
Danmachi- Madara in the Dungeon

"huh, gods.... how fun" Madara had just been killed by one, now he was in a world filled by them. With a fledgling circle of hatred brewing, will he try to stop it once more? Or will the old battle maniac just kill some monsters and be done with it? Can the warm world of Orario melt the cold hard exterior that has led the man down a path of mindless bloodshed or will it bring him to insanity? Find out next time on dragon ball z

JJstired · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


Takemikazuchi whimpered, he almost cried. 3 weeks, it had been 3 weeks of the child adventuring

Madara Uchiha


Strength A-878

Endurance B-767

Dexterity S-956

Agility SS-1076

Magic S-955


Chakra- Being able to balance Mind and Body energies allows this being to use Chakra, the energy to accomplish anything

Pure Uchiha- The curse is lifted, your Sharingan will not be tainted by the Rabbit Goddess, and you are free to use the Bloodline limit to the best of your ability!

Shinobi- The softest of movements can be the hardest of blows! Being trained in the way of Shinobi, you will be stronger, you will be faster and you will be a Shinobi.

Synergy- Because you have Chakra and mana when you combine them you get a large upgrade in all stats! It will drain you quickly, however!

Battle Maniac- For now, all your care about is battle, it fuels your desire to live and once you are in it, you don't want to get out, Exelia gain will increase the happier you are!

Sharingan- The eyes of the Uchiha clan, able to cast illusions and give a high perception to their user

Perfect body- all birth defects have been removed, the body works at maximum efficiency, and minor regeneration.

Fist Fighter- G

Chain Attack- E

And his goddamn development abilities, For Ouranos's sake he didn't even choose them, Madara did it by himself as he did his 2nd goddamn level up as well!


"My head hurts" Madara chuckled, the damn brat had chuckled, and the straight-faced, Madara Uchiha, just chuckled.

"I am going to strangle you!" He yelled but the boy had just disappeared into smoke and leaves.

Takemikazuchi slammed his head against the wall once more.

'poor Fannet-san'


"Hello Fannet-san" Rose stared at the boy, looking for a sign of what was about to come.

"What did you do now Madara-san" The boy glowed, she swore he had glowed a little!

"I am just here to ask you if this is a drop item" He pulled out the wing of the floor 48 boss and set it in front of her, neatly.

"Why yes, yes it is, good job Madara-kun" Rose smiled, it was not a nice smile. Madara's glow dimmed a little bit.

"Oh, okay do I give it to you or the magic stone counters?" If he was surprised his face did not show it.

This angered Rose more, she thought she could surprise him for once!

"Well, Madara-kun it depends on if you want to give it to a blacksmith or the guild" Her eyes closed, trying her hardest for the sweetest smile ever.

"I will give it to the guild" He turned around and pulled the wing off the counter and walked over to the magic stone counter booths.

"Also, your smile is creepy" He didn't turn around but she heard it perfectly.

You could hear her mental state crack.

"COME HERE YOU STOIC MONSTER KILLING DEMON" She lept over the counter ready to throttle the young child in front of her.


Madara was walking towards the dungeon, after Takemikazuchi had cooled down a little he had walked into the room and asked where his comrades were.

The god scowled at him and told him they went to the 8th floor. Madara nodded and walked out.

He shunned the dungeon and walked merrily into it. Well, as merrily as Madara could, he was happy to be able to tortu- train his lovely family members.

Mikoto shivered as she slashed into a killer ant.

'something bad is about to happen


Chigusa took a deep breath, she watched Ouka and Mikoto slice through killer ants and war shadows and tightened her grip on her sword.

She was holding them back, they could probably already be on the 9th floor if they didn't have to watch her.

She yelled out in anger, dashing to the nearest ant and stabbing right into its eye. It screamed out in pain and shut its mandibles closed on the sword.

She pulled with all her power but the ant's dying breath was to trap her. 4 more ants were crawling at amazing speeds to get to her.

She looked all around and saw that Mikoto, Ouka, and Asuka were all still fighting their own battles.

She nodded resolutely, grit her teeth, and picked up the ant with her sword. Swinging the sword with all her might like a baseball bat slamming 2 ants away from her.

The 3rd jumped towards her face. She brought up her knee and lowered her body trying to damage it and dodge but she lost her balance. She simply fell to the ground not even touching the ant.

If she wasn't about to die at the moment she would have blushed in embarrassment.

She brought both hands up grabbing both mandibles. She screamed in terror and anger, feeling useless, and her hands started to bleed as the ant got closer.

Finally, she was able to turn it to the side, making its body move off her legs and giving her ample time to kick it off her.

The 2 other ants started to get closer but she picked up her ant bat finally the ant's corpse had, had enough and she had her sword back. She quickly relaxed into a stance and cut through the 2 ants trying her hardest to not even get close to the mandibles.

She turned around to see an explosion of ant guts in every which way.

Madara was standing there and nodding at her in approval.

She almost started balling there but he put a finger to his lips and disappeared.

She almost collapsed in exhaustion, but then remembered her teammate's approval. She grasped onto her sword and dashed towards more ants, never wanting to be a burden again.

Madara could keep the small smirk off his face as he watched Chigusa stab right through an Ant. Watching the shy girl finally break her shell was heartwarming.

He wiped the smirk off his face and walked over to Mikoto, of course out of sight, can't he have them see him?

He had also brought over a couple of war shadows to test his 2 strongest teammates.

Both were back to back, fighting a hive of armored ants. Asuka was on their left, they hadn't even realized Chigusa went on her own, he would have to fix that as well it seems.

Mikoto sensed something and immediately looked up to see a claw reaching for her head.

She grabbed Ouka's shoulder and pulled him down.

Ants quickly came to overrun them while Asuka slashed at the war shadow that had joined the fray.

Ouka, on his knees, stabbed into an ant while Mikoto jumped over him and his prey and slashed at the 2 ants behind the other.

Finally, they were both back to back again, Asuka had also been able to end the war shadow and started to kill more ants at the edge of the hive once more.

But once again Mikoto had a bad feeling, she looked around to see 8 war shadows on every side of her and her captain.

She took a very deep breath and slowly crouched low.

Her body started to fill with energy, and Madara's eyes widened considerably. Mikoto was using her mind somehow?

"Samurai technique- crouching waterfall"

Madara then almost puked, she had gotten a samurai technique...and it sounded atrocious.

But she quickly destroyed 15 ants in quick succession. Giving Ouka and Asuka plenty of space to engage the war shadows.

Asuka fought 3 while Ouka took on 5.

Asuka was using a very good redirecting technique, making the war shadows hit their comrades with their claws.

Ouka was using almost everything he could to boost his speed and just get little slashes in while dodging the fastest newbie killers.

Then Mikoto was able to catch her breath once more and took on 3 war shadows from Ouka's group. Giving the man the much-needed space to kill the 2 others.

Asuka was able to critically injure 1 war shadow and kill another.

Ouka took on her third while Asuka killed the crippled one.

"RAHHHHHHJH" Chigusa screamed as she killed the last war shadow as Mikoto had killed the other 2.

Her whole team stared at the woman that was covered in cuts, bites, and blood, and her blood.

Her hair was out of her face and her eyes were wide in a crazed state as she took deep breaths.

They all backed up considerably seeing the usually calm women looking so...flustered?

She took a few deep breaths, her eyes unwidened as she combed her hair over her face once more, after a minute of calming herself down she called out.

"Madara come out now"

He did just as she said scaring Ouka, Mikoto, and Asuka out of their wits.

"Mikoto, Ouka, Asuka, you forgot about your teammate, yeah could have gotten you all killed, good skill and dodging from Mikoto, Ouka you need to upgrade your speed, Asuka you need to practice your sword style more."

He turned around and started walking, when the 4 didn't follow he turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing? Come on, I do not have all day to teach you" He started walking once again as the 4 other members sprinted after him, somehow never catching up to the walking man until they reached the 9th floor.

"As you should all know, they are the same monsters but they will spawn more and be more aggressive as well they have more strength, I will not help you, now go."

He disappeared making all of them jump in surprise.

They were not ready for the 9th floor!


If they were not ready for the 9th floor then they didn't even know what to say about the 15th.

It was a warzone, each of them had their own Madara standing in front of them he could clone himself, who knew?

Minotaurs could crush them in an instant, Hell hounds would have easily killed them if they want some protective barrier around them.

They had told Madara about salamander wool and he just nodded at them.... then brought them all here anyways!

There were humongous Liger Fangs and Dungeon Worms, it was a madhouse.

Everyone watched as Madara bulldozed his way through the level, other level 2s and parties just gaping at him.

Mikoto gritted her teeth, how could she ever catch up to this? He was a monster, plain and simple. She stared at his back and swore to herself that she would never stare at anyone else's.

She will never be left behind like this.

Chigusa stated behind her hair, her thoughts mirroring Mikoto's.

Akusa just sighed, she might just turn into a supporter at this point.

Ouka was feeling helpless, he was the captain of this family, he was supposed to be the strongest, and here was their newest member babysitting him on a floor that will take him months to reach.

Madara turned around and saw 3 of his family members ready to train, but Asuka seemed as if her spirit was broken. Some people did not have the spirit to do the things they needed to do and he was fine with that.

Only if they were not in his family of course.

Asuka's pained groans would not stop for weeks after that day.