
Danmachi: Divine Enemy

Dying, getting transported, save a beautiful lady in need. The usual, but the neurotic lady that got saved wasn't your typical princess.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 9: The Nightmare Ends

While Lars fought tooth and nail members of Evilus that caused the monster parade lost their blessings.

The emblems on their backs melting. Their falna disappearing. Alongside their strength and power.

Numerous adventurers kept on dying left and right. Alfia who was observing with awe as she saw Lars fought like a brilliant flame wondered.

What are heroes? 'Those who fight evil? Those who overcome overwhelming odds? Mighty people that become the hope of many?'

She didn't know the answer. But she felt it, if he was allowed to grow. To become strong and be with them when they fought the terrible dragon.

'He would burn brightly like a shooting star and take the dragon with him.' Alfia looked around and she was the only one who noticed it.

The birth of a hero, a symbol that fights for his principles. A being that makes the impossible, possible.

Break the unbreakable, touch the untouchable. Shatter their destinies to reach the unreachable.

"Silence." Alfia whispered and the whole 27th floor went quiet.

"Gospel." She raised her hand and her tyrannical magic made everyone kneel down.

"Lugio." She clenched her hand and an earthshattering shockwave flattened every monster and Evilus member in sight.

The dungeon trembled and even Orario shook due to her awesome might.

Alfia quickly extricated Lars who was still fighting while unconscious. His eyes were already hollow.

Yet the sin of Superbia refused to yield as he fought, even if he couldn't anymore.

"You did well." Alfia whispered as she saw his actions save dozens upon dozens of adventurers.

She then disappeared as she returned to the hidden village of the xenos.

__Orario; earlier__

As for the reason why the top familias weren't helping. Finn, a blonde Pallum.

A race that looked like children, noticed something awry.

The familias in Orario has been hunting down the members of Evilus.

And the Loki familia, Finn's familia were especially active in destroying them.

Cooperating with other top familias like the Ganesha and Freya familia.

The guild, something akin to the governing body in Orario also provided them any information that adventurers report.

Currently, the executives of the Loki familia were having a meeting.

"We're investigating the Familias that are suspected to be with Evilus. And the Hermes familia has given us enough proof for it." Finn laid down a map of Orario.

A green haired elf then gave him some pins and Finn started putting them down.


"According to the guild and Hermes, there are major familias that are aligned with Evilus." Finn looked at the map seriously.

"Alecto familia... Who have two level 5's with amazing teamwork." Finn gave them some information about the captain and vice captain of the familia.

They were a pair of elves, a white one and a dark one. Looking about 14 or 15. Childish, and with twin pigtails to match their bodies.

But they weren't fooled, the sisters were sadistic, sick bastards that take great pleasure in torturing and killing people.

The two perhaps have the highest body count in Orario. Against adventurers and civilians alike.

"They have a few more level 4's. The Alecto familia are definitely the strongest in Evilus." A dwarf frowned heavily.

"We might be level 6, but we just turned into level 6. Gareth, Finn, we should be careful against them." The elf said seriously.

"Yeah, my thumb is actually hurting when I think about fighting them, Riveria." Finn held his thumb.

He always had good instincts. And all the members of the familia knew to trust it. Because it was always right.

"How about the Apate familia?" Gareth pointed at another pin on the map.

There were several pins. And they were scattered throughout Orario.

Which is the correct choice to be made. After all, bunching up would get them found out faster.

And a full on siege against them won't end well for them. As Orario's top familias have level 6's.

The Freya familia that rivaled Loki's also has a level 7. Their captain that Alfia's friend sacrificed himself to.

"The Apate familia is a bit weaker than the Alecto familia. But they also have level 5's. And multiple level 4's." Finn bit his nails.

Getting rid of them will be akin to an all out war in Orario. And 1st class adventurers fighting, will cause massive collateral damage.

"Don't overthink, Finn. The Ganesha familia will also work with us. Their captain just turned level 5." A red haired woman opened her eyes.


"Shakti... Bless her sister's soul." Riveria prayed for the woman's sister that was assassinated by Evilus.

Using a little girl to stab her with a cursed knife through the chest.

"And I don't like it, but that whore's familia is also going to be with us." Loki squinted her small eyes.

"The Freya familia... Ottar, the newest level 7 will be a great help indeed." Gareth nodded.

"But would they cooperate with each other?" Finn raised a brow.

"Hmph, that onahole's familia might be filled with her simps and white knights. But they are capable, even if they have bad teamwork." Loki huffed.

The executives smiled wryly at their goddess' foul mouth.

"She sure has them wrapped up on her fingers. They want nothing, except to please her." Finn shook his head wistfully.

"Enough about them, what's important is they'll be acting." Riveria put a curtain over the Freya familia issue.

She then looked at Loki and the trickster goddess pointed at the Alecto familia.

"They are going to be taking care of the Alecto familia. Their captain insisted." Loki shrugged.

'If they want to take on the strongest familia of Evilus, then so be it.' Loki thought that it would be better for them.

"How about the Ganesha familia?" Gareth asked what the other group will do.

"They'll be taking on the miscellaneous familias around Orario. They have more members than us and Freya familia." Finn divided their forces.

"Smart, they also only have Shakti as a level 5. They'll get killed by the Apate familia." Riveria nodded at him.

"So they'll divide and conquer huh? There are approximately 9 familias as targets. It would be much better for them to take care of them." Gareth also agreed.

"Yes, so we will be going to the Apate familia." Finn decided and he was about to inform their allies.

When somebody wearing a guild official's uniform suddenly busted in through the door.

Huffing and puffing, the guild employee was sweating bullets.

"Oi, we're having an important meeting over here." Loki clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Loki, he must have something important to say." Riveria sighed at their goddess being unreasonable.

"T-that's right! It's terrible!" The guild official kneeled down as he ran all the way to the Loki familia's manor.

"Out with it then!" Loki tapped her fingers on her arms as she crossed them.

"Give him some time to catch his breath, Loki." Finn rolled his eyes.

"T-the 27th floor! There's a gigantic monster parade in the 27th floor!" The man shouted and they froze.

A large force of Evilus was sighted by the guild in the dungeon.

The guild's answer to that, was to post a mission on the guild's bulletin. Hiring any able bodied adventurer to hunt them down.

In exchange for a wealthy reward of course. Evilus has caused too much damage. And the guild wanted them exterminated.

So, a lot of adventurers signed up for it. "We're only able to know this due to an adventurer that escaped. He said that there was a strong Pallum that distracted the monsters." He finished his report and flopped down.

"A Pallum you say?" Finn raised a brow and he thought of meeting this person. But he quickly shook his head.

They have a major problem to solve right now. The 27th floor has monsters that are approximately level 2 and 3.

There's also the green dragon in the great tree labyrinth in the 24th floor that are level 4's.

And the thing with the dungeon is, adventurers don't die due to the strong monsters.

It happens, yes. But they are prepared, there are guides to what spawns in the dungeon. Irregulars and accidents don't happen all the time.

What truly kills most people. Is exhaustion, fighting for hours and hours on end.

Wave after wave of monsters that are ready to kill you at a moment's notice.

Supplies are limited, weapons need to be maintained. And after you are exhausted, the dungeon surprises adventurers with an unlucky spawn.

Perhaps one or two more monsters appear and the team can't handle them. Or a strong monster appears.

And a monster parade combines all of that in practically an instant. A tsunami of monsters coming in from all sides.

Even the top executives of the stronger familias in Orario won't be able to survive that.

"Then we should go and give them some support. I don't know this Pallum, but he is relatively unknown. So he must be a level 2 or 3." Gareth stood up.

"Gareth... My thumb is hurting like crazy." Finn held his thumb.

"Are you saying this is a trap?" Riveria raised a brow. That may be so, but hundreds of adventurers will die in the 27th floor if they don't help them.

"I'm not saying to abandon them Riveria... We should strike while the iron is hot." Finn said seriously and they gasped.

"You want to send back their gods to remove their falna..." Riveria was speechless.

"Yes... It's a golden opportunity. And I have a feeling that the stronger members of Evilus will strike once we exhaust ourselves." Finn furrowed his brows.

"Then we strike." Gareth frowned heavily. He didn't want to let the adventurers in the 27th floor die.

But their sacrifices wouldn't be in vain. It was all for the greater good.

"Let's go, Loki. Please send a messenger to the Ganesha and Freya familia. We'll be attacking now." Finn requested of her.

"Aye, I quite like this plan of yers." Loki grinned at him.

"Today, Evilus shall be no more." Finn took hold of his spear.

__Xenos hidden village__

Lars who was taken by Alfia suddenly lost consciousness when his mind and body deemed himself safe.

Who can attack him? When he's under the strongest person in the world's protection.

"Lars... You crazy fool." Alfia furrowed her brows. She looked at his left arm that was just now a stump.

It wasn't bleeding due to his regeneration, thanks to Marie's blood.

But he lost a whole arm and his legs were in terrible condition.

"How can he fight in that condition?" Alfia wondered. She then took a look at his back, seeing 3 symbols.

In the middle of his back was a golden peacock. 6 feathers fanned out around it. And the other two symbols were a pig and a lion.

"What does this mean? Is this his skill? It's like his behavior suddenly changed." Alfia noticed it.

When his back glowed, his attitude changed. And he gained some sort of ability or power up.

"Foolish boy, fighting a green dragon without a falna." Alfia frowned as she looked at him softly.

"You'll give me a heart attack." She hugged his broken body firmly.

When Alfia returned to the hideout of the xenos, they were welcomed back by Lyd, Gros, and Ray.

The three gasped when they saw his body. "Lars-chi! What happened to him miss Alfia?" Lyd was flabbergasted.

Ray put her wing above her mouth as she teared up at the sight.

"Lars..." Marie who popped up from the side crawled towards him. She then took a knife from Lyd and she bathed him with her blood.

But it had minimal effects, the damage was too much. Dozens of bones of his were fractured.

Burns were scattered all over his body. Cuts and contusions from the hordes of monsters attacking him accrued everywhere.

"Did he fight the monster parade?" Gros couldn't believe it. Just a child without even falna, fighting.

"Stop being noisy, Lars fought and that's the gist of it. We move towards the 39th floor now so he can rest." Alfia stood tall and she was in a bad mood.

The xenos nodded immediately. They had no doubts that the earthquake earlier was her doing.

Because after that, everything went quiet. So, they quickly made their way to the 39th floor, stealthily.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.