
Danmachi: Divine Enemy

Dying, getting transported, save a beautiful lady in need. The usual, but the neurotic lady that got saved wasn't your typical princess.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 52: Pleasant Sound

Lars was currently teaching the new batch of xenos in how to use their greatest arsenal; guns.

He also taught them more about smithing their own weapons and armor. And with the divine skills he copied from Hephaestus, it was a piece of cake.

They didn't rely on Orario for weapons and armor anymore. Though their skill of course pales in comparison to the veterans.

Nodding in satisfaction at the skills that the xenos are collecting, he was pleased.

"They can't rely on Alfia and I forever." He sighed heavily.

Alfia is visiting Bell frequently. Lars and the girls need to appear in Orario or there would be questions.

They just can't stay in Monstro for too long, not unless they plan on staying. Like in case there's a siege.

And the gate that was in the entrance of the 39th floor raised a lot of questions. As the Freya familia goes to the deep floors often.

"That damn catboy simp Allen... Reporting us to the guild when the farm is obviously right there." Lars grumbled.

The gates to the 39th and 40th floor was explained by the Demeter familia that it is supposed to stop monsters from appearing.

And a few of Demeter's trusted children that just wants to farm the dungeon crops were already there as camouflage.

But Allen Fromell, Anya's big brother who was cuntier than Bete still reported it to the guild.

Not that it would give them any problems, especially with Fels backing them up.

"Tch, I just hope that they don't do anything problematic." Lars squinted his eyes.

He doesn't want to reveal Monstro yet, but it's not like he wasn't prepared to do so.

"Hmmm, when the time comes. Should I just bar the 1st floor with thick walls of orichalum?" Lars rubbed his chin, thinking of starving Orario of magic stones.

"You're talking about really scary things over there." Alfia deadpanned at him.

"Of course, I knew that our farm would garner suspicion. But that catboy reported us too soon." Lars clicked his tongue.

"It's not like they could do anything. The floor is too large for an investigation due to a suspicion about a farm here." Alfia rolled her eyes.

And Monstro's main city is hidden really well. Lyd, Gros, and Ray even reached the peak of level 5 already.

Laura the lamia, and Ranye also reached level 5. Not to mention that level 2's were uncommon.

Most of the xenos are level 3. They're basically an S rank familia.

"I can't help but worry you know? A city of monsters, irregulars to boot. This will lead to full blown hysteria." Lars sighed.

"And I'm telling you, stop worrying about it. The weak ones are armed with your so-called guns. The Astraea familia are our allies, they're 3 level 5's and a level 4.

Tiona and Tione are also level 5's. Airmid can heal groups until they're battle ready in a just a moment." Alfia started counting their forces.

"I'm not lying, based on what I know about Monstro's defenses and military might? I'd struggle to break through here when I was level 7." Alfia shrugged.

"Really?" Lars didn't quite believe her, she's the silence after all.

"Without using Nero Angelus that is." Alfia smirked and he pouted at her.

"Of course, nothing will stand in your way if you use that crap. Your 3rd magic killed the Leviathan." Lars rolled his eyes.

"Heh, that's right. So put more respect on my name." Alfia had a smug look on her face.

"Yeah, yeah, how's little Bell by the way?" Lars asked her as Alfia visited him a lot.

"Bell... He's growing up fine. I think he's a good balance between Meteria's sweetness and clumsiness to my talents." Alfia snorted in pride.

"But?" Lars raised a brow at her pause and Alfia got silent for a bit.

"Zeus needs to go to the dragon valley soon. A few monts at most." Alfia frowned.

"What's the problem with that though? I thought we agreed that he'll go here to Orario before Zeus goes?" Lars was confused.

They all talked about it before they left Bell's mountain village.

"You don't understand... Bell looks up to Zeus as his own grandfather." Alfia clicked her tongue in vexation.

"And the old pervert is teaching him to have a harem. Bell's even asking me a lot about how elves are in person." Alfia's expression turned dark.

"Uhh... My condolences?" Lars didn't know what to say to that.

"Damn it, what if he learns that Zeus is going to be gone for good?" Alfia bit her lip.

"That's why we're here, we should distract him as best as possible." Lars patted her on the back.

"It just fills me with rage. That bitch's perverse husband poisoned his mind! And he'll grieve him for a lifetime if he learns what will happen to him." Alfia was furious.

"Now, now, let's calm down Alfia." Lars said the wrong things and Alfia glared at him.

You don't say that to a woman who's raging, no siree.

"Calm down!? What do you mean calm down!?" The ground below her shattered due to her dense mana.

Ray and her harpy protege; Fear immediately took to the skies to see what was wrong, but they noticed that it was just Alfia and Lars arguing.

"False alarm, it's just those two having a spat. They should honestly not do this near Monstro." Ray sighed.

"Yeah... They're ridiculously strong, look what's happening with just them talking it out." Fear pointed out.

Lars rubbed her back and he started to massage her shoulders.

"Think, Alfia, think. Don't be irrational." Lars reminded her to get her shit together.

"Let the boy love Zeus, it's not like it's that bad. Zeus has been together with him for years, of course Bell will be attached to him." Lars sighed, rubbing his temples.

"T-that... But I'm his real aunt..." Alfia pouted and he rolled his eyes.

"That gave him willingly to the Zeus familia to be taken care of." Lars rebutted and Alfia winced.

"I did..." Alfia felt bitter about that and she glared at him a bit for bringing that up.

"Don't glare at me young lady, you know I'm right." Lars huffed and she was pacified by his words.

'Young lady... I guess I'll forgive him.' Alfia thought of useless things.

"Fine, let's keep him busy as much as we can so he won't ask for Zeus." Alfia grumbled.

"That's it, but no tricking him. Let's just say that Zeus went on an adventure to pick up bitches." Lars chortled.

"That won't be far from the truth anyways. I bet he'll arrive on a few brothels before getting to Hera." Alfia thought that was highly likely.

"Lars, would you like to visit him with me? Bell has been missing you a lot. Saying that he wants to show you what he's learned." Alfia asked of him.

"Hmmm, I guess I can. Bell's kind of my little bro. My Almiraj bro." Lars shrugged.

He then realized something. The only human he knew that was kind of close to him was Bell.

Lyd and Gros don't count, they're his citizens. And they see him as some kind of messiah or something.

Finn was too fake for Lars' taste. Like an influencer that was trying too hard to get clout.

He wants to be the Pallum's hope, but he's like a politician that's ready to do anything to gain more votes.

Bete is a little prick that has a ton of repressed anger and trauma. Lars had to fix him first, but of course he's too lazy to do so.

Unlike Aiz, he wasn't cute at all. So Lars was just letting him be for now.

"Damn... I don't have male friends, huh?" Lars got depressed.

"Hmph, like you need friends to grow stronger." Alfia huffed at him.

"Shut up, even you had a friend." Lars roasted her ass and she was flabbergasted.

"What!? What do you mean by that?" Alfia glared at him.

"You know what I mean, woman! You're a bitter and neurotic mess. Zald must be a saint or something." Lars grumbled and Alfia smacked him.

He flew away like a bullet and he crashed through dozens of trees before stopping.

The xenos gasped at their quarrel. "That was a vicious strike... Should we help Lars-chi?" Lyd blinked.

He definitely wouldn't be conscious after a blow like that, he thought.

"Ummm... Do you guys really want to get in between them?" Gros pointed at them.

Lars appeared again and he shook his head a couple of times. "That hurt! Hit me a little softer damn it."

"Hmph, shut your mouth. Your noise is giving me bad vibes." Alfia huffed at him.

"Aren't they like a married couple?" Laura clapped in glee at their spat.

"Do married couple send their partners through dozens of trees with a single punch?" Gros deadpanned at the lamia.

"That's what I thought." Gros snorted as nobody replied.

"They love each other very much! They're so close that they could fight like that and forgive each other quickly." Marie nodded sagely.

"That doesn't seem like a loving relationship, Marie." Ranye deadpanned at her.

Everybody stared at the mermaid. "Uhhh, Marie-chi. I don't know about you, but that wasn't exactly a soft blow." Lyd thought she was a bit wrong.

Lars and Alfia then went to the surface in order to visit Bell. Like nothing even happened.

__Mountain Village__

Bell who was hauling crates and sacks suddenly craned his neck backwards.

Sweating bullets at that familiar feeling. "Bell, how are you?" Alfia greeted him as she appeared behind him like an assassin.

'Aunt Alfia needs to stop doing that, for real...' Bell calmed his heart and he smiled at her.

"Hey, auntie! Did you come with big brother Lars?" Bell looked around for a bit.

Alfia was sent reeling as Bell called her an auntie. But what could she do? She was his aunt.

"Heya, Bell. Long time no see." Lars appeared behind him and Bell hugged him in joy.

"Oof, why so eager champ?" Lars ruffled his hair and Bell giggled.

"I wanna show you the moves that auntie taught me!" Bell started swinging an imaginary knife around.

"Heh, so Bell the almiraj is confident in his skills now huh?" Lars chortled and Bell pouted at him.

"I don't look like a rabbit." Bell snorted and Lars patted his head.

"Okay, okay, fine. Here, I'll give you something." Lars gave him some starter equipment.

A short sword, two daggers, and a longsword.

Based on his build, Bell was a speed type. So he'd do well with slashing weapons.

"Wow... Thanks big brother Lars!" Bell looked at them with excitement.

Alfia then stared at him. She was in a bad mood again.

"I was supposed to gift Bell weapons and armor." Alfia squinted her eyes.

"Well, did you prepare some?" Lars asked her and she didn't reply.

"That's what I thought." He snorted and Lars taught Bell a bit on how to maintain metal weapons.

"Kuu! This is vexing... Does Lars really have much more power than me?" Alfia looked at Bell who was on cloud nine.

He definitely enjoyed Lars' company a lot and Alfia sighed at her incompetence.

She might be smart, but she isn't exactly good at social interactions.

After Bell got tired of checking out his new equipment, he fell asleep while hugging them.

Alfia tucked him in and she saw Lars sitting in the living room.

"Your nephew's really energetic, he's like Tiona." Lars sighed as he felt a bit drained.

"Well, it's good that he's healthy." Alfia smiled a bit and she sat beside him.

"Yeah, he got this from his mother or something?" Lars snorted.

"I haven't thought of Meteria in years... But yes, Meteria was a kind girl. Joyful and thankful for her life even though she has a crippling disease." Alfia furrowed her brows.

'If it was me... I would curse everything in the world. But she's different. Kind, forgiving, loving...' Alfia remembered her sister.

"Hey, it's okay. She must be happy, seeing how you're helping Bell right now." Lars rubbed her back softly.

"Umu." Alfia nodded and they got into a pleasant silence.

"Thank you, Lars. Everything is possible because of you. I never imagined that I would be able to see Meteria's son grow up to be a fine, young man." Alfia thanked him sincerely.

She had a smile on her face which was rare. Not an evil smirk or grin that she usually has.

"Hmmm, and I don't regret it one bit." Lars smiled at her and Alfia felt a bit weird.

'Ever since back then... He didn't feel like a child. It's like he's my colleague.' Alfia didn't understand it.

"Even though I'm not parental at all, it brings me joy to help my nephew and teach him how this world works." Alfia looked at his room.

"I think you'd make a good parent Alfia. Though you'll be a tiger mom for sure. Just be a bit softer on your kid and you're golden." Lars laughed.

Alfia blushed in embarrassment and she pinched his sides.

"I see... I would make a good parent? But that's impossible, I could not stand anyone. The noise of people irritates me to no end." Alfia huffed.

"Hmm? How about me, you really love me don't you? After all, you haven't used Silentium Eden on me." Lars teased her.

She thought about it deeply. And it was true, the sounds that he makes. His potent mana that was flowing in his veins.

Nothing about him in particular bothered her. And she could only say that Meteria is the one like that in her life.

"A child, huh?" Alfia thought about it. Her mismatched eyes staring at his gold ones.

"Huh?" Lars made a stupefied noise and Alfia grabbed his face.

"I am beautiful, more so than even a number of goddesses. But do you yearn for me, Lars?" Alfia asked seriously.

"Uhhh, yes?" Lars blinked and she gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Does that make your heart flutter? Does it spark joy?" Alfia had a blush on her cheeks and he nodded slowly.

"I see... Because it does for me." She stared right at him. Waiting for him to say something.

He then snapped out of it. 'I can't possibly let a lady do everything, now can I?'

Lars lifted Alfia on her waist and put her on his lap.

"Does the so-called sounds that I make please you?" Lars asked her and she nodded.

"You sound pleasant, like music." Alfia hugged his neck with her arms.

"Hmm, then I should strike a chord." He kissed her. This time, more deeply.

Separating after a few seconds, Alfia put a hand on her lips in wonder.

"Hmmm~ do it again. Play more of that wonderful tune." Alfia demanded.

"Your wish is my command, my lady." Lars hugged her waist tightly.

"Lars me boy... I would like your autograph." Zeus handed Lars a piece of paper.

Alfia is much, much fiercer than any virgin goddess or elf about personal space. And Lars made her look like a normal maiden.

After all, she'd beat anyone half-dead if they even made a peep of an unpleasant sound near her.

"Say no more." Lars nodded at him and he signed his piece of paper.

"I'll hit you." Alfia deadpanned at him.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.