

A person gets transmigrated into danmachi with a simulator PS: The book cover is not mine if the owner of the book that I stole it from is angry please let me know

Demonboy24 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Where am I?

Waking up in a black void except for the light of what i can only presume is my soul is disturbing to say the least yet for a reason i did not feel panicked or shocked in the lightest. That would be me says a big old Grey haired man on a throne witch some how looks like a human form of master oogway if he was actually a human. Thump the man hits his throne that had looked more historical than earths entire history into half into dust. Fuck he screams one thank you not one person has been able to see that since the movie came out two fuck my wife is going to kill me that was her favorite one he says Cleary looking panicked with the sweat already piling up into a puddle beneath him ok so we were meant to go into detail on a whole shit ton of details but I'm just going to send you into a random anime world before you die so bye he says still Sweating bang is all i hear before my vision goes black.

Yep that happened two days ago I've know been transmigrated into danmanchi because I pissed on a bully It was totally there fault I mean who puts a piss here sign on there face then goes blindfolded you know what forget that i need to check this out he said looking at the panel in front of him that said [ Flesh modification Simulator] I had this game on his phone back on modern earth that let the character modify parts of there body like the brain or the arm even the heart if you got enough points you could even add body parts like a second heart or brain everyone called him weird when they saw the game yet they also said that wen they heard his name Anle Honestly what the fuck was the matriarch thinking still he kept playing it seems that what his cheat was know but he wandered what the simulator meant oh well seems ill just have to find out he thought

[Flesh modification simulator]

[Name: Anle]

[Life span: 15/85]

[technique: none]

[Skill: none]

[Modified body parts: none]

[Body parts able to modify left arm, right leg, brain]

Number of times simulated: none

Detected new host activating protocol 3 emergency free start all points will be deducted by 70% as composition to giving host one free simulator opportunity all opportunity's after this will the host pay 100 points per deduction. Anle looked the panel in front of him and had on thought holy shit I'm going to be op while yes to modify the part of your choice it could be dangerous because you were tempering it with whatever you could find that was only for delicate things like the heart and brain. Okay so which body part do I start with first lets go with the leg I want to get to town faster otherwise its going to be at least a two day walk

okay so this is the first chapter pleas tell me how you think it was

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