
DanMachi: Ascension of the White Emperor

Note: To those who hate goody two shoes MCs, better skip this one before you get disappointed. === A soul of a once young normal human who died accidentally wandered in the domain of the strongest Goddess of the Multiverse. Being granted some perks and a system, he was reincarnated to an adventure-filled world. Follow his journey to becoming one of the strongest. Disclaimer: -I don't own the cover -I don't own DanMachi and any related stuff. [Might eventually turn this to Multiverse]

Pie_Daddy · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Just a Bored Housewife Taking a Stroll - II

Erethel was about to teleport them directly towards the shelter when a sudden thought came to her mind. She couldn't help but sigh and thought...

'Hmm... I've already saved these two... might as well save some people along the way... Honestly though, playing 'hero' is too tiring and boring...'

'Well, whatever... it's not without merit anyway... I'm pretty sure if he knows what I did and what I'm about to do here would make him happy...'

In the end, she just shrugs her shoulders and just smiles when she thought of her dearest husband. She decided to just walk towards the shelter with Mina and little Kylee in tow.

While walking through the intersecting alleys and passing through broken buildings towards their destination, Erethel and Mina kept on conversing mainly about the things that happened so far.

Mina also wanted to ask things about Erethel since she's curious about her identity but thought that it would be rude to pry on it so she just set that thought aside.

During the conversation, Erethel, with her curious eyes keeps on glancing towards little Kylee who is in Mina's safe arms.

She seems to be getting 'bothered?' about the pleasant feeling she felt moments ago and wanted to feel it again but just keeps the thought at the back of her mind.

A few moments later, they finally arrived at the Café that has been sheltering civilians within the city. Not only with Mina and little Kylee, but with several people whom they managed to save along their way.

They were so grateful to Erethel after she along with the Mother and daughter cat person appeared out of nowhere and saved them when they felt that all hope to survive was lost.

Their eyes had a great deal of admiration, some even have that look of worship when they saw her just casually wave her hand and disintegrated the Evilus Fanatics who were blocking their path and turned them to dust.

And while all of that was happening in front of them, they never saw her halt her steps, not even once.

She treated those fanatics like they never existed in the first place. And whenever she waves her hand, it's as if she's slapping some insects and not people.

All of them had stars in their eyes and only one thought in their minds...

'She's so badass!...'

After safely escorting the civilians and settling the mother and daughter pair to the shelter, Erethel began to use her powers and scanned the whole city and as she had thought... nothing but utter chaos and destruction.

'Hmm... this whole affair is at its final stage... it's about to en--... Oh? so that's where the curtains of this battle will close huh...'

Erethel turned her eyes to the center of the city, the Babel tower the people call it. A magnificently tall building that serves as the residence of the top Gods/Goddesses and the facilities related to the guild.

However, her thoughts aren't about the tower itself but what's happening beneath it-- to the dungeon.

A few floors below is a great battle between two sides is taking place, presumably the adventurers of the city against the members of the Evilus Fanatics.

She was about to teleport herself when she felt her fingers being lightly tugged.

"Big sister, are you leaving already?..."

She turned her eyes and saw the cute little Kylee looking at her while holding her hand and with inquiring eyes.

And once again, that pleasant feeling that has been 'bothering' her and that she had set aside at the back of her mind began to bloom.

'What is this...? It's the same feeling Ash brought to me but at the same time... it's not.' she thought.

Erethel looks at little Kylee again and extended her arm. At first, she only intended to pat the little girl but she suddenly had this desire to carry the girl in her arms...

And so she did just that. Kylee willingly opened her arms as well and wraps them around Erethel's neck. Her cute little tail has been wagging left to right clearly feeling delighted when she held her.

"Hmm, yes... there are still lots of bad guys around so Big Sister will have to go and... well... punish them."

As tenderly and gently as she could, she answered the child in her arms while caressing her back.

Mina, who was getting anxious when her child suddenly disappeared from her side couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief and smiled when she saw Kylee in Erethel's arms. She slowly approaches them and said...

"I don't know why but you look good?... no... perfect with a child in your arms..."

Upon hearing that, Erethel just smiles at her and didn't say anything anymore but felt that she finally understood it...

'Ah, so that was it... a desire... the desire to be a mother of my own child...'

She puts little Kylee down and pats her one last time with extreme tenderness written all over her face as if she's patting her own child.

Moments later, Erethel suddenly disappears in front of their eyes. They weren't that surprised anymore when they already witnessed how she can easily turn people to dust.

"Mommy, will we ever see that pretty big sister again?"

Mina just smiles at her and said "I don't know dear... perhaps someday... we will..."


Dungeon, Eighteenth Floor...

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*


*Haaa!* *Graaa!*

*Clang!* *Clang!*

*Boom!* *Boom!*

Nothing but the sounds of explosions and shouts can be heard from around the place. The dungeon floor that was once full of trees now looks like hell as it was burning from everywhere.

The floor was divided into two different battlefields. On one side is where a golden-haired loli leading a group of adventurers against a gigantic sinister-looking black wyvern and Evilus members.

While on the other side was a group of women and a dwarf fighting a silver-haired human woman wearing a gothic-like black dress. The battle was fierce as each side refuses to yield from the other.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*


*Clang!* *Clang!*

Spells of different nature being bombarded from each side, weapons of different kinds were clanking from each clash, shouts of despair from the falling bodies of injured adventurers and Evilus members alike... everywhere is in utter chaos.

A few meters away from the battlefields, near the floor entrance were two people... or rather a God and a Goddess talking about the battle. Their faces grimace seeing the destruction, deaths, and the current situation of the battle.

A beautiful looking woman with walnut brown hair that is hanging loosely but neatly at her back wearing a simple-looking kirtle and a skirt. She's exuding a gentle but dignified aura however her face currently expresses worry.

The same can be said to the charming-looking blonde man wearing a feathered hat beside her. He's wearing a dark green sleeved shirt, pants, and a reddish-brown scarf wrapped around his neck.

Both were looking grim witnessing the grueling and bloody battle in front of them.

"The situation is getting worse, Astraea... you're familia even with Riveria and Gareth's help are getting thrashed while many adventurers have already fallen fighting the Evilus members and that nightmare..."


The woman didn't respond and was just clasping her arms in her chest seemingly praying for the safety of her familia. Fixing her eyes to her familia members who are currently fighting against the silver-haired woman.

Seeing her familia members struggling, she was about to take a step towards them when the man's hand abruptly held her arm before she could take her first step and stopped her.

"Stop!... what were you thinking, Astraea!?..."

"Don't stop me, Hermes!... I... I need to help them!" she retorted.

"What can you even do huh!?... you know we're forbidden from using our powers!... And don't forget! we're inside this damn dungeon! It's already dangerous for us to be here even without doing anything..."

"But... am I supposed to just wai--"

"Ara~... it's lively in here isn't it?..."

They were suddenly interrupted when they heard a woman's melodious voice behind them. Boy, and who else would it be aside from our lovable housewife... Erethel herself.

Astraea and Hermes couldn't help but turn both of their eyes behind them and saw a beautiful woman in a simple and elegant white dress beneath what seems to be a white cloak and was just smiling.

They were stunned at first but their faces eventually turning into puzzled expressions.

They were wondering who Erethel is and what she's doing there when it was obvious that the place is currently more dangerous than usual since they're currently in a war.

But here she is who mysteriously appears out of nowhere and seems to be just taking a casual stroll while maintaining her smile without even a shed of worry can be seen on her face.

Both tried to see and feel something from her, whether she's a Goddess they know nothing about or just a normal human adventurer.

Given that both of them are divine beings, even if their powers are sealed, they are still sensitive to things that differentiate them from a normal human.

But, seeing how she looks and how she carries herself, they were inclined to believe the former. However, they were also confused when they can't even feel a shred of divine energy from her.

What's more, they were weirded out when they could see and hear her but at the same time, they couldn't feel her presence as if she never existed.

Of course, they couldn't see through her. Erethel's existence is way beyond their knowledge which even for them, the so-called Gods and Goddesses of this plane couldn't comprehend... How would they compare to her?

Hermes was the first to speak with his eyes full of curiosity while Astraea is just looking at the woman silently while occasionally glancing her eyes towards her familia.

"... Who are you?... don't you know that it's dangerous here?"

"Fufufu~... Greetings..."

Erethel just answered him with a greeting and ignored him after that, turning her eyes to what's happening on each of the battlefields.

Hermes, being ignored didn't know what to feel but just shakes his head and didn't pursue the matter turning his attention to the battle that is getting more intense.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*


*Haaa!* *Graaa!*

*Roar!* *Roar!*

*Clang!* *Clang!*

*Boom!* *Boom!*

Erethel walks forward and stops beside Astraea. She looks at her face full of anxiety while looking at the group of women who are currently fighting the silver-haired woman. She opened her mouth and asks...

"Are those you-"

*Roar!* *Roar!* *Roar!*

She wasn't able to finish her words when her voice was overlapped by the loud roar of the sinister-looking black wyvern who is currently facing a different group of adventurers led by the golden-haired loli.

Astraea turned her eyes to Erethel beside her when she heard her speak and got interrupted. Erethel waited for the Wyvern's roar to die down and speaks again...

"Are those gir-"

*Roaaaaar!* *Roaaaaaaar!* *Roaaaaaaar!*

But she got interrupted again. She closed her eyes trying to contain her annoyance and just smiles... However, that charming smile seems to contain a hint of deadly intent that could erupt at any moment.

Astraea amidst her worries for her familia somehow felt funny whenever the woman beside her gets interrupted by the loud roaring of the monster over and over again.

When the Wyvern's loud roar dies down again, Erethel took a deep breath while maintaining her charming but poisonous smile.

She originally hadn't thought of intervening this early or is possible, not to intervene at all but she's already trying so hard to contain her rage.

And if it goes on, she might not be able to hold back and might just destroy the whole dungeon... or worst, the world itself and its inhabitants... of course with the exception of her dearest husband.

'One more time... and I swear in my name that I'm going to pummel that noisy insect to the ground...'

She opened her eyes and looks at Astraea while smiling and tried to ask again...



"Pffft..." Astraea couldn't take it anymore and actually forgot the worries she felt. She was currently trying so hard to contain her amusement when...


Erethel lashes out and screams expressing her extreme annoyance for being interrupted again and again.

Her voice causes the adventurers and Evilus members to spat out blood while the weaker ones instantly lost consciousness, the dungeon to tremble, and the Gods in her presence to kneel.

Fortunately, the area of effect is only within the floor itself.

All of that just by her angry voice alone, without even applying or using even a tiny bit of her powers.

She made a grasping motion with her arms and in an instant, the Wyvern that has been flying around the battlefield engaging in battle was teleported in front of her.

'I'm going to punish this ugly thing and won't let it die easily...' she thought.

Although she could easily kill it without even lifting a finger, she intended to beat it as painfully and thoroughly as she could... and boy, she's going to take her time and savor every bit of it.



She contained and sealed her powers and using only the least of her overall physical strength, she balled her fists and teleported above the Wyvern's head and pummeled it to the ground.

Poor Wyvern didn't even know what hit it and could only grunt in pain. And in the blink of an eye, it was embedded to the ground... bleeding.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Again and again, Erethel repeatedly strikes her fists to the Wyvern's head which is currently bleeding from the continuous punishment.

It's currently unknown whether the monster could be considered lucky since it didn't die quickly and might have a chance to live or if it's unfortunate enough to suffer a painful punishment only end up with only one thing... death!

As if the punishment wasn't enough, Erethel drag the Wyvern's body to a position that exposes its wings. She teleported herself at its back, kneels down, and clasps the bases of each of its wings only to abruptly pluck it out from its body.


The Wyvern loudly roared as if expressing its pain when its wings were plucked out by Erethel only to meet another of her fist and caused it to shut its mouth again and can only grunt inaudibly.

"WHAT!?... WHY ARE YOU SO SILENT NOW!?... COME ON SCREAM!" Erethel shouted at the Wyvern while continuously pummeling it.

Everyone in the vicinity witnesses her fierceness and couldn't help but gulp loudly with different thoughts in their minds.




'So Badass!'

But the same could not be said to the members of Evilus. They're literally shaking from their heads and down to their feet witnessing how Erethel beat the sh*t out of the monster they considered as their ace in destroying Orario.



















Every word she utters was matched with a strike from her fists... literally. The elegance and beauty that she usually shows couldn't be seen anymore.

Heck, she didn't even mind anymore that she's currently bathed in the Wyvern's blood while still beating it to a pulp.

After feeling satisfied and realizing that the Wyvern is long dead, she grabs its tail and tossed it away nonchalantly.

It didn't take long for it to disintegrate into black clouds of smoke leaving no signs except for the broken crystal.

*Clap* *Clap*

Erethel claps her hands and exhaled loudly. She turns her eyes around only to meet the weird looks of the people around her.

She didn't mind them too much and looks at Astraea again but before she could say something, Astraea with a flabbergasted expression beat her to it and spoke first.

"Who... are... you?"

"Hmm... me?... I'm just a bored housewife taking a stroll." Erethel responded with a bloody smile on her face.

Man... I'm beat!

Overtime from work but didn't want to disappoint you guys so I had to write and publish a chapter today.

Welp! not sure if you're going to like this one but Enjoy!

Gotta go sleep.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Pie_Daddycreators' thoughts