

Three years after being abandoned by the man she loved at the altar, Daphne meets him again in Nigeria. This time, he was a man on a mission who was hell-bent on winning her back.

Onyemaechi_Favour · Urban
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


"Elizabeth! This place is so crowded! The music is too loud! You told me this was going to be a small party!" Daphne yelled at the top of her voice over the loud music to enable Liza hear her. Goodness! Liza had deceived her. This wasn't a small party. It was Belgrave's annual employee party! It looked like Liza had brought her to a club. The deceit!

"There is nothing small about Belgrave! Not even the parties! You should know that by now!" Liza yelled back. "Stay here, Daphne. I'll go get us drinks and a comfortable spot at the single's table! Keep your eyes on me girl, I'll wave at you when I get a good one okay?"

"Sure! Get me something strong, like a vodka or a whiskey with a little cola in it!"

"I got you! I'll be right back!" Liza replied before disappearing into the crowd and exchanging pleasantries and hugs at the same time. Daphne exhaled. That girl was a social beast. She thought.

Daphne looked around her. There were rotating, dim-colored lights on the ceiling. A lot of couples were partying hard on the dance floor, very intimately at that. She spotted some other couples sitting, probably whispering sweet nothings to their partner's ears. She saw a lot of flirting, touching and heavy petting. She spotted the singles table too. Drinking games were going on there. One would have thought that the employees of Belgrave Technologies would be discreet with their promiscuous lifestyles but no one seemed spare morals any thought tonight. She had missed this atmosphere. The loud music. The happiness. The lack of morals and ladylike attitude. Back at New York, cocaine and pills passed around obviously but secretly like it was no man's business. She knew though, Americans partied hard but Nigerians partied even harder. She recognized the song being blasted on the DJ's speakers. It was a song from Burna boy's latest album. The Nigerian artiste known as the African giant was representing good old Nigeria well.

She searched for Liza with her eyes. She spotted her carrying their drinks from the bar to the single's table. She walked towards her friend, struggling past the amorous couples on the dance floor. "Come, sit!" Liza yelled again. She sat at the chair Liza had drawn out for her. She was such a mother hen. Daphne thought. "Great party huh?" Liza asked grinning mischievously.

"You fooled me, Elizabeth! This is not a small party or gathering or get-together! This is Belgrave's annual employee party! I have avoided it for two years! Daphne screamed in horrified disbelief of Liza's actions. "Chill, Daphne! You are becoming hysterical!" Liza yelled again. She downed her drink at a go "I am going to the dance floor. Surely, I'll meet a guy willing to dance and tell me how beautiful I am tonight. Hold your phone and your bag close to you. People cannot be trusted. Call me when you need me. I'll feel my phone vibrate" with that, she was gone in a flash. Damn. She sure worked fast. Daphne tasted her drink, it had more cola than alcohol. What did she expect? Mother hen was at work again. Liza had done the opposite of what she'd asked. She looked around and spotted her amidst the crowd, dancing with a hunk. At least she was having a good time. She could barely say the same for herself. It had only been a few minutes since she got here but she was bored. She should have stayed home and binged on wine and pizza and some episodes from Vampire diaries. She'd have felt a lot more better than she currently did. She felt the urge to return home before it became too late. She decided she wasn't going to miss her beauty sleep for a party she didn't seem to be enjoying. With resolve in her heart, she drained the contents of her glass and proceeded to meet Liza to tell her about her decision.

After a heated but friendly back and forth between herself and Liza, she was permitted to leave the party after Liza had vowed to rid her of an expensive Hermes bag she had been obsessed with and had recently started to covet. She didn't think it'd be so easy. She was convinced that Liza would do anything to stop her from leaving the party. She owed Liza a huge one. She had promised to have fun at the party but didn't even stay long enough to before feeling the need to get away from the loud music and the crowd. Her perfect makeup and dress was a waste. Though her dress was quite revealing with it's lack of material at her back down to her waist line and the slit that reached up to her thighs, accentuating her figure, didn't help the situation especially as it was cold. And though the net sleeves were long, they did very little to shield her from the cold claws of nature. She was not able to bring a shawl even though she knew she'd need it eventually because Liza had forbidden it. She loved the dress and the shoes but didn't even get to bask in the fact that in the last three years, she hadn't made any effort to look this good. She knew she looked beautiful and she confirmed how good she looked when she got to the men at the party with her slow and dramatic hip sway. Once she was outside, the cool breeze fanned her face and she could no longer hear the loud music. She looked around her and could spot a couple talking and giggling. She spotted her red mustang and immediately began to fish for her car keys from her bag as she got closer. She stretched her hands towards the car to unlock it when she felt her phone vibrate. It was Liza. She had texted her saying she would be going to her house after the party. She sighed. She would have the house to herself for a week or so. She knew because it was routine for Liza. She unlocked her car by pressing the button on the car keys and was just about to open the door when she heard it. "Leaving so soon, sunshine?" she stopped dead in her tracks with the car open. She knew that voice. Would never forget it. That voice that she had replayed a thousand times in her head for years but she wasn't going to acknowledge it. She entered her car quickly and was about to lock the door but it stopped. She couldn't move the door. He held the door. "What? Did you decide you'd pretend you didn't know someone was talking to you?" She heard the voice again. The whole time she had been looking forward, not wanting to see the source of that voice. She yanked at the door's handle and this time she was able to close it but not before the passenger's door opened and her eyes met his. Moon Gillies. He slid in and closed the door. She was flustered. Rooted in her seat. Couldn't peel her eyes away from him, couldn't move. He was looking at her dead in the face. She couldn't read his expressions except for the dark, mischievous smile tugging at the sides of his mouth. Her heart hammered hard against her chest, threatening to explode. She jerked her face away from his direction. She dropped her bag, phone and keys on her lap and rubbed her sweaty palms against her dress. She felt her cheeks grow hot and her body tremble as if the night's cold was not enough. She struggled to gain composure as her stomach was tied in different entangled knots. Cold sweat broke out. She couldn't tell if she was cold or hot. The air became too stuffy for her, too claustrophobic, she needed air. She opened the door to her side, pushing it further as cool breeze infiltrated the car. It was soothing and cool. The whole time, he was watching her every move like a hawk, she was aware of it. She took deep breaths with her eyes shut, fighting to gather composure that seemed to be running away from her. Was she just going to ignore him? It was getting awkward and uncomfortable for her. What would she say to him? She needed him to stop looking at her. Why was he sitting in her car anyway? Did he know she'd be here tonight or was it just coincidence? Was Liza aware? Did she know he'd be here? Unanswered questions ran through her head. It was becoming cold again. "Daphne, I can hear the wheels turning in your head. You cannot ignore me, you know?" she heard him say. Her eyes flew open. She'd have to deal with this now. She'd kick him out of the car and run him over if she had to. She turned her body towards his direction, her face followed with a plastered smile on her lips that was obviously fake and unwelcoming. "Moon!" She cried in false excitement with her hand covering her mouth "Forgive my manners, I didn't see you there." God! He was so handsome. She hoped she would able to put herself together. "Oh. So that's how we are doing this?" He asked shaking his head. "Fine. I can play along, sunshine."

"You know my name, Moon, it's not Sunshine."

"I'll call you whatever I want." He countered, still smiling at her.

"How can I help you? What are you doing sitting your ass in my car?" she enquired, slightly furious but still with a plastered smile. It was going to be a long night.

"I'm here to say hi. It's been years, hasn't it?"

"Get out of my car, Moon Gillies. This instant." She commanded. Disgusted by his cheekiness, all trace of diplomacy and kindness disappeared. She was downright furious. Did he think she was a joke?

"That was quick. I wondered how long it'd take for you to drop the act and end the façade." Moon replied, this time without a smile. The atmosphere became tense.

"Apparently, it doesn't take much for you to piss me the hell off! Get out of my car, Moon!" She yelled.

"Sssshhhh." He whispered with his index finger to his mouth. " People can hear you. No one's going anywhere."

"What do you want? Why are you even in Nigeria?" she asked.

"I came to take back what's rightfully mine." He replied with the smile back at the sides of his mouth.

"Well, good luck with that. Now, out!" she yelled.

"You still have that temper, don't you? One would think that after three years, you'd have grown past it but you simply have been unable to. How disappointing." Moon condescended.

"What? Are you trying to make me mad? Because if that's what you are doing, it's working!" Daphne whispered in disbelief. What was wrong with him? Did he approach her to rile her up? She couldn't put up with this for much longer.

"Trust me, Sunshine. It's not my intention to make you angry or anything. It's your fault that you cannot control yourself. Must you be so emotional?" Moon reprimanded. He knew he was lighting a match so close to gasoline. It would not be long before it exploded. "Close the door and drive Daphne. It's quite chilly tonight. Don't you think?"

"Moon Gillies! Get out of my car!" Daphne roared.

"Daphne! Be quiet! "He roared back at her and it shook her core. They sat in silence for a while, taking deep breaths. Both lost in their own thoughts till Moon broke the silence.

"We really need to talk, Daphne." Moon said in a low tone.

"I have nothing to say to you." Daphne replied.

"But I do. Daphne. I have come back to get you. I'm In Nigeria because of you." He stated.

"You came back to get me?" Daphne couldn't believe her ears. She burst in hysterical laughter. Moon sat in silence watching her laugh. Daphne was going to be stubborn, he knew it. He expected it but he was not a very patient man.

"You can stop cackling now. It is unattractive for a woman of your age and it's hurting my ears." He reprimanded.

"Get off your high horse, Moon. You should go back to New York. You have wasted your time by coming here." She admonished.

"Have you not been listening? I'm not leaving without you. Drive Daphne."

"Where would we go?" she asked

"To your house." He announced smiling at her.

"I'll die first." She refused stubbornly.

"Are you sure? You won't like what I'll do next? So, think again, sunshine." He warned.

"I'll end my life before driving to my home with you in my car, Gillies." She concluded defiantly. Folding her arms to indicate how serious she was being.

"Very well, then." He surrendered and reached into his inner vest waltzing out his phone. He dialed a number and put his cellphone in his ears while smiling at her. Daphne wondered what he had up his sleeves. "Come here. Now." He said to someone over his phone before hanging up and tucking it away.

"What are you scheming, you snake! Who did you just call? She demanded. Almost immediately, She spotted three men at Moon's side of the car. They were muscled men all suited up. They looked like bodyguards. "You called Sir" one of them said. Moon looked at her with a wicked smile, promising only mischievous things. "Take her to my beach house. Three of you." He said still smiling at her. Instantly, they were at her side. "Never take your eyes off her. She's a wily one." Daphne was stupefied. She's couldn't comprehend what was happening. What was this beast trying to do? She thought. Was he kidnapping her? Had her finally lost his head?

"What are you doing? Moon?" She asked the smiling man in front of her who was obviously enjoying every bit of what was happening.

"Taking you away, sunshine. Until we fix our problems, I'm not letting you out of my sight."

Daphne couldn't believe her world. There were muscular men waiting for her to get down from the car.

"Moon. You can't appear before me after three years and decide to whisk me away to the stupid hole that you have crawled out from. I'm not going anywhere with these guys."

"Take her away, I'll be right behind you." He signaled to the man who seemed to be the leader of the three. "Be gentle, that's my wife."

"Yes sir! They replied before gently tugging her out of the car. Once she was out of the car, one of them lifted her up and placed her on his shoulders. She screamed. "Moon! I'll make sure to regret this. You stupid caveman!" Moon was out of the car, waving to her. "I'd like to see you try, sunshine." She saw him clearly now, even as she was being whisked away. Moon Gillies was still a big man. The breadth of his shoulders shocked her. He was dressed in black street clothes. From afar, she saw his furrowed eyebrows and spotted the fatigue in his fallen shoulders and the pain in his eyes for the first time that night. Her dark knight had his demons. He was hurting. He was suffering. Moon Gillies was not one who easily had a slumped shoulder. She wondered what the problem was. Daphne felt herself being lowered to fit into the back of a black sleek truck. She was safely stuck in between the two bodyguards. The third one sprinted to the driver's seat. Daphne turned back to stare through the glass at Moon who was still standing watching her. When she could no longer see him through the glass, she turned away and adjusted herself, allowing her body to relax. She'd save her energy because she knew she and Moon would be at each other's necks once they were alone. She wondered what troubled her dark knight. She'd find out.