

Arising suspicions flooded through her head. As what Mark predicted, when she asked for Ivan to do a video call, he refused and got into little fights with her.

She asked Ivan on her Whatsapp, "Would it be a video call?" but Ivan quickly replied, "No, just a normal call."

She then asked him, "Why?"

He replied, "I told you, I would call you one of these days."

She begged, "But I want to see your face in a video call :)"

He replied, "Anya, why do you keep stressing this video call? I said I will call you."

She is frustrated. Her thoughts are all over the place. Damn, I really want to see him on a video call. What if Mark's right? Oh no, no... I don't want to lose this relationship that I had with Ivan... but arghhh... he's real, isn't he? He's there but who is he? He replied to all my text, but I can't see his face. Oh God, help me... who is this person?

She then turned things to Mark and tell him about what happened, "You are right." While sending a screenshot of her conversation with Ivan to Mark.

Mark quickly replied, "BLOCKED HIM."

She then hesitantly replied, "I will."

She begins to think of blocking him. To save her self from future irony and losses. Ahh.. this is like Bill the Scammer, right? Only Ivan speaks really good English and sounded American. I don't want to block him but I have to. For the safety of me. God... too much stress. I also have to deal with this other boss that I have that doesn't like me. I mean leading up to the concert that I will have soon. This extra stress in my life wasn't really worth it. Is it tho? What is his purpose in my life? Why did he found me on Instagram, God... please tell me why.

Do I have to block him....? I have to right? Uhh...

After much thoughts later, she finally pressed blocked on her Whatsapp and on her Instagram. She reported and blocked him because of this suspicious and following of what Mark said. She didn't say anything to Ivan, she just blocked him.

Now, Ivan couldn't call her or text her anymore. She sighed... Uhhh... this thing is finally over and I can concentrate on more on my concert now. On my life. Without Ivan.... would I be lonely?


She then continues with her busy working life in concert and events and taking care of her artist. She ignores the fact that she has been chatting and calling with Ivan for the past intense five days as nothing has ever happened to her. Her busy life in concert and preparing for them has replaced her feeling of loneliness.

She moved on with her life and continue them without regrets, although sometimes she felt something is missing but she decided to ignore it.

Back to normalcy, she then begins to focus on whats matter in her life at that moment and become a task person is doing her job. She also has to deal with so many stuff in regards to the boss who doesn't like her much. So much stressed.

But the question is, without Ivan, will she be okay? will she move on? Her loneliness is killing her softly and slowly inside her heart. She wonders how Ivan has impacted her heart because of his lovely words and love confessions. How Ivan has filled her empty heart and to block him is something that makes her feel like she's making the right move but also inside her heart, she wonders would she be able to go back to normalcy? Because life with Ivan is something else, but without him, would she be okay?