
Danmachi: Shrouded in the Abyss of Darkness

In a world suffocated by the weight of societal expectations, Ren's life unfolds as a hollow facade, devoid of purpose or true fulfillment. His days are spent trapped in the chains of conformity, desperately yearning for the moment they will end. And then, a revelation tears through the veil of his existence, thrusting him into a realm beyond his wildest dreams. Consumed by a delusion that permeates his every thought, Ren becomes enamored with a goddess-like character, Ais Wallenstein, from the world of "Danmachi." Her otherworldly beauty, with long golden-blonde tresses cascading like a radiant sun, her eyes a mesmerizing shade of gold, and a figure exuding grace and elegance, captivate his imagination. As if fate's cruel jest, tragedy befalls Ren, casting him into the realm of the afterlife. But amidst the abyss, a powerful Goddess emerges, confirming the existence of worlds he once believed were mere figments of imagination. It is a revelation that shatters the boundaries of his perceived reality and reignites the flames of the twisted desires he suppressed for a long, long time... ————— The novel's discord server: 2NUzdasA6F Author Notes: First and foremost, I extend my apologies in advance. Throughout this novel, I may make references to various anime and novels, as well as playfully critique certain aspects of other works. Please understand that it is not my intention to offend anyone. I neither claim ownership of these works nor have personal connections with the authors. Posting Pace: I must confess that I am writing this story purely for my own satisfaction, without any fixed schedule or deadlines. Anticipating some common questions: Q: Will there be a harem? A: I cannot say for certain. My MC has a deep obsession with Ais Wallenstein alone, which may be enough to satisfy his desires. Q: Is the MC mentally stable? A: No. Ren is a broken individual, a clear example being the MC of "The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines." If you are unfamiliar with that character, I encourage you to read a few chapters or peruse the synopsis for further insight. Q: Is this a Danmachi fanfiction? A: Yes, it is ultimately a Danmachi fanfic. However, it may diverge from the most popular fanfictions you may have encountered, offering a unique perspective and narrative. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. I hope you find the story engaging and thought-provoking, as it explores the depths of Ren's twisted desires and the intricacies of a world woven from both familiar and unfamiliar threads.

DeeplyLostInShadow · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Responsability(18+) - First Part

I retired to Ais's room with a sigh, my thoughts wandering back to the moment I first laid eyes on her. I had always tried to maintain a sense of restraint, believing that impure thoughts were not appropriate in our relationship until much later...

However, I knew I had to be patient, waiting for her to grasp the true nature of our relationship and its significance.

I had resolved never to cross certain boundaries with her until she was ready, but now it seemed that worry was unnecessary.

"Did you have a meaningful conversation with Riveria?" I asked softly as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. 

It felt different from usual, as if only now could I truly let myself appreciate those curves. It would've been hard to ignore them, had I focused on them during these few weeks.

Her initial response was not verbal, but a slow nod conveyed her intentions. She didn't resist; instead, she wrapped my hands in her own as our breaths and heartbeats were in sync.

"She told me, that doing... 'that', will make me...pregnant" she tried hard to convey what she meant, and I found it so unbearably sweet that I chuckled as I held her a little tighter.

Kissing her neck gently, I offered a brief explanation, "Normally, yes. But I can prevent that from happening with magic. I'd love to explain more, but..."

Her hand on my pants interrupted my words. "It's been poking my butt... for a while..."

That was my cue to keep the explanation concise. "It's because you are so beautiful, he wants to appreciate your beauty himself..."

My joke made her laugh a little, though the funny mood disappeared soon as it felt like the temperature in the room was suddenly increased by several degrees, even if I'm supposed to be immune to heat or cold...

Although my body was not new to such experiences, it felt strangely distant, as if it were my first time.

"You seem quite experienced," she remarked as I lifted her slowly and brought her closer to the bed.

I chuckled at the jealous expression she was glancing at me with. "I've told you before, in my past life, I was married and had a child. Shouldn't be much of a surprise."

She was undeniably cute when she was like this, even if it was over something that had occurred more than 800 years ago.

Nevertheless, I wanted to put her at ease, so my hand ventured towards her breasts, gently squeezing one of her nipples, eliciting a sweet moan to paint the room even more of raging excitement.

"Are you sure... You didn't have any other women?" she inquired while struggling to not moan anymore as I never stopped fondling the soft flesh.

I replied, kissing her ear, which was now as red as a tomato. "I can make another vow if that's what it takes."

We exchanged playful banter for a while, as although the mood was already set, I was not an animal. I wished to let her be at ease as much as possible and to do that, I needed to...

My mind blanked out as I noticed the considerable amount of liquid staining the place between her legs.


Thoughts of making sure one last time she really wanted to go through this crossed my mind, I have to be honest, but if I dared to ask such a question after that kind of show, then I wouldn't be able to call myself a man anymore.

I continued to caress her breasts, each touch causing her to release a delightful squeal.

She was so sensitive I doubted she ever bothered to try and touch herself.

Part of me wished to know, but I chose to keep that kind of question for another time when she was more at ease doing this.

I gently laid her down on the bed with a soft touch, savoring the enchanting view before me.

While my fingertips grazed her breasts, just barely over the delicate fabric of her bra, I took a fleeting moment to study her, captivated by the allure and sweetness hidden within her eyes, silently pleading for me to do more.

An almost primal urge coursed through me, compelling me to shed the last remnants of clothing that separated our bodies and immerse myself in her.

However, I opted for a more magical approach. Slowly, I undressed, letting my powers unclasp her bra and gracefully slide her panties down.

Why, you ask? It was merely a spontaneous desire to showcase my magical prowess, nothing more, nothing less. Her surprised gasps only brought a warm smile to my lips as I felt accomplished like I did something incredibly hard...

Well, the only thing that's hard is mine, though.

"Let's make love," I breathed into her ear, every word whispered with eagerness as I was so hard it almost started to hurt a little.

The little guy was raring and begging me to go, and who was I to refuse?

My finger found its place effortlessly, slipping inside her without the slightest hint of resistance. I was cautious, and determined to minimize any discomfort.

Doing this would help her feel less pain, and I was also so curious to finally do this myself.

With each rhythmic movement, I explored, seeking the spot that would ignite her pleasure most intensely. Our surroundings echoed with soft, sensuous moans that made me concentrate even more to feel her walls clamping on my finger like they were thirsty for more than that.


I soon continued my act as another finger made its way inside her.


Her cries grew louder, and I acted swiftly, covering her mouth to avoid having everyone else understand someone was not sleeping tonight.

Of course, I sealed her lips with my own as the situation grew even more intense.

While I worked hard on both her pussy and mouth, she actually took me by surprise as she started stroking my dick on her own accord.

"Ah...does this...Argh.... feel good?"

So insecure, yet so cute. Even her clumsiness made me feel good, though.

She will have her own time to learn how to do this in the future.

"It does, Ais... You are so cute I don't know what to do with you..."

I kept kissing her neck as we kept pleasuring ourselves for a while before inevitably...

Both of us came.

I was careful to not dirty her beautiful body as before my jizz could travel even a few centimeters further from the head, it got stuck in the air just like the bad step-sis²⁰ in the washing machine...

Magic is so fucking convenient, I swear.


20: I don't really need to add anything, I swear. It felt just funny to add that 20 on there to make it official in my reference "hub"...

Author's Note:

I'm not dead y'all! <3 >.<. I've had so much trouble finally finishing the first part of this chapter!! I moved to UK for an exchange student thing and adapt stuff, I'm busy IRL a lot. Still, won't drop novel. Thanks anyone who is still willing read my novel! See ya in second part.< p>


I didn't really have Ais do some action since she's not experienced, so for now, she's letting Ren take the lead hehe. Of course, this won't stay the same in the future as their relationship develops from a rather childish one(as some people said) to a more realistic one.