
DanMachi I Signed In At The Dungeon

Coming to the world of Dicuo, Eiffel became an elf boy. After learning the truth about the world, Eiffel plunged into the dungeon and began his adventure with the help of Goldfinger. I thought this would be a hearty adventure, just for fighting. But why are there more and more women around us? Eiffel was greatly puzzled. It wasn't until a certain god appeared that Eiffel realized that he... seemed to have replaced a certain red-eyed rabbit.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

Chapter 59 Request

Eiffel didn't care about what Ais was watching.

Because the combat skills and experience he is now teaching Lily and others are not something profound, but some basic combat skills.

As a first-level adventurer, Ais will definitely know these combat skills.

There is no difference whether you look or not.

Moreover, Eiffel also thought about exchanging combat skills with Ace.

Eiffel has not forgotten the favor improvement he received after sparring with Lyu.

Not only did the favor ability value increase significantly, but even the newly obtained development ability was directly upgraded by one level.

It was impossible for Eiffel to ignore such a huge effect.

And Aisi is even stronger than Lyu.

If you compete with Aisi, you will definitely gain as much as if you compete with Lyu.

In fact, because Aisi's level is higher than that of Lyu, if you compete with Aisi, your own development ability will be more rewarding by leapfrogging.

After all, the development ability of leapfrogging was originally obtained by him after killing a large number of IV.2 Milotaurs as an IV.1.

And after crossing three levels to compete with Iv.5 Ais, the gains gained are definitely no less than when competing with IV.4 Lyu.

However, Eiffel himself did not want to think about it. Infinite martial arts was the martial arts of Lancelot, who had a career of 927, and it was also a heroic skill. How could it be simple?

Even Finn, who is IV.6 and is called a brave being, after seeing the fighting spirit in Eiffel, he was sure of Eiffel's power without ever seeing Eiffel's fighting skills. .

What's more, Ais, an Iv.5, is far inferior to Finn in all aspects.

Eiffel's fighting skills are very powerful, and the combat skills that Ais has honed during her adventures are far from comparable to Eiffel's.

Therefore, even if Eiffel teaches some basic fighting skills to Lily and the others, Ais, who is watching from the sidelines, will benefit a lot.

Watching Eiffel instruct Lily and others on fighting techniques, Ais was very moved.

Although she benefited a lot from watching from the sidelines, it was definitely not as great as what she gained from fighting Eiffel.

But she had no reason to argue with Eiffel.

After all, this was her second meeting with Eiffel, and their relationship was very ordinary.

It is precisely because of this that Ais felt very envious when she saw Lily and others whose fighting skills had improved visibly under Eiffel's guidance.

The idea of ​​letting Eiffel compete with him became stronger and stronger.

However, Ais didn't speak until Eiffel stopped the coaching battle.

As the crystal on the ceiling dimmed, the eighth floor also entered night.

Eiffel and his party did not stay outside and went directly into the tent to rest.

Late at night, when everything was silent, the big tent of Lily and others was gently opened, and the golden figure walked out lightly.

After coming out of the tent, Aisi came to Eiffel's small tent quietly, with a hesitant look on her face, one hand stretched and retracted at the entrance of the tent, hesitantly, as if she wanted to open the tent door, but also seemed to In no mood.

In the tent, Eiffel slowly opened his eyes.

Aisi's aura is very concealed, and her presence is not strong, but Aisi's hesitant mood finally revealed a trace of aura and made Eiffel feel her presence.

"Ais?" Eiffel reached out and opened the tent, looking at Ais standing outside with a hesitant expression, and called out softly.

"It's so late, what's wrong?" Eiffel asked softly, not wanting to disturb Lily and others' rest.

Eiffel suddenly opened the tent, startling Ais who was thinking and hesitating.

But Aisi quickly calmed down and thought about it.

"Mr. Eiffel, can I ask you a favor?" Taking a gentle breath of air that was neither light nor heavy, (bdac) Aisi firmed up her mind, looked at Eiffel, and said with sincerity.

"???" Eiffel didn't answer, but looked at Ais with a puzzled look, gesturing for Ais to speak.

Aisi also saw it and did not continue to struggle. She brought up the matter that she wanted to discuss with Eiffel.

After hearing Aisi's intention, Eiffel's eyes suddenly lit up.

He had thought about sparring with Ais before.

It's just that I've only met Ais twice, and I'm neither close nor friends, so I didn't do this.

I plan to mention this matter after we get to know each other better.

But I didn't expect that Aisi would actually come to the door.

This is a rare opportunity.

After all, it's never too early for anyone to become stronger.

After the plot begins, Orario and the dungeon are in trouble.

If nothing else, just being a saboteur is enough to take a risk, and you may be killed if you are not careful.

If you look at the Astralia Familia, you will see that there are seven or eight v.4s and several v.3s, all of which were killed by saboteurs in just one encounter.

And that's okay, as long as you don't go to the 27th floor, you should be fine.

But the fairy clones and the six circles of elves created by Dionysus later were disasters that all Orario adventurers could not avoid.

If we don't improve our strength as soon as possible, the Stiya family will become cannon fodder in the next disaster.

He is very eager to improve his strength, and he will not let it go as long as he has the opportunity to greatly increase his ability value through fighting.

He would not miss out on sparring with Lyu, but if there were other powerful adventurers as sparring partners to provide him with the opportunity to become stronger, he would also not miss out on the opportunity.

Just like Aisi who came to the door now.

After hearing Aisi take the initiative to discuss with him, Eiffel agreed without even thinking about it.

"Go somewhere further away. Don't disturb Lily and the others." Hanging the weapon on his waist, Eiffel walked out of the tent and said softly.

"Yeah." Ais nodded softly.

The two left the tent side by side and walked towards the forest.

The two people left, and the three sleeping people did not notice it.

They had been fighting all day today, and after that they were carried by Eiffel to guide the battle. The three of them were exhausted at this time, and their sleep quality was very good. There was nothing major, so they probably wouldn't be woken up. .