
Danmachi: The Blade-Bound

Awakening with a mind as blank as a freshly forged blade, a nameless boy finds himself thrust into the labyrinth world of Orario. With no recollection of his past, his only anchor is an inexplicable affinity for swords. In a realm ruled by gods and where strength is paramount, the amnesiac swordsman must forge a new identity. Surrounded by the allure of adventure and the shadow of danger, he embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery, his blade the only constant in a world teeming with both opportunity and deadly challenges. Can he uncover the secrets of his past while carving out a future in the treacherous depths of the dungeon?

Leip0t · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


[??? POV]

'Where am I..?' I thought as I felt as if I was floating in space. I felt lethargic, my head felt like it was splitting apart.

I open eyes, a view of a dark blue scenery filled my eyes. 'The sea..?' was my first thought as I saw my surroundings.

I couldn't hear anything, I didn't feel anything. I was just floating around. My only sense left being my eye sight. And that brief feeling of a headache.

'Strange..' I thought, as I felt a wave of tiredness assault me. My eyes were forced to close, leading me to fall Into slumber once more.

Time passed, I spent the majority of my time in this space floating around, and then sleeping. Was I stuck here? I don't know. Did I die? I don't know..

Who am I..? I don't know. My memory was fragmented, incomplete. I didn't know the cause, I didn't know what happened. I didn't even know myself.

All I knew, was this space. This dark blue space, where a dim light shined upon from above. It was.. strange. The light was dim, but it felt familiar. Where did this feeling come from? I don't know.

I closed my eyes again, hoping. The next time I open my eyes, something changes.

I open my eyes, the light was too bright. Light? Bright? It was unusually bright.

The light was brighter, warmer. I could see more clearly.

I moved my body around.. I could move my body around? This is so strange. Why did things suddenly change, what happened?

I could move now. That was great, now I didn't have to float around motionlessly. As I moved my body, familiarizing my self with movement. I gazed at the light once more.

"Come..." I heard something, I could hear now as well. But where did it come from? That voice, it wanted me to follow it.

"Come.. here.." The voice sounded out again. But I knew where it came from now. The light, or whatever it was. Wanted me to follow it.

So I did. With a motion similar to swimming I swam upward, towards the light. As I grew closer to what seemed like the surface, I bumped into something. A wall? Barrier?

I touched the invisible wall. My fingers sinking into it, I felt it wrap around my arm. And then suddenly disappearing. Strange.

As the barrier slowly dissipated I continued swimming. Until I saw something. A sword? It looked like a sword. A spinning sword, it looked ethereal.

"Come.. here..." The voice once again sounded out. But it was closer. Is the sword talking? A talking sword.. Strange.

I swam towards the sword. As I drew closer to it, until eventually being up close and personal. The sword stopped spinning.

"I.. am.. here.." I tried to speak, my sentence broken. Why? Is it because I haven't spoken in so long? Well it's useless to think about it.

"Touch.. Become.. One.." The voice was practically ringing in my mind.

My hand grew closer to it, It was a slow motion, a dramatic type of slow.

Until I finally reached a hair's width before I touched. As I touched the sword. My mind blanked, I gained clarity shortly after but the sword was gone. Instead it was ball of light.

I gazed at the ball of light, it seemed to grow bigger. Until it exploded with a show of brilliance, so brilliant it nearly blinded me.

Ah.. I'm sleepy again..

[3rd Person POV]

In a realm akin to a void of only the color white. A cloaked figure could be seen. The figure cast aside the hood of the cloak.

Revealing a face of unearthly beauty. Her left eye was a marvel of intricate gold, a living clockwork that pulsed with inner light. The right was a storm of color, a kaleidoscope of shifting hues that hinted at hidden depths.

Her gaze fell upon a monolithic marble sphere, its surface as smooth as obsidian. Within it, a world unfolded — a man with hair resembling the summer blue skies, with eyes that mimic'd her own.

With a voice as cold as the realm where she resides she spoke. "He has made contact with the Icon."

[??? POV]

"Ah.. bright.." I spoke as I opened my eyes, it was too bright. The sun was gazing right into my eyes. Wait, sun? I looked around.

A vast expanse of green blessed my eyes. Grass, trees, and wildlife could be seen. I looked at the sky, the vast blue skies made my jaw slack.

"Where am I?" I questioned. I was not in that blue space anymore. I was now in this foreign land.

"Strange.." But a good kind of strange. I stood up, and I examined my body. I had clothes on. But wait, why am I small?

I examined the rest of my body, my hands were small. My cheeks, soft like a babies. Was I always small? I don't remember. But I feel like I shouldn't be this small.

Well no matter. As long as I'm alive, I will surely grow. [A/N: He's coping.]

I explored the grassland until I found a road. Does that mean there is civilization around?Neat, now I have more people to meet.

I continued walking, the bright sun basking me in it's light. It was warm, I liked warmth. Something about it just soothes me.

As I'm walking, I felt a something rushing from behind me. I instinctively dodged the figure. It flew past me, rolling into the ground before stopping and getting up.

I saw it's full visage, It looked a green and plump human, but it was not human. It had bigger ears and it's eyes were large. The thing looked at me like I was prey.

It charged at me once again but I dodged, it was shorter than me but that just made it fast. It wielded a stick, maybe to bash my head in.

Kiek kek kek

"Ha? Are you laughing you bastard?" A tick mark formed on my forehead. It was playing with it's food.

But I'm not the prey here.

The creature charged at me again, this time faster than earlier, but I anticipated it. I dodged just barely so it wouldn't hit me before grabbing it's head with both hands.

I stomped at its body making it fall to the ground, while it was still on the ground I used both my hands to pull, aiming to remove it's head from it's body.

It was surprisingly easy, with a swift upward motion I separated it's head and spine from it's body. It's blood sputtering about, some even reaching my cheek.

"Disgusting.." I muttered before letting go of it's head attached to it's spine. The creature exploded, leaving behind a slight smoke of what looked like ash and two items.

"They can do that?" I examined the two items that dropped. A gem? And what looks to be a tooth, strange.

As I examined the two items closer but then I heard a whistle.

I turned around with a slightly spooked expression, I immediately jumped back gaining distance before seeing what was behind me.

'A human? I didn't even sense him.' It was a indeed a person. He looked old, like a grandpa. He has gray hair and a healthy gray beard.

"Not bad, kiddo." He voiced out, his voice gruff with a hint of amusement. He looked like a farmer, adorning a generic farmer hat as well.

"You don't seem to be around here, you lost kiddo?" The man spoke up again as he looked me in the eye.

"Yes.." I said with less vigilance than before but still prepared to throw hands.

"I see. What about you family?, don't tell me you ran away." He said with a hearty laugh.

"I don't have a family." I said with a sad tone. Sad? Why? Why do I feel sad about that?

"I see. Then what about a name? Do you have a name?" He asked me as he rested his garden tool on his shoulder.

"Name... I don't remember.." My face scrunched. Right, my memory is still fragmented.

"Hm, I see. Then why don't you come with me? My grandson could use a friend." He said to me with a kind smile.

I was conflicted, I didn't even know the man. Should I go with him? Well I don't even have a place to go.. Ah, screw it. If he tries anything funny then my fist will just resolve it.

I sighed. "Sure, But what should I call you?"

I walked closer to him.

"Hmm, what about grandpa?" He said with another round of hearty laughter.

"I'll just call you Old Man." My face became blank.

"I'm not old you brat." He said before he started walking. I followed him, walking by his side.

'I wonder how my life is gonna turn out now.. Well, no use thinking about it. I'll leave it to future me to resolve any problems I may face, not my problem.'

And with that, starts the story of an Amnesiac Swordsman, will he be able to reclaim his lost memories and fix his mysterious past or will he fall trying?

Find out in the next episode of Drag- Ahem. Danmachi: The Blade-Bound.

———[Chapter End]———

New story, fellas. This is my shot at trying to create a decent Danmachi fic.

I'm still thinking if I should make this a harem or not, so I'll just trust the process. You might find some cliches here and there, I'm not an experienced writer so I'm bound to make blunders.

And with that, welcome to my story. Leave some stones or sum.