
Danmachi: Bell Cranel adventurer extraordinaire!

Someone suddenly finds himself in Bell Cranel Body. What will he do? Hopefully something fun.

some_random_dude1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

helping Aki and Raul progress their romantic relationship

Me to "Arya_dimas" in the comments of the previous chapter: oh don't worry the next chap is gonna be uploaded soon :)

Arya_dimas 11 days later: Well… that was a fucking lie…

Yeah, sorry for not posting the next chap, got busy playing Dark Souls remastered all over again. Just killed Quelaag, I took that bitch down in 5 hits on my first try! It felt legendary as it was my first time doing so.


<The Magus of Flowers is laughing madly and declaring his gratitude to you>

'You are welcome??' Bell thought confused as he used an eldritch spell called {Limbs of chaos} to hold the infant dragon in place. While the name sounds cool, the actual spell is… just tentacles, it's the thing that Merlin just discovered by himself.

Flipping through a couple of pages Bell settled for a spell titled {Necrotic Touch}. The veins on his free hand turned black while the skin turned into a sick mixture of green and grey, it even withered a little making it seem as if it was in a serious stage of Necrosis. Curiously, Bell didn't feel any kind of pain however, he took a moment to examine this phenomenon and started to approach the dragon after he was done with his observation.

At his touch, the infant dragon tries to jerk back but was kept in place by the {Limbs of Chaos}.

The Loki familia who watches this didn't know how to feel about what they were seeing. They had expected their new promising newbie to have an epic fight with an infant dragon, but, after the initial attack, Bell trapped the monster and calmly cast spell after spell at it.

It was one of the mages that pointed out that Bell seems to be testing new spells since he constantly flipped through pages and seemed to read them before he cast the next spell. It was something that dumbfounded them once they realized it was true.

A low-level two monster that multiple high-level ones need to term up against was serving as a test subject to a newbie who just recently became an adventurer! The absurdity of this situation made some of them question if this was reality and not a dream.

Seeing as there is no epic fight to witness, most of them awkwardly returned to what they were doing previously, while the more curious of them continued watching. Especially the mages.

"Interesting" Bell said and retracted his hand from the monster left thigh. A large portion of it withered into dead flesh, and since the joint was also consumed by this effect, Bell was sure that even if the monster would break from the spell binding him, it would still have a big problem moving around.

"Hahh… that's all I can do for now…" most spells were a complete failure while the rest had something missing to them. The only real success was the {Eldritch Blast}, {Limbs of Chaos} & {Necrotic Touch}. "Alright, let's end this." Closing the Necronomicon and putting it into his shoulder bag, Bell cast {Magic Hand} a couple of times with his normal Mind mana.

The hands forced the wounded dragon's jaw open. A nameless Rasengan came to life above Bell palm, which was aimed at the dragon mouth. "[Maximize Magic]" the skill took effect, the Rasengan becoming bigger and seeming to spin faster. "[Maximize Magic: {Fire Bolt}" the reinforced Rasengan merged with the reinforced Fire bolt and flew into the beast mouth, straight down its throat.

The monster tried to trash against his restraint as it felt flames explode inside him and turn everything into a burned mash of organs before it died. Once it burst into smoke Bell expelled all the eldritch energy in him, making the tentacles disappear. It looked as if space bent around them to make them vanish.

A lone {Magic Hand} approached him, in its grasp was the monster crystal from the Infant dragon. Acting nonchalant about this, Bell took the crystal, put it in his shoulder bag, and dismissed the {Magic Hand} still floating near him. When he walked back to the group, everyone made way for him, like he was one of those cool kids walking through the school halls.

A momentary flinch in-between steps was noted by some familia members but they thought nothing of it. 

Meanwhile, Bell was cursing his luck. Moments after he put the crystal of the infant dragon into his bag, Bell immediately exchanged it for the Tier-5 spell lottery ticket and rolled the lottery when he was walking back to the group.

The result was… disappointing.

The spell was {Vermin Bane}, a spell created by Evileye that generates white mist which kills all insects who breathe it. It worked on insect monsters too if the story of her using it to kill an insect "demon lord" is true, but the spell is too situational! The only use he can think for it is to farm the monster crystals from killer ants and purple moths, and blue papilo on the 7th to 9th floor...

'Wait…actually, those are lv 1 monsters, and I need to collect some lv1 magic stones for the Tier-3 spells.'  Ten bags worth of monster stones for five new Tier-3 spells seemed like a lot of work, but his new spell would be able to help reduce the needed time to gather all those stones needed for the trade offer presented by Bone Daddy.

As they entered and went through floor 13, Bell noticed the changes. For one, monsters spawned more frequently and traveled in bigger groups, which would be a nightmare to deal with for a small party of new lv2 adventurers. The monster themselves were way stronger than before, Bell had to constantly use [Maximize Magic] to actually do some damage, the only exception was the Rasengan which did visible damage as it shredded parts of the monster before sending them spinning through the air.

Rasengan OP don't nerf pls.

"You are probably the only lv1 newbie that was ever allowed to help on lv2 floors." Anakitty said as she appeared behind Bell who stood in the back of a small lv2 party, supporting them from afar with a barrage of magic attacks and buffing spells. Only now he actually start to feel his Mind mana lessening.

"I'm just that good." He replied humorously and used {Lesser Shield} combined with [Maximize Magic] to defend his fellow familia member from a Minotaur. The shield cracked and was just a flick away from breaking, but it bought enough time for the guy to retaliate against the monster. "But I'll be out from the fight soon, im almost out of Mind." He said and earned a raised eyebrow from Aki.

"Drink a potion then…don't tell me you didn't prepare?" Bell looked embarrassed at that.

"I still had the ones from the guild…" Aki facepalmed. The potions from the guild were put into a small pinky finger thick and long glass bottle. Not nearly enough to replenish the Mind of a mage who can fight against an infant dragon and assist on the 13+ floor. Bell realized that himself once he downed all his potions and didn't feel any difference.

"Why would you think- right, I forgot you are a newbie." Aki giggled to herself "It's just weird seeing you do stuff no sane rookie lv1 would even attempt to do, and succeed, only to make such a simple mistake" whatever Bell tried to say in his defense fell to deaf ears as he realized that Aki left, only to return a moment later with a Palum mage being dragged by the catgirl in question. "Here switch with him." She unceremoniously put the Palum in Bell place and began to drag away our white-haired bunny boy.

The poor Palum let out a confused "Eh?" before she was forced to pay attention to the battle because of her new team asking for help.

"Alright, you can take a break. You can act as a supporter for the remaining floors." Bell frowned. There was something seriously wrong with that sentence and it didn't take a genius to figure out what it was.

"Your idea of a break is to make someone carry heavy backpacks??" His response was a comically large backpack full of monster drops and monster stones thrown at him. He felt as it pushed him backward, and even though he tried his best to catch his footing and stabilize himself it was all for naught. Bell fell on his ass and the backpack dealt the finishing blow as it fell to one of its wider sides and crushed Bell under it.

Aki laughed, the sight of the young spell caster laying on the ground with his upper half completely covered by his new luggage had apparently some comedic value to her.

'You are seriously nothing like in canon!' The boy thought to himself and tried to push against the weight laying on him. 'Either that or the novel lied to me!'

 Suddenly he felt the weight disappear and saw the backpack being picked up by someone. By a man with short spiky black hair and brown eyes. 

"Oh hi Raul!" Bell said with the same exact tone and vibe as the quote from a movie that was so bad that it was good.

(A/n: Oh hi Mark!)

The man frowned at him. "How do you know my name?" He asked.

Bell smiled internally. All was going according to keikaku! He glanced at Aki who was now observing silently the interaction between the two. Judging by her expression, she was too confused at Bell knowledge of her friend's name.

'Revenge bitch!' He looked back at Raul and started speaking in a matter-of-fact voice. "Aki is SO head over heels for you that she would just not shut up about you." 

Raul did an amazing impression of a statue as he heard that, not even a muscle twitched!

Aki meanwhile had her expression change into silent horror as all color drained from her face. 'Oh? Not so cocky and happy go lucky now are you?' Bell thought and laughed mentally at his perfectly executed plan.

But he was not done yet!!!

"She described you in such detail that I recognized you immediately as I saw you! And she always spoke with such a loving and cooing voice about how cute you are, and how innocent you could be!" We are talking about a guy who could only manage to hold hands with a prostitute in a brothel after all. "Oh well, I believe it's something you guys should discuss by yourself, so im gonna leave you to it." 

<The Magus of Flowers is impressed with your revenge>

<Bone Daddy is reminded of memories of him and his guild members>

<Bone Daddy is screaming and demanding to know why his nickname changed.>

<The Magus of Flowers is laughing at Bone Daddy misfortune>

Bell normally would laugh at this, but he decided that first, he should run as far away from Raul and Aki as possible, especially the latter as he didn't want to be near her once she snaps from her horrified daze. 

So he left them both but not before tapping the comically large backpack that was still in Raul's hands, the sound of its content shifting notified bell that his idea was a success. Bell successfully stole ten shoulder bags worth of monster stones from that backpack and exchanged them for five Tier-3 spells tickets.

He didn't know if touching the bag and mentally shouting "exchange for Tier-3 spells" would do something, but he figured out that it was worth to try it out.

And it was a success.

He used them all while running away. 'Come on give me something good!'


{Flame Resistance}




"Fuck yeah" his sudden burst of excitement made some people look his way, but ultimately continued marching forward. Not seeing or hearing a pissed-off catgirl anywhere Bell decides to slowly stop running, but still trying to keep his distance from the direction he came from.

A certain brunette elf wearing pink clothing captured his attention, It seemed like she was watching over some newbies who acted as supporters. He approached without hesitation.

"Hey, Lefiya!" She was given just enough time to register who was speaking to her and where he came from before Bell spoke once again. "I'll trade one of your Mind potion for a {Fly} spell." Her brain seemed to short circuit at that, but after a moment she wordlessly took out a potion from her leather purse and handed it to him.

"You will pay me back on floor 18th" she told him and shoo him away with a wave of her hand, her concentration going back to the newbie supporters. "{Magic Hand}" she whispered and used the ethereal hands to drag a girl adventurer who tried to sneak out of her supporter duties when Lefiya got distracted by Bell.

He just nodded and downed the potion in one go, which was impressive considering that it was a rather large bottle. After that, he rushed back to the front lines ready to assist in killing monsters and gain more Exelia.


Ruby Rose was cold scared and vulnerable. 

But that tends to happen when you wake up in the middle of the forest wearing only your pajamas and without your highly deadly scythe sniper riffle hybrid weapon.

She remembered going to bed in her house and then waking up once she felt herself hit the cold ground.

She didn't know how, or why but she somehow got transported away from her home while sleeping.

"Alright Ruby, don't panic! You are a huntress in training, you have survival training at Combat school!" The young Rose said trying to inspire more confidence in herself. "First you…uhh…crapbaskets I should have paid more attention at school!"

Just as she was about to panic, she saw light in the distance. 'A campfire!' Without a thought she used her semblance to dash toward the source of light, her body changing into Rose petals, and shot forward into Ruby desired direction.

Just as she was nearing the destination, a torrent of flames slammed into her, forcing her out of her Semblance. Ruby fell to the ground as her red-colored aura worked on her burn wounds. "Ouch, ouch, ouch!" She exclaimed in pain. Before she could gather herself and try to see what kind of situation she was in, a deep voice could be heard.

"Don't move" 

Ruby froze. Slowly but surely she moved her head to see that there was a pointy end of the spear pointed at her face. "I came in peace?" She said weakly.


Who said that Ruby will be a spectator in Bell system? I never said that, I just said that I will add one of two characters and make you guys choose.