
Daqin: at the beginning of the game, the immortal master is unparallel

Su Xuan crossed to the Qin Dynasty and got the Disha Tiangang skill at the beginning. The seventy-two skills of Disha: sitting on fire, entering water, covering the sun, resisting the wind, swordsmanship, beheading demons Tiangang 36 methods: mediate good fortune, overturn Yin and Yang, change stars, return to the sky and the sun, call the wind and rain With the help of Disha Tiangang technique, Su Xuan was invincible in this era. …… In the zhangtai palace, the lights were bright. Ying Zheng, dressed in a mysterious suit, asked modestly to the person in front of him, "dare to ask the national teacher, can you have a long life?" Su Xuan said, "yes!" …… Everything starts with calling the wind and rain!

chunhua_3810 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 24: Let Ghosts and Gods Talk to Everyone

Jade Tiger, these three have been revealed by Su Xuan ever since.

Above the court, many people took a deep breath.

They are not unfamiliar with this person.

This person is one of the top wealthy merchants in the Han Kingdom, with a wealth of thousands. His life was extremely luxurious, which once aroused the desire of nobles and nobles to compete. A few years ago, Prince Jinglun of the royal family competed with him for wealth. The Jade Tiger used gold and jade as its house, pearls to pave the way, and brocade clothes to make firewood. In less than ten days, Jinglun Jun was defeated by all his property, and even his fiefdom was forcibly bought by the Jade Tiger.

Because King Jing Lun himself has lost all his property, even King Han cannot say anything.

After this incident, many ministers in the court discussed King Jinglun as a joke.

They didn't expect to hear the name Jade Tiger again today.

After hearing the name from Su Xuan, Ji Wuye was also taken aback. Jade Tiger was his most capable subordinate, one of the four evil generals of his Night Organization, and his money bag. Although it was unclear how Su Xuan thought of slandering Jade Tiger as the culprit to replace military pay.

But at this time, he must keep the Jade Tiger.


Ji Wuye appeared incredibly determined.

"Why does the General think it's impossible? Or does it mean that the General knows the Jade Tiger, so after learning that it was the Jade Tiger who replaced the military pay, they are prepared to keep the Jade Tiger?" Su Xuan asked Ji Wuye in response.

His words directly hit Ji Wuye's heart, causing her face to suddenly become gloomy.

The feeling of being exposed through one's worries is really uncomfortable, but Ji Wuye still said coldly, "I do know this person, the Jade Tiger. He is a well-known wealthy businessman in our Han country, who is kind and generous. He often scatters money to provide disaster relief, builds bridges and roads. How could such a person hijack military pay?"

"And, at the end of the day, he's just a merchant. How could he have the ability to replace the military pay of the border army?"

"It's extremely extreme. The General is right, and we also have some understanding of the Jade Tiger. It's impossible for him to do such a thing!"

"Yes, that's right!"

After Ji Wuye spoke up, many officials belonging to the Ji Wuye faction quickly spoke up, and for a moment, the situation was grand.

They are all people of Ji Wuye, and they are also aware of the existence of some night organizations.

Know who the Jade Tiger is.

At this point, if you don't express your opinion quickly, after the Jade Tiger really has an accident, who knows if the General will vent his anger on them.

As Ji Wuye and his followers launched a rebellion, Su Xuan was criticized for a moment and appeared somewhat isolated. At this moment, the Prime Minister opened his eyes and couldn't bear to look down. He continued, "General, this statement is absurd. As far as I know, the Jade Tiger is extremely extravagant and not as kind and generous as General said."

"Although he is a merchant, if we trace his history of prosperity, we will find that many military and political officials have provided him with help during his journey... In other words, he has a vested interest in many of us present."

"It is not impossible for such a person to bribe military personnel and replace generals' salaries with heavy profits!"

Kai Kai and Ji Wuye have been fighting for many years, and I have some understanding of the forces under Ji Wuye's command. The Jade Tiger is the true person of Ji Wuye.

Such a wealthy businessman, a few years ago, directly led to the bankruptcy of the royal family Jinglun Jun, and even took away Jinglun Jun's fiefdom, but no one went to trouble him. This in itself is an incredible thing.

This is all because Ji Wuye provided him with shelter from behind.

He manipulated and bribed officials from both military and political sides, manipulating the market behavior, and over the years, it is unknown how much money he has accumulated for Ji Wuye.

If we could defeat the Jade Tiger today, it would also be a huge blow to Ji Wuye's power.

I don't want to miss out on this great opportunity of falling into a trap and throwing stones at you.

With an open public statement.

Officials belonging to his faction also spoke up one after another.

Although the officials of the Open Ground Department cannot compete with Ji Wuye in terms of quantity, after all, this place is above the court and is not a place for fighting. Whoever has more people will be more powerful.

Although both sides are arguing, the one who can truly make a decision is the King of Han on the throne.

"That's enough!"

As soon as it continued, this place was about to become a vegetable market, and Han Wang finally spoke up.

He ignored Ji Wuye and Kaidi and asked Su Xuan directly, "Mr. Su, do you have evidence that the lost military pay was robbed by the Jade Tiger?"

Ji Wuye also looked coldly at Su Xuan.

Yeah! Everything needs evidence, but he wants to see what kind of evidence Su Xuan can provide.

Opening his eyes, he also looked at Su Xuan and wanted to know what evidence Su Xuan claimed that the Jade Tiger was the culprit in stealing military pay?

Su Xuan calmly said, "This is what ghosts and gods told me!"

After hearing Su Xuan's words, I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. So, without concrete evidence, can we only pretend to borrow the words of ghosts and gods?

It seems impossible to defeat the Jade Tiger today.

Ji Wuye's voice was indifferent, "After all, you still don't have concrete evidence."

"Who knows if the saying of ghosts and gods is true or false?"

"It's just your one-sided words!"

"That's not necessarily!" Su Xuan's lips curved into a faint smile, and even at this moment, he still didn't feel any panic. "Aren't you asking for evidence, questioning the theories of ghosts and gods?"

"I can use the technique of clearing the underworld, communicate with the underworld, and let everyone see ghosts and gods and listen to what they say!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the court trembled one after another.

The King of Han on the throne did not expect Su Xuan to say such words. Although Su Xuan said he could find the lost military pay, he did not provide a specific solution.

He didn't expect that Su Xuan's so-called method was to let everyone see the ghosts and gods and let them tell everyone the answer.

Just thinking of the gusts of Yin wind when Su Xuan used the technique of clearing the underworld earlier, and the ghosts and gods had not yet appeared, it was so terrifying.

If he shows up? What kind of appearance is it?

Han Wang thought for a moment and felt a bit intimidated.

But with so many people in the field, he didn't want to show any signs of timidity, and he also thought that Su Xuan was here, so there was no need to worry about anything.

So he gathered his courage and said to Su Xuan, "Mr. Su, since you can summon ghosts and gods, let's do your best so that everyone in the field can know if there really are ghosts and gods!"

Su Xuan nodded and immediately took out a small sachet from his body.