
Gale Wind.

It was dark by the time the familia had made their way to the surface.

Their clothes were all tattered and ruined while their bodies remained in perfect condition.

Medical Chakra could be a very big boon or could be one of the most terrible training techniques known to man.

Oh, you're bleeding out? Well, you're all good now, start fighting again!

Everyone stared at their stoic little slave driver and shivered. Madara acting like he hadn't noticed, just kept on walking.

If he was the type of man, he would have whistled jovially, but he was not...so he didn't.

He shook his head as his familia members all walked to their favorite pub. Madara in his past life and this one never found himself enjoying the pleasure of alcohol.

It always seemed like a waste of mental faculties and it will always stay that way.

He walked the streets of Orario, basking in its nightly glimmer. It, for some reason, had always soothed him when he was not slaughtering hundreds of monsters for sport.

But the serene atmosphere changed in an instant, he was used to there being a murder or two in the city.

He was no hero. He was not going to save them. However, a very strong presence was just extinguished.

If this had intrigued him then what had happened next almost made him giddy.

A deity had just been sent off to heaven! How exciting.

He blasted off the roof he had commandeered for his pondering.

He wanted to see what being had sent a god to heaven. Hopefully, they wouldn't be weak, but as he got closer he sensed a dying presence and a goddess nearby.

The more he scrutinized this dilemma, the more enticing it became.

When he touched down he was met by a piercing gaze from the waitress he had met a few weeks ago along with a severely injured and unconscious elf.

The goddess waitress tried to intimidate him and if he were to voice his thoughts she would not be particularly happy.

'heh, cute'

It looked as if a baby wolf was staring at a fully grown lion.

"Hn, so goddess this has attracted you as well?"

The woman almost mashed her teeth together, apparently not too fond of him knowing she was a goddess.

"I was going to bring her back to the hostess of fertility."


The next thing Syr knew she was slung over the man's shoulder, as was the elf, and carried to the hostess.

Syr was almost tempted to latch onto him and never let him go.

He could see through her, he had healing powers as what she can see from him healing the elf right now.

And his soul was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Hundreds of different shades of purple were enclosed into a pure white substance. The darkness around the purple and white was receding until it was almost nonexistent.

Madara turned his head around, almost feeling the hunger from the woman on his right shoulder.

"Do not think any unpleasant thoughts, we would not want 2 gods going to heaven today" She shivered but he was pretty sure it was not a worried one.


He finally made his way to the hostess, dropping the goddess to the ground and carrying the elf inside.

The yells of indignation told him it was the right move.

"Boy, what the hell are you doing?"

Madara turned his eyes to the strongest woman in the pub.

"The goddess wanted this elf to be here, I thought it was a good plan"

Syr, sprinting into the pub, had now joined their conversation.

"Stop calling me goddess, I am Syr at the moment" The waitress started to pout while Mama Mia took the elf into a room.

Madara followed, ignoring Syr and still healing the elf.

Syr walked into the room with an even larger pout which just made Mama Mia roll her eyes and pick the girl up by the scruff of her neck.

"Oi Oi I wanna talk to him and the elf, Mama, Mama come on please"

"Talk to them when you're done with your work"

"You are my child, Mia I will not take this disrespect" Syr's playful voice turned, serious finally getting fed up with all the disrespect.

But Mama just grinned, a dangerous look made its way onto her face.

Syr whimpered at the grip tightening around her neck.

"Syr, I do not see lady Freya anywhere near here, do you?" Syr whimpered once more.


Her head was pounding, was death making her be in pain? Was the god torturing her already?

She opened her eyes, to see a black-haired, black-eyed boy hovering his hands all over her.

She moved her arm, to rip his own off, but she then grunted in pain.

"My healing is good but not that good, you will not be able to move for at least 10 more minutes"

Ryuu stared at the boy in confusion. She finally realized that her critically injured body was not feeling too critically injured anymore.

"You should have let me die"

"Ah sounds like your revenge quest has been completed" Ryuu narrowed her eyes, how had he immediately known?

"Your tone sounded like a mix of giving up, bitter, and sad, your eyes are also very, very angry so I assume that you have finished your quest for revenge"

Ryuu stared at the boy with something almost akin to respect.

"You sound like you have been in my position" he shook his head with a small upturn of his lip

"No, I have never completed my pursuit and I am happy for it. I've seen how empty it leaves people" Thinking back to the Sasuke child and Obito.

And it was all his fault that they both had gone down that path.

He signed, his lips immediately going back to neutral.

Ryuu could finally move now but she didn't want to, her mind was completely exhausted. Her eyes started to close and she thought about what had happened, how much her life had changed in one day.

"So you killed a God?"


After Madara was done fishing for answers, all he got was that the God was responsible for killing her familia, which sounded like a good enough excuse.

He also found out once she was healed that there was almost like a wall holding back her power, as if her strength was being held back by itself.

"So I would assume you have not gotten updated in a long time?" Ryuu, that was the elf girl's name, stared at the boy.

"I will not be joining your familia"

"A shame, you would grow exponentially in strength"

"I do not care for strength, I have nothing to live for"

"You must find something, that could be my famila" Madara really just wanted to see how strong she would become.

"I am still healing from my own familia's death" Madara simply nodded in understanding.

"You could be one of our waitresses!" The Goddess returned, how annoying, but she did have a good idea.

The elf girl had almost smiled, it seemed that the goddess's giddiness had spread to the women, how quaint.

"I guess I could" Madara almost signed, what a waste of time for him to have come here.

He stood up but the elf woman went to grab his hand which he easily countered and wrapped his hand around her wrist, a noticeable blush made its way onto her cheeks.

"Do not grab me unless you want to dance" The blush grew deeper and Madara raised his eyebrow.

"I meant to fight, my people say dance, I am not flirting with you, do not blush" His tact like always was an amazing thing to hear.

Syr's jaw dropped while Ryuu's blush grew further, this time in embarrassment.

He then simply walked out.

"Is he always like that?" Ryuu turned her head towards Syr, her eyebrow now raised.

"Yes, yes he is" Freya from miles away felt annoyance creep up, the boy was definitely a handful.

But he would be her's.

Next chapter