
Danmachi: Goddess System

Reincarnated into the world of Danmachi with unique bloodline and a new system called the goddess system that has many bloodline, skills, and other anime power in store.

SageGodVerhar · Others
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Marcus went around exploring as he went to one of the Merchant Familias and bought a lot of materials from common Material like Wood and iron to the adamantite and other materials buying them in Tons as he was rich many people were curious as they saw him buying this much and wondered how will he carry this much as they all saw all the materials disappear into thin air.

Many familias and gods saw what he used was storage magic and began to look at him greedily especially when they saw over 200 million Valis appeared in his hands (Altera and Orario have different currency more than likely, but Marcus always got his items in Valis). He paid the money as he already noted that many people were looking at him with greedy eyes.

Marcus snorted in contempt as the one that did were mostly level 2 and level 1 with few level 3 and even fewer level 4 and above. A random level 3 approached Marcus. "Hey buddy, buying all those materials using so 'much' money is quite extravagant, why don't you give me some or 'something' may happen to you."

"No need to listen to him we are bodyguards give us a few million and we will protect from this entire city, ya here."

"Hmph, protect you from the entire city. Please, you couldn't even protect you D*** from Mei let alone a person. Buy from us and we promise you will get what you paid for or even better join our familia and we will protect you for life."

"Hey Honey come with me tonight, and...


A whole bunch of random people kept appearing trying to either get his money, join their familia, or get him to go home with him (both men and women). Marcus became pissed and annoyed and decided to ignore them as he walked away as the first person grabbed him and ask where he was going as he and his friends came looking at him with smugs.

Marcus used his left hand to fix his glasses as they became somewhat crocketed from the grab as it the glasses reflected the sunbeam. Marcus used his left hand brushed off the person's hand on his shoulder before continuing to walk away.

The person got mad as he swung his fist at the Marcus as the later easily dodged him and grabbed his hand and flipped him onto the ground. His friends got mad as they also rushed at him as Marcus easily dodged their punches and sent them all flying in different directions.

Marcus stood there looking at them as they began to get back up coughing. Everyone heard footsteps coming as guild members came to stopped the fight.

"Stop causing ruckus what happen here!?"

"This bastard attack us for our money."

"Yeah, he even beat us up when we did not give to him."

"He is an evil fiend that deserves to be put in jail."

The randoms said that Marcus attacks them first, but Marcus just looked at them like they were idiots.

"They attacked me first. Proof the entire crowd is proof. I used storage magic along with buying a lot of materials with a lot of money and these clowns thought they could actually steal from me and attacked me as I was walking away. I had no choice, but to act in self-defense to these weak cowards. if I wanted to I can no could have crippled them forever, if not killed."

Many people nodded as the guild members even heard how large his order was. They were about to say something, but the leader took out his sword as he ran straight at Marcus as one of the other guys began to chant.

The leader arrived at Marcus in order to slash him, but Marcus just dodged and took the sword from the guy's hand as he slashed his chest causing blood to spill. The guy backs off as he held his chest but a smile appeared on his lips "Do it NOW!!!"

"....Fangs pierce the thunder- Lightning Fang!"

".....Stick through the gallows - Mudslide!"

"..... The heat that melts steel, the heat that rises, the heat that burns, Heatstroke!"

The three underlings finished their chants as a batch of mud appeared beneath Marcus causing him to sink as the heat came next and Hardened the mud into a cement-like paste causing him to become stuck in the ground as the heat burned him as well. Two bolts of Lightning came at him in the forms of fangs as they were about to pounce at him.

Marcus saw all of this and wondered 'the guild is so useless in this they could at least knocked the guys out while they were chanting, but instead they sit back and care about nothing and just watching the fun, *sigh* better get this over with.'

Marcus was thinking as he used 'Space-Magic' "Portal." He opened a rift in space and had the lightning magic go through as he had the portal open at the side of the other caster who caused mudslide causing him to scream at the pain of being electrocuted.

Everyone was surprised as they saw Space Magic that opens a portal in front of Marcus and connected to the underlying. They saw the lightning attack passed through as the portal and landed on top of the guy as he was electrocuted. They were all still shocked as everyone heard crumbling sound as Marcus stepped out of the solidified mud destroying it with ease and stood straight up as he lifted the sword up in his hand s and put it close to his face.

"Mhmm this is pretty shabby I need to create another sword for myself after my other one broke last time. This sword will only last at most 5 swings and that if I hold back well there is only 3 left so it be alright." Marcus mumbled to himself as he swiped the sword downward carrying a gust of wind which caused a slit to appear on the ground.

"I don't really have time for you so I will just finish this, now," Marcus said as he smiled at the end and disappeared in front of everyone view using flash step and arrived right beside the leader. He smiled as the leader jumped away in fear. Marcus turned to the leader who was in a fighting stance.

Marcus looked and asked, "why are you in a fighting stance if the battle is already over?"

"What do you mean by the battle over, it has just begun! Come on guys, Le *splash* *splash*" Before the leader could finish he heard a weird slashing noise with splashes as he turned to look he saw and was scared as he saw his two underlings cut.

The left one was cut right side chest are in the front over his shoulders to the back as the left was cut the same way on the right side. Their blood reached the sky as they were cut causing blood to fly everywhere. The leader looked petrified as he saw his men passed out and was cut before they could react. he turned towards Marcus stuttering "Hhh.hhhoow?"

"Easily I just went over and cut them."

"I am asking how did you cut them and when did you cut!?"

"I used my sword of coursed and ran over to them."

"You teleported."

"No, I just went at an extremely fast speed where you could not see me. After all, you are nothing more than a weakling so not seeing me is very typical."

"You bastard!" The Leader was running over as he stopped as another wound appeared on his chest countering the other wound forming an X. 'How'

"The same time I cut them I cut you too. It just I made the wound stall a bit before it opened."

The leader grew even more as he heard Marcus explain as if he read his mind. he became even more enraged when he saw him smile as he ran over just to see Marcus disappear again and land behind him with each of them facing different directions.

"You should have just given up," Marcus said as he lifted the blade that now had blood on it as 3 cut marks appeared on his back causing his blood to fly out as he also passed out. Marcus swung the blood off the blade as the blade cracked then crumbled.

"So it only lasted 4 times. How sad I haven't even begun to use my full power yet the blade is broke. How cheap." Marcus said as he tossed the blade aside and began to walk off, but stopped and turned his head to the guild members who were still shocked.

"You saw them attack me first do you need anything else?" He asked nicely, but the guild members were afraid as they said no and told him they take care of the rest. Marcus nodded as he disappeared using Flash step.

Many people only broke out of there shock as they began to comment about the fight.

"How awesome that was Gerome and his crew from the **** familia. He and one of his members were level 3 and ranked up a year ago and yet they were handled like trash by that guy."

"He is was so like a badass he appeared and disappeared as he slashed the guy and then like...."

Comments were made as there was now rumors floating around about the "Red Blood Prince" talking about Marcus who was dressed in red.