
Dark A Live (Date A Live Fan-fic)

I had thought that my life would be filled with happiness and purpose upon transmigrating to the DAL world. However, reality proved otherwise. The beauty I once knew seemed to center only around the main character and those close to them. For characters like me and other ordinary citizens, our destinies seemed doomed to plunge into the darkest depths of this world. I witnessed government deceit, hostile actions by spirits, and lives shattered in chaos. Each day, fragments of existence were broken and left behind amidst battles against annihilation. After discovering such bitter truths, all my hopes and once cherished ideals turned to resentment. Silently, I vowed to change this dark world, once and for all.

KEDITHA · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Battle After Battle 2

Several hours later, the entire team had safely retreated back to the base. The pale white light in the medical ward reflected off the ceiling. I lay on the infirmary bed, my body heavy and weary, the wounds scattered across my skin still throbbing with pain. The steady beeping of the machines around me was a constant reminder that I was still alive.

The door to the medical room creaked open, and a familiar figure stepped inside. It was Mildred F. Fujimura, the second lieutenant of the AST team, who had supported me countless times in the past. She approached the bed, her face stern but unable to conceal her worry.

"Captain Watano," she spoke, her voice calm yet tinged with tension. "Your condition is quite serious. But fortunately, there are no life-threatening injuries."

I didn't respond immediately, merely opening my eyes to stare at the ceiling, my thoughts drifting between reality and the memories of the recent battle. The chaotic image of Tohka, the overwhelming strength of Ellen, and my own defeat played vividly in my mind, like sharp knives piercing through my consciousness.

"The reinforcement team has completed the escort mission," Mildred continued. "As for the battle... The higher-ups want to hold a meeting right now. Can you attend?"

I took a deep breath, trying to suppress the pain in my chest. "I see. That battle... it was a failure, and there's still much work to be done."

Mildred looked at me for a moment, then nodded slightly. "Understood. I'll inform the superiors. For now, please continue to rest."

She left the room, leaving me alone in the quiet stillness of the infirmary. I closed my eyes, but my mind couldn't stop racing.

I lay there in silence, my breathing heavy and labored. After a short while, I decided to check my condition myself. Pushing the thin blanket aside, I slowly sat up, each muscle screaming in pain as if stabbed by tiny knives. I removed the patient gown and looked at the wounds scattered across my body. I pulled the vital signs monitor closer and attached the sensors to myself. The screen immediately flickered, displaying my heart rate, blood pressure, and other metrics clearly.

The first message appeared: "Cellular damage at critical levels." The scan displayed cracks and fractures within the muscle tissues and bones.

Mana and Spirit power... two forces that shouldn't exist within a human body. I knew these injuries were nothing new. Manipulating and using both types of power simultaneously had been tearing my body apart for a long time. Now, they were pushing me to the brink of life.

"Is my time... running out?"

Even so, I didn't care. No matter how many times this body is destroyed, I will continue. This pain, this suffering is just a small part of the path I've chosen. I'm ready to endure it all, to keep going until my ultimate goal is achieved... or until my final breath is extinguished.

The meeting was relatively brief. Superior Nagase summarized the situation and proposed the next steps, but nothing was particularly new. Most of it revolved around fortifying defenses, reorganizing forces, and continuing the campaign to capture <Diva > and other targets. The old information and excessive caution from the higher-ups made it hard for me to suppress my frustration. It seemed they still hadn't realized just how dire the situation had become.

When the meeting ended, I quickly left the room, my mind swirling with thoughts about my plan. However, as soon as I stepped outside, I unexpectedly encountered Jessica Bayley. She was leaning against the wall near the door, her face showing clear signs of discontent. Fresh scars on her cheeks made her look more tired and worn out than usual.

I narrowed my eyes at her, not missing the chance to mock her. "Well, if it isn't Jessica. What happened to your face? Did Mana beat you again?"

Jessica turned her head towards me, her sharp eyes flashing with hatred, but her lips forced a strained smile. "Is this really the time for jokes, Watano?"

I shrugged, feeling satisfied that my taunt had hit its mark. "Getting sent back to D.E.M is exactly what you deserve. Maybe you should focus on healing those wounds instead of continuing this game."

Jessica narrowed her eyes, her voice dropping, but the resentment was still clear. "I'm back at D.E.M only because I'm following the orders of Sir Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott."

I gave a cold chuckle, my gaze unchanging. "Is that so? Serving Westcott? Don't delude yourself, Jessica. D.E.M sees you as nothing more than a pawn, just another tool for them to achieve their goals."

Jessica stepped closer to me, her eyes filled with challenge. "What do you know? Don't you dare underestimate me."

I looked into Jessica's hateful eyes, unmoved by her threats. "I'll be waiting. But remember, Jessica, when you chose this path, you also chose to never have a way back. Whether it's D.E.M or anyone else, they'll all be crushed beneath my feet."

"With just you??? Don't make me laugh."

With that, she turned away, leaving me standing alone in the empty hallway.

"Fine, but tonight, you D.E.M scum will be the first to die by my hand."

I quickly exited the building, stepping into the cold night outside. Soon after, I arrived at an old warehouse, where the weapon I had been secretly preparing for so long was stored.

The warehouse loomed ahead, its heavy, rusted steel door slightly ajar. I stepped inside, the dim light from a flickering bulb overhead barely illuminating the path between crates and old equipment.

I made my way to the back of the warehouse, stopping before a large metal container, its lid secured by a code lock known only to me. I entered the code, and the lid opened with a faint whirr of machinery, revealing a mysterious object inside.

I grasped the weapon, feeling its weight in my hands, a sinister smile slowly spreading across my face. The gleaming light from the concentrated mana within filled me with an uncontrollable sense of elation. This wasn't just any weapon—it was the embodiment of destruction, a tool forged solely to annihilate all evil.

"They'll all pay, D.E.M, <Diva >, or anyone who threatens humanity," I muttered, my cold voice echoing in the stillness. "Tonight will be the night of the experiment... and hopefully, it will be a masterpiece crafted by my own hands."

It was now 21:00, and the entire AST team had been deployed to monitor those under <Diva >'s control from the air. The number seemed to have far surpassed the initial estimate of 1,000 and continued to rise alarmingly. Every passing second saw more people being drawn into the dangerous illusion created by <Diva >, turning them into mindless puppets, obeying only its commands.

Despite wanting to intercept Shido and Kurumi on their way to Miku's house, not knowing their exact location forced me to suppress the urge to rush in and stop their plan. Moreover, my primary mission at the moment was to ensure the safety of those already under <Diva >'s control—a choice I couldn't ignore.

They continued to move through every corner of Tenguu City, tirelessly like puppets under control. Now, many of them were exhausted. Yet, despite their bodies being worn out, their vacant eyes remained empty, unable to resist the commands controlling their minds.

"Commander, the situation is getting worse. They can't stop, and exhaustion is spreading rapidly," an AST member reported over the radio, his voice clearly tense.

"At this rate, the civilians won't make it!"

I gritted my teeth, feeling the weight of helplessness pressing down on me. With every passing second, the destruction caused by <Diva > deepened, taking more lives and stripping them of their freedom. These people should have been protected, but now, they had become living weapons in the hands of the enemy.

I could only stand atop a tall building, where I could overlook the entire affected area. From here, I saw the chaotic streams of people moving without rest, completely losing control of themselves. My mind screamed with anger, but I couldn't deny the fear rising within me. <Diva > had turned this city into a stage, and those innocent people were the actors in a tragic play of death.

I gripped the radio tightly, knowing I had to do something before I was free to act and the situation worsened. "Report to the superiors," I said, my voice dry but resolute, "request permission to use Territory to halt their movement and ensure the safety of the civilians."

There was a prolonged silence over the radio, and I could sense the tension on the other end. This decision wasn't easy, as using Territory could have unforeseeable consequences for those under <Diva >'s control. But if we didn't act, the situation would only grow worse.

Finally, the voice of my superior came through, steady but with an undercurrent of determination. "Permission granted. Proceed with caution. We can't afford to lose any more lives."


Immediately, I ordered the team to prepare for Territory deployment. They understood this was the last resort, and while the risks were high, there was no other choice. Energy barriers began to form, creating protective rings around the area. Territory wasn't just a shield; it was also a tool to immobilize those under <Diva >'s control, preventing them from carrying out its dangerous commands.

The people within the Territory collapsed instantly, as if their very life force had been stripped away in a blink. Their limp bodies fell to the ground like puppets with their strings severed, creating a scene of brutal, cold detachment. However, I had no time for regret or concern; this action was necessary to protect these innocent lives.

But then, the harshness of reality began to set in. The number of controlled people was overwhelming, spread across the city, making it impossible for our team to cover them all. The Territories deployed weren't sufficient to control the entire area. Some small groups continued to move beyond our control, causing new waves of chaos. The crowd was like a rushing river, impossible to halt with such a simple method.

I clenched my fist, wondering, "How much longer until I can put an end to all of this?"

"Ara ara, Watano-kun, what are you planning to do? Don't tell me you're aiming for the same goal as me," a familiar voice rang out behind me.

"Captain, i-it's <Nightmare >, she's right behind us."


I didn't turn around, nor did I bother to reply. With a snap of my fingers, my sword flew through the Territory space without hesitation. It sliced through the air, heading straight for its target. In an instant, the head of a Kurumi clone was severed, the body crumpling to the ground before fading into nothingness, leaving no sound or trace behind.

The strain on my body increased as I used both magical and spiritual energy. The cracks within me throbbed painfully, as if each cell was being eroded from the inside. Yet, along with this, I felt my mental strength growing, surpassing my own limits. Now, maintaining a vast Territory with denser magical fields was no longer an issue.

"C-Captain…" A weak voice called out from behind, but I paid it no mind.

"Forget about that clone. Continue with the current mission."

"Y-Yes, sir!"

Suddenly, an alarm signal blared in my earpiece. "Captain, we've just detected an enormous amount of spirit energy at Tenguu Square!" The urgent voice of an AST member came through, laced with concern.

I froze, my eyes fixated on the map displayed on the screen before me. Tenguu Square—that place couldn't be a coincidence. Such a large amount of spirit energy could only mean the presence of several powerful entities, and without a doubt, it was <Diva >, <Nightmare >, and the other sealed spirits. Perhaps Shido and Kurumi had also moved to rescue Tohka, who had been taken by Ellen Mathers.

"I'm aware, but we can't leave this position," I responded, my voice firm but weighted. "Our mission is to protect these people and prevent them from moving further. If we leave, everything will fall apart."

"Hold your positions, continue to blockade and control the crowd. Make sure no one escapes," I ordered, determined not to let any lapses occur. "We'll deal with the situation at the square later. For now, the priority is ensuring this area's safety."



Time passed slowly, each minute dragging on endlessly. It had been nearly three hours since we started this mission, and the exhaustion was evident on every team member's face. Sweat soaked through our armor, each breath heavy as if it would tear our chests apart. Dark circles under tired eyes struggled to maintain focus, but the creeping exhaustion was undeniable.

"I'm so tired, how much longer until we can stop?"

"No idea, no orders from above, no one dares to move."

"Wave after wave, how many people are there?"

"Stop complaining and focus on the task at hand, Captain Watano is still going strong."

The civilians controlled by <Diva >, after collapsing within the Territory, were quickly transported to the nearest shelters. Countless motionless bodies were hastily moved underground, group by group, to temporary safety. At first, I estimated only a few thousand, but the actual numbers were staggering—five, six… no, more than ten thousand.

Suddenly, a signal from the radio startled me. "Captain, new orders from headquarters just came in. We must prepare for the next mission immediately!" The voice was filled with urgency, with no sign of any impending rest.

I gritted my teeth, suppressing the weariness gnawing at my spirit. "What are the orders?"

"We're ordered to withdraw from this area and move to support near the D.EM building. The situation there is becoming dire."

I looked around at my team, each member's eyes reflecting exhaustion, but there was no time to ponder or hesitate. Orders were orders, and we had no choice but to follow them.

"Alright, everyone gather up! We're withdrawing and moving to the new location immediately," I commanded, trying to keep the fatigue from my voice. "Don't let our efforts go to waste. Everyone, prepare to move out!"

"Yes, sir!"

As we neared the D.E.M building, a sharp sound began to echo around us.


"A spatial quake alert?!"

"How can that be, is a spirit appearing nearby? Is it <Diva > or <Nightmare >?!"

"Team, stay calm! Ignore it and keep moving forward!"

"That just means there's trouble here!"


No, this wasn't a spatial quake alert—that sharp sound was merely a trick, a façade to conceal something far more dangerous. These tremors weren't the sign of a spirit's appearance, but a signal that a brutal battle was about to erupt within the vast grounds of the D.E.M building. But at least, this meant the innocent civilians would be safe.

"Everyone, look to the north sky!"

"It's a...a whole army of <Nightmare >?!"

"Are we really going to face all of them...?"

So Kurumi and Shido had also made it here, perhaps delving deeper inside and nearing the building.

"All units, listen up! No need to waste your strength on them, we'll take a detour to get inside!"

"Hold it right there, you won't be moving any further in."

The challenging voice from ahead wasn't that of a <Nightmare > clone, but Kaguya, one of the twin spirits. She stood mid-air, wielding her spear <El Re'em>. Yoshino and Yuzuru were also present, each ready for battle.

"This is your final warning," Yuzuru added, her voice cold but firm. "If you proceed, we won't hesitate to attack."

Yoshino, still carrying a gentle demeanor, but equally serious.

"Please stop, don't let this pointless conflict escalate."

"These damn nuisances."

"We have no choice but to fight them."

"Everyone, listen! Split into two groups—Group A, focus on taking down <Berserk >; I'll handle <Hermit >!"

"Yes, sir!"

The AST members quickly split up, forming tactical formations they had been rigorously trained in. Group A swiftly surrounded Kaguya and Yuzuru, deploying Territories to isolate and focus all their power on the attack.

But little did I know, this would be the last order I gave to everyone, the one that would leave me feeling the most helpless and regretful in my entire life.

I didn't hesitate to rush toward Yoshino, but instead of fighting back, she retreated continuously, as if trying to flee from me. This behavior wasn't in line with what I knew about these spirits.

My confusion quickly turned into suspicion. What was she planning? Why retreat so far?

But instead of standing still in doubt, it was better to maintain the attack now. Without hesitation, I decided to increase speed, my Cr-unit's thrusters igniting, creating a powerful shockwave that swept through the area. Unexpectedly, Yoshino stopped, her eyes showing no signs of fear as she looked back at me. The sense of impending danger filled the air, but I didn't let that fear diminish my resolve. My eyes were locked on the target, ready for a decisive strike.

"This is it! Deploy Te—"

But before I could strike, the ground beneath me suddenly trembled. A cold wave spread from below, and I sensed an unusual energy surge. It was as if a trap had been set, just waiting for me to step into it. All my doubts became reality—this wasn't the retreat of the weak, but a cunning strategy.

A thick layer of frost rapidly surrounded and froze my Territory. Perhaps for other mages, this would have been a lethal blow, but now, my magical power had far surpassed what ordinary mages could achieve. The light of my mana flared from within, shattering the thick ice layer outside and enveloping Yoshino along with her giant rabbit puppet.

The target was in sight, without a moment's hesitation, I initiated the attack. With a command from my brain, two blades from my sides shot forward like lightning toward Yoshino. The air tore apart, the sharp metallic sound echoed as the blades rushed toward her.

Yoshino stood there, her eyes wide with shock. The moment seemed to stretch on forever as her body was sliced apart. The blades cleaved through her small frame, dividing her into several pieces. Each cut was perfect, without the slightest deviation, as if it had been predetermined.

"It's over," I murmured to myself, but the scene before me wasn't what I had expected. 

Instead of blood and agonizing screams, all I could see were shards of transparent ice, slowly melting in midair.

A sudden sense of unease surged within me. This wasn't Yoshino's real body, but a mere icy shadow created by <Zadkiel >. So where was she really? Just seconds ago, I had believed victory was in my grasp, but now, everything felt reversed.

"No way!!!" I burst out in a mix of anger and anxiety. My instincts screamed that I had walked into a trap far more elaborate than I had imagined.

I immediately retracted my two swords and accelerated backward toward Team A. The air seemed to tear apart from my speed, while my mind churned with worst-case scenarios.

"Team, report your status," I ordered through the comms, my voice betraying my tension. Just hearing their voices would ease my nerves.

But there was no response. The cold silence only amplified my worry.

"Hey, do you hear me?! Report your status now!" I repeated, my voice now laced with desperation.

I clenched my fists, my eyes locked straight ahead. "Damn it! I need to be faster!"

Suddenly, as I was flying, a sound crackled through the comms, making my heart sink. It was the terrified scream of a team member. The scream echoed in my ears, filled with panic and despair.

"Captain! Help… help us! Damn it, don't… Aaaaaaa!!!"

The plea for help was abruptly cut off, leaving only the static hum of the comms.

And when I arrived, the scene before me slowly came into view, but what I saw rendered me speechless…

"No… it can't be…" I murmured, my body frozen in place.

Team A—those who had fought alongside me, shared moments within AST—were now nothing more than fragments of the past. Around me, the air was heavy with darkness, and the shattered remains of their CR-Units lay scattered, as if they had just endured an unavoidable nightmare.

Their bodies were horrifically mutilated, not a single one left whole. Deep gashes and scorched wounds marred the ground. The silent comms mocked me with bitter irony, while the acrid stench of burnt metal and blood filled the air.

A wave of helplessness crashed over me, as powerful as the first time I encountered <Hermit > or during the incident at Arubi Island, washing away any remaining hope. The comrades I had vowed to protect were now gone.

Looking to the side, the Yamai sisters and Yoshino—those I had once battled—now stood amidst the rubble and corpses. Their angels were still dripping blood, creating dark red streaks on the ground.

Kaguya glanced at me, her eyes cold, devoid of any emotion. "You didn't come here to die, did you? But perhaps… you won't have any other choice."

Yuzuru turned to face me, her expression blank. "It's over. We will exact revenge for what you did before."

"I warned you… but you still didn't retreat."

Despair mixed with rage flared up within me like a raging fire. My breathing quickened, my body trembling with emotion. What I was witnessing was unacceptable. My fallen comrades, the blood-soaked devastation— all because of these monsters.

"DON'T… DON'T MESS WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" I roared, my scream like the bellow of a beast cornered. The fury within me exploded, beyond any control. I charged at them like a whirlwind, abandoning any strategy or plan.

Power surged through my body, the light from my blades blazing fiercely. I no longer cared about safety, about pain, or fear. All I want at this moment IS THEM!