, as if it contained all the raging fury boiling within me.


"Tobiichi-san, be ready. He might not be joking."

"But I must admit, it is truly beautiful!"

Clenching the spear in my left hand, I stared at it, unable to help but marvel at what had just occurred.

"I can't believe… that I was able to do this." A mix of amazement and a bit of doubt flickered in my mind, but the overwhelming power of this weapon quickly drowned out any other thoughts.

Yet, instead of feeling excited or thrilled, there was only a cold emptiness and indifference to the newfound power I possessed. This strength… was just a tool, and it couldn't save those who had fallen before me.

"It would be a shame not to name it, right? Just as well, I thought of a perfect name for it."

"<No Mercy>—just like its name, there will be no leniency towards evil—only kill or be killed," I declared, my voice echoing through the space like an irrevocable judgment.

Left hand with the spear <No Mercy>, right hand with the demon king <Nahemah >. My determination reached its peak like never before.

I charged forward like a storm, the spear <No Mercy> in my hand blazing with crimson light. My eyes locked on the two targets in front of me.

"He's coming! Spread out!" Mana shouted, her focus entirely on me.

Without hesitation, both Mana and Origami quickly separated in two directions, trying to divide me and create an opening to counterattack. Mana, with incredible agility, dashed to the left while Origami slid to the right.

Both of them had once fought together in the AST, so their coordination seemed flawless. However, they didn't know that I had already anticipated this move. After all, I had trained with Mana and Origami many times, so I knew their combat styles like the back of my hand.

"This way!"

"Origami!" Mana shouted, but I didn't give them the chance to coordinate. In the blink of an eye, I was already close to Origami. My spear struck directly at Origami's shield, the sound of metal clashing ringing loudly as my force pushed her back a few steps.

"With such flimsy equipment and still able to block that attack of mine, you truly are strong, Origami."

Origami gritted her teeth, trying to maintain her balance, but the pressure from the attack caused her to stagger.

"I won't let you hurt Shido, absolutely not, Watano!"

Mana seized the opportunity and lunged from behind, the engine of the CR-unit <Vanargard > blazing brightly as it reached maximum output, propelling her toward me at terrifying speed with the blade <No Pain>, like an unstoppable shooting star, her eyes showing no mercy towards this 'former comrade.'

I turned around in an instant and raised <Nahemah > to block the swift attack. The force of both blows created a violent shockwave, causing the surrounding air to tremble. The pressure from the intense clash cracked the ground beneath our feet.

"Mana, in the end, I still don't want to kill you. After all, you helped me a lot in the AST." I spoke calmly, seemingly unconcerned about Mana's attack.

"Oh, really? And what about Tobiichi-san?"

"She's an exception, even though she was also a former comrade… But she will be a threat in the future."

"She must DIE!"

"Then I have no choice but to refuse your goodwill," Mana replied through gritted teeth.

Suddenly, she used all her strength to push me away, creating a safe distance. Her movement speed was so fast that it was hard to follow with the naked eye. Within seconds, Mana had retreated to her current position.

"It ends here!"

As Mana spoke, immediately, the CR-unit system in my spirit attire warned of a massive energy source descending from the sky. I could feel the overwhelming heat and immense magical force rapidly approaching.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, WELL DONE—" I laughed loudly, my voice echoing as if welcoming this challenge. But Mana seemed puzzled by my reaction.

"What?" she exclaimed, her eyes flashing with caution.

I looked up at the sky, facing the energy source descending at an unimaginable speed, and shouted, as if declaring war on all those who dared to stand against me.




Both hands gripped the sword hilt tightly. From deep within, spiritual power surged up for this decisive strike.


With all my might and will, I swung the great sword to the sky. The dark spiritual energy emitted from the strike flared fiercely. It shot straight into the massive energy source from the heavens. The light from the collision shone across the battlefield, like a bright beacon in the dark night. The entire sky and earth seemed to tremble, everything around was caught up in the battle between two opposing forces.

This wasn't just about whose attack was stronger but also about whose attack could last longer.


Above, the energy from the ship <Fraxinus > continued to pour down like a ceaseless waterfall. The strain of maintaining the attack began to wear on me, sweat seeping from every pore.

Just as I was exerting all my strength to counter it, Origami, with her incredible agility, took this chance. She grabbed the gatling gun from a fallen <Bandersnatch > nearby. Without wasting a second, she immediately spun the barrel and fired straight at me.

But who do you think I am that I wouldn't know such cheap tricks—no, more precisely, I was waiting for that overconfidence from Origami.

In the blink of an eye, I teleported out of the magic energy field and appeared right behind Origami. It was too late for her to change direction while wielding such a heavy weapon.

<Paverschlev > disappeared from my hand, the spiritual power from the great sword was fully concentrated into the spear <No Mercy>. The light from the spear glowed redder than ever, as if sentencing Origami to death at this moment.

With a powerful throw, I hurled the spear <No Mercy> straight at Origami. The spear blazed in the air, carrying nearly all of my strength, rushing toward its target like a bolt of lightning.

"Oh no—"


Origami could only turn her head, her eyes widening as she realized death was imminent.

Just as the spear <No Mercy> was charging straight toward Origami, another figure suddenly appeared, standing right in front of her. Mana—with eyes full of determination—had thrown herself into the spear's path.


A loud explosion rang out as the spear pierced through Mana's Territory, shattering the protective layer as if it had never existed. The spear drove straight through her body, piercing her chest, leaving her suspended in the air. Blood gushed from her mouth and from the deep wound, staining her combat uniform and her pale face.


"Mana... why?" Origami stood there, stunned, unable to believe her eyes. The sight of her comrade falling in front of her, to protect her, made her heart feel like it was being crushed. She screamed in anguish, the cry echoing in the space filled with the smell of blood and gunpowder.

"Run... To...bii...chi-...san!"

With her final breaths, she pulled a smoke grenade from her belt and threw it toward me, creating a thick smoke screen that covered the entire area. Not stopping there, Mana also manipulated her CR-unit, transforming it into a launcher and creating an escape route for Origami.

"Send my...farewell...to Nii-...sama—"

As the smoke slowly dissipated, I stood there, holding Mana's lifeless body in my arms. My emotions were in turmoil, indescribable in words. I had killed one of my targets, taking a step closer to my ultimate goal. But why... why did I feel like there was a deep void inside me, impossible to fill? It wasn't the thrill, nor the satisfaction of a victor, but a cold emptiness. Was it because I let Origami escape from my grasp... or was it something else I didn't want to admit, a bitter truth I was trying to deny?

With a final act of respect for Mana, I slowly descended to the ground and gently laid her down on the soft green grass. Her last breath had faded, and a sense of peace seemed to have returned to her face after the time spent as a victim of the D.E.M. corporation.

In that moment of quiet, the alert from the CR-unit system suddenly sounded, cutting through my chaotic thoughts. This time, the alert was not about the mana from the earlier strike by <Fraxinus > but about a massive spiritual force emanating from inside the D.E.M. building.

"So, it's begun."


I looked up at the top of the tallest building, where explosions were continually erupting, creating chaos from the powerful mana and spirit energy interweaving. It would take about five minutes to fly there from my current position.

Without hesitation, I shot straight up into the sky. Time was something I could not afford to waste right now, as I didn't know how long I could hold out.

As I got closer, I could feel the density of spirit energy enveloping the building like a thick black mist, drowning everything in its path. The amount of spirit energy was so overwhelming that it made the air heavier and more suffocating than ever.

At the top of the building, now only a large, charred crater remained, a mark of a violent clash. That was where Ellen's shot had been aimed directly at Inverted Tohka. Even with such power, she hadn't used her full abilities when facing me earlier. Indeed, Ellen Mathers—the strongest woman of D.E.M.—still held many cards up her sleeve.

I stood from a distance, observing the fight between the two, but soon enough, Tohka gained the upper hand with her immense power once the seal disappeared. Ellen, despite being wounded after her battle with me, still tried to fight back while protecting the one hiding in the shadows, Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott. He stood there, cold and calm, as if the entire chaos was merely his plaything.

Westcott's eyes locked onto mine, his mouth curled into a cold, calculating smile. "I have been looking forward to meeting you, <The Merciless>."

"A demon king beyond expectations... But perhaps this is not the best time for a conversation, is it?"


"So, we shall meet again... We are eagerly awaiting your answer."

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light enveloped Ellen and Westcott, and then both disappeared before everyone's eyes.

As if sensing my presence, Tohka suddenly looked up at the sky, her soft pink eyes catching mine. The whole world seemed to pause in that moment.

"So, you're the one who has been watching the battle all this time?"

"..." I remained silent, not responding.

"And... that thing in your hand..." She paused, her eyes falling on what I was holding—none other than the demon king <Nahemah >.

"Are you talking about this?" I raised the sword, letting the light reflect off the pitch-black, razor-sharp blade, as if to confirm what she was suspecting.

"Why do you possess it when I am its true owner, you impostor?" Her eyes narrowed, and her lips curled into a mocking smile.

"Who knows, I have the same question as you. But there's one thing..." I shrugged, my eyes still cold, staring directly at her.

My gaze sharpened, my voice becoming serious and determined.

"Whether real or fake... today, all of you will die HERE FOR ME!"

I didn't hesitate and immediately charged forward, <Nahemah > in my hand blazing with fierce spiritual power. The purple glow of the demonic sword cut through the air, aimed straight at Tohka. She swung <Nahemah > in response, the two swords clashing and sparking, creating a powerful explosion that shook the surrounding space violently. The force from the impact caused the top of the building to crack.

"Too aggressive, huh? Fine, entertain me then."

I ignored her taunt, continuing to attack relentlessly, not giving Tohka any chance to counter.

As I tried to corner Tohka against the wall, she suddenly stepped back and raised her sword, preparing for a decisive strike.


"No chance for you." I growled, not letting her complete the move. Instantly, I took my stance and, with all the remaining strength, hurled the spear <No Mercy> toward Tohka at a tremendous speed. The spear flew like a lightning bolt, slicing through the air, directly at the target.

But Tohka did not dodge as I had anticipated. Instead, she reached out and caught the approaching spear with an astonishing ease, as if it were just a mere bullet. I only managed to glimpse her eyes flickering with contempt before she grasped the spear tightly.


With just a bit of strength from Tohka's hand, the spear <No Mercy> immediately cracked and shattered like glass, falling to the ground in pieces. I stood still, stunned by the sight before me. The spear that could easily pierce through heavy CR-units now disintegrated like a fragile toy.

"Tohka..." I gritted my teeth, feeling the seething anger boiling in my chest, yet at the same time, I had to face the bitter truth: the gap in power between us was too great. Even though we were both wielding the same Demon King, the amount of spiritual energy and combat ability remained vastly different. I had no chance of winning against an opponent so clearly superior.

"Is it over? Do you have nothing left to face me with?" Tohka stepped forward, one step at a time, like a grim reaper approaching its prey.



The rage within me flared up more intensely than ever. With a roar that shook the heavens, hundreds of spears identical to <No Mercy> suddenly appeared in the sky, staining the dark night with a crimson hue.

"DIE, ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hundreds of spears simultaneously descended like a death sentence for those below. Not individually, but as a massive rain of spears, each hurled at supersonic speed, so fast that their paths were no longer visible.

With every impact on the ground, the spears not only embedded deeply but also exploded with devastating force, creating deep craters and thick, rising columns of black smoke. The explosions reverberated through the space like thunder, shattering every structure and building around.

In the moment when it seemed that everything had been swallowed by the deadly rain of spears, Tohka quickly raised <Nahemah > high, swinging it to create an invisible shield of spiritual energy. The tremendous power emanating from her enveloped her body, forming a protective barrier of dark purple magic.

"What the hell is this?"

She growled, eyes blazing with fiery fury, gripping <Nahemah > tightly as each spear flew towards her with terrifying speed. Though she tried to hold her ground, her body was gradually pushed back, each step sinking deeper into the cracked earth.

Across the battlefield, Miku was also pouring all her strength into protecting Shido.


Miku continued to scream, sweat running down her tense face. The light from <Gabriel > grew dimmer with each passing moment, but she dared not stop even for a second. She knew that if this shield broke, both she and Shido would not survive the onslaught.


"Watano, stop it!!!"


Seeing that both Tohka and Miku could still resist, I clenched my teeth, rage flaring up like a fire consuming my mind. I couldn't let them keep resisting. The spiritual energy in my body began to erupt, coursing powerfully through every vein like a whirlwind that could not be controlled. The sensation was both exhilarating and excruciatingly painful.

"END THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

<Nahemah > in my hand shone brighter than ever before, seemingly exceeding even the limits of the spiritual energy I could wield. I raised it high, calling upon all my power. In the sky, the dark energy began to coalesce into a massive spear. A red light emanated from it like an eclipse swallowing the moon.


With a swift downward swing, the spear descended from the sky like a colossal meteor. It hurtled straight toward Tohka and Miku, with such terrifying speed and force that the entire space trembled, and the earth and sky quaked as if about to collapse.

Tohka seemed unfazed by the sight of my devastating attack. Her eyes contained not a hint of fear, only cold determination.

""PAVERSCHLEV"" She raised her <Nahemah > and shouted.

The throne of the Demon King <Nahemah > appeared, and its fragments began to merge to form the great sword <Paverschlev >.


Tohka poured all her strength into a single slash, striking upwards at the massive spear. A cataclysmic explosion resounded as the two forces collided.

Even as she stood firm at the center of the explosion, she did not retreat, facing my power with all her resilience.


But before it could reach them, a cracking sound echoed. In the sky, the colossal spear began to tremble, tiny cracks appearing on its surface, spreading everywhere.

In that fleeting moment, my eyes were still fixed, unable to believe that the spear—the thing in which I had placed all my trust and strength—had been utterly defeated.

The fragments fell from the sky, resembling thousands of blood-stained snowflakes from hell, scattered across the battlefield.

"How could th—??!!"

I collapsed in agony, my legs no longer able to support me. My spiritual energy had been completely depleted, my body feeling as if it were being worn away from the inside. The hand gripping <Nahemah > trembled; the sword now felt unbearably heavy, as if it had betrayed its own master.


My knees hit the ground hard, paralyzed in despair. My breath grew ragged, my heart pounded wildly in my chest, but not from fear—rather from the overwhelming sense of helplessness surging through me.

Next is the final chapter of Vol 2: The Truth About My Power.

KEDITHAcreators' thoughts