
Danmachi: Bell Cranel adventurer extraordinaire!

Someone suddenly finds himself in Bell Cranel Body. What will he do? Hopefully something fun.

some_random_dude1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Ruby's first night, and Bell flying lesson.

Ruby Rose was staring blankly at the night sky. The moon seemed smaller…and it was not shattered. 

'Maybe I'm in a part of the world where the moon rotation made it look like it was whole? But where in the Four Kingdoms would that be? Is that even how astrology works?' She mused quietly, her body wrapped by a hide of some animal around her shoulders, the campfire near her providing extra warmth to fight off the chill of the night.

"Here you go." Said a woman clad in simple leather armor while passing her a wooden bowl of…some sort of soup in it. Ruby didn't know if the soup had a name or if it was just something made randomly by what the people here had.

She saw veggies and bacon. Good enough for her! Without waiting much longer, she started eating it. 

"Thanks" she told in between the first and second spoonful of soup. After making it clear that she was not a treat, the party of three apologized for attacking her and provided her with a blanket and a spot around the campfire.

Ruby suspected they would not believe her claims so easily if not for the fact that she had only pajamas on her while in the middle of the woods.

"Jeez, you must have been hungry." The woman told her as she watched Ruby devouring the soup.

The girl in question paused for a second and looked at the woman. "Comfort eating." She explained simply and resumed her meal.

Normally her comfort food is either strawberries or cookies, but she didn't have those, so the soup will need to suffice for the moment.

"Oh" the leather armor-wearing woman replied simply. "You said you just appeared here? Teleported from your bed?" The woman asked gently as she sat down near Ruby.

The girl whimpered out a soft "Mhm" of confirmation. 

"Teleportation is a rare magic." 

Ruby paused. 'Magic??' She thought bewildered.

"Do you know if someone could do this on purpose? Do you have any mage in the family that could cause this on accident?" The woman questioned, making Ruby stare for an extra-long second due to the word "mage" used in the sentence.

"No. Nobody in my home had a teleportation semblance." 

The next question baffled Ruby.

"What's a semblance?" 

"Wha-" how could this lady not know what a semblance is? How could she not know such common knowledge? Even the most isolated of villages have an idea of what a semblance is! "W-where am I exactly?" 

"Oh! Right, we never told you right?" The woman laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of her head. "Would be a pretty good question to start considering your situation." Another awkward laugh escaped her lips, however, this one was weaker. "We are near the kingdom of Rakia" 

Now she is REALLY confused. Atlas, Vacuo, Mistral, and Vale. Those are the four kingdoms, there are no known other kingdoms. 

"D-Do you know the kingdom of Vale?" Ruby saw the woman pause to think about it. Why does she need to think about it? Aren't the four kingdoms the only kingdoms? No of course not, there is this "Rakia" that she never heard about!  "Do you have any maps of the continents???" She interrupted the woman's thoughts, her voice slowly gaining a tinge of panic.

The woman facepalmed. That would be an easier way to figure out the girl's home, and no adventurer ever goes into the wild without maps.

Once she stood up to get the one she needed, the woman brought it back and handed it to Ruby.

Ruby hastily opened it.

Ruby blinked.




She gazed at the map blankly, emotionless. "Is this a Joke?" She asked. Not accusing or angry, not even annoyed. Her tone seemed to hold no emotion whatsoever except the questioning one.

"Umm…no?" The woman replied confused.

"Oh" Ruby said simply and handed back the map.

"Did you-?"

"No, I didn't. I don't recognize any continent or kingdom from this map." Ruby interrupted the woman's question and lay down on the ground near the campfire. She used the blanket on her shoulders to cover herself for extra warmth, and just laid there. Her bowl of soup was forgotten completely

"Hey" the woman said gently as she sat down next to the girl. "It's gonna be okay. Once we get to Rakia we will ask God Ares to help us. I don't need anything in particular, so I will use my reward from my party quest to inquire about you and your home…okay?"

Ruby was so emotionally exhausted that she didn't even question the woman saying she would ask GOD to help her.

"Thanks" was her meek response. "I'm Ruby. Ruby Rose." She said, realizing that despite all that happened neither she nor the other 3 people she meet introduced themselves.

The woman smiled.

"I'm Theodete. Call me Theo for short." The now-named Theo headpat Ruby gently.

(A/N: Is Ruby a loli or Nah?)

"The one with the dog ears and tail that is standing there-" she pointed to the left, and Ruby had to raise herself slightly to see who she was referring to. True to Theo's words, a man was standing near the camp but not near enough to be illuminated by the fire. "-is Alexander, Alex for short. He is currently keeping watch for monsters and bandits." Ruby stared at the man for a moment before going back to lay down.

"And the third member of our group is Jackson-"

"Jack for short?" Ruby asked with a small tinge of humor as she could guess what Theo would say next.

Theo smiled "yup, you guessed it. He is the giant mountain of muscle that went into the woods not long ago." Ruby took a second to recall the man. She saw him when they were questioning her when they held her at spear-point. 

"I'm going to sleep." Ruby declared and made herself comfortable. Her body was close enough to the fire that she didn't feel that bothered by the cold ground. And besides, her Aura protected her from temperature change too, so she has nothing to worry about.

But Theo didn't know this, so she grabbed a second large hide of skin and placed it on the ground for Ruby to lay on. 

Ruby herself felt awkward about the unnecessary act, but since Theo already did it, it would have been more awkward (not to mention rude) to decline to use it.

Soon her eyes closed and her breathing became even. She fell asleep mere seconds after her eyelids went down.

And that's Ruby's first day- *cough* night, in another world.


"It's not that hard, I don't know why you have so many problems with it." Bell said as he hesitated in such a way that made him look like he was standing on air. 

He taught the new {fly} spell to Lefiya who spent an hour memorizing the magic circle before trying to use it.

Which resulted in her raising 3 or 4 inches off the ground, immediately losing her balance, and plummeting down to the ground, the only thing still flying was her feet while the rest of the body was laying on the floor.

Some distance away there was a little group of people watching in curiosity as the two of them defied gravity.

Well.. how ONE of them did… and the other one tried.

"It is really hard, and I don't understand how you have no problems with it." Lefiya snapped back at him lightly making Bell raise his hands in mock surrender. 

Bell new palismen staff was flying horizontally in front of Lefiya who was holding on it for balance as she was floating 6 feet above the ground. 

Normally, Bell would offer himself as support, but Lefiya being an elf, wouldn't like that option considering how stingy they were about the "no touch" thing.

After another minute of watching her try and fail to gain balance and letting go of the staff only to grab it seconds later as she began to tip over, Bell finally understood the problem.

"Your feet." He said making Lefiya pause to look at him.

(A/N: Bell has a foot fetish!)

"You try to gain balance in the air as you do It on the ground. But gravity and ground no longer apply now." He began to explain "When you fly you can use any part of your body to push the space all around you, so don't use just your feet to fly." 

Lefiya shot Bell a dirty look "and you didn't tell me this from the start because…?" Her voice had a dangerous edge.

Bell looked her straight in the eye. "I'm an idiot who only now realized the problem."

…well at least he is honest?