
DanMachi: Ascension of the White Emperor

Note: To those who hate goody two shoes MCs, better skip this one before you get disappointed. === A soul of a once young normal human who died accidentally wandered in the domain of the strongest Goddess of the Multiverse. Being granted some perks and a system, he was reincarnated to an adventure-filled world. Follow his journey to becoming one of the strongest. Disclaimer: -I don't own the cover -I don't own DanMachi and any related stuff. [Might eventually turn this to Multiverse]

Pie_Daddy · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Changing Fate | Intruders

"Hmm... me?... I'm just a bored housewife taking a stroll."

She answers as she snaps her fingers cleaning herself up from the beast's blood on her body and turns her gaze farther away opposite from where they currently are.

She easily notices... or more like she's already aware of the presence of a God and his companion avoiding all of their attention.


All of the people present, be it the Gods, Adventurers or the Evilus Fanatics were speechless upon hearing her answer.

Some even couldn't help but roll their eyes especially Astraea, Hermes, and the God a bit farther away on the opposite side when they heard it and thought...

'Yeah right... What kind of bored housewife would just accidentally wind up here and clobber a high-level monster to death with just her fists alone?...'

Surely they couldn't believe what she had just said. Only with Erethel's physical strength alone, heck not even a percentage of her overall power was used on that one-sided beat down.

But still, even if they know that Erethel isn't taking them seriously, Astraea, Hermes, and the adventurers couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Knowing that their burden was lessened the moment the monster the Evilus summoned at the cost of a God they called 'Nightmare' died from Erethel's hands.

The only thing remaining that they needed to do is to fully subdue or annihilate the remaining members of Evilus and the Gods backing them... at last, they could finally catch their breaths... at least for now.

However, the same could not be said to the Evilus members who are literally shaking from their boots right now while sweat is pouring down their foreheads and backs.

No one could blame them though after they themselves witnessed how Erethel displayed a bit of her strength.

"Ma~ ma~... let's set that aside for now, shall we?..."

Not waiting for them to throw any more questions at her again, she spoke first while sounding playfully acting as if she hadn't just slaughtered a high-level beast with just her fists.

She turned her eyes around every one of them and finally to where the Astraea familia who're just a few moments ago were being thrashed by the silver-haired woman.

"Ara~... it looks like they've managed to finally subdue her..." she said with a bit of surprise on her face while thinking...

'They probably took advantage of the scene I've just caused and subdued her... That silver-haired woman is too strong for them... even if they all joined hands against her, they still wouldn't come out victorious.'

On the side, the adventurers who were scattered moments ago from different battlefields began to gather while looking at Erethel curiously.

A certain exceptionally beautiful elf holding a silvery-white staff in her right hand with a 'jade'-colored ponytailed hair wearing a green outfit with yellow outlines and a white cloak over it.

A dwarf with long brown hair, brows, eyes, and beard carrying an oversized Battle Axe donned in a full plated armor from head to toe.

A long golden-haired loli with matching eye color with a thin sword properly sheathed and tucked at her waist. She's wearing a black and white-colored battle outfit.

The three of them, upon seeing Hermes and Astraea were worried since it is known to all that Gods/Goddesses are forbidden from entering the treacherous dungeon since it could cost them their very lives any time.

Well... probably except for the Gods/Goddesses who are backing the Evilus organization. They didn't seem to fear the dungeon at all and had made secret bases within it.

Nevertheless, they approach the two deities while occasionally glancing towards where Erethel is with the intention of asking them about her identity and why she helped them with the current predicament.

Of course, the first to open her mouth and caught the God and Goddess's attention was the beautiful elf.

Seeing them approaching and hearing the elf's words, Astraea looks at them, smiles gently, and answers...

"Oh, Riveria and the Loki familia. I'm glad that you're all alright... As for your queries, we're also lost about who she is and why she helped us..."

She sighed at the end of her words and turned her eyes back to her familia surrounding a kneeling silver-haired woman, while Hermes didn't say a word and probably thinking of the current situation especially about the appearance of a powerful and mysterious woman.

They continued to converse for a short while, while the blonde loli is intensely gazing at Erethel with some thoughts endlessly running in her mind. She seems to want to do something but is hesitating.

When the blonde loli seems to make up her mind, she's about to take a step forward when Erethel's voice reverberates around the whole floor.

"Who said that you can leave, hmm?..."

While all of them gathered in one place and were talking curiously about her, the Evilus members who were moments ago, frozen on their feet took advantage of the current situation and were starting to escape.

But of course, it didn't slip the senses of our 'best wife'. She once again made a grasping motion with her arm.

And in an instant, all of the Evilus members, the ones who managed to slip by and including the God and his companion who was hiding in the dark was teleported in front of her and seemed to be restricted from moving.

Although all of them witnessed that move of hers moments ago with the monster called Nightmare, they still couldn't help but gasp with surprised faces upon seeing it again.

And once again, who could blame them though... with all the knowledge they had including that of the Gods, there wasn't a single person recorded in all the combined histories who could achieve a feat such as teleporting something or someone with just a single motion of their hand.

However, there was already a certain someone who is slowly forming speculations based on what all of them witnessed so far and further solidified his suspicions.

It was only a suspicion at first but gradually turned to certainty. And all of them led to only one thing... and that is, the mysterious woman is a Goddess they knew nothing about.

The spectacle they just witnessed causes a bit of a ruckus around but immediately silenced when they heard Erethel speak...

"So you're one of the insects behind the scenes who caused this whole fiasco?..."

Erethel turned her eyes to the black-haired with gray locks and with Grey eyes God. He's wearing a white shirt underneath a black jacket, same-colored pants, and gloves.

Her eyes shined for a short while and not long after that, she saw right through his mind, and his whole being. She immediately identified him as one of the Gods behind the Evilus organization.



Astraea and Hermes also fixed their eyes on the God in front of them and called out his name. Erebus, also called Eren, nonchalantly looks at them while having a bit of an upset expression on his face but barely noticeable.

'Years of planning but in the blink of an eye... it all went up in smoke... Haaaa... Well, whatever... I guess I'll be going back to heaven for a while.' he thought.

Erebus is the kind of God who believes in true Evil. An existence that should be hated by everyone and, as the God who presided over evil, he had an unwavering determination to always be that way.

Thus, as his nature, he believes that he should always be on the opposite side. In which him, ending up being one of the Deities backing the Evilus organization with the aim of Utter Chaos and Destruction.

Erebus, knowing that the situation is already impossible for their side to win couldn't help but sigh and said...

"It seems... that your 'Justice' prevailed this time, Astraea..."

After his words, he fell silent and seemed to accept the fact that they have already lost.

'And with this woman around, any further attempt would be futile...'


A messenger from the surface arrived and informed them of the good news that the city is already in their complete control and that the rampaging Evilus members had already withdrawn through some secret passages within the city.

They all cheered and rejoiced to hear the good news. Several moments later, most of the adventurers along with Hermes began escorting the remaining Evilus members and Erebus back to the surface while keeping them restrained.

Of course, to ensure that no accidents will happen along the way, Erethel snaps her fingers and disables their Falna without anyone noticing it.

The captured Evilus members will be imprisoned for a while and will be judged according to the rules set by the Gods/Goddesses within the city.

While the rest of the remaining adventurers were dealing with the aftermath of the battle such as recovering and identifying the dead bodies of adventurers and Evilus members alike who had died.

Astraea along with the beautiful elf, the dwarf, and the golden-haired loli approached Erethel and profusely thanked her for helping them in winning the battle, and one by one, they introduced themselves to her.

"Fufufu~... although helping you guys wasn't my intention, still... you're welcome... I guess..."

"And by the way, I'm called Erethel..."

Erethel turns to them and acknowledged their thanks while also introducing herself to them.

She also knew that they have different intentions for approaching her aside from thanking her for helping them but she just ignored it.

"I know that it's rude for me to ask you this but... who are you really?... are you... are you a Goddess by any chance we know nothing about?"

Astraea opens her mouth and speaks out of curiosity. She already had a feeling that Erethel is a real Goddess just like herself but she had no way of confirming that aside from asking her directly.

She was also doubting her assumptions since they had this rule that Gods and Goddesses are forbidden from using their Divine Powers or on their term, 'Arcanum'.

The trio, Riveria the elf, Gareth the dwarf, and Ais the blonde loli behind Astraea perks their ears when they heard her ask the mysterious woman.

"Oh honey~... you have no idea. Perhaps... saying that I'm 'just a Goddess' is an understatement..."

She answers playfully and slowly lifts her fingers caressing Astraea's cheek gently. Feeling Erethel's fingers running on her cheek, Astraea didn't know how to react and was speechless. She just stared at Erethel's eyes unable to utter a single word.

However the next moment, their eyes widened in shock when they understood Erethel's words about calling her 'just a Goddess' was an understatement.

Their curiosity intensifies even more but seeing Erethel's eyes that seem to be unwilling to answer any more questions, they let it go.

"Astraea-sama, how should we deal with Alfia?..."

A red-haired ponytailed beauty with green eyes wearing a combination of white and red battle suit underneath the breastplate and pauldrons suddenly approached them.

"Oh Alise, well..."

Astraea turns to the red-haired beauty and then to the silver-haired woman trying to come up with an answer but got nothing.

And yes, that silver-haired woman is called Alfia. They didn't let her join the prisoner transport back to the surface since they knew she's far too dangerous to be left alone with some low-level adventurers.

So they decided to let her stay while keeping her restrained and escort her themselves together with the Loki familia as soon as they're done dealing with the aftermath.

Erethel turned her eyes to the woman called Alfia and teleported in front of her. All of their eyes followed her figure trying to guess what she's going to do next.

Using her powers once more, her eyes began to shine, and stared at Alfia.

'An excellent woman but at the same time, pitiful...'

Erethel thought while sighing. She kept it in herself of what she found out about Alfia's entire life while reading her memories and feelings and didn't say anything further.

The people around them only heard Erethel say "Pitiful" but were confused about what she found pitiful while looking at Alfia.

'Hmm...' she thought for a while still staring at the silver-haired woman. A short while later, she suddenly had an idea and a mischievous grin can be seen on her face.

"You're an excellent woman and got good qualities... paired with this gothic-like dress of yours... you're perfect..." Erethel said with a serious expression on her face seemingly praising Alfia.

The people around her were confused about what she had just said and couldn't help but thought...

'What is she up to now?...'

"Pfft... hahaha"

Alfia, who is currently having her head down resigning to her fate, and having lost the will to live any longer couldn't help but laugh at what Erethel said...

"Hahaha! was that supposed to be a compliment?..."

"I'm just saying you're perfect..." Erethel just shrugs her shoulders and said... however, she seems to be not done with her words yet and continues...

"to be a servant in our house... in simpler term... a maid..." and then she smiled at the end.





All of them couldn't believe what they just heard. Their expressions turned from perplex to confusion, and then from confusion to blank-- speechless to what Erethel had just said. But before they could come back to their senses and possibly overreact...

*Tremble* *Tremble* *Tremble*

Their surroundings began to tremble. An intense magnitude of what seems to be an earthquake began to shake the surroundings. Not only from the inside of the dungeon but across the whole world.

However, it didn't take long for it to stop and just seemed to only pass by when Erethel suddenly speaks...

"Ara~... It seems that the very fate of this world is changing..."

She then felt a wave of energy from the very depths of the dungeon itself and noticed something...

'Fufufu~... so that's what it is... a bit unexpected though but oh well...'

'Knowing him, he will try and protect this world from what's about to come...'

When everything settled down, Astraea still remembered Erethel's words when the earthquake happened since she was able to hear it and couldn't help but ask...

"What do you mean the very fate of this world is changing?..."

"An apocalypse is coming..." Erethel directly responded.

"I suggest you call for a gathering and inform them not to be careless from floor 21 and further down below..."

"What!?... why!?... can you at least tell u-"

But before she could finish her words, Erethel suddenly vanishes from their sight along with Alfia... however, they failed to notice that Erethel did something before she and Alfia disappeared.


[6:23 PM]

Meanwhile, back in Ash's hideout...

Ash is sitting down near his campfire roasting some meat while talking to Wise. He just finished his sword training and is covered in sweat.

"Wise, show me my status and the system interface please..."


[Name: Ash Alfheim

True Name: Aranhellë Ruinënárë Alfheim

System Points: 10,100

Level: 0

Age: 18

Race: Human

[Basic Attributes]

Strength: 10 -> 13(I)

Endurance: 10 -> 15 (I)

Dexterity: 10 -> 12 (I)

Agility: 10 -> 16 (I)

Charm: ∞

Mana Cultivation Realm: --

Development Abilities: --


- Supreme Goddes's Blessing (Rank: ???)


Goddess's Love:

- As the Goddess's other half, your soul will be eternally bounded with the Supreme Goddess. Even death itself couldn't sever that connection.

- Your soul will always be under the divine protection of the Supreme Goddess and will be eternally indestructible and could not be obtained by any other beings even with some kind of divine intervention.

Master of your own Destiny:

- Everything about you is no longer predetermined. You have the freedom to choose how you live.


- No longer bound to the limits and laws of the world.





Magic Arts: --

Misc. Skills:

Butcher (Rank I - Development Proficiency: 5% Trainee)]

[*Showing system interface...*]

System Name: Wise

System Level: 0

System Exp: 15/500



-Map (500-meter radius)

-Shop (Locked: Requirement System Level: 1)

-Inventory (Locked: Requirement System Level: 1)

-Appraisal (Locked: Requirement System Level: 1) *]

"Oh?... I already gained an increase in my basic attributes with just a day of training... not much but at least I'm making a progress..."

Seeing an increase in his basic attributes, he is kind of happy knowing that his hard work, even in only a day of training have paid off. But then he remembered something...

"Hey, uhm... can you explain to me how mana cultivation works and how do I start cultivating it?... Also, do people from this world cultivate mana too?"

[*Answering... In simple words, mana cultivation works the same as the 'Qi' in xianxia cultivation novels you used to read before. You will have to absorb and regulate mana from the surroundings to your body using a cultivation technique which you can purchase from the system shop... do I still have to explain it further?...*]

"Uh... no if it works the same as those cultivation novels I used to read before then I kinda already get it..."

[*Affirmative... Now to start cultivating it, you will have to need a core awakening pill which you can also purchase from the same shop. The core awakening pi--*]

Confused as to why 'Wise' suddenly paused his explanation, he asks...

"Hey Wise... something wrong?..." but then...

[*Alert!... Alert!... Alert!... Multiple hostile life forms are detected stampeding within the perimeter... estimated destination... your location.*]

[*Host is advised to either escape or prepare for contact...*]


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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