
DanMachi I Signed In At The Dungeon

Coming to the world of Dicuo, Eiffel became an elf boy. After learning the truth about the world, Eiffel plunged into the dungeon and began his adventure with the help of Goldfinger. I thought this would be a hearty adventure, just for fighting. But why are there more and more women around us? Eiffel was greatly puzzled. It wasn't until a certain god appeared that Eiffel realized that he... seemed to have replaced a certain red-eyed rabbit.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

Chapter 60 Shocked Aisi, The Powerful ‘Leapfrog’

A few minutes later, Eiffel and Ais came to another open space.

This open space is a bit far away from the camp they set up, so there is no need to worry about disturbing Lily and the others.

"Ais, attack with all your strength, don't hold back." After arriving at the clearing, Eiffel turned around, looked at Ais, and said gently.

As soon as he finished speaking, Eiffel drew out the long sword from his waist and rushed towards Ais in a flash.

Eiffel's movement was so sudden that Aisi didn't even expect it, but Aisi's reaction was very fast.

The moment Eiffel launched the charge, the sword of despair at his waist had already been unsheathed and blocked in front of him.


Along with the crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, a fierce wave of air burst out from the backbone of the two people, lifting their long hair.

"So strong, this kind of power is definitely not Iv.2!!!"

"Furthermore, this speed is not something that IV.2 adventurers can achieve." Feeling the force coming from the sword, Aisi's pupils shrank slightly.

When she went down to the dungeon, she had just seen Eiffel's information, and the guild reported Eiffel's upgrade information.

So she knows Eiffel's current level.

However, the speed and strength that Eiffel showed just now are not what an Iv.2 adventurer should have. They have completely reached Iv.3, and can be regarded as the best among IV.3.

Eiffel has just been upgraded, and he actually has such speed and power!

Could it be that Eiffel concealed his rank?

Eiffel is not Iv.2, but should be 3?

Aisi's thoughts turned a thousand times at this moment, and she thought a lot.

However, in the next second, Aisi put this thought behind her and began to fight with Eiffel with all her strength.

Regardless of whether Eiffel concealed her rank or not, it was not something she should explore. It was not a good thing to explore other people's ranks when she had nothing to do.

It's very presumptuous and may even become an enemy.

Aisi didn't want the relationship between herself and Eiffel to become like this.

Aisi was very obedient. Eiffel asked her to use her full strength. She didn't ask why, and she didn't worry about whether her full force attack would cause serious injury to Eiffel.

With a slight increase in strength, the Sword of Despair in her hand exploded with powerful propulsion, and Aisi knocked Eiffel away with one sword strike.

Eiffel turned over in mid-air and landed firmly on the ground.

As soon as he landed, Eiffel saw Ais rushing towards him like an arrow from a string.

When Eiffel saw this, his eyes brightened slightly, he took a big step and rushed out.

The next moment, the two collided together again.


This collision was obviously not comparable to the attack just now.

Whether it was Eiffel or Aisi, the power contained in this knife attack was much stronger than before.

Even after feeling the power of Eiffel's blow, Aisi's pupils flickered again.

"Iv.4!!!" Her feeling was correct, Eiffel's attack had reached Iv.4 in strength.

It was clearly only Iv.3 just now, why did it increase again the next second?

It doesn't look like Eiffel has activated any magic or skills. Could this be Eiffel's hidden strength?

The explosion of Iv.2's power from Iv.4 is simply a fantasy.

However, being surprised, Aisi did not express her surprise. She waved her hand with despair and launched a violent attack.

As Ais's opponent, Eiffel did not have any panic when facing Ais's violent attack. Even though it was very difficult to resist, his expression remained unchanged, and if you look carefully, you can still see it. The corners of Eiffel's mouth curled up in a subtle arc.

Although this arc is very small, it does exist, and Eiffel is smiling.

There is no way, feeling the increasing power in the battle, how could Eiffel be unhappy.

Eiffel is very aware of his specific power, but now in the battle with Ace, his power is constantly improving.

It was the same way when I fought with Lyu before.

Eiffel is very sure that this is the role of his leapfrog development ability.


It's just that the power he improved when fighting Lyu before was not as strong as this time.

If Eiffel's power increased by 10% when he fought with Lyu, now it is 20% or even more.

When he first upgraded, when he was sparring with Lyuu, Lyuu said that his strength was already at the IV.3 level.

After that, he found Hestia to renew his favor, and his favor ability value increased again, and his strength became stronger again.

This time I fought with Aisi. In the battle with Aisi, I developed my abilities and exerted my power much more powerfully than before.

Just jumping to level H increased his strength by about one-fifth.


If we continue to improve this development ability, will reaching B or A directly double our strength?

Eiffel has reason to suspect that the original protagonist's aunt is able to compete with IV.9 at LV.7 because she has acquired the ability to leapfrog, and has continuously challenged powerful monsters and adventurers to improve this ability. That's why it has such incredible power.

Of course, this is just Eiffel's guess and cannot be confirmed.

However, Eiffel has decided that in the future, he must find more adventurers with a higher level than himself to learn from each other, fight with monsters with a higher level than himself, and improve his development ability of skipping levels as soon as possible.

With his thoughts here, Eiffel felt the increasing battle pressure brought by Aisi, and he did not dare to think randomly in his heart, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the battle.

The sound of fierce collisions could be heard endlessly, and the violent wind pressure swept across uncontrollably.

Fortunately, the place the two of them were in was an open space. If it were a forest, the aftermath of the collision of weapons between the two would be enough to leave the forest riddled with holes.

The battle lasted for more than two hours before it stopped.

Two hours later, Eiffel lay on the ground imageless.

On the side, Aisi, who had some minor injuries on her body, squatted beside Eiffel, and gently poked Eiffel's face with one finger.

"Are you okay, you?"

The picture looks familiar!! People!.