
Our Relationship

Beneath the tranquil expanse of the night sky, my thoughts swirled like stardust, all leading to her.

Love is a labyrinth of emotions, a riddle that only deepens the more you try to decipher it.

Amidst these reflections, I couldn't help but wonder, could I afford a brief respite before resuming my relentless training?

Eve's persistent urgings wouldn't let up.

You see, my love for Ais is not just a shield against loneliness, it's also a sentinel against the lurking shadows of danger. The Forgotten Ones have set their sights on her, their malevolent intentions a storm cloud that threatens to eclipse our happiness.

In the face of these divine beings, can I, even with a few years' worth of training, ascend to a level where I can safeguard her from their reach?

A more pressing question, however, presents itself. If the Ancient Gods detect the taint of the Forgotten Ones upon this world, what would stop them from erasing it without a second thought?

My pride in my strength has unknowingly morphed into biased arrogance, a conviction that places everything beneath my superiority. I've strayed from the path that love initially paved for me.

I was showered with blessings, gifted with incomprehensible power, and I became consumed by the need to never part from Ais. Yet, this devotion has taken on a distorted form.

My love now serves as chains that bind me.

Eve's words resound within me, admonishing my reckless determination to throw myself into training. She implores me to cherish these fleeting moments with Ais, to bask in the warmth of our love.

Eve will return to Orario in a few weeks, and during her absence, I should be at Ais' side, relishing every heartbeat shared as a couple meant to be.

But here I stand, alone under the moon's watchful gaze, entangled in a labyrinth of thoughts that weave and wane like constellations.

As I stand lost in contemplation, an embrace wraps around me from behind, gently pulling me from my thoughts.


No words are spoken, none are needed. Her presence alone speaks volumes, her warmth against my back a soothing reassurance that it's...alright, to be a little selfish.


Though her voice is a whisper, I sense her gaze on me, curiosity and concern mingling.

I turn slightly, catching a glimpse of her searching eyes. With a soft smile, I offer my response.

"What do you think about the stars, Ais? Do you like them?"

The question hangs in the air like a secret shared only between us.

Her answer comes, tentative yet genuine.

"Yes, I do. And you?"

My smile deepens, painted by tenderness.

"I was thinking... what if I could give you the stars?"

Her head tilts, her gaze still locked on mine, the connection between us a thread that spans the cosmos.

"Why would you want to do that?"

A twinkle of mischief enters my eyes.

"Because, my dearest Ais, you deserve nothing less than the entire universe. I imagine crafting them into jewelry that would shimmer against your hair and eyes, or perhaps a gown adorned with their brilliance."

With each word, my voice carries the weight of my affection.

"...Matching pieces, maybe?" she suggests, her words laced with a hint of curiosity. Even with her face as always, I can now tell just how many emotions go through her face every time we're close, which makes my heart beat faster in turn.

I chuckle, captivated by her innocence.

"Why not? A necklace for you, and perhaps a pendant for me, so that we may appear as a pair of celestial beings. And when they inquire about our adornments, we'll tell them that I fell in love with you so deeply that I proposed while I carved them for us."

We both laughed at my own joke, as although she knew I was concerned over something, she chose to wait for me to tell her.

Still, I don't think I will do that now. I want... to honor what Eve told me.

"Cherish her!"

...I shall do that.

Our future remains veiled, a tapestry of uncertainties yet to be woven.

Will we build a life together in this world, or shall we one day seek passage to new horizons? Will Ais still yearn for strength once her pursuit of the One-Eyed Black Dragon is fulfilled?

In this myriad of questions, one truth remains: For now, I yearn to share laughter and joy with my cherished, sweet, and utterly adorable girlfriend, embracing these fleeting moments that will forever illuminate our memories.


"...It's wise that we return and provide an explanation. Our prolonged absence must have raised concerns among the Familia members," I suggested softly, a note of responsibility in my tone.

Side by side, Ais and I retraced our steps, heading back to familiar ground. While Finn's condition was the first on my list to check, I also knew that a more comprehensive account of our journey was in order. The executives of the Loki Familia deserved to know the extent of our trials and our ultimate triumph over the danger that had threatened us.

As we explained to the Loki Familia's executives, I omitted any mention of Eve. The complexities of her role and origin were not to be shared in haste. Instead, I focused on recounting our encounters, the threats we had faced, and the newfound respite that lay ahead.

My voice carried conviction as I assured them that the immediate danger had subsided. The forces that had sought our death were temporarily at bay, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief.

The burden of it was heavy, and it wasn't long before the conversation turned to preparations for the upcoming report about the resolution of the war. The gravity of the situation underscored the need for a thorough and accurate account.

As the discussion winded down, a sense of weariness permeated the air. Tomorrow held its own tasks and responsibilities, urging everyone to seek rest.

The moon cast its glow over the world, a subtle reminder of the beauty that existed beyond the struggles. And beneath its gentle light, I pursued a personal agenda that transcended the mundane affairs of war and duty.

It was... time to deepen our relationship.

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