
Danmachi: Divine Enemy

Dying, getting transported, save a beautiful lady in need. The usual, but the neurotic lady that got saved wasn't your typical princess.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 87: Bone Army

The expedition team quickly reached the 37th floor and they were having a meeting.

"Lars, I want to split the group in two." Finn informed him.

He then thought of why Finn wants to. "Ahhh, it's for the second string group, isn't it?" Lars nodded.

"Yes, expeditions are done not just for adventuring. We want them to gain some excelia and the perfect place for it is the colosseum." Finn smiled.

The second string group gulped. "Isn't that place extremely dangerous, nya? Unlimited monsters spawn from there." A cat girl was nervous.

And the monsters there were approximately level 4 too. They would be spawning everywhere to try and overrun them.

"That's why it's the best place for you to farm excelia, Anakitty. Don't let me down, it's for your sake in the first place." Finn explained.

"Guuu!~ Okay nya." Anakitty's ears flopped down. They will be having a death match in the colosseum for sure.

"Hmmm, I guess Airmid can be there for you. Heal them if necessary, Airmid." Lars ordered and she nodded.

Accidents can happen, nobody was excused from it. And it was a good idea for a healer to be on standby.

"I will only heal you if I think you're going to die though. Suffering builds character." Airmid said with her monotone expression.

'She's a character all right...' Riveria had a wry expression.

"Haruhime, come with them too. It's a good chance to fight stronger monsters safely." Lars nodded at her and her tail wagged.

"Yes! Lars-sama!" She wanted to be more useful and level up as soon as possible. So she was thankful for the opportunity.

"Okay, let's get along now you zygotes! I'll be making sure that you live before Airmid can heal you." Gareth laughed as he didn't want them to get healed for minor injuries as well.

The harder they fight, the more excelia they earn.

"Then Tiona will take care of Udaeus, Tione most likely received enough high class excelia to level up from her fight with Argana." Lars looked at her.

"Aye boss! I will definitely destroy them bones!" Tiona saluted and he nodded.

"Good girl, now let's get you to level 6 and dive down to the deeper floors in order to explore the frontier." Lars smiled and the groups separated.

Riveria and Finn wanted to see how Tiona fights. They've already seen the lightning empress, it's time for her twin.

Argana who recovered now didn't mess with them anymore as she respected Tione. Though she's still curious about Tiona who's more carefree.

"Tiona, are you as strong as Tione?" Bache asked and Argana listened intently at her words.

"Actually, Tiona is much stronger than me if she decides she wants to kill you." Tione shrugged and they looked at her like she grew a 2nd head.

"Wha? How is that possible though? Your stats must be equal?" Riveria Finn asked.

"Her skill, extremely dangerous. Tailor-made for killing people." Belnas answered for them.

The reason she was able to have a hand over her back in Telskyura was due to her mist.

In a pure one on one battle, Tiona would win against almost anyone. Only Bache and Belnas has a chance in beating her in their current line up.

"Isn't my Tiona awesome? She can go on for days. And armies are terrible against her, they'll just make her stronger and stronger." Lars smiled.

"Hehe~ yes I am!" Tiona giggled and the Loki familia blinked at her.

"Why would she be stronger than you, Tione?" Riveria decided to ask.

Ais and Bete were also curious as hell. They saw how Tione beat Argana, the two of them were sure that the amazoness would beat their asses.

Except if Ais uses her unique skill, Avenger. "Blood magic." Elnea answered and they all froze.

Tiona then smiled at them and Finn felt his thumb go numb. They did not expect such evil magic being used by Tiona, it was so out of character that it wasn't even funny.

"Yeah! My blood rage cranks my power to the maximum! The more blood I spill, the stronger I become!" Tiona explained with her cheery attitude.

The Loki familia didn't know what to say to that. "Here, Tiona. You'll need this." Lars gave her some crimson pills and she bit into it immediately.

"What's that?" Ais asked. "It's medicine to increase her blood production. She'll be fighting bones." Lars shrugged and they nodded in understanding.

"I won't let you down! I've increased my control over my magic just like Tione!" Tiona was ready and they arrived at the monster rex's spawn point.

"Incoming!" Ryuu who was sensitive to malice twitched as she felt the massive amount of it forming.

A large, black, skeleton then arose from the ground, floating like a ghost.

"Let's get this party started, you bony punk!" Tiona raised her hands and Lars gave her weapons.

Her feet cracked the stone beneath her as she took her crushers, they were the heaviest weapons in Orario.

"Come at me!" Tiona charged as she entered the bone zone.

Spartoi began to rise like it was a zombie movie and Tiona crushed them into dust with her two sided blades.

"Her destructive power is something else." Finn nodded as he observed. He definitely didn't want to get hit by her, even through a block.

"She's fast, with tyrannical strength. I'll get flattened in a second." Lefiya winced as bone crunching sounds resounded.

"Hmph, I'm still faster." Bete snorted as he tried to repair his ego.

"You actually aren't she's carrying thousands of pounds of weapons on her hands." Ais pointed out.

Tiona's weapons had a thick spine, it weighed thousands of pounds each.

It was perfectly balanced by being two-sided. Else, it would require so much torque to wield. Balanced, as all things should be.

"Ora!" Tiona jumped on a skeleton's head and its skull shattered into a thousand pieces as she launched herself at Udaeus.

With a mighty roar, it swung its arm at her and its size meant that its blow came at supersonic speeds.

Tiona roared as she clashed with the monster rex's arms. A shockwave exploding as their attacks made contact.

But she was midair. And she couldn't fly, so she was sent to oblivion, flying towards the dungeon wall. Creating a plume of smoke made of dust.

"Is she alright?" Riveria winced. 'I would've died against that attack.' And she was damned sure of it.

"That's according to her plan, you will see." Lars was carefree and Tiona's landing site got cleared of the smoke.

She was bleeding all over, but she was grinning. "Ohh, so that's why." Finn could see the effects of the medicine she took earlier.

Her blood was gushing like a waterfall, a normal person would've died of blood loss for sure.

"That hurt!" Tiona was still all-smiles and she cracked her neck.

She started chanting and her green eyes started to turn red.

"Sanguine!" Her blood coated her blades and the crimson liquid seemed to come to life.

Riveria winced as she saw it. 'That would be terrifying in the battlefield.' Riveria can imagine the carnage she would cause.

Her strength then increased massively as her bleeding continued. And it began to intensify as well.

"That's extremely self-destructive. And she called it blood rage, right? Won't she go berserk?" Finn compared it to his magic.

Hell finegas, it increases his parameters a level and makes him go berserk.

"She actually displays tons of control over her emotions." Lars nodded at Tiona's mental strength.

Especially because she came from Telskyura. And unlike Tione who was quick to anger, she resolved herself to always smile like the Argonaut.

As a symbol of hope that anything will be alright, no matter the odds.

Tiona punted a spartoi towards Udaeus. Using it as a baseball as she batted it with the side of her weapon.

The skeleton hit Udaeus on the face and Udaeus' head was sent reeling for a moment.

"Gotcha!" Tiona hovered in front of it, intent on smashing its head open like a watermelon.

Swinging her two blades, the monster rex immediately dodged and her attack clipped its shoulder.

Udaeus' left shoulder joint cracked and its arm got torn off. Black bones falling on the ground.

Tiona grinned as she was sent flying with its roar. A black sword appeared from the ground and its lone arm grasped it.

"Come on! Are you compensating for something!?" Tiona taunted.

"Isn't that useless? It's a monster." Riveria deadpanned at her actions.

"It hypes her up, stop being a hater Riveria." Alise commented and she shut up.

"Yeah, why don't you read your magic books or something." Lyra added and Finn smiled wryly.

"That's not nice, Lyra." Finn chided her. "You too, shut up. You still haven't proposed to me yet, I'm waiting." Lyra glared at him.

Finn sweated and he wasn't going to touch that with a ten foot pole. He just had a feeling that she'll be pegging him.

Tiona stood her ground as countless skeletons came for her.

Swinging left and right, she was accumulating damage. But her strength was increasing as well.

With a roar, Udaeus swung its sword overhead and Tiona blocked it.

"What a madwoman." Riveria's eyes widened in shock at the display of strength.

Tiona kneeled on the ground as she felt her arms shatter at the force.

The ground cratered as the whole 37th floor shook due to the strike.

"Guhahaha! That's it! Fight like you mean it!" Tiona was starting to lose her rationality as she combined her magic with berserk.

She ran towards the black skeleton. And like a palace of bones, large spikes erupted.

"Urgh!" Tiona stopped as she got skewered by one.

"Damn, you can do this Tiona." Lars frowned. Tiona flexed her abs and it shattered the spike on her abdomen.

"Raaah! Heavenly foot of pain!" Wings of blood formed behind her as they flapped.

The blood then turned into jets that propelled her downwards.

With an earthshattering blow, Udaeus' head popped like a watermelon and her axe kick shattered through its spine until it reached the monster rex's sternum.

All while a large spike was in her abdomen. "That's metal as fuck, come on. Let's get you healed up!" Lars made her fly towards him as Tiona was gassed out.

He then poured tons of elixirs on her after pulling out the spike that skewered her like barbecue.

"Urgh, I don't wanna fight skeletons again. They don't have life to steal." Tiona gritted her teeth as Lars pulled the spike.

"Yeah, that's why this is a good opponent for you to achieve level 6." Lars shrugged.

"Good job!" The others congratulated her and it was definitely impressive enough for a level up.

Meanwhile at the colosseum, chaos was prevailing.

"Casters! Bombard the backline! Vanguards, push them away!" Raul, the co-leader of the second string regiment was barking orders for their lives.

The colosseum immediately spawned more monsters for their large group and the horde of monsters launched an onslaught of attacks.

"This is going swimmingly! Farm the monsters their they said! It's perfect they said! Nya!" Anakitty was in the front lines as the other leader, trying to lift the pressure off of the team.

"Hyah! They're not ending! This is exactly what I needed!" Haruhime was farming exp by taking care of stragglers that broke through the formation.

"Are you crazy!? We'll get killed is what's going to happen!" Raul was under lots of pressure, trying to order everyone for survival.

"They're relentless... This isn't going well at all nya." Anakitty frowned.

In just 30 minutes, they were already starting to fatigue. It was insane, the colosseum was like a monster parade.

And it wasn't just weak ass monsters too. It was popping off level 4 monsters in droves.

"Hmph, I guess I'll give you a hand." Airmid grumbled as she used Dia Fratel.

Light started to shine as multiple sanctuaries appeared below the team.

"Thank you! Saintess-sama!" The second string regiment cheered, but they noticed that their wounds didn't heal.

They stared at her, but she just gestured for them to go. "Come on, get. I'll make you fight for hours on end." Airmid said with a straight face and they paled.

"She just took care of our exhaustion... But not the injuries." Raul muttered and Airmid had a smirk on her face.

"A demon nya! You're not a saint!" Anakitty cried out as she began to hold off the next wave.

"I never claimed I was, I'm Lars' paladin. Not a saint." Airmid shrugged and the Loki familia's second regiment fought fiercely for their lives.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.