

A person gets transmigrated into danmachi with a simulator PS: The book cover is not mine if the owner of the book that I stole it from is angry please let me know

Demonboy24 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Two: The first 15 Days

[Flesh modifying simulator]

[modifying left leg]

Dedication-[Day 1 you sit down for there hours and think how to modify your leg it finally hits you you start to temper the Maine bone by repeating the same action of hitting your bone against a hard tree.]

[Day two you are having problems of hunger because you do don't have any food your leg is swollen but you decide too go put looking for for food you find a river after looking for 4 hours you find fish in the river and catch two you don't cook them properly you get food poising for the rest of the day.]

[day three you feel a bit better you decide too start tempering your leg again on the way too Orlando because you want to become a adventure modifying your leg slows you down you only make half a days worth of travel you found fresh meat in on your travel.

[Day four your leg is bleeding you still travel but without modifying your leg you make a days worth of travel your leg has stopped bleeding you feel it's slightly stronger you hear strange noises outside the cave your in you ignorer it.]

[Day 5 you start traveling again your leg is still swollen and you decide it's better to get to town quicker you make far enough to see the town you decide it's better to rest and make the rest of the trip tomorrow.]

[Day 6 you wake up to screaming in the tree your resting on you see goblins beneath you that have bows you realize that there looking for you you decide too kill a Goblin with a knife because you don't have a weapon you kill it stealthy and get caught trying to kill the next one you have to fight 4 goblins you kill the one next two you and stab another you go to Slash another but get hurt you kill all the goblins but come out of the battle with two stab wounds and a arrow stuck to your arm you decide too rush to Orlando you pass out from pain.]

[Day seven you wake up in a dimly lit room with bandages wrapped around your injuries you talk to the guards that are watching over you they tell you that you were saved and put in the room for questioning you tell them that you want to become a adventure and you were almost killed by Goblins they laugh at you and decide too let you go but most before they cuss you enough you look for a place to earn money for the rest of the day even with your injuries you found nothing slept on the street.]

[Day 8 you keep looking and find a nice bar with a owner called mama Mia she lets you works there in the condition that you don't touch the other waitress you have some work experience as a waiter and cook she lets a female elf called rye show you the ropes and meet the other employees she lets you rent a room in one of the upstairs rooms they realize your injured but you don't trust them enough to take a looks.]

[Day 11 your injuries have healed over the two days you decide too start tempering your leg again with a iron pole you brought at a blacksmith after work although you don't know how Chloe hears it she tries to stop you but you continue you do this till eleven than pass out of exhaustion.]

[Day 12 your leg is still sore from yesterday but you continue your work and start modifying your leg over you also buy a herb that helps with natural healing your leg is fine by mourning you decide too buy them in stock with the rest of your money and buy a guitar to play music because it helps it you calm down].

[Day 15 you have repeated the same process over and over again since day twelve and been secretly practicing music mama Mia tells you that important people from the Loki familiar are coming today you ask if there's any chance I could become apart of there familiar she says there's trials for more members in twelve days and they all come over every two weeks on the Thursday some times they also come with just one or two people you meet the Loki familiar who looks surprised with your presence a member called Bete starts to berate you than calls you a worthless pervert you humiliate by proving he has a small dick. ]

This is my second chapter feel free to give me feedback.

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