
Daqin: at the beginning of the game, the immortal master is unparallel

Su Xuan crossed to the Qin Dynasty and got the Disha Tiangang skill at the beginning. The seventy-two skills of Disha: sitting on fire, entering water, covering the sun, resisting the wind, swordsmanship, beheading demons Tiangang 36 methods: mediate good fortune, overturn Yin and Yang, change stars, return to the sky and the sun, call the wind and rain With the help of Disha Tiangang technique, Su Xuan was invincible in this era. …… In the zhangtai palace, the lights were bright. Ying Zheng, dressed in a mysterious suit, asked modestly to the person in front of him, "dare to ask the national teacher, can you have a long life?" Su Xuan said, "yes!" …… Everything starts with calling the wind and rain!

chunhua_3810 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 23 Killing the Tiger and Watching My Concubine

The court meeting will be reconvened.

Since the ghostly soldiers plundered salaries and the ghosts and gods demanded their lives, the King of Han suddenly became diligent and frequently held court meetings.

This is very difficult for Ji Wuye, Kaikaidi and others. Unlike King Han who lives in the palace, they live outside the palace, so they need to wake up earlier every morning to arrive in time.

Ji Wuye is reluctant to part with his gentle hometown. When he opens his ground, he is simply getting older. For the elderly, getting a good night's sleep is not an easy task. In addition, all the presiding judges are officials of his generation, and they have died successively, which has made his mood not good recently. His sleep has also been affected to a certain extent, and he finally fell asleep. As a result, he had to wake up early to attend the court meeting, which is quite difficult.

However, it is fortunate that Ji Wuye's previous act of igniting herself did not direct the fire onto him, but rather the man named Su Xuan took over the investigation.

Can we know the latest progress of the other party's investigation during today's court meeting?

I am very curious when I open my mouth.

Equally curious was Ji Wuye. If it weren't for the fact that 100000 taels of gold had already been put into his pocket, he would be too lazy to do things like abandoning the gentle hometown and attending the court meetings early every day.

According to the person under his command, the one who went to the Broken Soul Valley to investigate the case really thought that the loss of military pay was caused by ghosts and gods.

So, can he find a clue?

Ji Wuye was more of a desire to see Su Xuan's jokes.

As many civil and military ministers went to the end, they all ranked in the main hall of the palace.

The King of Han sat on the throne and directly talked about the main matter.

"Since the ghostly soldiers robbed the soldiers' salaries and the ghosts and gods demanded their lives, in recent times, people in the city have been in a state of panic, and I was also greatly frightened. Fortunately, Mr. Su has a great deal of intelligence and has come to help. Now, we have found the place where the lost soldiers' salaries were!"

"Found it?!"

"Surprisingly, he really found it?"

As soon as King Han's words were spoken, many ministers in the court looked at each other and discussed, saying that it was obviously impossible not to be shocked.

Ji Wuye's pupils also contracted slightly.

I didn't expect King Han to give such an answer.

He instinctively wanted to say, 'Impossible!'

Those military salaries are still in his hands today, and he hides them very tightly, making it impossible for outsiders to find them.

At this moment, Han Wang said again, "Mr. Su!"

Su Xuan slowly stepped into the court again, and he gave a bow to the King of Han.

After seeing Su Xuan, Xiangguo immediately asked, "Did Mr. Su really find the lost military pay?"

If it were in the past, for wandering sorcerers like Su Xuan, he had always respected and kept a distance. He admired Confucianism and respected ghosts and gods, but he had to admit that Su Xuan did indeed help the Han country a lot.

If it weren't for Su Xuan's miraculous hand summoning rain on that day, it's unclear how long the drought would have lasted, which would have affected the lives of the people of Han.

Today, if Su Xuan helps them find the lost military pay again, it would obviously be another great achievement.

Su Xuan met his open gaze and calmly said, "I am proficient in the art of communication with ghosts and gods. In order to find the lost military pay, I personally went to the Broken Soul Valley. That is the place where the military pay was lost. If the disappearance of the military pay is done by ghosts and gods, there will definitely be some clues left."

"The result exceeded my expectations!"

"According to the ghosts and gods wandering in the Valley of Broken Souls, the military pay was not stolen by them."

"According to them, those military salaries disappeared on their own when they encountered water!"

"Nonsense!" Ji Wuye's voice was cold and scolded Su Xuan, "Are you using the words of ghosts and gods to justify yourself because you can't find any clues?"

He knew exactly what was going on with the military pay, but he didn't expect that Su Xuan didn't interrogate the people who were escorting the pay and found out that the pay had disappeared on his own.

However, Su Xuan's mistake lies in using the theory of ghosts and gods to explain.

He knows very well whether there are ghosts or gods.

There is no such thing as a ghost soldier, so Su Xuan's words are a true lie.

"It seems that the general doesn't believe what I say!" Su Xuan didn't get angry and said to Ji Wuye, "However, that's the fact!"

The rest of the people, some belonging to Ji Wuye, also questioned Su Xuan when their boss spoke up.

"The General is right. The disappearance of military pay in the face of water is really unbelievable. If it weren't for the actions of ghosts and gods, it would be difficult to explain this matter!"

Many ministers looked at Su Xuan at the same time, wanting to see how Su Xuan would explain.

"Actually, it's not difficult to explain!" Su Xuan said calmly, "The world is vast, and there are all kinds of wonders. There are also some ores in this world that are similar to gold. As far as I know, there is one commonly known ore called 'water dissolves gold', which melts when it comes to water and burns when it comes to fire!"

"If those military rations were secretly replaced with 'water consumption funds' before being escorted, and they would suddenly disappear when encountering rainwater, it's not surprising!"

The Prime Minister opened his eyes and keenly grasped a key word in Su Xuan's words, "Are you saying that the ghost soldiers robbing salaries was done by humans?"

"Not only the matter of ghost soldiers robbing salaries, but also the subsequent incident of ghosts and gods demanding their lives, are all human made!" Su Xuan responded.

"Water dissolves gold? That's a great excuse!" Ji Wuye's heart was filled with awe. He didn't expect Su Xuan to figure out the truth and falsehood of those gold so quickly. However, on his face, he didn't show any signs of fear. His eyes were cold as he looked at Su Xuan and said, "Even if this was done by humans, you still haven't found the lost military pay!"

"It seems that the General's memory is not good!" Su Xuan met Ji Wuye's gaze without any fear. "Has the General forgotten what the King said earlier?"

At the time of this court meeting, King Han said that Su Xuan had found the whereabouts of those who had lost their military pay.

Ji Wuye thought of this sentence and couldn't help but be taken aback, her eyes flickering uncontrollably.

Is it difficult? Has this guy really found the whereabouts of his military pay?

Immediately afterwards, he dispelled this speculation.

Even if Su Xuan knew that the loss of military pay was caused by human error and guessed that the disappeared gold was water consuming gold, he could not find the whereabouts of the lost military pay.

"According to you, where are those military salaries hidden now?"

"In Xinzheng City!" Su Xuan's words were definite.

"In Xinzheng City?"

Above the court, all the ministers were stunned when they heard these words.

The military pay of 100000 taels of gold was replaced by someone, and the person did not hide the general's pay elsewhere, but in the city? That person is a fool, right.

Ji Wuye became increasingly convinced that Su Xuan was talking nonsense.

"Oh? Since you know the whereabouts of the military pay, why don't you speak up quickly so that you can retrieve the lost military pay as soon as possible?"

Su Xuan was not impatient. "Of course, the lost military pay needs to be retrieved, but capturing the person behind the scenes who acted recklessly and replaced the military pay is also an extremely important matter."

"Who has the courage to replace the military pay given to the border army?" Ji Wuye's words were sarcastic. He was already ready to watch Su Xuan laugh, but before he did, he didn't mind accompanying Su Xuan to finish the scene.

"This general also knows him!" Su Xuan spoke up.

"Do you know me, General?" Ji Wuye was puzzled.

Su Xuan said, "This person is wealthy and has a nickname called 'Jade Tiger'!"